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886 ;THE LEADER. [Saturday ,
Cnramminl HASms..'
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Laht Ofi'ioiai. Quotatio...
D:il. JCAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM", cons ' mting of more thim 700 Models, is Now Open, at tho PORTLAND GALLERY", Regent Street (opposite the Polytechnic), every day except Friday, for Gentlemen only, from Eleven till Five, and from Heven till Ten. On Fridays, however, the Morning Exhibition for Gentlemen will close at Two o'clock, when Ladies only will b(5 admitted until Five o'clock. Explanations lor Gentlemen by Dr. Leach, mid for Ladies by Mrn. Loach.- Admission, One. Shilling.
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A Sight To He Seen! (Dit Kaiin's Museum....
But having given this advice , which we do from the sincerest motives , we will add to it advice on the way in winch the opportunity should be used that real profit may result . " You should first carefully read some popular work on physiology ( at this moment we can Only think of the one published by the Useful Knowledge Society , and one by the Messrs . Chambers in their Educational Course , but there are doubtless several ); having done so , a long visit" or two to Dr . Kahn ' s rooms will give definite precision to your ideas of structure , and furnish a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy , such as no plates can give . This done , there still remainsthe far less accessible , and yet equally interesting subject of Embryology —a subject better illustrated in this Museum than in any other place we can name . There are seventy-seven preparations , and nearly one hundred wax models , besides several engravings . In popular works on Physiology , an absurd prejudice has unwarrantably excluded almost
everything but vague generalities on the subject of the Embryo and ' t development ; you will therefore find yourself in a diffioulty with S ? these specimens . But Dr . Kahn here comes to your assistance . He L published an Atlas of the Formation of ' -the Human Boty , contain ™ sixty figures , and brief letter-press explanations . This work , which vof may either buy in the Museum itself , or at Mr . Churchill , the publisher ' s previous to your visit , will , after a little attention , enahle you to understand enough of the subject to give your visit a keen Interest and also to enable you to read more scientific and detailed works . ' The course we suggest is a little more serious than what i s de manded by other Exhibitions , but one week of moderate study , an d three or four visits to the Museum , will give such a general and precise concep tio n of the structure and functions of man ' s wondrous organis m as will be a " possession for all time , " an acquisition for life .
886 ;The Leader. [Saturday ,
886 ; THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
Health Of London During The Week. The De...
HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . The deaths registered in London , during the week ending Saturday , September 3 rd , numbered 1029 , whilst the average of the corresponding weeks for the last ten years , not including the cholera in 1849 , was 950 . The mortality little exceeds the average raised in the same proportion as the increase of population . Cholera was fatal to 16 persons , viz ., 12 children and 4 adults . In the last 8 weeks from the week ending 16 th July , 3 , 6 , 9 , 4 , 19 , 10 , 18 , and 10 , deaths from cholera were registered . Diarrhoea in the same period was fatal to 54 , 73 , 81 , 110 , 139 , 126 , 137 , 152 persons , and shows a tendency to increase . The deaths from typhus , which in the preceding week were 37 , rose last week to 48 ; scarlatina has increased from 18 in the previous week to nearly double that number , namely , 32 deaths in the last week . The tubercular diseases and those of the heart and bloodvessels show but little variation in the mortality from that of the former week . 5 persons died in childbirth , 123 from consumption , 4 from aneurism , 4 from delirium tremens , and 2 from intemperance . Of the 1029 persons whose deaths are recorded , 520 were children under 15 years of age , 317 of the age of 15 to 60 , and 191 of the age of 60 years and upwards . The births in the week were 1582 , or 653 more than the deaths . At the Royal Observatory , Greenwich , the mean height of the barometer in the week was 29-732 in . The mean temperature of the week was 55 * 7 degs ., which is 3 * 3 degs . below the average of the same week in 38 years . The highest temperature of the week was 70 * 2 degs . on Tuesday ; the lowest was 45 -0 degs . on Saturday . The wind blew from the west and south-west during the first five days of the week , and from the north for the remainder : its horizontal movement averaged 13 0 miles a day . More than an inch of rain fell during the week ; of this large quantity for the season nearly half an inch fell on Thursday .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 21 st of August , at the City Prison , Camden-road , Holloway , the wife of Georgo Wright , Esq ., Royal Navy , governor : a son . On the 29 th , at'Shute-house , Devon , the wife of Temple West , Esq ., late Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel Grenadier Guards : a daughter . On the 3 rd of September , at Eamsgate , the wife of the Rev . Charles Carus Wilson : a son . On the 4 th , atStaekpolo-eourt , ViseountessEml y n : a daughter . On the 5 th , at Mount Craig , Ross , Herefordshire , tho wife of Bellingham Barnard Hankey , Esq .: a daughter . On tho 5 th , at Barwell , Leicestershire , tho wife of Major Pearson : a daughter . On the 7 th , at 18 , Savilo-row , Itnrlington-gardcns , the wife of Joseph Toynbee , Esq ., F . R . S .: a daughter . MARRIAGES . On tho 1 st of September , at Sydney-lodge , Edinburgh , John Ruthcrfurd Russell , Esq ., M . D ., to Georgina Isabella , only surviving daughter of . Sir David Maxwell , Bart ., of Cardoncss . On tho lHt , at Catslleld , Richard Thomas Leo , Esq ., of Grovehall , Yorkshire , to Louisa Elizabeth , 'daughter of tho late Lieutenant-GoneralSir Andrewl'ilkington , of Catsfield-pliiee , Sussex . On tho 1 st , in tho parish church of Lea , Portarlington , tho Rev . J . W . Benn , incumbent of St . Paul's , Portarlington , to Maria Louisa , daughter of tho Into Major-General Hamilton , C . B ., and tho Hon . Mrs . Hamilton . On tho 1 st , at Trinity Church , Chelsea , John Tenniel , Esq ., to Julia , daughter of tho late Julius Giani , Esq . On tho 6 th , at St . Mary's Chapol , Hamilton , John Boyle , Esq ., foarrister-at-law , third son of the late Right lion . David Boyle , of Showalton , to Jane , second daughter of Thoodro Walrond , Esq ., of Caldor-park , Lanarkshire . On tho ( fth , at Hartlebury Church , Herbert Richard Peel , Esq ., second son of tho Very Rev . tho Dean of Worcester , to Goorgiana Maria , only daughter of the Kev . Thomas Baker , rector of Ilurl . lobury , and honorary canon of Worcester . On tho Oth , at St . George's , Hanover-square , tho Rev . William L . Fioldon , third son of Joseph Fielder , Esq ., of Wit . ton-house , Lancashire , to ( he Hon . J . Elizabeth St . Clair , youngeHtdaughter of tho Right . Hon . Lord Sinclair . On the Oth , at St . George ' s , Jfaiiover-sqiinro , Captain Arthur dimming , R . N ., son of ( Jcncrsil tin- Henry Cumining , Colonol of the Twelfth Royal Lancers , to Adelaide , daugliter of Charles Stuart , Esq ., of . Norfolk-street , Piirlc-Luno . DEATHS . On tho 1 st of floptembor , at . ltruOHels , Lieutonant-General Sir Neil Douglas , K . O . B . and K . O . H ., Colonel of her Majesty's Bovonly-oighth Highlanders . On the 1 st , at 17 , I ' nrk-eroseent , George Lyall , Esq ., formerly M . P . for the city of London . On tho 2 nd , aged thirty-six , Anna , the beloved wife of Thomas Phitt , of Burtou-eroHOoiit , and of Lincoln's-iiin , Ksq ., barriHternt-law . . ¦ . On * tho 2 nd , at . Wrothani-piirk , Francos Kli / . ahotli , only child of Viscount and . Viscountess Torrington , aged eighteen . On tho JJrcl , at Iridgo-placo , Hiishox , Mir i ' ockhiun B . S . Mioklolhwait , in bin sixty-eighth year . On the 3 rd , in Inn Heveiil y-ninth year , Ohiirlos Linton , Knq ., of the Royal Navy , one of the medical odieei-H who attended itti the battle " of Trafalgar , in Codringl . on ' n ship the Orion . On theard , at Brighton , the Uev . Henry , 1 . Lloyd , Rector of Bcilatlyn , Shropshire , youngest sou of tho lute I'Vancm Lloyd , Maq ., of Domgay , iind ' M . J ' . for the county of Montgomery . On the 4 th , at 10 , OhoHhiim-plaeo , Eleanor Sophia , the wife of the Hon . and ltov . William H . Hcott . On the nth , at hm residence , King Edward'n-roud ,, South Hackney , the Rev . l <\ A . Cox , D . I > ., LL . I ) ., aged . seventy . On the 7 th , at Wostwood-hall , Hlail ' orduhiro , Lioutonant-Co-Jonol Powyu . j a hiu lMty-nintk yowr .
Cnramminl Hasms..'
Cnramminl HASms .. '
Money Market And City Intelligence, Frid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE , Friday Evening , September 9 , 1853 . There has not been so great and general depression as occurred on Thursday last , for some time past . Consols fell to 96 J -J ; Great Western Stock , 84 j at i x . d . , Birmingham Stock , 106 \ -7 ; London and South Western , 80 J 1 ; London and Brighton , 100 99 £ . French Stock experienced a like fall , Paris and Strasbourg being quoted at one time at 36 J : and Paris and Lyons , 26 £ . A reaction , however , occurred later in the day , and the markets closed at advanced prices . The great fall on that day had been preceded during the week by a gradual decline in Funds and Stock . Consols were settled for the last account at 97- £ , the bears receiving as much as $ contango for carrying over to the next account on the 13 th October . Heavy money sales of Consols have been reported , effected , and very likely have been a cause of the fall noticed . The Gold Mining and Land Markets have been nearly deserted , and apparently only in speculative Stock has much business been transacted . The market opened yesterday with an improved appearance , Consols quoted at 96 | £ , afterwards 96 jj to 96 $ , and closing at 96 J and * for money , and 96 f for account 13 th October ; Exchequer Bills , 2 dis . and 1 pm . ; Caledonians , 64 j and 64 f ; Cork and Bandon , 18 , 19 ; Eastern Counties , 12 g , 13 |; East Lancashire , 70 % and 7 l £ ; Great Northern , 79 , 80 x . d . ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 108 , 110 ; Great Westerns , 84 | , 85 J ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 72 % and £ ; London and Blackwall , 8 J , -Jx . d . ; London and Brighton , 99 , 100 ( done at 994 ) ; London and North Western , 106 £ , 107 £ ; London and South Western , 81 , 2 ( done at 81 f ); Midland , 65 J , 66 i x . d . ; North London , 50 , 53 x . d . and x . n . ; North Western , 8 , 8 £ ; Oxford , Worcester , and . Wolverhampton , 45 J , 46 $ ; South Eastern , 66 f , 67 i ; -York , Newcastle , and Berwick , 67 to 68 x . d . ; York and North Midland , 5 3 ^ , 5 4 ^ . Consols shaky , and bears holding on . Foreign Shares , last prices : —Beziers and Graesssesac , i dia . par . ; Dijon and Be " sanc , on , H , 2 J pm . ; Grand Junction France , 2 « , I ; Grand Trunk Upper Canada , and Shares and Bonds , 5 and 3 dis . ; Great Central France , 1 £ and If pm . ; Northern of France , 34 J , 35 £ ; Paris and Lyons , 27 £ , f ; Paris and Strasbourg , 37 § ( business done at 37 and £ , and 6 | : Great Eastern France , § and £ pm . ; Upper India Scrip , par and J pm ., Western of France , 9 j , 9 J pm . Land Shares still lower than last week : —Australian Agricultural , 31 , 33 ; South Australian Land , 34 , 36 ( done at 35 and 34 ) ; Van Dieman's Land , 16 , 17 ( done at 16 J ) . CORN MARKET . Mark Lane , Friday , September 9 , 1853 . Notwithstanding largo arrivals of wheat and oats , tho trade remains firm . Barley is scarce , and Is . dearer .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closik...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closiko Piticits . ) Satur . Mond . Tuex . Wcdn . Thtim . Fritl . Bank Stock 227-J 227 220 } 220 3 per Cent . Red Oft * 0 H £ 07 J 07 J 974 3 porCent . Con . Ans . 97 £ 97 * 97 J 97 $ 00 J Consols for Account ... 07 § 97 * 97 } 97 07 3 } per Cent . An 100 J- 100 J 100 J 100 J 09 J Now Cpor Cents Long Ans ., 1860 C 9-10 515-16 fig India Stock 25 « 2 M \ 250 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 10 13 Ditto , under . € 1000 13 12 Ex . Bills , £ 1000 lp lp : i'l lp 2 d Ditto , £ 500 2 d Id 3 d lp 2 d Ditto , Small 2 ( 1 Id 3 d 1 p 2 d
Foreign Funds. (Laht Ofi'ioiai. Quotatio...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Laht Ofi'ioiai . Quotation nuuiNo thk Wkik enbino Tjiukhbay Evknino . ) Brazilian , Small 101 i Spanish 3 p . Cts . NewDef . 22 f Graiuida Deferred ' >? Spanish Com . Cortit . of Mexican 3 p . Cents 2 !> l Coupon not fundod ... 0 J Peruvian 4 J per Cents .... H 2 Swedish Loan () 4 Portuguese 4 per CentH . 1 i \ Dutch 2 £ - per Cents 043 Russian 4 J per Cents . ... 101 | Dutch 4 per Cent . Certif . » HJ
D:Il. Jcahn's Anatomical Museum", Cons ' Mting Of More Thim 700 Models, Is Now Open, At Tho Portland Gallery", Regent Street (Opposite The Polytechnic), Every Day Except Friday, For Gentlemen Only, From Eleven Till Five, And From Heven Till Ten. On Fridays, However, The Morning Exhibition For Gentlemen Will Close At Two O'Clock, When Ladies Only Will B(5 Admitted Until Five O'Clock. Explanations Lor Gentlemen By Dr. Leach, Mid For Ladies By Mrn. Loach.- Admission, One. Shilling.
D : il . JCAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM " , eons ' mting of more thim 700 Models , is Now Open , at the PORTLAND GALLERY " , Regent Street ( opposite the Polytechnic ) , every dny except Friday , for Gentlemen only , from Eleven till Five , and from Heven till Ten . On Fridays , however , the Morning Exhibition for Gentlemen will close at Two o ' clock , when Ladies only will b ( 5 admitted until Five o'clock . Explanations lor Gentlemen by Dr . Leach , and for Ladies by Mi'H . Leach .- Admission , One Shilling .
AZTEC LILLIPUTIANS LAST SIX DAYH IN LONOON , at the Makionicttic Tiucatuis , Lowther Arcade , Htraud , tut they leave for the Provinces on Saturday , Sept . 17 th . All who have not Keen these Extraordinary Beings the New Itaeo of People hitherto unknown or supposed to be fabulous—lose no time , they are tho'Wondcrs of ( lie Human Creation , having no resemblance to anything on Earth but tlui Heulpturos of Nineveh , Egypt , and Central America . Open every Day , from Eleven till One , Three till Five , nnd Seven till Toil . Admission , One Shilling .
ON" SUNDAY MORNING , 11 th September , at Eleven o ' clock , 11 lilfiOTUltH on " The Jdolbreaker , " will lie delivered at tho OXKO 1 M ) ROOMS , ! IO , Oiwtlo fltreet East , Oxford Street , By WILLIAM MACOALL , Author of ' " Tho Auontti of Civilization , " ;
TVFFKTDLT TEXTS and TEXTS MTS JLJ UNDERSTOOD . U ^ To-mokrow Evening , Sept . 11 th , the Eev . WILT tait FORSTER will deliver the Ninth of a Series of Twelve Di courses , at the Temporary Free Christian Church . Hawlev cm " cent , Camden Town . Gal . iii ., 24 . Subject — " Hoses , in the Law and Christ in the GospeL—the successive Schoolmasters of Mankind . " On Sunday Evening , Sept . 18 th , the Tenth of the Series John xvi ., 7 , 15 . Subject— " The Holy Spirit—the meaning of the term , the nature of the influence , and the result of its recep . tion in faithful souls . " v '
MILITARY OR OTHER EDUCATION A MARRIED GENTLEMAN who has been educated at Sandhurst , has passed a first-class examination , and has served in the Army at home and abroad , wishes to receive into his family , ONE or TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN , to educate for College or the Army . References given and required . Apply , by letter , to B . C . A Eldon Chambers , Devereux Court , Temple , or Gothic House , ' Bromley Common , Kent .
MEDICAL EDUCATION " . — A FIRST CLASS MAN in ARTS and MEDICINE has a vacancy for One PUPIL , who will receive the advantage of Private and Class Instruction for the University of London , the Hall and College . He may be Apprenticed or not . Last July all his Pupils were First-class . —W . B . G ., 11 , St . George ' s Villas , Canonbury , Islington .
T ^ DUCATIOJ ^ . — "WANTED , by an Accon > j Ji plished Widow Lady , residing in one of the finest counties iu England , within Fifty Miles of the Metropolis , and in the . neighbourhood of a Railway Station , TWO YOUNG LADIES to EDUCATE with her two daughters , who are aged about twelve years . Most satisfactory references will be given and required . —Address to A . L ., care of Mr . Onwhyn , Bookseller , Catherine-street , Strand .
MEDICAL METEOROLOGY . —F . DAY , Astronomical Meteorologist , respectfullyinforms Medical Gentlemen and Boards of Medical Institutions , that he supplies a Set of Apparatus , adapted to Medical Meteorology , for 9 Guineas . Letters , requiring a reply , should enclose a stamp ; and all orders containing a remittance will receive prompt attention . 18 , Ckaven-steeet , Citx-uoad .
npHE BEST SHOW of IEON BEPX STEADS in the Kingdom is WILLIAM S . BURTON'S . Ho has TWO VERY LARGE ROOMS , which are devoted to the EXCLUSIVE SHOW of Iron and Brass Bedatwida and Children ' s Cots , ( with appropriate Bedding and Ma - tresses . ) Common Iron Bedsteads , from 16 s . 3 d . ; Por ¦ alilo Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s . fid . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , llUeu with dovetail joints and patent sacking , from lfls . frl . ; llI 1 ( Il f ' , ' from 20 s . each . Handsome ornamental Iron and Jirnsa ueu-Bteads , in trreat variety , from £ 2 3 s . to £ 13 13 s . cm-rvw WILLIAM S . BURTON lias TEN LARGE SHOTROOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusive of tho Shop , t ^" " solely to tho flhow of Q 15 NERAL FUBNIsniNG 11 WM MONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel ( direr , p latea , an japanned wares ) , so arranged and classified that puium . may easily und at once make their selections . mnnov Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . m ° ' returned for every articlo not approved of . , ,, 2 Hi ) , OXFORD STREET ( corner of Newman Street ) ; iNoa . * , NEWMAN STREET ; and 4 & 5 , PERRY'S PLAU ' ..
YELLOW SOAP , 308 ., 40 a ., Ma ., and 488 . per 112 lbs . ; Mottled , 50 s . ; Curd 64 s . ; Brown WinI ^ Is . uikI Is . Hd . per pneket ; White Windsor , Is . J « -. Windsor , 9 d . ; Honey , Is . 3 d . Sperm Oil , »»¦ I _ ' ^ di Argund , or Vegetable , 4 s . <) d . ; French , 4 s . ; » o r , Sperm Candles , is . 7 d . and Is . Hd . per 1 b . ; V *> % \ ; $ c , H ., Is . 10 d . ; Best Wax , 2 h . Sd . ; British , In . 6 d . ; J » o "" '„ ,,, Composite , 8 d ., H . ^ ., OJd ., and lOd . ; Store Ci » " « " ™' ( J ) 1 ( l . Moulds , 7 id ., for C . a ' sh / at M . P . DAV 1 KS "" i S ( " « . IistablislHMl Warehouse , < C ) , St . Martm ' fl Lane , Clinimi ,
17 CO . NOMIC FREEHOLD 1 ^ 1 )^ 80-Vj OTA'IMON , ( Enrolled as tho " Economic I on" Hlmr ( ,. ing Society . " ) Shares £ : i 0 each . Entrance 1 ' ee l » -l H \ ] nt « Payments In . per week , with an additional Sixpeiu . . I ^ ( Jll , for Ex-pcMiscH per Quarter , any Subscriptio n . ¦ ' - ">> . oinOte t »» Quart er . The chief object of Huh Association is «> I j ,,., ^ ,,. HocinI IClevation and Political EiifranehiHemeiU . <» ¦ jfitzrt ) y Central Olllee , Literary Institution , ¦ I ( 1 ) !" Molimtor : Of Hnunre . PreHident : William Coning hnm , iw « l- ;¦ " T () 1 ) I 1 Wltavius Leefe , Esq ., »() , W . iW Uond-street ; Surveys- MiiJIolir y liurn Milnen , Ewi ., liorn-roail , Briictoa ; Hetireiaij' A . Ivory , r . 2 , College-pliice , Camd wn . (} pu > cWf XN-tilAUlMA f 10 HTATIC , Situated at Wi orM ( , () lllllti t . to the llonmcy Station of tho Great Northern j \^^ ot . fl ni ; j ing of Eleven " Acres , hus been jiurehased " . " . , „ ., i . nniod "" " ^ will be HliorMy UALhOTlCl ) KOK . 1 ' ersonH jointni , will be eligible to participate in the Hiillot- HuhiK "" " " . , Mode o ? Allotment , by Seniority and , """ 'j '" , " , " ' N «» "'!' Payments in times of illness or . lepression "' " . JiitW ' ' ' » : to i . h ( , number of Sharon to bo hold by any M «»» ^^ « pe . mes not to ox - ceed ! I () s . ji « r ])«< wl , eve ' " »• ' „ , - ,,,, trnn' ¦ parchment ; . KudIi Member charged lro »» the tim , |() llll ( . . Vayments not , inur . mH . ul after the Member w » 1 >( | i ))() » l ¦|) .. p . ) Hil . r «« . 'ivo . l at four per cent per »»««• : Amwio '" j Minors are emmlly eligible to the benettM < M » H jj i ,, ! , t » ' { Me , nl , or » eiu / . m . ol for HI .. u- « h between the "J ^ ,,,. Sj-iirU "" Ten every Tu <« sday lOvening , at the t <" 'J " , i | 0 fcjy crcli " ' /' paitioularo may be obtained on application io '
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 10, 1853, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10091853/page/22/