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]y£AY 10, 1856,] THE LEADER. 455
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]Y£Ay 10, 1856,] The Leader. 455
] y £ AY 10 , 1856 , ] THE LEADER . 455
5 THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LEAGUE : To obtain the Opening of the British Museum and other "National Institutions on Sunday ; also , tho Repeal of the fiw which compels the Closing of the Crystal Palace and other Collections of an Instructive Character on that Day . President : — Sir J . WALMSLEY , M . P . Centkax . Committee Room : — Lancaster House , 2 , Duke-street , Adelphi . To advance the efforts already made by the League , it is nrotjosed to distribute tracts , to deliver lectures , and eenerallv to popularise the Sunday Question ; the Committee therefore make this appeal for support in their eneav ' List of Donations already received . j £ a . d . J . Ball , Esq ., M . P 1 1 0 T . H- Bastard , Esq 1 1 0 W . S . Burton , Esq J J J J . F . Clark , Esq Inn Ditto ( Second donation ) 5 0 u Henry Constable , Esq .. 1 1 0 Robert Cox , Esq I 0 0 S . D . Darbishire , Esq 2 2 0 * Sir William Domville , Bart 5 5 0 James G . Domville , Esq 10 0 * W . H . Domville , Esq 0 10 0 Miss Domville x 1 2 D . M'Donnell , Esq 110 William Dunville , Esq 1 0 0 William Duthie , Esq ¦ 1 J » Dr . Thomas Evans , M . D 11 ? J . H . Farrer . Esq f 2 0 Sir John Gardiner , Bart r ™ X T . F . Gibson , Esq J } J > Peter Graham , Esq 1 1 X L . Heyworth , Esq ., M . P 1 0 0 S ^^^^ : " ::: r :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * 10 S Mrs . Jane Lewis J J 2 Sir Charles Ly ell 1 -. 1 £ Lieut-Col . Lyell ? ? S Gilbert Pouncey , Esq . o i n C . E . Rawlins , Esq ., Jun „ S a W . Scholefield , Esq . M . P ? f X George Schlotel , Esq » o 2 Sir J . V . Shelley , Bart ., M . P ' ' J Octavius Smith , Esq 10 , ® « John Turner , Esq 2 10 0 * R W 6 0 0 Mrs . Warren " . ' ! . " . ' .. ' . ' . ¦ * } ° , W . A . Wilkinson , Esq ., M . P g 2 0 Norman Wilkinson , Esq « . «> , •» « W . Wright , Esq ? ^ 2 James Yates , Esq J , " x Aahton Yates , Esq ~ ? 9 ° F . Z . ( perSirW . DomvUle ) ~ 5 0 0 Those marked thus (*) have also distributed Pamphlets and Tracts in favour of the League at their own expense . Now publishing , price One Penny , ~ No . I . of THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LEAGUE RECORD . Office , 14 , York-street , Covent Garden ; and may be had of all booksellers .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Roj'al Charter , 18 ' 17 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank , Adelaide , at par . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with all tho Australian Colonies conducted through the Bank ' s Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 51 % Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , May 1 , 1856 .
T * HE CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY . JL The Woodbury Park Estate , Tunbridge-wells , West Kent , will bo allotted at the Ollicos , No . 33 , Norfolk-street , Strand , London , on Wednesday , May 21 . Valuable plots on tho Estates at Brighton , Malvcrn , St . Margaret ' s , Weybridge , Forest-hill , Tottenham , & c , aro now on sale . On payment of one-eighth of tho prico of each plot , tho remaining seven-eighths of tho purchase-money may bo borrowed from tho Society ; tho loan repayments being at tho rate of 10 s . for every plot , costing 52 £ . 4 s . Cd . Plans of Estates , prico ( id . or 7 d . by post , will bo auly forwarded , and prospectuses , frco of charge . CHARLES LEWIS GRTJNEISEN , Secretary .
ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the Univorsity of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives privato lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or the houses of his pupils . Ho also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tho most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply by letter to BIr . ARRIVABENE , No . 4 , St Michael ' s-placo , Bromptou .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . W HITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo tho most effective invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel spring ( so often hurtful in its effects ) is hero avoided , a soft Bandngo buiiiR worn round tho body , whllo tho requisite resisting power in supplied by tho Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with ho much ease and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tlio Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) , forwarded by post , ou tho circumference of tho body , two inches below tho hips , being wont to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . E LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VHIN 8 , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS . HPRAIN 8 , Ac . Thoy arc porous , light in toxtiiro , and iiioxpouulvo , and aro dr awn on like nn ordinary stocking . Price l ' roin 7 s . ( 3 d . to 10 a . Postage , fld . Manufactory , 22 B , Piccadilly , London .
Next week will be published , price 10 s . 6 d ., Second Edition , INSTITUTES OF METAPHYSIC : THE THEORY OF KNOWING AND BEING . By J . F . FERRIER , A . B ., Oxon-, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy , St . Andrews . Wixiiam Biackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London
PROFESSOR WILSON'S WORKS , Edited by his Son-in-law , PROFESSOR FERRIER . This day is published , price 6 s ., NOCTES AMBROSIAN / E . FOURTH AND CONDLUDING VOLUME , With a Glossary and Index . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
Just published , Vol . II ., fcap ., 8 vo ., price 5 s ., THE ANNALS of ENGLAND ; an Epitome of English History , from Contemporary " Writers , the Rolls of Parliament , and other Public Records . London : J . H . & J- Parker , Oxford ; and 377 , Strand .
Now ready , with Maps and Diagrams , 4 to ., price 12 s ., MEMOIR ON THE CHOLERA AT OXFORD in the Tear 1854 ; with Considerations suggested by the Epidemic . By HENRY W . ACLAND , M . D ., F . R . S ., F . R . G . S ., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians , Lee ' s Reader in Anatomy , Radcliffe Librarian , Physician to the Radcliffe Infirmary , and to the Oxford Board of Health in 1854 , & c . London : John Churchill , and John Henry and James Paeker . Oxford : John Henry and James Parker .
Just published , price 3 d ., or post free 4 d ., N " o . III . of A MANUAL of BRITISH BUTTERFLIES and MOTHS . By H . T . STAINTON , Editor of " Tho Entomologist ' s Annual . " To be completed in about Thirty Monthly Numbers . London : John Van Vooest , 1 , Paternoster-row . -
This day is published , One Volume , post 8 vo , price 5 s ., WHAT IS TRUTH ? or , Revelation its own Nemesis . Second Edition , revised and enlarged . London : John Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand
MUDIES SELECT UBRARY . ALL the Best New Works may be had in succession from this extensive Library by every subscriber of One Guinea per Annum . The preference is given to works of History , Biography , Religion , Philosophy , and Travel ; tho best works of Fiction are also freely added . Prospectuses may bo obtained on application . Charles Edward Mudie , 510 , Now Oxford-street , London ; and 76 , Cross-street , Manchester . CHEAP BOOKS . SECOND-HAND COPIES of Afacaulay ' s " England , " Vols . III . and IV . ; " Memoirs of Sydney Smith ; " Doran ' s "Queens of tho House of Hanover ; " Lillicsleai ; " " Westward Ho ! " and many other works of the past and present season are now on sale at MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . List of Prices may bo obtained on application . CirARLKS Edward Mudie . ( 510 , New Oxford-strcot , London ; and 70 , Cross-street , Manchester .
<•<> - \ TOO ; " and Other Poems . By BEELJL ZEBUB . Fcap . 8 vo , Cs . ; cloth gilt , extra . Prco by post on receipt of tho amount in postage stamps . London : E . Townsend , Hamdlin , 421 , Oxi ' ord-strect , and all Booksellers .
NEW WORK BY DR . WILSON OF MALVERN . Second Edition . rpiIE WATER CURE ; ITS PRINCIPLES X AND PRACTICE . A Guide in tho Treatment of Chronic Disease . With authenticated Cases of Cure . " Wo honestly recommend this book to any person who desires by a trustworthy guido , to learn something of Hydropathy . Tho medical teaching is sound , and tho book abounds in valuable practical hints on diet , digestion , Ac —Examiner . ,. , , , . T / "There is sound Philosophy in hid medical teaching . . l >> is a system of euro which no ono can gainsay iii principle , and it has worked almost miracles in practice . —Literary " A * roi ' narkablo work , full of philosophical suKKCstion . for the non-professional . A book that will hvo . '—Mr A- Mulwor Lytton . Mart ., M . I' . London : J . Cnuuoiiii . r ,, 11 , New Burlington-stroot ; Malvcrn : II . Lamm .
DR . WILSON'S WATER CURE ESTAJJLISHMENT , GREAT MALVERN , contains every rcquiHllo lor Sixty Invalids , and was V ^ 'V' ^ J' ^ TOvA * for his Patients . It has now appended to it a UXMJNAK 1 UM for tho Swedish system of' MEDICAL GYMNASTICS under a Professor from jlorliu . It may bo used alone or in conjunction witli tho Water Cure . For a Prospectus , apply to Dr . Wilson .
Just published , prico 2 a ., post free 2 s . « d ., A N ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; its J . \ Naturo and Treatment , with an exposition p tho Frauds that nro practised by perHous who advertise tho upoody , Mifo . and effectual cure of Nervous DornnKoniont . By A MUMBIJR OF Til H ROYAL COLLI'XJE OF I'll YHIOIANS , London . London : W . Kknt and Co ., 51 and 02 , Patornontor-row . '
THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE : ITS PEOPLE , INSTITUTIONS , AND RESOURCE ! By Baron VON HAXTHAUSEN , Author of " Transcaucasia /* Ac-Translated and issued under the immediate sanction of th Author . 2 vols . 8 vo . 283 . [ This da TRAVELS IN THE SANDWICH Ml SOCIETY ISLANDS . By S . S . HILL , Author of " Travels in Siberia , " & c . Post 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . [ This daj ANALYSIS OF ORNAMENT . THE CHARACTERISTICS OF STYLES ; AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE HISTORY O ] ORNAMENTAL AST . By RALPH N . WORNTTM . In royal 8 vo , with numerous Illustrations . 8 s . [ This day THE BORDER LANDS OF SPAIN ; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF A VISIT TO THE REPUBLIC OF ANDORRE . Post 8 vo . 10 s , 6 d . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
Recently published , in 2 vols . 8 vo , price 21 s . cloth , " D EFORMERS before the REFORMATION , IX principally in GERMAN Y and the NETHERLANDS . Depicted by Dr . C . ULLMANN . Translated by the Rev , ROBERT MENZIES . . „ , _ ., , " We hail this accession to our Ecclesiastical Literature with unfeigned satisfaction . "—JBritish and Foreign Evangelical Revi & w . , _ Edinburgh : T . and J . Cuurk . London : Hazhiltobs and Co .
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Just ready , price Is ., THE UNITED STATES : THEIR CONSTITUTION and POWER , containing a popular summary of the Naval and Military forces of the Union , as well as the American idea of Defence . By CHARLES BROWNE , Author of " Life of Southey . " London : Kent & Co ., Paternoster-row .
NEW EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY % M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Actuary to tho Western Assurance Society . Office , 3 , Parliament-street Westminster . Fourth Edition , 5 s . —( 2 s . 6 d . to Members of Friendly Societies ) . HPREATISE on LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIEX TIES , FRIENDLY SOCIETIES , and SAVINGS BANKS , with a Mathematical Appendix and Tables , and Model Rules for FRIENDLY SOCIETIES . Second Edition , 10 s . Cd ., rpREATISE on INDUSTRIAL INVESTJ _ MENT and EMIGRATION , with Tables , and a Mathematical Appendix ( ou tho doctrine of Compound Infcrest tho Deposit System of Savings Banks and Life-Ollicos , Tontine Association , Ac ); and Model Ruloa for BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES . Third Edition , 5 a ., TREATISE on the ENFRANCHISEMENT JL and IMPROVEMENT of COPYHOLD and LIFELEASEHOLD PROPERTY ; with Tables , Model Rules lor FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETIES , and a Mathematical Appendix on Life Contingency Valuations ; with Remarks on Church Property and the Transfer of Land . Second . Edition , Is ., MODEL RULES for EMIGRATION SOCIETIES [ being tho Appendix to tho " Prudent Man" ( or How to Acquire Land , and Bequeath Monoy . by means of co-operation ) , by . Wjj-iiam linivcuca . Kan Secretary to tho Friendly Societies' Institute , 23 , Pall Mai ) , LondonJ . WESTERN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , ii , Parliament-street , Westminster . ESTAULISirKl ) , A . D ., 1842 . Various special advantages offered to Assurers and Annuitants . Every information may bo obtained from A . SURA TO 11 LEY , M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Actunry . Active Agents wanted .
. lust published , pout free , two stamps , with prescriptions in English QUACKERY UNMASKED . Its Extortions , ImpoHitioriH , and Docoptionn fully explained . By JOHN HUTTON , M . R . C . S . OL'INIONS OF THE PRESS : " Tho fiuthor has conferred a ( treat boon on Buttering humanity by layinK bare tho HcanS » loue practices of iier » - riolw wivonturijrii . who advertise to cure Sitwaaea of which "'^ rirrovi ' uSTo ^ u ^ udB . to whom wo recommend "" A ^ drcHS , Dr . BUTTON , 15 , Frederick-place , Ooswoll-road , London .
Leader (1850-1860), May 10, 1856, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10051856/page/23/