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982 THE LEADER. [No. 394, October 10.1SS...
H ORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.—GREAT FRUIT EXHIBITION AT WILLIS'S ROOMS, OCTOBER 24. Tickets can now be had at 21, Regent-street, price 2s. eacl to the bearers of Fellows' Ordersor 2s6d-each to the
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982 The Leader. [No. 394, October 10.1ss...
982 THE LEADER . [ No . 394 , October 10 . 1 SS < 7
H Orticultural Society Of London.—Great Fruit Exhibition At Willis's Rooms, October 24. Tickets Can Now Be Had At 21, Regent-Street, Price 2s. Eacl To The Bearers Of Fellows' Ordersor 2s6d-Each To The
/ UtlC KfXZUf «? - AAVTVh 7 V 1 U O & £ 3 j \ JX AO > ^ ^ H ORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON . —GREAT FRUIT EXHIBITION AT WILLIS'S ROOMS , OCTOBER 24 . Tickets can now be had at 21 , Regent-street , price 2 s . eacl t . n thi > honrersaf ! FVllnws' Orrlors . nr 9 jj . firi i » nh + n thn
M / XJ UtlC KfXZUf * «?* . o «** . * . - ^ AAVTVh 7 V 1 . U . O & j JX AO > UUt VttAJLL tU UlfiC public ; and also at 2 s . 6 d . each of Charlwood and Co ., Tavistock-row , Coveat-garden ; Noble aud Co ., 152 , Fleet-Btreet ; Henderson and Co ., Pine Apple-placej E . G . Henderson and Son » Wellington Nursery , St . John ' s-wood !; Hurst and M ' Mullen , 6 , Xeadenhall-street ; Lavvson and Son , 27 , Great George-street , "Westminster ; J . and C . Lee , Hammersmith ; Osbom and Son , Fulhatn ; Veitch and Sou , King ' s-road ; J . "Weeks and Co ., King ' s-road ; "Wrench and Sons , London-bridge . After October 17 , all Tickets will be 2 s . 6 d- each , and on the day - of Exhibition Ss . Cd . . .
/ CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS . — POLYGRAV ^ PHIC HALL , KING WILLIAM-STREET , STRAND —Open every Evening , and , on Saturday , a Morning Entertainment , commencing at Three . —Seats can be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s , 33 , Old Bond-street , and at the Hall . —Admission , Is ., 2 s ., and 3 s . ; commence every evening at Eight .
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . " If progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study thedjseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest on a visit to the well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr , Major , in CockspuTBtreet . Here incipient and chronic , lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonishing , white the efficacy of the remedies , and the quickness of their action . appear to have revolutionised the whole system of firing and blistering . Among the most recent proofs of the cure of Bpavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannolne , the winner of the Metropolitan , and Becond favourite for the Derby , and wno is now as sound as his friends and backers could desire . And by the advertisement of Mr . Major ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures are set forth , which place him at the head of the Veterinary art in London , "—Globe , May 10 , 1856 .
DR . DE JONGH'S lilG-HT-BROWN COD LIVEE , OIL , Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Practitioners -as the most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA GOUT BHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NEURALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE " WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCRo-TULOUS AFFECTIONS . ¦ De . tie TosraH . in recognition of his scientific Tesearches has received from his Majesty the King of the Belgians tEie Knighthood of the Order of Leopold , and the large Gold Medal of Merit ; and from his Majesty the King of tlie Netherlands , a Silver Medal specially struck for the purpose . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long" and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . r > E Jongh ' s Oil . has produced almost immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored health . opinion of A . B . GBAJTVTIiLE , Esq ., Jff . D ., F . R . S . AuViot of " The Spas of ( Germany , " " Tlie Spas of JEn-ff . land , " '' On Sudden Death , " & c . < £ c . " Dr . Granvillo has used Dr . de Jough ' s Light-Brown Cod Xiver Oil extensively in his practice , and has found it not only efficacious , but uniform in its qualities . He believes it to bo preferable in many respects to Oils sold without tlie guarantee of such an authority as Do Jongh . Dr . Gba : n-TTXLE HAS FOUlf X > THAT THIS PAETICUiAK KIND PBODUCMS THE DESIRED EFFECT IN A SHORTER TIME TITAN OTHERS , AND THAT IT DOES TTOT CAUSE THE NAUSEA ASD INDIGESTION TOO OFTEN CONSEQUENT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OB the baxe Newfoundland Oils . Tho Oil being , more over , much more palatable , Dr . Granville ' s patients have themselves expressed a preference for Dr . de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil . " Sold ONLY in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pmts . 4 s . oa . ; Quarts , » s . ; capsuled and labelled with De . de Jongh ' s Stamp and Signature , -without which NONB can possibly BE ( jenuink , toy most respectable Chemists -throughout tho United Kingdom . SOLE BBITISn CONSIGNEES , ANSAR , HAR 1 ? ORD , ACO ., 77 . 8 TRAND . LONDON , \ V . 0 . CAUTION . —Strenuously resist proposed substitutions .
H AIR-CURLING FLUID , 1 , LITTLE QUEEN-STREET , HIGH HOLBORN . — ALEX . ROSS'S CURLING FLUID saves the trouble of putting the hair into papers , or tho use of curling irons ; for immediately it is applied to either ladies' or gentlemen ' s hair a beautiful and lasting curl is obtained . Sold at 8 n . 6 d . Sent freo ( under cover ) for 64 stamps . —ALEX . ROSS'S LIQUID HAIR DYE is of little trouble in application , perfect in effect , and economical in use . Sold at 3 u . Cd . Sent free in a blank wrapper , tho same day as ordered , for 54 stomps . Alex . Ross ' s Depilatory removes superfluous hair from the face , neck , and arms . 8 s . Od . per bottle ; sent free for 54 Btamps ; or to be had of all chemists .
DEAFNESS . —A retired Surgeon , from the Crhnoa having boon restored to perfect hearing by a native physician in Turkey , after fourteen years of groat Buffering from noises in the Ears and extreme DeafnosH , without being able to obtain tho least relief from any Aua-iBt in England , is anxious to communicato to others tho particulars for tho cure of the samo . A book Bout to any part of the world on receipt of six stamps , or tho Author "will apply tho treatment himself , at his residence . Surgeon SAM . U 15 L COLSTON , Member of r . ho Royal College of Sur-Boonu , London . At home from 11 till 4 daily . —G , Lolcoslor-¦ ploce , Iiolceater-squaro , London , whoro thousand !* of lotftora may bo aeon from noraona ourcd .
^¦ ^ ^ ^^ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦ I Mai ^ lMHHM ^ HMHHHaMB ^ BaMiBaaHMaMHMHMWnB ^ m TNDI A . —MOURNING ON CREDIT . — JL Messrs . JAY . of the LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE , are prepared to place all orders on a broad commercial basis , namely , to give the facilities of credit , . and to charge tho lowest passible prices to those families who , in consequence of the late deplorable events in India , may require mourning attire . Orders by post or otherwise attended to in town or country . —The LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE , Nos . 247 , 249 , and 251 , Regent-street . —JAY'S .
THE BULFASTGER , NE W WINTER OVERCOAT , 25 s . to 42 s ., just introduced by B . BENJAMIN " , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Kegent-street , W . Tho OUDE WRAPPER , Registered , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , from 25 s . to 60 s . The PEL 1 SSIER , from 21 s . to 30 s . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS made to order from Scotch , Heather , sin < l Cheviot Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FROCK OOATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOAT . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
lAft And 'CUSTOMERS WANTED . — L \ J \ 7 *\ J \ J \ . / SAUNDEUS BROTHERS ' STATIONERY is'the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . Creamlaid note paper , 2 s . per ream ; black-bordered note , 4 s . ; letter paper , 4 s . ; straw paper , 2 s . 6 d . per ream ; cream-laid adhesive envelopes , 4 d . per 100 , or 8 s . per 1000 : commercial envelopes , from 4 s . per 1000- . black-bordered envelopes , Od . per 100- A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , all priced and numbered ) sent post free on receipt of four stamps . All orders over 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post free . NO CHARGE mado for stamping arms , crests , initials , & c . —SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 104 , London-wall , London , E . C .
MAPPIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by the Makers , MAPP 1 JV BROTHERS , Queen ' s CutleTy Works , Sheffield , andG 7 , King Williams-street , Ottty , London , whero the largest stock of Cutlery in the worm is kept , MAPP IN'S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly become loose ; the blades are all of the very first quality , being their own Sheffield manufacture . MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES and TRAVELLING BAGS , seitt direct from their Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield , to their London Establishment , 67 , King William-street , City , where the largest stock in the world may be selected from . APPIN'S PLATED DESSERT KNIVES and PORKS , in cases of twelve and eighteen pairs , are of the most elegant designs and first-class quality . MAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE . Messrs . MAPPIN'S celebrated Manufactures in Electro-plate , comprising Tea and Coffee Services , Side Dishes , Dish Covers , Spoous , and Forts , and all articles usually mado in Silver , can now be obtained from their London Warehouse , 67 , King William-street , City , where t-li ' e largest stock i « London iaay be seen . Catalogue , with prioes , free on application . Manufactory , Queeu ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
T > UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED li "WITHOUT A TRUSS .-Dr . BARKER'S celebrated RE 3 IEDY is protected b . v three patents , of England , Prance , and Vienna ; and from its great success in private practice is now made known as a public duty through the medium of the press . In every case of single or double rupture , in either sex , of siny age , however bad or long standing , it is equally applicable , effecting a cure in a few days , without inconvenience , and will bo hailed as . a boon by all who have been tortured with trusses . Sent post free to any part of tlie world , with instructions for use , on receipt of 10 s . 6 d . by post-ollice order , or stamps , by CHARLES BARKER , M . D ., 10 , Brook-street , Holboni , London . —Any infringement of this triple patent will be proceeded against , and restrained by injunction of the Lord High Chancellor .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATIONT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia . Tho uso of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is hereavoided . a so ft Bandage being worn Tound the body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by the Aloe-Main Pad ana Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleet ) . A descriptive circular may bo had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below tho hip , beinp sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single trnss , l < 5 s ., 21 s ., 2 Ca . fld ., and 31 s . Cd . — Postage , Is . Double'Truss , 31 s . fid ., 42 s ., and 52 s . Od . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 0 d . —Postago Is . 14 ) d . Post-olHcoOrders toboinado payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VJBINS , and all oases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LUGS , SPRAINS , & c . They aro porous , light in tojtturo . and inexpensive , and aro drawn on like an . ordinary stocking . Prioefroui 7 s . Od . ' to Ids . oaoh . —Postage , < U 1 . JOH"N WHIT 12 . Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly ,. London .
HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —The extraordinary effect of thoso remedied in every disorder incidental to tho . human frame , would appear incredible if it woro not vouched for by ho many thouHamlu . They jiro inralliblo in their effects for every description of wound , sore , or ulcer , whilo tho 1 'illn , in every internal complaint , aro actual specifics , restoring health wheru all other nieauM havo failed to benefit tho unfortunate nufforer . In cases of Awtlnna the . so Pills will work wondcru , If the Ointment bo well rubbed in tho cheat ni ^ ht aud morning . Hold by all Medicine , Vendors throughout tho world at Profe « bor HOLLOWAY'B J « Htabli » hm « utH , 244 , Strand Loni don , nil . i HO , Mnidoii-lano . Now York ; by A . Ktiunpa , Constantinople ; A . Guidicy , Smyrna ; and E . Muir , Malta .
TpENDEKS , STOVES , and FIRE IRONS-^^^^' rass ^ sssu ;^ s & rttrs ^ sg S workmanship . Bright stoves , with Bronzed on . aT le " Li two sots of bars . U . 14 s . to 13 * . 13 s . ; ditto , withonn « S 2 ornaments and two sets of bars , 5 l . 5 s . to 221 . bSIS Fenders , complete , with standards , 7 s . to 51 . 12 a " steen &» ders , 21 . 15 s . to 11 * ., ditto , with rich ormolu ' onmJJn / 1 ; 2 . 1 . 15 s . to 18 ? . ; Fire Irons , from Is . fid . the set to K ' The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES with radiating hearth plates . ' Wlll > BE DSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS — WILLIAM S . BURTON lias SIX LARGE SHOW - ROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE JHSPr Av of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stort nf each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied mi submitted to the public , and marked at prices pronortimintn with those that have tended to make his . establishment th £ most distinguished in this country . e Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . to £ 12 Os eaoh Shower Baths , from 7 s . 6 d . to 5 15 * . ' each Lamps < Moderateur ) , from 6 s . Od . to G < 5 s each ' ( All other kinds at the same rate ) ' Pure Colza Oil „ .... 5 s . per galIon _ CUT ! . ERY WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment of TABLE-CUTLERY in the world all warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—SJ inch ivory-handled table-knives , with Inch shoulders , 12 s . perdozen ; desserts to match , 9 s . ( id ; if to balance , Cd . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; larger sifes , from 19 s . to 2 Gs . per dozen ; extra line ivorv 3 " s if with silver ferrules , 37 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives ' 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . 6 d . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pairblack horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; dosaerts , 6 s ' , carvers , 2 s . 6 d . ; black wood-handledtable-knives and forks 6 s . per dozen ; table steels from Is . each- The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of tho new plated fish-carvers . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400-Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass . Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed Hangings , & c . & c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Sliow Rooms , at 39 , Oxford-street ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 . and 13 , Perry'splace , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
GAS COOKING STOVES . —The Improved Gas Cooking Apparatus , invented and manufactured by Deane , Dray , aud Co ., has been approved liy Her Majesty ' s Government , and adopted , after a lengthened trial . It is now in daily use in the following Government establishments , viz : — St . George ' s Barracks , Charing Cross . Tower of London . Wellington Barracks , St . James ' s Park . St . John ' s Wood Barracks . At the Manchester Exhibition . Messrs . Scarlett and Son , 2 G , King William-street , & c . & c . ; and wherever iitted , has given full satisfaction . Dcane , Dray , and Co . supply every description of Gas Fittings at economical charges . Carefully prepared estimates free of charge . A modern , and elegant assortment of Chandeliers in crystal glass , ormolu , artistic , and p ' ain Bronzes , & c . Gas Cooking Stoves , from 2 Us . each . —Deaue , Dray , and Co ., London Bnd « o .
J . W . BENSON'S WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY , 33 and 3 * . LUDGATU-HILL , LONDON . Established 1741 ) . —J . AV . 15 ENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVEIt WATCHUS of every descri | ition , construction , and pattern , invites attention i-o J «» magnificent and unprecedented display of Watches , wlucli is aduiittud to bo the largest and best selected Stock m London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplex , l ' atcnt , Detached Lever , Horizontal , mid Vertical Movemonts , jewelled , & c , with all the latest improvements . mounted iii Kiiperbly-( iuished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . The designs engraved upon many of the cases are b . y eminent artists , and can only be obtained at this Manufactory . Lf the important requisites , superiority of finish , combined with accuracy of iiorlorinan-ce , elegance , durability . and reasonableness of price , aro wished for , the intending Purchaser should visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . I 5 KNSON ( and sent post free on application ) , which contains sketches , priced , and directions as to what Watch to buy , where to buy it , and how to use it . Several hundred letters havo been received from persons who have bought M ' alchos nt this Manufactory , bearing testimony to the correct performances of the- aauio . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . Prom the Morning Post , Oct . 30 , ltiDU . — "Exhibits exquisite artistic reeling in ornamentation , and perfection of mechanism in Htructiure . "—From the Morning C'hroiiic / c . On ^ 30 . — " Excellence of dosign and perfection in workmanship . —Vrom ihoMornhiff Advertiser , Nov . 1 . — "The high repute which Mr . Hemon has obtained for the qualities of Ins manufacture stands second to none . "— From tin * Marinnp Herald , Nov . ;} . —" The higli standing of Mr . lieusoii »* " ¦ London manufacturer must tsecuro for him a large ; iim > iiiiu of public patronage . "—l ' rorn tho Globe , JSov . tf . — "All thnu can bodesired . ii * llninh , taste , and design . " GOLD WATCHES , Horizontal Movements , Jewelled , - *?• - nccurato time-kecpera , 31 . 15 * . , 4 , 1 . 3 6-s ., 5 / . 10 h .. to l . . ( . loseach . Gold Lover Watches , jewelled , and higlily-lhn ^ he u movements , < U . ( is ., 8 f . 8 a ., l ( W . K ) B ., lU / . 12 s ., ll / . lis ., lii' - bin-. to 40 puinens . , SILVMifc WATCHES , Horizontal Movements , . JcuHh " - & c , exact time-keepers , 'Zt . 2 ti ., 2 l . U > s .,: \ l . IBs ., to 5 / . 5 s . ourii . Silver Lover Watches , highly finished , jewelled movenn'iiis , \ il . 10 s . M . 10 s ., 5 M () s ., 7 Mt ) B ., fiM ()» ., l '(» M 0 s ., toU 0 K "" 1 | ir ' ' A Two Years' Warranty fiivon with every AVaich nun sent , carriage paid , to Scotland , Irolnnd , Wales , or nii . v 1 » : »' , ^ of tho kingdom , upon receipt of 1 ' ont-olllcci or iJnuke a order , made payable to J . XV . BENSON ,: « and M , Mirtr' '" ' hill , London . n ] , M ( trclmutH , Shipnnrfl . and Watch Clubs supplied . ui " " Watches taken in Exchange .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 10, 1857, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10101857/page/22/