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At^ Ttt^ ,, 335
The Sea Climate.—The sea climate, then, ...
Cmttmerrial Mam.
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last OFCiciit (jTrdTinoi...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Theatres In Easter Week. V The Play-...
new drama in Eight JM m ^ hieh every Member of the company , ? 5 nfbrced for the occasion , will be engaged r and vtfuch , if repoit speaks JSlv will send home audiences laughing and weeping to their beds ; for it Z to contain drama , fatee , ballet , spectacle , effects , situations , wit and d ialogue , in equal luxuriance . .. ..- , At the Haymarket , " O ! Gemini , or Brothers of Course , " suggests a Tmrlesaue on the C . orsicail Brothers , who certainly are fair game j and ^/ ¦ ( g ^ wfW ^^ r tQ ^' - imi ^^ . ^ ^^^"/ . . . . / / . ¦ ' . , The Olympic boldly transfers the " Brothers " from Corsica to Carab erwell , and introduces a " mystic milkman "—we suppose , to chalk the face of the ghost . The Adelphi has a new three act drama , The Queen of the Mdr & et , and a diablerie , bearing the somewhat familiartitle of Mephistopheles , who ought to be Wright , with Paul Bedford as Faust , ox vice versd . Over the water , no doubt , the same activity reigns ; but what is this astounding novelty we are taught to expect from that classic legion of astounding noveltie # Dbeahy XaSTE ? Positively , The Bohemian Girl ! a sure sign that the Star of Bunn is at its apogee : " about this time , " as Francis Moore would say , " Tie Bohemian Girl may be expected . " But undismayed by the rivalry of two Italian Operas , Bunn threatens a Preary-t ^ ane version of JErnani and—Fidelio —to introduce a Mdlle .
Falconi , who , we are told , is the " finest singer in the world / ' Ah ! vraiment ! ¦* - " ^ ' - '
At^ Ttt^ ,, 335
At ^ Ttt ^ ,, 335
The Sea Climate.—The Sea Climate, Then, ...
The Sea Climate . —The sea climate , then , is equable ; it is also moist , and the skj' of ten cloudy and rainy in the high latitudes . The land climate is excessive , with violent changes , generally dry , and the sky usually clear . It follows that the astronomical climate—that Which is dependent on the latitude—is greatly modified by the presence or absence of the sea ; and the distribution of heat through the year , for any place whatever , depends in no small degree on its proximity to , or its distance from , the ocean , and the consequent prevalence of the winds which , blow from it . — Gugotfs Earth and Man . |
A Fox ' s Cunning . —Foxes are frequently taken m the pitfalls set for wolves , and seem to possess more cunning . An odd incident is related by Mr . Lloyd : — A fox wa 3 lying iat the bottom of a pitfall , apparently helpless , when a very stout peasant 'haying placed a ladder , began to descend with cautious and creaking steps to destroy the vermin . Reynard ,. however , thought he might benefit by the ladder as well as his corpulent visitor , and just as the latter readied the ground , jumped first on his stern , then on his shoulder , skipped out of the pit , and was off in a -moment , leaving the man staring and swearing at his impudent escape . — Zoological Notes and Anecdotes . . ' .
The Lion ' s Feae of Man . —Lichtenstein says that the African hunters avail themselves of the circumstance that the lion does not attempt to spring upon Ins prey till he has measured the ground , and has reached the distance of ten or twelve paces , when he lies crouching on the ground , gathering himself up for the effort . The hunters , he says , make a rule never to fire upon the lion till he lies down at this short distance , so that they can nim directly at his head with the most perfect certainty . He adds , that , if a person
has the misfortune to meet a lion , his only hope of safety is to stand perfectly still , oven though the animal crouches to make his spring : that spring will not be hazarded if the man has only nerve enough to remain motionless as a statue , and look steadily in the eyes of the lion . The animal hesitates ^ rises , slowly retreats some steps looking earnestly about him—lies downagain retreats , till having thus by degrees quite got out <) t what he seems to feel as the magic circle of man ' s influence , he takes flight in the utmost haste . —Zoological Notes and Anecdotes .
Cmttmerrial Mam.
Cmttmerrial Mam .
Money Market And City Intelligence. Faid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . FaiDAT Morning , April 9 . Al » o business dono in the public securities lias rathor increased during tho woek , but there has boon but little "wpositum to spccuiatjon The extromo Tfmg 0 of Consols uunngr tho wcuk hna boen un ( lor confc aml tfco IH . iS- < fn orftl iy free from fluctuations . Consols oponed il ,. i ° o / 7 ftt " 8 & and on Thursday closed at 99 to J . I !; bt <> ek from 210 to 217 ; Exchequer Bills ( Jung ) 00 s . U ) t 00 h .: 5 gfarch ) 68 s . to 71 b . premium , lio , ° * or «> gn Stock-market tho bargains in tho oflicinl « st tompriflod—Bnwaian , 0 !) . $ - and £ ex . div . ; . Chilian Six Il 5 S "'* - , ? ^ - Ecuador , 5 , " Gmnud ^ lWm . d , 11 * , 11 , i'liiiVn 3 Moxi < > for account , ! M ., } - , % , and ft ¦; tho < -o n Sftn !? ' ?* ' an 4 * « a . div !{ IWian , for ac iS ' \ k ' ftlid 10 ( t J - & v-1 I ' ^" P ^ Cents , for ' jL ? ° i ana 06 i 5 lWtufjuofro iSmr per Cents ., ^^ SBJ . and 88 *; for tho account , 38 j Sardi ' foi ti , l > or C «« t « ., for tnonoy , 01 * , 05 , 03 * , 1 ) 5 , and 05 |; thn X ° wcount ' 06 and 05 *; $ ani « h Throo nor Cents ., for and o iT ^ *> 4 > aml & i *»» o Noir J > ctWl , 21 , 20 & , fun , i ™ i * I , P ai" 8 li Oommittoo certificate of coupon not am . , V , * ' h ^ d H cent . ; Venezuela , 48 and Two ,. i S * ° « r . i « icl-a-Hftlf per Oonta ., 06 * ; Butch cSSS ^^ ^^^ W */^ « w lWpQrCent .
Bttcford's Panorama Of Salzburg. Beautif...
BtTCFORD'S PANORAMA OF SALZBURG . Beautiful to look upon , though dull , to live in , Salzburg is the very place for making a panorama . It is the birthplace of Mozart— -a beautiful reminiscence for an hour's visit , but not enough to live upon for a week , much less : for a season . Its white houses tell capitally in the foreground of a painting , but make you feel in a stupendous wash-house while you are down on the floor of the streets . The castle height is the true point of view , when the atmosphere is clear of fog or drizzling rain . Then you see that vast amphitheatre of mountains , that gliding / and meandering stream , the Tyrolese Alps in the distance . These facilities the panorama secures you . And the present view is painted with all Mr . Burford ' s tacfc and skill . That he can convert the walls of his eircular gallery into any scene , however expansive and grand , most Londoners and their country cousins know : Salzburg is a favourable subject for that art . The mixture of town , villa , and wild mountain scenerythe level river , the undulating foreground , the rising walls of Al p ine height—the masonry , the grassy hills , the blue pinnacles , afford a variety of subject which gratifies tke eye , and presents the illusion , the more pleasingly from the many shapes which it assumes . ZL
British I'Unds For The Past Week. (Ctosi...
BRITISH I'UNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( CtOSIXG PBICE 9 . ) Scaur . Mond . Tues . Wedn , Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock 216 217 218 3 per Cent . Red . 93 98 * 93 3 per Cent . Con . Ans . 98 | 98 | 99 99 99 J ...... 3 per Cent . An . 1751 ... ¦ ., - .. • - 3 per Cent . Con ., Ac . 98 | 98 | 99 99 99 | H per Cent . An . ...... 99 * 99 ^ 99 $ New 5 perCents ...... ...... Long Ans ., 1860 6 * 16 16 f Ind . St . 10 ^ per Cent - r Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 ... 78 83 Ex . Bills , £ 1000 69 p 71 p 71 p 72 P 69 p Ditto , £ 500 ; 71 P 71 p 69 p 69 p Ditto , Small 68 p 71 p 71 p t 69 p 69 p
Foreign Funds. (Last Ofciciit (Jtrdtinoi...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last OFCiciit ( jTrdTinoir dttbiitg- the Week Ein > nr & TbCUSBBAY EVEITIKG . ) Belgian 4 £ per Cents ....... 96 % Peruvian , Deferred 66 Brazilian Bonds 99 £ Portuguese 4 per Cents ,.. 38 § -Chilian 6 per Cents 102 J Portuguese 4 p . Ct . Acct . 38 Dutch 2 J per Cents . 614 Sardinian-Bonds 95 £ Dutch 4 per Cent . Certif . 93 | ; Sardinian 5 p . Cent . Acct . 95 £ Ecuador ................... 5 i Spanish 3 p . Cent . Acct ... 4 S Granada , Deferred ........ ll ? r i Spanish 3 p . Ct . New Def . 21 J Mexican 5 per Ct-iicc .... 34 | | Spanish Cora . Certif . of Mexican 3 per Cents 28 | | Coupon not funded ... 3 Peruvian , Aecount ... 106 | i Venezuela , Acct . 48
Feom The London Gazette. Friday, April 2...
FEOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , April 2 . Bankhupts . —H . Snirsoir , St . Neot's , Huntingdonshire , bootmaker , to surrender April 16 , May 14 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitor , Mr . Atkinson , Swan-chambers , Gresham-atreet ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Aldermanbury . W . Hewitt , Great Dinffiold , Yorkshire , brewer , April 21 , May 26 , at the Leeda District Court of Bankruptcy , held at Hull ; solicitor , Mr . Jarrat , Great Driffieldj official assignee , Mr . Carrick , Hull . ' W . Higgxnbothaii , Macclesflold , silk manufacturer , April 22 , May 7 , at tho Manchester District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Messrs . Johnson , Son , and Wetherall , Temple ; Messrs . Hitchcock , Buckley , and Tidswell , Manchester ; and Mr . Higainbotham , Macclesfleld ; official assignee , Mr . Leo , Manchester . J . S . M'C 0 MiOOH , Liverpool , draper , April 16 , May 6 , at the Liverpool District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Messrs . Sole , Turner , and lurnor , Aldermanbury ; and Mr . Dodge , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Bird , Liverpool . J . HAi , f c , Denton , Lancashire , hat manufacturer , April 20 , May 11 , at the Muncliester District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Eoyle , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Eraser , Manchester . Tuesday , April 6 . Bankrupts . —H . Stimson , St . Neot ' s , Huntingdonshire , bootmaker , to surrenfler April 16 , May 14 , at the Bankrupts ' Court ; solicitor , Mr . Atkinson , Swan-chambers , Greshamstreet ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Aldermanbury . H . Worms , Blackfriars-road , bootmaker , April 16 , May 14 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrance , Plows , and Boyor , Old Jewry-ohaniberB ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Aldermanbury . .... , ., , „ , _ T . Bui-t , now orlato of Greenwich , innkeeper , April 16 , May 22 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitors , Messrs . M'Leod and Cann Paper-buildings , Temple ; and Mr . Coook , Greenwich and Furnival ' a-inn ; olILcial assignee , Mr . Nicholson , Basingliall-8 . Haynhs , London-stroot , Paddington , whoclright , April 14 , May 14 , at tho Bankru p ts' Court ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawranoo , Plows , and Boyer , OMf Jowry-ohambers ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfold . __ H . N . Babnks , Mitrparotting , Essex , milkman , April 17 , May 21 at tho Bankrupts' Court : solicitor , Mr . Dufllold , Dovonshirostreot , Bishopagatc and Cholmsford ; offioiid aHaignoo , Mr . Whitmoro , Basinghall-stroot . I . Timmins , Diidloy , Worcestershire , ehartermiwtor , Apnll / , May 8 . at tho Birmingham District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Boddington , Dudley ; official assignee , Mr . Valpy , Birmingham . ,, _ _ W . Wi & mamh , Pontwyn Golynos and Pontnowynydd , MonniouthHhire , iron manufacturor , April 20 , May lfl , at tho JJriHtol District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Bovan , Bristol ; ollloial assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol . , T . Mitokkm-, andB . CLAiiKaow , Bradford , Yorkshiro , woratort spinners , April 22 , May 28 , at tho Leods District Court of Bankruptcy ; Holioitorn , Mr . Northwood , Bradford j an < l M « H » ra . Courtenay and Compton , Leeds '; ofllcial assignee , Mr . Young , Loeds . G . OitAOWiOK , Loodn , grooer , April 20 , May 10 , at tho LoocIh District Court of JBamkruptoy ; nolioitor , Mr . Upton , Loeds ; official assignee , Mr . Hopo . Leeds . T . Woon , Northwiok , Cheshiro , grooor , April 10 , May 13 , at the Liverpool District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Messrs . Holt and Bowe , Liverpool ; offioiiU nasignoo , Mr . Turner , Liverpool .
Co-Operative Society Of Engineers. The Co-Operative Society Of Engineers Are Now Peepaeej) To Execute
ORDERS in every Department of the Trade . First-rate Mechanics sent to any part of the Country on the shortest notice . East Xondon Iron Works , Cambridge-road , JRXile-end .
STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , & c—Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance and of the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with the East , & c . The Company book passengers , and receive goods and parcels as heretofore fot CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PEKANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , by their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 8 th of the month . BOMBAY . —The Company will book passengers throughout from Southampton to Bombay by their steamers leaving England on the 20 th March , and of alternate months thereafter , such passengers being conveyed from Aden to Bombay by their steamers appointed to leave Bombay on the 1 st of April , and 1 st of alternate months thereafter , and affording , in connexion with the steamers leaving Calcutta on the 20 th of March , and ofalternatemonths thereafter , direct conveyance for passengers , parcels , and goods from Bombay and Western India . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s Steamers of the 29 th of the month to JVtalta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and fromTSuez by the Honourable East India Company ' s steamers . MEDITERRANEAN . —MALTA—On the 20 th and 29 th of every month . Constantinople '—On the 29 th of the month . Alexandria—On the 20 th of the month . ( The rates of passage money on these lines have been materially reduced . ) SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 2 jth of the month . N . B . —Steam-ships of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between Hong Kong and Shanghae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s recently revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at tho Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenholl-street , London , and Oriental-place , Southampton .
THE EOYAL EXHIBITION . —A valuable newly-invented , very small , powerful WAISTCOAT POCKET GLASS , the size of a walnut , to discorn minute objects at a distance of from four to five miles , which is found to be invaluable to Yachters , Sportsmen , Gentlemen , and Gamekeepers . Price 30 s ., sent free . —TELESCOPES . A new and most important invention in Telescopes , possessing- such extraordinary powers , that some , 3 ] inches , with an extra eye-piece , will show distinctly Jupiter ' s Moons , Saturn ' s King , and the Double Stars . They supersede every other kind , tma are of all sizes , for the waistcoat pocket , Shooting , Military purposes , & c . Opera and Racecourse Glasses , with wonderful powers ; a minute object can bo clearly seen from ton to twelve miles distant . Invaluable , newly-invented Preserving Spectacles ; invisible » nd all kinds of Acoustic Instruments for relief of extreme Deafness . —Messrs . 8 . and B . SOLOMONS , Opticians and Aurists , 39 , Albemarle Street , Piccadilly , opposite tho York Hotel .
MRS . GERALD MASSEY , Professor of PHRENOLOGY , ( generally known as tho CLAIRVOYANTE JANE , ) announces to tho Public that she has recommenced her Practice in that Science , at 75 , Charlottm Stkbkt , FiTZBpy Squabk . Terms : —For Manipulation , Five Shillings ; Manipulation , with written deduction of Character , Ten Shillings . Also , that by the expressed wish of numerous friends , a S 6 anco will be held at the above-mentioned address every Friday Evening , at 7 o ' clock , nt which a power of Seeing beyond the ordinary vimial meant * will be fully proven . Admission , Two Shillings and 8 ixpo » i « o . Privuto Consultations for Disease , One Guinea . Parties attended to demonstrate Claiuyoyanom , Ono Guinea . April 2 nd , 1852 . * 75 , Charlotte Street , Fiteroy Square , London .
SUCCESS IN LIFE . HUNDREDS of Persona have attributed ( as their Letters will show ) that their Improved Cireumutancea is owing to tho Methods qf respectable Employment received from G . FISHER . Both Boxes aro bcno / ltoj ; Thoso humbly reared , and tho highly educated , having timo at their dinpoiial , can mont profitably employ it , and obtain with ordinary industry ,-fil to £ (> per week , or moro . It docn not require provioim knowledge—ample instructions being sent . Send a directed oiivclopo and 13 Postage Stamps to Mn . ( i . FISHER , Printer , of 50 , Blomflold-stroot , Kingsland , London , and tho Twenty Rospeotahle and ready Methods will bo forwarded , with full information , By return of post . N . IK—Depend thia iy no i ' ulaohood—tho reapoctubility of G . If , is » guarantee .
Leader (1850-1860), April 10, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10041852/page/23/