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244 The Leader and Saturday Analyst. Mar...
" London. Printed; by WUllftm etevens, 8...
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244 The Leader And Saturday Analyst. Mar...
244 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . March 10 , 1860 .
POPULAR WORKS NOW BEADY . Say and SeaL By the Author of " Queeehy . " " Wiae Wide World , " library Edition , crown 8 vo , with Illustrations , 7 e . 6 d . Popular Edition , the Second Ten Thousand , 3 s ., with an Illustration . . .. . ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ II- . ¦ . .. . . '¦ ¦ The Second Volume of " Bentley ' s Standard , Novels . " The Three Clerks . By ANTHONY TROLLOPE , Author of •« Bar-Chester Towers . " Small 8 vo ., 3 s . 6 d . ; cloth , 4 s . in . MARS DEN'S Dictionary of Christian CHURCHES AND SECTS , from the Earliest Ages of Christianity , l ' art I . 8 vo ., Is . tiv . A NEW EDITION OF ' <^ The Entire Correspondence OF HORACE WALPOLE . Edited by PETER CUNNINGHAM . Part I ., with three exquisite Portraits , 5 s . Ta 1 e s from B e nil ey . VolS . X ., II ., and lit . Price Is . 6 d . each . ¦ vi , - ¦¦ ¦'¦ ' . ¦ . ; , . . ^ Thiei's' History of the Great - * - FRENCH REVOLUTION . Parts I . to XVIII Price 6 d . each , with an illustration . . . London : Richard Bentley , New Burlington Street .
SECOND-HAND BOOKS . ffow Beady , Post free tin receipt of Two Stamps . DAWSON'S " P ity of London Book -Ch > V ^ CULAR" for MARCH , containing 4000 Volumes of Standard Books , in all classes of Literature , Including Works on Natural History , Topography , Ancient und Modern Poetry , Facetiae , Illustrated . Works , ¦ etc . " ; ¦ . . ¦ ' , .. ;¦ ¦ ¦ ' " . ' ~ Davvson & Sorts * 74 , Cannon Street , City , Lo . n-, . don , B . C . ( Established 1809 . )
On March 3 rd will be published , fcap . 8 vo ., Price Is ., Illustrated Cover , A Story about Riflemen . AND RIFLES By NEYLAND THORNTON " . —London : Whittakeh and Co ., Ave Marialane ; Manchester : Edwin St . ateh , 129 , Market-street .
FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION . * ' T ^ he Man of Ross . " —¦ JL Every Thursday" -One Penny ., An-Independent Family Paper , having ( with one exception orilj ) the largest circulation in the County of Hereford . ¦ Wltliin a radius of ten miles of Rosa it exceeds t hat of all the other local papers put together .. Orders , Advertisements , and Cooks for Review , to be sent to the Publisher , J . W . F . Counsels , jVIarket-plnce . lions .
On Saturday , in crown 8 vo , T > e 1 igioils Ser yice in JLL THEATRES : a Speech delivered by the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY in the House ofJLords , on Friday , the 24 th of February . Corrected by Himself . With a Preface . .. ¦ On Monday , in crown 8 vo , poems before Congress . . JL By ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING . This day . price Is ., the Fourth Number of One of Them . By Charles LEVER . "With Illustrations by Phiz . This day , in crown 8 vo , price 5 s ., a Cheaper Edition , M emdirs of Robert-Hou-DIN . Ambassador , Author , and Conjuror . Written by Himself . I ' ,- ¦ InTwo vols ., demySro , price 40 s ., The Life of Field-Marshal ARTHUR DtJKE OF WELLINGTON . By CHARLES DUKE YONGE . With Portrait , Plans , and Maps . . ¦ . Third Edition , in demy 8 vo , price 15 s ., r Fhe West Indies and tlie I SPANISH MAIN . By ANTHONY TROLLOPE . Chatman and Halp , 193 , Piccadilly .
~^ ¦ ; -. ~ , T ¦ In the press , and shortly will be published , the ^ Memoirs of Joseph Fouche , DUKE OF OTRANTO . Edited by HENRY DA VIES , Esq ., of 'Buckingham-. ' . . . ' ¦ ' street , Strand . ; Fouche was the soil of a captain in the merchant navy . He was born at Nantes in 1763 , and by choice followed the career qf teacher . In 1788 he obtained the situation of Inspector of Classes in the College of Nantes ; was nominated by that city a representative at the National Convention of 1792 ; voted the death of Louis 'XVl . without ; appeal , or remand ; was named President otthe Jacobins' Club' . He was implicated in the conspiracy of Babeuf , his arrest decreed ( 1791 ) , but was afterwards amnestied . ' By adecree of the Directory ( 1795 ) , w . is named ambassador to the Cisalpine Uepublic , then to the Court Of Holland ; and lastly . Minister of Police . He gave his support to the nomination of Buonaparte to the Kiripire , and obtained in )« 09 the oVli »! stry of the Interior . But in 1810 Napoleon took hinii away from his functions , and atipointed hin » Qovernor of Some . After the campaign of Moscow he was nominated Qovernor . of the Illyrian provinces ( 181 . 3 ) , a-din 1815 again Minister of the Interior Louis XVIII gave him the Ministry of Police . Exiled in ltjlS . ' he tixed his residence at Prague * after r wards at Trieste ; where he died in 1820 .
Just published , third edition , price 2 s . Cd ., post free for thirty-two stamps . On Syphilitic Eruptions , ULCERS , and other Secondary Symptoms , with Siurcestion . H on the Safe and Effective Use of Mercury . Illustrated by Cases . By THOSHS HUNT , F . U . C . S :, Surgeon to Che Dfopensiary for Diseases of the Skin . London i T . Hicuaiids , 37 , Great Queen-street ,
MR . HAWTHORNE'S NEW NOVEL . t . ' ~~~>—~~———¦ —i ¦ Now Ready at nil the Libraries , TRANSFORMATION ; Or , THE ROMANCE OF MONTE BENI . By NATHANIEL HAWTHqRNIS , Author of " TirK Scarlet Lettish . " . « In Three Vole ,. ¦ % * THIS WORK " 19 COPYH 1 GHT . " O , ne of the most ' remarkable novels that 18 C 0 is likely to give us , whether from English , French , or American sources . Such an Italian tale we have not had since Horr Andersen wrote his ' lmpro-Tisatore . '"—Athbn ^ bum . i SMITH , ELDER , & CO ., G 5 , CORNJHILL ,
THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE . No , I . ( January , 1860 ) , Fourth Edition , completing 100 , 000 . With Two Illustrations and Map , Price One Shilling , Nq . II . ( February , 1800 ) , Second Edition , completing 100 , 000 . "With Two , JHustrfUions . Price One Shilling . No . HI . ( March , 18 & 0 ) , First Edition , of 100 , 000 , Now Ready . With Two Illustrations . Price One Shilling . , 11 ' ' ' , ¦ " " ¦ " ¦ * ¦ ¦ ' ¦ g * »* Communication * to the Editor should be addressed to the enre of Monsra . Smith , Elder , and Co ., 05 , Corn . U 1 H , and not to the XSdltor ' d private residence , The Editor ennnot be roaponaiblo lor the return of rejected contrlbuitona . London : SMITH , ELDER , Sc CO ,, ( 55 , CORNHILL .
REV . CHARLES KINGSLEY'S SERMONS . This day , 2 nd Edition , Two Scries , 5 s . each . S ermons on National Sub-JECTS . By CHARLES KIN « SLEY , Rector of Eversley , Chaptoiu in Ordinary to the Queen . - By the same Author . GOO D NEWS OF GOD : Sermons . Second Edition . 63 ; TWENTY-F 1 VE VILLAGE SERMONS . Fifth Edition . 2 s . 64 . ¦ ' ¦ ' . '• . . SERMONS FOR THE TIMES . Second Edition * 3 s . 6 d . London : John W . Pabkeb & So > -, West Strand . This day . Fifth , and Cheaper Edition , 7 a . 6 d . Arundines Cami si Ye Musa-RU 3 £ CANTABRIGIENSIUM LUSUS CANORI . Collegit atque edidit HENR 1 CUS DRURY , A . M . . ' . - '• ¦ ¦ . . London : John "W . Parker & Son . Cambridge : Deiqhton , Bell , & Co . Seventh Edition , 6 s . S ^ ' tudent ' s Manual of Modern HISTORY . By W , COOKE TAYLOR , LL . D . With Supplementary Chapter , by CHARLES BADHAM , D . D . Sixth Edition , 6 s . Q tude nt's Manual of Ancient k _ ^ HISTORY ; By W . COOKE TAYLOR . LL . D . London : John W . Pahkeb & Son , West Strand .
Just published . Second Edition , with Illustrative Map , ' price Is . American Securities : PracticalHints on the Tests of Stability and Profit , for the Guidance and Warning of British Investors . By "AN ANdLO-AlIERICAN . " Owing to fllie rapid sale of this Pamphlet a Second Edition , revised and enlarged , has been published , with an Illustfative Map showing the principal Kailways in operation in tlie Eastern and Western States . In this Edition the Author will endeavour to answer every objection raised by ¦ ¦ ¦ the Editor of The Times * City artii-le arid by other public writers , in commenting on the First Edition '; and , it being to the advantage of the people of both countries to uphold the character of really sound and profitable enterprises , the Author ' s views will be addressed not only to the " . British public , but to those whose . ' successful admiaistration of money , advanced in England ' for Public Works in America , deserves honourable mention . Besides 2 K , oob . miles already in operatiop , 1 . 6 , 000 niiles of new Kail way ; involving an estimated expenditure of £ 80 , 000 , 000 sterling , are either under construction or projected . This ' circumstance enforces the importance of Uritish capitalists looking carefully to the existence Of reliable guarantees for safety and profit . Conthnts- —The Author and the Reviewers : Practical Hints for Guidance of Investors ; Itailway l * rofjress in America : L ' roduce , Population , & c ; Dividends and Interest on Securities ^ Commerce and Shipping , & c . NOTICES OF TUB LONDON PRESS . ( From The Thncs City Article . ) " A well written pamphlet just issued on ' American Securities' by 'An' Anglo-American . ' . . . Undoubtedly the conditions he names ought to ensure the prosperous results which seem so plain to him . Intending shareholders cannot do better than attend to his advice , on these points ; but they must also satisfy themselves upon another , without which , alth .: ugli It has escaped 'him , everything else is as nothing . . ' . . And tjie certainty of honest management , and of a fuithfjul regard to the interests of foreign partners to the requisites cited in the present pamphlet , and you will Indubitably hay « ft key to an income which will enable you ever alter to despise Consols . . , . Meanwhile , every one will admit with him that America should be the most secure and advantageous Held for the employment of British capital . " . ( From the Morning Chronicle City Article . ) " A' very important and well-timed pamphlet . . . . The drcumBtunce that wfll give great weight to the writer ' s sensible nnd practical remarks ia the total nbaence of anything like a recommendation of any particular Mnd » t American stjeurity . The roinurks are general , and the render U lett to form liU own judBm « nt . We must extrnot the following rule * for the guidance of Investors , They are so good thnt they may be studied with advantnge by nil classes who have money to hivest , and to whom n large and secure return Is an object . The author asserts tnn , t in any case , where the following : fouturea nro found In , combination , It muy be utllrmcd that all ihe ek-inoniB of Immediate succesa exist In the highest degree , and thnt the position of shareholders Is perfectly , aufe nnd certain i— 1 . Thn possession of a landed estate of extensive area and productive qunlity ; ' 2 . The existence upon such land of ahundunt nilnernl resources nnd abundant forest urowtli , 3 . The line ond its contiguous lundod estate being ao / Bltunted ns not to absorb , In coat of conveyance , too ( drifts n prQ | iprtlon of the prices obtainable at mnrkct for tlio various comino-I dltles forwarded , In all new American eitterprises , the I author Insists U )» t the Hrlilsh elcmont In the dlrputorinl depurtmout Is enK'iitlul whoro Itrltlsh cuiiltulinta are Invited to lend their support . Altogether this is one of the fulrest little works that have yet appeared on this Bubjoat , " , ( From the " Morning PostQUy Artielts . ) •< A valuable pamphlet . " ( From th & Morndiff Jleralti . ) " jytuybo perused with . ndvniitage . " London ; I ' uUUshed by Mimn Nephews . Hi ) , Cornhlll i W . I " , Rletchlm , * J 0 , Parliament Strfieti Urndshnw and Hln ^ cklock , 47 , Dlonm Street , Manchester ( and T . FtUrbrother , 13 , Cunnlnff i'lnce , Llvcrjinol .
" London. Printed; By Wullftm Etevens, 8...
" London . Printed ; by WUllftm etevens , 87 . JBol 7 y « n 1 , Temple U » r , Jn the liberty of Uiq no ] h , In the County o | Middlesex : and published by ^ . onaon j a j-uiwh » j ^\ m \ w Nuttftll TomUns , nt No . la . Qftthorlno Street , 8 lnM > d , in | the County of Middlesex . —Mnrc l * 10 , 1800 .
Leader (1850-1860), March 10, 1860, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10031860/page/24/