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!334 THE LEADER [No. 507. Dec. 10, 185Q ...
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!334 The Leader [No. 507. Dec. 10, 185q ...
! 334 THE LEADER [ No . 507 . Dec . 10 , 185 Q : ———;—————— - ^^ m ^ ^^—i ^————— m ^ ^_____ ————^ M ^^^^—^—
ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data show that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , OR ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , i ¦ ) By a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS * ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already paid In compensation for Accidents £ 37 060 Forma of Proposal nnd Prospectuses may be had at the Company ' s Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations , where ? also , Railway Accidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or year , NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , Offices , 8 , Old Broad-streot , London . B . C .
PRIZE MEDAL LIQUID HAIR DYE . ONLY ONE APPLICATION . INBTANTANEOUB , INDEXIBLE , HARMXES 8 , & S 0 ENTX . EHS .. In OaeeB , post free , 3 s . 3 d . and Os ., direct from B . F . LANGJTMXB'S Laboratory , 7 Z , Hatton Garden , London , E . G . ' 'Mr , Langdalo ' s preparations are , to our mind , tlio most extraordinary productions of modern chemistry . ' *—Iiii < cstrated London News , July 10 , 1801 . A loner and interesting ; report on the Products of K . F . LftnffdftVe ' B Laboratoryrby a Special Scientific Commission , from tlio Editor of tlio Lancet , will bo found In that J ournal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1857 . A copy will bo forwarded for two ^ tamn ^ WANTJaD > THE NKW JDIBCOVKltY . —For tlio Restoration and Reproduction of tho Hair . —Mr . Lanffdalo guarantooB his StnTNI'IBSSENCK of OANTHABIDlflS most BUOOCSBful aa aroBtoratlro , uleo In chocking groyne ^ , Btron ^ r thonlng weak Hairy and preventing its faDlnK off , most Smotafdln tlio growth of wliiekora , moustaohlpB , & o . Tho money imnaeaiatoly returned if not effectual . JPoBt free for 8 b . 0 d . in Stamps . —Laboratory , 78 , Hatton Garden . B . F . LANGKDALK'S RASPBMKRY AND 0 WKBKY TQOTW PASTE Tlio roost doUolouB nroparivtlon over prdducod for the Teeth , Gums , and Broatfi . Posi troo from % hQXKboxfttory . 78 , Hatton Gordon , fox Is . 8 d . in stamps .
———;—————— - ^^ m ^ ————^ M ^^^^—^—This day , price 7 s . Cd ., post Svo ., cloth , THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS . By the Author of " Mary Powell . " Arth . ob Hali , Virtue and Co ., 25 , Paternoster ^ row .
IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . I , ' OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . —Instituted 1820 DIRECTORS . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Chairman . FREDERICK PATTISON , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman Thomas G-. Barclay , Esq . . Georgre Hlbbert , Esq . James C . C . Bell , Esq . SamuelHibbert ^ Esq . James Brand , Esq . Thos . Newnjan Hunt Esq . Charles Cave . Esq . J . Gordon Murdoch , Esq . GiSeHenry Cutler , Esq . ^ llliain R . ^ obinson , J « ,. Henry Davidson , Esq . Martin T . Smith , Esq ., M . F . George Field Esq Newman Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The assured are protected by a guarantee fund of upwards of a million and a half sterltng from the ^^^^ SS ^ SSSf ^^ of the profits : ari assigned to Policies every fifth year . The assured are ¦ ' ^ S ^ S ^^^ f ^& Si ^ ' ^ S ^ t of \ as above ; at the Branch Office , 16 , Pall-mall , London ; or to \ any of the agents throug ^ ut ^ Kingdom . ^^ ^^
This day , 2 nd edition , 8 vo ., cloth , 6 s ., - SOME MEMORIALS OF RENEE OF FRANCE , DUCHESS OF FERRARA . London : Bostorth and Harkisox , 215 , Regent-street .
: In crown 8 vo ^ , price 5 s . STUDIES ON BLAISE PASCAL . By ALEXANDER VINET , D . D . Translated , with an Appendix of Notes , by Rev . T . Smith , A . M . —— " Welcome to all who sympathise with what is rare in intellect , beautiful in sentiment , Or noble in character . ¦ The translation , apparently , is forcible and faithful . " —Spectator . "An extraordinary book . The studies of Vinci are often as profound as the thoughts of Pascal ; and that Is the very highest praise . "—Evangelical Magazine . Edinbure-h : T . & T . Clark . London : Hamilton & Co ,
; i ] 1 < THE NEWS . No . SO * published this day , Saturday , December 10 th , 1859 , Contains : —A full Report of the Speeches delivered at the Annual Dinner of the UNITED ASSURANCE CLUB—The LIVERPOOL AND LONDON ASSURANCE COMPANY—Important Letter from one of the Purchasers of MR . MATTHEW FOSTER'S SHARES , showing the means employed by Mr . Foster to get a high price for his Shares—Caution to the Public on the Assurrance Advice Oflice Dodge—and all the Assurance news of the week . . Office , Strand-buildings , Strand ; any newsvendor ; and at the railway stations . —PRICE ONE PENNY .
INCORPORATED 1847 . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL ; LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , ; 32 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON , E ^ C . i Annual income , £ 58 , 388 . ] Accumulated Fund £ 151 , 80712 s . ¦ . The profits declared have amounted to £ 63 , 418 , yielding a 1 Bonus of 27 £ per cent , on the premiums , returnable in Cash to the members . ¦ ' . Since the commencement of the Company the amount paid to the widows and other representatives of deceased < m pars ^ s 1 insnring this year will share in the Bonus to be declared up to December , 1863 . ^ ^^^ ^ ^ .
. 1 t THE ATLAS . A WEEKLY JOURNAL ot News , Politics , Literature , Science , [ and Art . Established , 1820 . An organ of Social and Political Progress : a record of Home and Colonial intelligence ; an able and impartial Critic in literature and the Fine Arts . —Published every Saturday , price 5 d , stamped 6 d . Office , 6 , SOUTHAMPTON STREET , STRAND .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , 1 Established A . D . 1844 , t 3 , PALL MALI EAST , LONDON . . CAPITAL STOCK , . £ 100 , 000 . DAETIES DESIEOUS OP INVESTLNO X MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of the . Bank of Deposit , by which a high rate of Interest may be . A obtained with ample security . . ¦ ¦ c Deposits made by Special Agreement may be withdrawn A -without notice . , ' t The " Interest is payable in January ana July . - PETER MORRISON , Managing Director , / Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application . "" 6 -
. c A - ATTIRE FOR THE-SEASON . T A WHENCE HYAM has to announce his pre--Ll parations for the Autumn and Winter . Gentlemen will now find his stock of Garments for immediate wear complete in every department .- The productions of the various manufacturers exceed ,, in variety of design and material , those of all former year , a . ' TAWRENCE HYAM'S OVERCOATS , of Xi the latest fashion , comprising the INVERNESS CAPE , the ALBERT , tlie CLARENDON , the SAC , & c , are made from the most suitable materials , and in thq strongest inanner . 2 ' 1 b ., 30 s ., 42 s ., 50 s . ¦ ¦ ' . TAWRENCE HYAM'S Walking , Dress , and -U Surtout Coats , — sound in material and make , exact in fit , and fashionably designed and finished . —Surtout and Dress Coats , 2 ( 3 s . to 60 s . walking Coats , from 14 s . to 35 s . TAWRENCE HYAM'S Vests , in Cloth , Silk , J-i Satins , Tweeds , & c , either for ordinary wear or dress purposes , faultless in design and material , varying in price , from 4 b . 6 d . to 21 s . __^_ TAWRENCE HYAJVt'S Trousers , celebrated JU for their true and comfortable fit , made of the strongest and newest fabrics . —Prices , 10 a . 0 d ., 12 s ., 14 a . fld ., 17 a ., 21 s . City Establishment—36 , GRACECHUKCH STREET . West-end Establishment—189 and 10 O , TOTTENHAM CPURl' ROAD . I _ r f - 1 J
- J THE DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK , I ( LIMITED ) , " 67 , -FLEET-STREET , LONDON , E . C . TTMLE experience which has attended the opera- -L tions of savings banks and loan societies is such as - to make it evident that an extension of their principles , upon a liberal yet souud basis , will prove highly advanta- _ geous both to the proprietary and the public . r The District Savings Bank receives deposits ( paid in at f Dne time ) from One Penny to Ten Pounds , the aggregate - amount to be unlimited , and subject to the usual arrange- 1 ments , on withdrawal , of ordinary savings banks . J ' JOHN BHERIPAN , Actuary . a
DOES TOUR TAILOR PIT YOIT ? TRY J . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD STREET , E . C . —SOLFERINO TROUSERS , all Wool , of tho Newest Designs , in endless Yariety , to order . 10 s . —rObservo the Address—38 , LOMBARD STREET .
WINTER HOSIERY Of the softest nnd warmest description , including all tho newest patterns nnd colours . Under clothing for family uBe , and for invalids . Printed flannel shirts und dressinggowns . POPE and PLANTE , manufacturers , 4 , Waterlooplace . Pall-mall , London , S . W .
THE VICTOR NEW OVERCOAT . 25 a ., 308 ., find 35 S . Introduced by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tdilor , 74 , Regent-street , W . THE INVEKNES 8 WRAPPERS , at 85 s . and 30 a ., aro unequalled in appearance and value . THE SUITS at 47 s ., 60 s ., COS ., and 00 s ., are made to order , from Scotch HciUhor and Cheviot Twcuds nnd Angolas , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk . THE TWOGUINEA DRESS AND FROCK , COATS ; TUB GUINJCA DttMSS TROWSERS ; and THE HALF-GUIN 12 A WAISTCOATS . N . B , —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
MIDWIFERY . Private Modlonl Advice in Pregnancy , Obstructions , Sterility , and Dlsnppolntmont of atnrrlago , by IIeniiy Scott , F . R . A . S ., Acooucliiourof twenty-six years London nrnotleo . Lddiea conaulting by letter mu » t bo explicit und conildentiul . At home for consultations from I wolvo to flvo dally , Fomulo Obstruction PHIh , 1 b . the box . Tho " Ludloa' Modioal Con > fldant" sont post irpo for scvon Htamps , Addroas , 17 , ADAM STRICIO'JT , STRAND , LONDON . 0
BLAIR'S GK ) UT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . 1 'rloo Is . ljd . and 8 a . Od . per box . r . Thla nrcpariition la one of the bimofltn which tUoaolcnoo of modern ohomlstry hau confori'od upon mankind ; for during , the llrnt twpnfy years of tlioproBont oontury to sponlc of a euro lor tho Gout was contficierod ivromanoo j but now the euloacy and Hnfoty of this modiolno la ho fully demonstrated , by uuaolloltcid toBtimoniala from poreona in ovory rank of llfo , that publio opinion proolaimH tills no one of tlio most Important dlHoovurlos of tho proaout ago , ThoflO l'llla rornilro no restraint of diet or oonflnomont during their use , ana uro cortftin to prevent the dlBonao attaokinff any vital pnrt . Sold by all modlolno vendors , Obsorvo " Thomne Prout , " 889 , Strand London , " on tho Government flUmp .
m _____ OPORTO . ' AN OLD BOTTLED POET of high clinractcr 4 a dosen , Cash . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ 01 dFurnival ' sDistiUorVfljg !; ' Q ¦ EAXT-DE-VIK """ " ^ This pure PALE BRANDY , though only lGs ner o-nii is demonstrated , upon Analysis , to be peculiarly Inw ™' acidity , and verysuperior to recent importations of verif able Comae . In French Bottles , 34 s . per dozen ; or secure J packed in a case for the country , 35 s—IIENKY m | S ' and CO ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery . Holborn B « ETt
NO TICS . ~ TO INDUCE A TRIAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN WINES At 20 s . and 24 s . per doz ., bottles included , ( The consumption of which has now reached 420 000 do 7 Pn per annum—vide "Board of Trade Return ' s" ) , A CASE containing-four samples , scaled and labelled win be forwarded on receipt of THIKTY POSTAGE STAMPS Hulf-pint Bottle of best South African Sherry Hall-pint Bottle of best South African I ' ort , Half-pint Bottle of best South African Madeira , Half-pint Bottle of best South African Amontillado Bottles and Case included . ' COLONIAL , BRANDY , very superior , 15 s . per ' allon BEST GIN , full strength , lls . 3 d . per-anon . r Price Lists free on application " . Address —ANTHONY B " ROUGH , Wine and Spirit Importer , 2 !) , Strand , London , VV . C .
EGONOM Y . A Ten-Gallon Cask ( equal to Five Dozens ) of the Finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY or MARSALA for Four Guineas , or 29 s . per dozen ; best PORT , MADEIRA , BUCELLAS , or AMONTILLADO , £ 5 per Cask , or 24 s . per Dozen . Cash . HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , AND CO ., IMPORTERS , 22 and 23 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . Established 1831 . TJENEREYS' COGNAC , a pure French Brandy , JO . pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 4-, ' s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three mouths , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . iTENEKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale " JjL brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . TjENEIvEYS' LONDON GIN , as from th ' e XT still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 26 s . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . TJENEKEY'S PRICES CURRENT oi XI WINES and SPIRITS sent post-free on application . HEXEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray's Inn Distillery , 'iZ and 23 , High Holborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TEAS AND COFFEES IN ENGLAND ARE TO BE OBTAINED OF PHILLIPS AND Co ., TEA MERCHANTS , 8 , KING WILLIAM ST ., CITY . Good strong useful Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . Ml , : (? , nnd -Is . ; rich Souchong-, 3 s . 8 d ,, 3 a . 10 d ., and 4 s . i ' uru Colleos , Is ., Is . ; U , Is . 3 d ., Is . 4 cl .. la . Cd ., and Is . 8 d . Tea and coffee to the value of 40 s , went carringe-irce to any railway station or market town in JOnu'lund . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods carriagefree within eieht miles of the City .
CHEDDAR LOAF CHEESE Oid . and 7 * d . per lb . Rich Stilton , Md . per lb . Klpo lllluo Mould ditto , tho Connoiuseur - s delight , lftil . por lb . Sugar-cured Bath Chaps . Superior Wcatphnliu HiunS i 7 Ad . and Sd . per lb . RusBian Ox Tou'oicb , 10 d . oae i , pr hs . Od . per dozen . Osborno ' s 1 ' eat-aniokcd Bieuklnut Bncon , pronounced by Paterfamilias to be tlio ffrentvst luxury c »» ^ et introduced into the domestic circle , now nolllni , ' n **• ^ or lb . by tho half aide . JUuttorfl in perfect Ion nt reiwo awe i-ates . A saving of 16 por cent , la elected by the nurohwiw at thiH establishment on all first-class provisions . 1 iioknffCB uTiitls . " 1 ' almamqui meruit forni . , » OSJUORNE'S CHEESE WA . lU 0 HOL . blu , O S B O R N 15 II 0 U S 10 , 30 , LUDGATE HILL , NEAR BT . I'AUL j ^ J ^ ,
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . —Tho admirer of thin < 'c't : ; br . 1 ^ ,, ' iB Sauco nro particularly reaueatod to obiwrvo that none is genuine but that which bears tho buck liibel with Uo «« nie of William Lazbnby , as well aa th « front labol W " JSltzaOetft JMaenbyr » nd that for further Huourll ) , on ino neck of every bottle of the Genuine b / mce will »« oncdorwnrw appear nn additional label , printed in green ll » l . ^'' ' . » ' oIIowh :- " This notice will boamxedtpLuzonby h 1 >^ Sauoi , ' , prepared at tho original wan-lioMHo , In "'''" H " ? . ^ the wolf known labolB , whioRftwproU'otud atfaJuBt lmlt ««« ' » by a perpetual injunction in Chancviy ol uth July , it »» 0 , Edward stroot , X ' ortrann-squaro , Loudon . —
KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLA ^ w COD LIVJOK OIL , porfeotly puro , lioylnff «> wii «« ' ^ reported on , nnd recommended by Profi <» HorH } . u r , oi ««» TiiOMHON . ofOuy ' B niul St . Thonum ' H HoMpltnIh , !<> . ' » thowordnoftholatopr . Pbiusiua , my «»"' ; , JJ ^ elmoil la that most devoid oi colour , odour , nnd jluvoi . " . ^' CCi ractei-H tills will bo found to powwmh in a lily" tU » rc (' Half-pints la , Od ., Pints 8 s . 0 d ., Quarts -in . 0 d . 79 , Ht . Paul's Churchyard . London . __ ¦ ¦
' . i — When you ask lor CrMSNFIELD PATENT STABOH , SEE THAT YOU OUT IT . Ah Inferior kinds are often a « b » t tutoct . Hold by all Ghandloru , OrooorH , & ° ;< , ^ . , Ioll WOTUEUfePOON and CO ., Olnatrow and London .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 10, 1859, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10121859/page/2/