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No. 394, October 10,1857J T HE LEAD EE. ...
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No. 394, October 10,1857j T He Lead Ee. ...
No . 394 , October 10 , 1857 J T HE LEAD EE . 98 g
A LLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN " LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Bartholomew-lane , London , E . C . The Half Yearly Dividends on the Share 3 of the Company , will be in course of payment on Monday , tho 12 th instant , and every following day ( Saturdays excepted ) , between the hoars of II and 3 o ' clock . F . A . ENGELBACH , Actuary and Secretary . Dated the 8 th of October , 1857 .
rpHE OBJECTS MOST TO BE DESIRED IN EFFECTING A LIFE ASSURANCE . —These arc , Perfect Security and the Largest Benefits in pro-portion to the Contributi ons paid . 1 \ w . y are both fully attained in the SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , which is now of Twenty-six years' standing , and possesses Accumulated Tunds , arising from the contributions of Members only , amounting-to upwards-of One Million Sterling , and has an Annual Revenue of upwards of 176 , 00 Of . The MUTUAL PRINCIPLE being adopted , "the entire surpluses or " Profits , " as ascertained Trieiniially , are allocated in addition to the sums Assured , and they present a flattering prospect to the Members . For example : the sum now payable on a Policy for 10002 ., effected iu 1831 , is 15902 . 5 s . 8 d ., being a , return of Seventy-one per Cent , on the premiums paid on middle-aged lives , and Policies effected in latex years are similarly increased . The NEXT TRIENNIAL DIVISION of PROFITS will take place on 1 st MARCH , 1 S 59 . Head ° 01 Iice , 20 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh . ROBT . CHRISTIE , Manager . WM . FINLAY , Secretary . London Office , 26 , Poultry , E . C . ARCHD . T . RITCHIE , Agent "Western London Office , Ga , Janies ' s-street , Westboumc-terrace , "W . CHARLES B . LEVER , Solicitor , Agent .
THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON , AND MONARCH FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES , 37 , Castle-street , Liverpool ; 28 , Eegeiit-street , Waterloo-place ; 20 and 21 , Poultry , and 3 , Adelaide-place , London-bridge , London . 61 , King-street , Manchester , and 12 S , Ingrain-street , Glasgow , Have now been amalgamated . PIRE DEPARTMENT . The Premiums in the year 1856 exceeded 278 , 000 ? . ; the Losses 137 , 9002 . LIFE DEPARTMENT . Bonuses declared and guaranteed when the policy is issued , thus involving no liability of partnership . The new Premiums in 1856 were 15 , 500 £ ., and the Total Income lrom Premiums 104 , 0002 . ; the Claims , 49 , 10 O £ . The amount received for the purchase of Annuities exceeded 17 , 0002 ., and that paid to Annuitants 12 , 0002 . THE CAPITAL AND ACCUMULATED JTrfTDS Invested to meet the engagements of the Company exceed ONE MILLION STERLING . Persons whose Fire Policies expire at Michaelmas are reminded that the same should be renewed before the 14 th October . Forms of proposal may- bo obtaiuod from tho several offices as above , where applications for Agencies may be addressed . SWINTON BOULT , Secretary of the Company . 23 rd Sept ., 1 S 57 .
P 11 OV 1 DENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . . Established 1810 . TEUSTEES . Thos . Baring , Esq ., M . P . Win . George Preacott , Esq . Thomson Hankey , Esq ., Haron L . N . de Rotbschild , M . P . M . P . All classes mny insure in this Association , which is on tVc mutual principle , and from its steady and progressive increase , oilers perfect security . Policies effected in 1855—124 , for £ 82 , 350 1856-730 , for 10 G . Tn vested Capital l » -fc , 300 Annual Invoaac ..,.,., 27 , 000 The Third Division of Profits will ttiko place at 4 hc end of the present year . WILLIAM THOMAS LINFORD , Secretary . The Eenevolont Pund in connexion with tho above offers special advantages to Clerks becoming members . JOHN AHEL SMITH , Esq ., M . P ., Treasurer . 15 , Moorgate-strcot , October 1 , 1857 .
HEAL and SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE contains designs and prices of overv description of « ED ROOM FURNITURB , as well ns of 100 -Bedsteads , and prices of every description of Bedding . Bont Tree by post . —Heal and Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and . Bedroom Puruituro Manufacturers , l »( i , Tottonhaoi-oourtroad , W .
PATENT IMPROVEMENTS IN STABLE PITTINGS .-COTTAM'S PATENT COMI > 0 NIZED WAUGJiRS , Water or Gruel Troughs . Tho application of tins new patent method of lining iron mangers hiring inexpensive , will greatly incroaso their adoption ; they possess au tho advautagos of Cottam ' s celebrated enamelled mangers , are equal in appearance , cleanliness , a . ud durability , tho lining is warranted to stand any amount of fair wear , aiuj will neither chip nor chniiga its colour by use . uottiuus patent permanent attached ' drop cover for the above in a most essential addition to their llttUigs ; it is nover in tho way , can bo placed and replaced in an instant , wiuio Us cheapness , simplicity , and utility in keeping tho contents of tlio troughs clmm and refriilating the quantity w > ot ) tukon , iw quite < uillciont to enmivo its ubo . Tho new crossbar top plate , to prevont the hor . ics wasting tho bay by tossing it out of tho rack , and tho improved curved froiit piura by whioh means all sharp projections are obviated , "icewiHji C , oi , tain ' n patent noiseless hauler guide ami collar rtiin , with the newly-invented swivel ring for allowing the airai ) Ireo work in any position , aru moat important , iuven'' ' » r Ul « horses' wifely and comfort . Cottam ' s patent portnbio sisoil-box js also of groat utility in theso fittings , fi h ab 0 \' - llf ) well an tho patent Iooho box ana harness i » niVi ' 4 . ' "l ' vud Htable drains , and every dt-Hcrlption ol !™ lurnituro , can bo aeon at tho iiiauiuliuitory and kIiowsW ? , ottul 11 aud »«¦»«» . ^ . Whmley-Hti ^ ot . Oxfordstroot , London , W . Illustrated Catalo Baoa on ani > iication .
THE ART LIBRARY OF BOOKS , DRAWINGS , PRINTS , & c ., on Ornamental Art , at South Kensington , is now open from 10 a . m . on Mondays , Tues-< iavs , and . "Wednesdays , till 10 P . M . ; on Thursdays aud Fridays , till 7 P . M . ; and on Saturdays , till 4 . P . M . All Students have free admission , and tickets at 6 d . weekly , Is . Go * , monthly , and 10 s . yearly , may he obtained at the Library . Copying and tracing of prints , & c , under proper regulations , are permitted . By order of the Committee of Council on Education .
ART-UNION OF GLASGOW . —Subscribers of One Guinea are entitled to immediate delivery of the largo and beautiful Eit ^ raving on Steel of Machse ' s Paintings " Noah ' s Sacrifice , " or of any of the previous issues , if preferred : besides one chalice of obtaining at the General Meeting in December a-Painting or other work of Art . The whole Engravings may be iseeu . and Lists of Prizes obtained , on application to GEO- GRANT , Honorary Secretary for London . 6 G , Gracechurch-street .
r yTIE ILLUSTRATED INVENTOR . —This JL Journal will be a Record of Progress in the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts , Industrial Manufac ' ures , Agriculture , Engineering , Patents , Inventions , & C and will include all Scientific Novelties , as well as the most humble domestic improvements . Early orders should be given to all Booksellers and . TNewsagents . To be published on Saturday , 31 st October . Price 5 d . ( Stainpeil , Cd . ) Oltice , 2 S 9 , Strand , W . C .
yADKIEL'S ALMANAC for 1858 . —Fortieth £ -J Thousand . Price Cd . Contents : India , Cliina , the Reform Bill , - & c . The great Indian Rebellion was fully portrayed in the Alnmuac for 1 S 57 ! Hieroglyphic ; the Ram and the Goat , & c . London : Pipek , Stephenson , and Spence ; and all booksellers .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . LETTERS of CREDIT aud BILLS are granted at par upon the Banks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and . Gawler . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is conducted direct with Victoria and New -South "Wales , and also with the other Australian Colonies , through the Company ' s Agents . Apply at the Offices , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , October , 1 S 57 .
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK ( Incorporated ) . — Deposits received at Six per Cent . Interest payable half-yearly . Drawing Accounts opened . Bills discounted . Annuities pranted . Chairman—The JJari * of DirvoN " . 6 , Cannon-street West , E . C . G . H . LAW , Manager .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , 3 , Pall-Mali , East , London . Established A . D . 1844 . Parties desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of interest maybe obtained with perfect security . The Interest is payable in January and July , either at the Head Office in London , or at the various Branches throughout the Country , PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
£ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH . A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY BY ACCIDENTS Ol ? EVERY DESCRIPTION " , may be secured by an Annual Payment of £ Z for a Policy in tho R AILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE ) COMPANY . Smallerainounts may he secured l > v pronortionatenayments . NO CHARGE KMt STAMP DUTY . RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may bo insured against by the Journey or by the Year a-t all tho principal Railway Stations , where also Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had—and of the Provincial Aleuts—and at the Head Ollice , London . N . H . —The usefulness of this Company is shown by tho sum paid as Compensation for Accidents j 6 " 22 , 722 . Railway Passengers Assurance Company . Empowered by Special A « t of Parliament . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Offlco , 3 , Old Broad-streelj , Ji . C .
HOUSEHOLDERS' MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY ( Limited ) . Preliminary Capita ] , 50 . 000 Z ., in 10 , 000 Shares of Hi . each . nPHE objects of the Company are the Purchase L of Reversions and thoGwuiting of Loans , for long or short periods , on tho mortgage of real or household property , bank , railway , and other shares , to bo repaid by periodical instalments . Its operations will bo restricted to advances on positive « ecurity only , by which all rislc of loss will bo avoided . The advantage to tho public of borrowing on gradually redeeming mortgages has been proved t <» be . extremely acceptable , In preference to borrowing on mortgage returnable iu oihs Bum , bcoausu tho borrower , who can easily pay interest , aud a portion of tho principal , if allowed , is seldom or never aible to uecumulate the full amount borrowed . A syntem , therefore , which admits of tho gradual liquidation of a mortgage is obviously deuirahle . The investments of the Company aro calculated to pay a dividend of at least « per cent . The liability « f nharehoWUirn is limited bo tho nmomit of their sliaruu , and nil tho advantaged of tho recent changcti in the law of partnership aro made available . The Company offers , as a guariuit . ee , the invostincut of its fiuulN upon securities of tho llrst order only , and tliat no Director or Olllcor of tho Company sha . ll become a borrower . A huU-yenvly statement will bo issuoil of money received ( npeoilying Kourcox ) — money invested ( Npuoifyiug securities ) —general Nummary of business to dato , and prollt and loss to duto orstatonionfc . Application for shares to bo made to RICHARD HOD'SON , Socrctnry . lftand 10 , Adnm-streot , Auelphi .
This day is p ublished , in small Svo . price 4 s-.,. THE OLD BACHELOR in the : OLD SCOTTISH VILLAGE , By THOMAS AIRD . New Edition , revised and enlarged . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London
NEW NOVEL . nplIE NOBLE TRAYTOUR . A Chronicle -L By THOMAS , of Swarratoo , Armiger . 3 vols . " As good an imitation of the writers of tho days of Elizabeth , as is Chattertou ' s Bristowe Tragedy of the writers of the 15 th century . —Observer" The work possesses merit of a higli and rare kind . "Morning Herald . "A book to be read and remembered , and will have a larger and quicker circulation than any novel issued during the past year . "—Standard , London : Smith , Exder , and Co ., 65 , Cornhill .
Two vols . in cloth , price 21 s . Now Ready . HISTORY OF THE FACTORY MOVEMENT FROM 1802 TO THE PASSING OF THE TEN HOURS' MIL IN 1847 . By ALFRED . London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co .
Just published , demy 8 vo , 9 s . cloth , T HE SOLAR SYSTEM AS IT IS , AND NOT AS IT IS REPRESENTED : wherein is shown , for the first time , the true , proper motion of the Sun through Space , at the rate of 100 , 000 Miles per Hour . By R . J . MORRISON , Lieut . E . N " . "If the Sun move , the System moves with it , in the maftner in which Mr . Morrison describes . " —jithentsum . London : Piper , Stephenson , and Speitce .
Just published , price 5 s ., the N ATIONAL REVIEW . No . ' X . CONTENTS : I . The Reform of the Akmy . II . Thk Autobiography of a Mohammedan Gentleman . ¦ III . Charles Water-ton . ' IV . The Ultimate Laws of Physiology . V . Unspirituax Religion : Professor Rogers . VI . Alexander Smith ' s Poetry . ' VII . Popular Legends asd Faiky Talks . Vlll . Bekangek . IX . The Military Revolt in India . X . Books of the Quarter Suitable for Reading Societies . Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
Just published No . IV ., price Is ., of D AVENPORT DUNN—A MAN OF OUR DAY . By CHARLES LEVER . "With Illustrations by Phiz . Chapman and Haxi ., 193 , Piccadilly .
Just published No . VIII ., price Is ., of PA ^ ED WITH GOr , D . By AUGUSTUS MAYHE VV . ( One of the Brothers Maybow . ) Witli Illustrations hy Phiz . Chapman and Hall , iO 3 , Piccadilly .
r pIIE WESTMINSTER REVIEW J - NEW SERIES . ' No . XXIV- OCTOBER . 1857 . Price Gs . CONTENTS : T . Female Dress in 1857 . « . II . Political Piuksts . III . QUEOAH i OK , AdTKNTUKKS IN jMaIAVAST Watbks . IV . History of Civilization in England . V . A u uo ha Leigh . VI . Tine Foun -Empires . VII . Tills ClIOia > IIOROS OF JSsCIIYLUS . VIII . Kltt'IlKSICNTATIVli : GOTJCUNMKNT WHAT IS IX GOOD KOK ? IX . Mommskn ' s IloarAN History . X . Tino Pkogiucss ok English Jurisprudence . ^^ v ^ « , V- TnaAT , ?; r - § »• Theology wid Philosophy .- ^ 2 . Po litics and Education . —§ 3 . Soienoe .- § 4 . History , Hiogrnphy , Voyages and TravolB . - § 5 . Belles IiiMidon : John Citapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
O AN ATLAS GllATIS WITH THE DISPATCH . N AND AFTER SUNDAY , OCTOBER 4 r i I ' " - ?? ca £ , ' , of tho MSl'ATOH will bo accompanied with a Coloured Mat , a Chart , or tho Plan of a P- nVri ! iH Towil > . ^ " ^ to . fllrni 8 h 1 ° « " *!» Subscriber , txH . Ai . Ib , a most Comprehensive Complete and useful Tho size of the Engravings will bo that of one pnge of tho Newspaper , Six Maps and two Plans , iu each year , will bo of double tho size . n ? WAn 'o / i A'i ' f A K m 0 Urs ? ? f a short limo ' that iho JMM'AILll AI LAS will contain moro names and positions ol plncos thnn any other English publication of tho kind . Jho counties will bo given separately , and , where largo , divided . VV itlini tho first four months , India will ho moro accurately and completely delineated , iu a Korioa of Nine bIavh , Ulan in any BritiHli Atl .-is . Tim names of tho artists will bo tho best guarantee for perlect accuracy . Tlio engravings will bo in Iho highest Htvlo (» f Art , involving a cost or MANY THOUSANDS OF l ' OUNDS . Mechanics' Institutes , Educational Establishments , Hotels , Itoad ing-rooms , and Oofl ' oe-lioHfios will , in possessing tho 1 > 1 S 1 'AT < JIL ATLAS , bo mipjdiod with a daily want . Tho DISPATCH ATLAS will bo forwarded gratis with the I ' aimr at the usual nrico-ftil . per copy , or ttd . uttimputl . Tho Friday Evening Edition may be received in the monk diRtaut parts of the Kingdom on Saturday morning . OHlco , 13 ' . ) , Ficot-atreet , London .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 10, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10101857/page/23/