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M^ JWylflSftgfe .rvy.' TiECoJBvr £ fl A ...
. . .; _ . . . . . , . v , • r(P" *Y*tt«*i>i»rtrtl ^I TT ltriMX VlyHUnjifltlUl ^mUltJcJ * ' ¦ ''• ¦
• : ; ¦ ¦ ¦• ; ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ——?——, , , , ' ,...
A "Gaixebt of xhe East" is to be opened ...
CORNMAKKET. Mark-lane, Friday, May 9,185...
FOREIGN" FUNDS. (Ij-\si OrKicrAi. QtroTA...
RO YAL OLYMPIC THEATRE.— IiCHhoc Mr- Ai.va.iiD Wioan.
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The Waterrcolotjr Exhibitions. £This Art...
which xnagktpajasp . pfifance , "were delicate susceptibility of satire peculiar to the dfrurt « r to Jbe Army . The back-ground heroes , wh «> . have eyid ^ ntly Wt qqite goiouch ^ i >^ a iahQiog ' * inepected /' . as the choleric but ( to his auperior officer ?) obliging apdatteptfyi ? sergeant takes no pain 8 to , conceal * are 9 , painful ^ pax * of ^ eshoT «> , ~ Qn the ^ t ^ er hand , thpse members of the Court who , are net enjoyiug tfie ' nart p ^ upernumerary , and who appear io > have sidled a little out . of their rieht places , in the direction of Mr . Gilbbbt ' s « asel—thafe is , towards thei foreg ^ uud « f th 9 P ^ WT ^ T- ^ PP 1 ^ what ^ y * called the genteel comedy of the scene ,: ! ::, i > . ' - > :. ; * , \ i . ^ - " ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . ¦¦
As we . cannot , after all , pass by . the contributions of Mr ^ IiEwis and of Mr . William HoNr . iri the cruelly cutting " clever as usual" way of praise , we must reserve their' wofks ^ anii ^ a few ; others , for a second notice .
M^ Jwylflsftgfe .Rvy.' Tiecojbvr £ Fl A ...
M ^ JWylflSftgfe . rvy . ' TiECoJBvr £ fl A D ^ E iR . ; 453
Births, 1 Jm3kr1a.Ges, And Deaths. O/; '...
BIRTHS , JM 3 KR 1 A . GES , AND DEATHS . o /; ' .. - ¦ - ¦>¦'¦ ¦' - BIRTHS . ¦ . - . •• .. riUMICHi . ' -Oa the 6 th inst .. at Tolbury , Bruton , Somerset , . ^•? riteo < JohnCKrachiE 89 i , F . B . C . S .: * daughter . T ACKSONk—PA the SpiinsU m London , the wife of Francis ^^ 8 9 & a ^ Uite Provost-Mara h al-GeherJil of Grenada : lS . THAM . * Son tha 2 nd inst :, at 29 , Upper Southwickj 5 ^ reet > thew ; i ^ - , qjf Dr . B ., G . Latham , M . D .: a son . v ' - - > - " ¦^•'•" :: ' MABRIAGBiS . FfeEMB—MOXTNTC ^ SHBLL . —On the 80 th ult , at the irarish church , Monkstown , near Dubhn , James Herbert fSeaie * B 8 qvlate-Captain in her Majesty ' s 79 th Cameron iHwhlanders . eldest son of James Freme , Esq ., of Wrent-SflHouse , Shropshire , to the Right Hon . the Lady Anna Twi £ a « Tofchoi ^' tftirfl rln . iio-Tit . ftr of the Eieht H 6 n . Stephen .
cmtVbf Mo ^ tCasnefl . GABLER—PARRY . —On the 28 th ult ., at Frankfort-bri-the-Jtaine , Lndwig , second son of Hofrath and Bardness Gabler ,, to Anne , Jane , eldest daughter of the late W . H . ^ febley Parry , Esq ^ . of Noyadd Trefaur , Cardiganshire . JftHNSON ^ -ilitiLS . —On the 4 th of March , at St . John's ^ Olm * eh ' , Re * Riveri Francis G . Johnson , Esq ., Governor of AssiniboM , and Recorder of Rupert's Land , to - Mary -Louisa , elrfest : daughter of the late Thomas Milliken SIUjs , E sq ^ at ajaunton , Somersetshire . LLOYD—WRIGHT On the 26 th February , at Rangoon . Malcolm Bendinet Sabine Lloyd , Esq . * Madras Artillery Assistant Commissioner at Pegu , eldest son or the late Lieut .-Colonel J . A- Lloyd , R . E ., to Louisa , youngest daughter of Colonel George Wright , Madras Army .
DEATHS . BULL . —On the Sd inst ., at Sandbach , John Bull , Esq ., formerly or Austin-Friars , London . BURTON . —On the 26 th ult ., at her residence in Porkisquare . the Hon . Ann * Maria , youngest daughter of the fourteoKth Lord JJuneany , and wife of Admiral Ryder 3 iirl o ^ K , H .,: d « epJyl » m ) 3 nted . ... -r ., . H " A % nt-Tb ^ . ^^ lie _? tt ; iisfc , at , 16 , Great King . street . SainburgJi , SlrWifliSsnl fiamiltdn , Baronot , Professor of Logic aria ^ Metfapbysicsan the University of Edinburgh . WII / DER . —Oii the 4 tbinSt ., aged 4 S ; at his apartments , in Boad-stMetoObArtesPWlips WUder , Lieut-Colonel of the BthRegt . of Madras , Light Cavalry , second surviving son Of the fate liieift .- « eneral Sir Francis John Wilder , of the Manor HouBe , Binfleld , Berks .
From The London Gazette.. Tuesday, May 6...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . . Tuesday , May 6 . BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED . —JElowxxKB Baxbman and Robert EUrdwicke , Carey-street , Lincoln . rs-inn . printers— James Flood , jun ., and Cobnej-ius Robekt Schai-ier , Charles-street , Middlesex Hospital , auctioneers . BANKRUPTS . — James Welch , of York -grove , north . Old Ken ^ road , builderr-Louis Adolpit Hums . Albany , street , Jfccgent ' s-Park , cook-HAjicounT Mast ^ b Majjxe x » nft Foster Reynolds , Old Broad-street silkmen—Thomas IIornbb , St . John-street , and Bridport-place , Hoxton , surgeon—Thomas Bate , Birmingham , hat manufacturer—Sohh LiZAits . BirminKhaai . general dealer—HbnrttTnoRNTox / Iftrmiug ham auH Wafsall , baker-GRAHAM Vnii ^ ivsotf Stamford , wine merchant—Robert Webb , Newport . Monmouthshire , ironmonger—Edmondson Asptnai . 1 , and Jora AnEADJUi RoWNspif , Bolton-le-Moors , Lancashire , mijbhme makers — Christopher Tuer , Boltonrle-Moors , Lancashire , machine maker— Samuel Isaacs , Manchoster , tobacconist . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS -J . Maonab , Limekilns Fifesbfro , Rroeqr—J . MaiH , Glasgow ^ grain merchant—W . MpiiRjaoJf and Co ., Loith , merchants . ... , ... ¦ .... - Friday , May 9 ; BANKRUPTS . —WrrxiAM FottD . Chinning Lambonrno , Berkshire , inukjeeper— Uaua Giboakd , King ' s Lynn , Norfolk , cabinet maker and , upaolstorer—HatUiY CuAEUiB BUOER 8 , Leadonlmll-street , metal and general merchant-William Aspin , Jim , Tboloy-street . Southwavk , carrier—IUkwbu Honht , Maidstone , grocer— Petku Pktch Buck . Jqrvaux Abbey , Yorkshire , cattle dealer—Thomab DaVies , Liverpool , merchant—Patiuck McDonnbll , Manchester , cabinetmaker — William F «\ -eu , Nottingham , wholesale drapdr—^ JoMK Jenkinson , Kingston-upon-Ilull , china and oarthonwAVO dealer—Benjamin Wilson , Greshain-streotMC'ty ? money Kcrivenor— Oijobge 1 ' jikdekick Owteir . Lewisham , bntohov—Geokoe Hardincj . fehepton Mallet , Somejrsolshiro . innkeeper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS —Hokatio Nelson . TonN GoLBiHi Glasgow , manufacturer- Jamks Lbooat , liiriir , Aborduousuiro , aaddlor—Uavid Stewart , Dalkeitli , dral > Cr ' .
. . .; _ . . . . . , . V , • R(P" *Y*Tt«*I≫I»Rtrtl ^I Tt Ltrimx Vlyhunjifltlul ^Multjcj * ' ¦ ''• ¦
: € ffmmxnni Mains -
• : ; ¦ ¦ ¦• ; ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ——?——, , , , ' ,...
• : ; ¦ ¦ ¦• ; ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ——?——, , , , ' , . London , Friday EvoniiiK . May , 0 , 1850 , Tnij aainounopmen ^ pfa uow Flvo Million Loan thlH inor : iiug hfiMliiMlthp effector ctoprcsaiuK tho jubilant , Hpiritu ol ' tlit ) Bri ^" pai I f , y ;' W ( ist rif whom had paid 'their ' contangos and eaWied bvet tholr ttOcbnufiH for Juno . Heavy saloH have Hinco th « , mp rnhiKi d « nrpaacd , tho markets all round , and Con-Hojti , have lieen ponmdprAbly flatter , Hhicp the ononipK . Tho l ^ rfoJKh sitoofc ' MarKofc ' 1 st Ifrm , Mnnculatlon in Tvrkls )» 0 per C (* rt 6 . Mtook , ' AnU * Wer oorrt ) . ' is going ofr . Tho ho > v ' s ' chomcH of FponclitiltUiau , Uoli ^ imn , und-Russian TailwAya meofl wifth eijoov ^ rw . mgni « vit ,. . ' ^ oVrpiiQli ; rai |> yay <» cpntinuo to bo woll
supported . Belgians are flatter— the Great Luxembourg Company has played off one of its periodical tricks—and the shares are nearly ZL lower in consequence . All East Indian and Great Western , of Canada are in demand . Our own' English heavy shares are well supported , and the' contangos promise to be heavy . Money is still very tight and no relaxation at present can be looked for . The calls at home and shipments are so heavy that the Bank bullion goes out as fast as it comes in . In mines and Joint Stock Banks there has been little doing . ' The promised heavy call on Bank of Egypts continues to depress them . Ottoman Banks have been bought largely and retain a good premium . Bank of Discount , and Western of Loiidon are at discount prices . Tho New Russian Riga railway stands at 1 J premium . There is some improvement in Lombardo-Venetian Hues . Canneaux and Italian Junction are inquired after . ¦ ' In mines , Chincellorsville , Fort Bowens , United Mexicans , Sortridge Consols have been asked for , but these properties , as welL as the Crystal Palace and General Omnibus are but languidly dealt in' At four o'clock Consols close 93 , 93 i—rather dull .
Aberdeen , 25 J , 26 |; Bristol and Exeter , 87 , S 9 ; Caledonian , 58 * , 59 J ; . Chester and Holyhead , 15 , 16 ; East Anglian , 16 J , 17 J ; Eastern Counties , 9 f , 10 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow , 60 , 62 ; Great Northern , 93 i , 94 i ; Ditto , A stock , 78 , 80 ; Ditto , B stock , 125 , 127 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 102 ,. 104 ; Great Western , 60 i , 61 ; Lancaster and Carlisle , 67 , 70 j Ditto , Thirds , 5 J , 6 J ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 88 * . 89 ; JLondon and Blackball , 7 , 7 i ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 101 , 10 S ; London and North-Westernt 100 , 100 i ; London and South-Western , 94 , 95 ; Manchester , Sheffield , and Lincolnshire , 2 SJ , 28 f ; Metropolitan , 5 . i dis ; Midland , 7-ii , 75 ; Ditto , Birmingham and Derby , 43 , 45 ; Newport , Ab ? r £ avenny , and Hereford , 13 J , 13 ?; North British , 34 , 85 ; North Eastern ( Berwick ) , 77 , 78 ; Ditto , Extension , 64 , 5 f dis . ; Ditto , Great North Eastern Purchase , 3 i . 3 dis .: Ditto , Leeds , 151 , 16 ; Ditto , York , 54 * . 55 i ;
North Staffordshire , 61 , 5 s ; Oxford , Worcester , and Wolverhampton , 28 , 28 ; Scottish Central , 103 , 105 ; Scottish Midland , 75 , 77 ; South Devon , 14 J , 15 i ; South Eastern ( Dover ) . 70 , 71 ; South Wales , 71 , 73 ; Vale of Neath , 19 , 20 ; West Cornwall , 6 . } , 7 j ; Antwerp land Rotterdam , 8 i , 8 J ; Bombay and Baxoda , li , If ; Dutch . . Rhenish .. 1 , 1 J pni . ; Eastern of . Fraiico ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 41 f , 421 ; Bast ludian , 225 ,, 23 i ; Ditto , "Extension , 22 J , 2 S ; Grand Trnnk Of Cauada , A" issue , 11 , 10 dis .: Ditto , ditto , 14 , 15 ; Great Central of France , 9 i , 9 | pm . ; Great Indian Peninsula , 21 J , 22 i ; Great Luxembourg , ' 54 , 6 gi Ditto-Obligations , Si , 3 f ; Great Western of Canada , 264 , 26 f -, Northern of France , 44 i , 4 if ; Sambro and Meuse , llf , llj ; Brazil Imperial , 3 iM \ St . John del Rey , 25 , 27 ; CobreCopper , 63 . 65 ; Great Polgooth , 1 , 1 ; Great Wheat ¦ Vor , 1 , 0 $ dis . ; Linares , 7 J , 7 iv-Nouveau Monde , i , f ; Pontcibaud , 11 , 12 \ Port Philip , l . ii Santiago do Cuba , 25 . 3 i ; Waller , i . i .
A "Gaixebt Of Xhe East" Is To Be Opened ...
A " Gaixebt of xhe East" is to be opened to the public on Monday next at Mr . Wyld's " Great Globe . " The collection embraces the arms , costumes , & c . of the nations inhabiting the lands between Bulgaria and Afghanistan . The extent Qf countries embraced , and the pictilresqueness and singularity of the manners and habits of the races , will render the exhibition of interest .
Cornmakket. Mark-Lane, Friday, May 9,185...
CORNMAKKET . Mark-lane , Friday , May 9 , 1850 . THERE has been only a small supply of English Wheat and moderate of Foreign , since our last report . The attendance ; b day is hot largo ; but though the demand is confined to the supply of immediate wants , Monday ' s rates are fully maintained . With moderate supplies of Barley and Oats tho trade in bath is slow ,, without , alteration in pricos . Beans and Peas ilrin , and tho tura in favour of tho seller .
British Funds For. The Past Week. (Closi...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR . THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Pkices . ) Sat . ! Mon . 'Tues . Wed . Thur . Frid . Bank Stock 210 i 211 210 & 210 211 211 3 por Cont . Rod » IS OH 1 ) 18 01 | 01 J » lf 3 per Cent . Con . An . 92 i « a » 3 93 93 92 } Consols for Account 02 J 02 } 02 S 03 * . 033 924 NuwSpcrCcnt . An . OlJ » 2 J 92 92 * 92 * 91 J New 24 per Cents 75 * 75 * Long Aiih . 18 C 0 3 3-16 3 i 3 * 3 3-l (> J * India Stock 1 227 22 !) ...... Ditto Bonds , JCLODi ) 5 d yd 7 d 5 d Ditto , under / tflOOl ) 10 d Od Ex . Bills , - £ 100 « 7 d 4 d « d 4 d 3 d par Ditto , X 500 lp « d - i Ditto , Small Od 2 < l 4 d 1 d j par
Foreign" Funds. (Ij-\Si Orkicrai. Qtrota...
FOREIGN" FUNDS . ( Ij- \ si OrKicrAi . QtroTATiox i > ukino the Week kndiko FlUl > AY UVKNINO . ) Brazilian Bonds 98 * Portugese 4 por Contn . ... Buenos Ayvos ( I p-Cents ... Russian Bonds , D por Chilian 0 por Gouts l « li Cents Chilian 3 per Oonts
Ro Yal Olympic Theatre.— Iichhoc Mr- Ai.Va.Iid Wioan.
RO YAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . — IiCHhoo Mr- Ai . va . iiD Wiqan .
Monday , and iluriiiK tho woek , will bo proHontod for tho first ttmo a \ w \ r mid oiiKinttl ltomaniio Drama cj """} RKTIUHUTION . Principal characters by M < war . s . Alfred WiKftn Emery , O . VIhUik . Ii « sH « , O . . Murray , FratikH ; Miss Mnrston ami MImh Horbort ( her llrsfc appenranco ) . 'lo conclndo with STAY AT ilOMld . Chamotortiliy Mowth . O . Vlnliiff . JSmery , F . Viuing , O . Murray , Leslie , Whlto ; MlHsea Hromrov , Totiimi ; and Mrs . Stirling . Commence nt Ilalf-) aat , Hovtin .
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , 4 , Coventry-street , Leicester-square . Open ( for gentlemen only ) from Ten till Terr , containing upwards of one thousand models and preparations illustrating every part of the Human frame in health and'disease , the race of men & o . Lectures delivered at Twelve , Two , Four , and at Half-Cast Seven , bv Dr ^ G . Sexton , F . RlG . S . ; and a new and ighly-iriteresting Series of Lectures is now in course of delivery by Dr . Kahn , at Half-past Eight every evening . — Admission Is .
rpHIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PAINTJ- INGS by Modern Artists of the FRENCH SCHOOL is NOW OPEN to the Public , at the GALLERY , 121 , PALLMALL . Admittance Is ., Catalogues 6 d . B . TRODSHAM , Secretary .
TO PERSONS VISITING LONDON . C POPPLE'S Private Hotel , 29 , Arundel Street , Strand , combines every comfort with moderate charges—Omnibuses for all parts pass the end of the street every five minutes . Private sitting rooms for Families—Bed and Breakfast , 3 s . 6 d . per day .
SI SAL CIGARS , SISAL CIGARS , at GOOD RICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established 1780 ) , 4 / 67 , Oxford-street , London , near Boho-square . —Box , containing 14 fine Sisal Cigars , for Is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra : lb . boxes , containing 109 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . " A large stock of the most approved Brands .
SCH WEPPE'S MALVEKN SELTZER WATER . Having leased the Holy Well Spring at Malverii , renowned for its purity , J . S . and Co . can now produce a SELTZER WATER with all the CHEMICAL and MEDICINAL properties which have rendered the Nassau Spring so celebrated . They continue Manufacturing SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE , at LOTHJON , LIVERPOOL . BRISTOL , and DERBY . Every bottle is protected hy a Red Label bearing their signature .
FOR CLEARING the VOICE , and RELIEVING the HEART and LUNGS , no medicine is equal to DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . N . W . Thomas , Druggist , Fowey , January 6 ;—" I do not approve of Patent Medicines generally , but in respect to Dr . Locock's Pulmonic Wafers , I recommend them strongly , and from experienco can vouch for their efficacy in clearing tho voice , and easing the action of the lungs . Their sedative qualities in diseases of the heart are also great , without irritation or the symptoms incident to tho use of opium and other usual remedies . " THEY HAVE A MOST PLEASANT TASTE . Prioo Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and lie . por box . Sold by all druggists .
BL AIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . This preparation ia one of the bonedts which the " science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind , for , during tho first twenty years of the present century , to apeak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance—but now thooflioacy and safety of this modioino is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in everyrank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of tho most important discoveries of the present age . Sold by PROTJT and HARSANT , 229 , Strand , London , and all Modioino Vendors . Price Is . lid . and 2 s . 9 d . per box .
tin the High Court of Chancery . TRIESEMAll . —On the 29 th of May , 1855 , an Injunction was granted by the High Court of Chancery , and on tho 11 th of Juno following wag made perpetual , against Josoph Franklin aud others , to restrain them , under a penalty or 1 . 000 Z .. from imitating this medicine , which is protected by Royal Letters Patent of England , and Hecurod by the seals of the Bcolo de Pharmacie de Paris . and tho Imperial Collogo of Medicine , Vienna . Triosemar . No . l , is a remedy for Relaxation , Spermatorrhoea , and all tho distressing consequences arising from early abuse , Ac ., and its effects arc oHlcacioiis in youth , manhood , and old ago ; and to those persons who aro prevented ontorinp tho married stato from tho results of oarly crroru it is invaluable . Tricsomar , No . 2 , ofTectually , in tho short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capaivi and cuboba have so long been thought au antidotu for , to tho ruin of the health of a vast portion of tho population . Trioscniar . No . 3 , la tho great Continental remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treats with mercury , to tho inovitablo destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and which all tho narsaparilla in tho world cannot remove . : ¦ Triosomar , Nob . l , 2 , and 3 , aro alike devoid or taatoor smoll , and of all nauseating qualities . They may lay on the toilet tablo without tholr ubo being suspected . —TrloBomar , Nob . 1 , 2 , 3 , aro sold in tin cases , prico lls ., or four oaaes in one for 33 s ., which saves lls , ; and in Hi . casos , whereby , there is a waving of 11 . 12 s ; divided into ftoparato doses , as administered by Valpuau , Lalloinand , Roux , Ac . 1 ¦ To be 1 had 1 wholesale and retail in London , of Johnson , 68 , Oomhill ; Ilannay and Co .. 53 . Oxford-street ; and , flangor . , X 6 Q . Oxfprd- » treet { It . II . Inghani , druggist , 40 , Markpt-atroot ; , Manchestor i H . Hradbnry , bookseller , PoanBgate . BoHon ; J . Priestly , cnemiHt , 62 , Lord-street , Llvorpool -, Powell , booksoller , lft . Woatmorolaiid-stroot , PubUn ; Winnall , bookaellor , Hfeh- » trootr / Uirmingham .
Leader (1850-1860), May 10, 1856, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10051856/page/21/