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No. 5Q7. Dec. 10, 1859.] THE jLEADEB. 13...
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No. 5q7. Dec. 10, 1859.] The Jleadeb. 13...
No . 5 Q 7 . Dec . 10 , 1859 . ] THE jLEADEB . 1355
yu BROWN AND POLSON'S y £ \ PATENT CORN FLOUR , £ ^ £ A Preferred to the best Arrowroot . Delicious in Puddings , Custards , Blancmange , Cake , & c , and ESPECIALLY SUITED TO THE DELICACY OF ¦ CHELDBEN AND INVALIDS . The Lancet states , "This is superior to anything of the tmd known . "—Obtain it where inferior articles are not anbstituted . From Family Grocers , Chemists , Confectioners , and Corn dealers . —77 a , Market-street , Manchester ; and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London . ^^^
_ DR . DE JONGH'S KnAght of'the Order ofLeopold ofBelgium ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Administered with the greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTION , BEONCHITIS , COUGHS , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , NEUEALGL 4 , GENERAL DEBILITY , DISEASES OP THE SKIN , EICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS , Is incomparably superior to every other kind . The recorded investigations of numberless eminent British and Foreign medical practitioners have placed beyond the reach of cavil the fact that no invalid , can possibly realise the full benefits of Cod Liver Oil , who does not take Dr . de Jongh ' s celebrated pure Light Brown Oil . opinion of R . M . LAWRENCE , Esq ., M . D ., Physician to H . li . IL the Diike of Sdxe Cobourg and Gothn , Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Great Northern Hospital , ifc . cj-c . "Ihave frequently tested your Cod Liver Oil , and so impressed am I with its superiority that I . invariably prescribe it in preference to any other , feeling assured that I am recommending a genuine article , and not a manufactured compound , in which the efficacy of this invaluable medicine is destroyed ;" Sold oni-y : in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . 0 d . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts , 9 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . de Jongh ' s stamp and signature , otthodt wnicn none can possibly be genuine , by respectable Chemists . SOLE CONSIGNEES . ANSAE , HARFOKD . & Co , 77 , STEAND , London , W . C . * m * A Pamphlet ouJCod Itiver Oil , with Cases of Cure , sent Post Free on application to JDr . de JongJi ' s Consigtiees .
MEDICAL ADVICE . DR . LA'MERT , Registered L . S . A ., Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society , M . D . ot the University of Erlang-en , & c , maybe CONSULTED on all Cases of Debility , Nervousness ,- and the Secret infirmities of Youth and Maturity , from 11 till 2 , and from 6 till 8 , at his residence , 37 , BEDFORD-SQUARE , LONDON . Dr . La'Mcrt has just published , price Sixpence , with numerous Engravings ana Cases , a New Edition of his Work entitled , SELF-PRESERVATION . which will be sent free , in a sealed envelope , by Mann , 39 , Cornhill , London , or by the Author , to any address , for eight stamps . " Contents : — Section 1 . The Physiology of the Generative Organs . Section II . Puberty— Manhood— The Morale of Generative Physiology—True and False Morality . ; Section 111 . Marriage in its Moral , Social , and Physical Relations—Its Expectancies and Disappointments—Advantages of Physical Contrasts in securing Healthy Offspring . Section IV . Spermatorrhoea and Inipotencc ^ -Tho Causes of Sterility in both Sexes—Self-inflicted Miseries . Section V . The Vices of Schools—Effects of certain pernicious habits on thu mental and generative faculties—importance of jroral Discipline . - Seotipn VI . Treatment of Nervous and Generative Debility— -Impotence and Sterility—Dangerous Results of various Hazardous Specifics The Author ' s Principles of Treatment : Bledical , Dietetic , and General , derived from Twenty Years' successful practice .
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . Of \ f \ r \ f \ Copies of a MEDICAL . BOOK for ( £ \ Ji \ J \ JVJ gratuitous circulation . A Nervous Sufferer having bcin effectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , ami Indigestion , resulting from the early errors of youth , ! by following the Instructions given in a MEDICAL WORK , ho considerH it his duty , in Gxatitudo to the author , find for the benefit of others , to publish the menus used . He will , therefore , send fveo , secure from observation , on receipt of a directed envelope , and two stamps to prepay postng-o , a copy of the book , containing-every information required . Address , Jameh Wallace , Esq ., Wilford House , BurtoncrcBOont , Tavlatook-squaro , London W . C . ___^
A TREASURE FOR THE TOILETTE . Amon g the many luxuries of the present ago none can bo obtained pot-mossing tho manifold virtues pf OLDHIDGliiS BALM of COLUMBIA . If appliod to tho roots and body of tho linlr it imparts tine most delightful coolnosa with an airroeablu fragrance of porfurao . It also nt this porlod of the eoason prevents tho hair from falling off , or if already too thin , or turning groy , will prevent Its further proffrous , and booh roH toro it again . Those who really doslroto have beautiful hair , eithor with wave or curl , should usolt dally . It la also celebrated for strengthening- tho hair , frooing it from soui'f , and producing now hair , vhiskors , and moustache . Established u pwards of 30 years . No imitative wash can oaual it . Prluo 8 s . Od ., Oa ., imd Us . only . 0 . and A . OLD 1 UDG 10 , 13 , tMUUigton-stroot , North Strand . W . O .
DR . KAHN'S MAaNIFIOENT ANATOMICAL MUSIQUM , top of tho Haymarkot Oicknowlodgod by tho whole of thu l ' rofls to bo tho most ueolW and hiBtructlvo of awy in oxistonco ) , In open paily for Gontlomon only , from 18 till 0 , and from 7 till 10 . Admission One Suit-wwa . Dosorlptlvo handbooks gratis . Dn . Kaiin ' b l / opiilur Locturos on tho " 1 'hilosopiiy of Mftrriag-o , " dally at ) and 8 O ' olook proelsoly . « vr . i-AHUH—Hnppy and Unhappy Unions , and tholr Cuuhoh—Youthful Vloos and IndlsorolloiiB , and tholr Itqsultu—DlsqualUloatlonB for Marriage , and tholr Ouro—tho Physiology of Koproduetlon — fcJollrialUotcrt MiflorioB-StorllUy and Its OftUBOB—How to Soouro Moral and Phyuluul HappinoHB . N . JU . JDr . Kahn'fl Troutlso on tho aliovo snbjocts , entitled * ' Tho PhlluHophy of Marrlago , " sont iiosfc-fron , on rouclpt ol IS stamps , dlrooc from tho uuthor , 17 , Uitrloy Btrcot , Cuvou-Oish So uhI-0 , W .
FIFTEEN to TWENTY , and even TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT . PER ANNUM upon current value of shares , in CORNISH TIN and COPPER MINES . Dividends payable two-monthly or quarterly . MESSRS . TREDINNICK AND CO ., MINING ENGINEERS , send their SELECTED LIST OF SOUND , PROGRESSIVE and DIVIDEND SHARES upon the receipt of a Fee of One Guinea . Review of Cornish and Devon Mining Enterprise , 5 s . per copy . ' - Maps per postof the Buller and Basset , Great "Vor , Alfred Consols , the Providence and Margaret Districts , 2 s . 6 d . each . .. Cornish Mines , well selected , pay better than other description of . securities , are freer from risks , and entail less responsibilities than banks and other joint-stock companies . Shares bought and sold on commission of 1 per cent . Money advanced at 10 per cent , per annum , for short' or long- periods , on approved Mining Shares . Messrs . Tredinnick and Co . can with confidence draw attention to the favourable aspect of the Mining Share Market in juxtaposition to those for other securities ; money is still abundant , and the value of metals high ; whilst public attention is daily becoming more generally directed to mining Securities as an eligible and desirable medium for the investment of capital , and correct data is more generally diffused . They especially 'draw attention to Dolcoath , Old Tolgus United , Tselawny , Rose , Rosewarrie United , Craddock Moor , Providence , Margaret , St , Ives Consols . Buller and Basset United ,-South Caradon , Wheal Hooper , South Buller and West Penstruthal , Cam Brea , Basset , South Frances , Unity Consols , Buller and . Bertha , and Carnewas . . Offices , ~ S Lombard-street , London , E . C .
BENSON'S WATCHES . " Perfection of Mechanism . "—Morning Post . Gold , 4 to 100 guineas ; Silver , 2 to 50 guineas . ( Send two stamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pamphlet . ) "Watches sent to all parts of the "World free per Post . 33 and 34 , Ludgate-hill , London , E . C .
MAPPIN'S " SHILLING" RAZORS Warranted good by the Makers . MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZORS Shave well for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZORS suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) Shave well for Ten Years . mappin ' s dressing cases and travelling bags . Gentleman ' s Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ 1 1 0 Gentleman ' s Solid Leather Dressing Case , fitted £ 2 2 0 Gentleman ' s Leather Travelling- and Dressing Bag , fitted with 10 Articles , Outside Pocket , complete £ 4 0 0 Do . do . do . with addition of Writing Materials , Patent In * , and Light , complete ............... £ 5 0 0 Gentleman ' s very large , 18 in . Bag-, with Dressing and Writing Materials , 21 Articles , Outside Pocket £ 7 0 0 Gentleman's 17 in . Writing and Dressing Bag , Plated Fittings , best Glass , fitted with 20 Articles , complete fill 10 0 Gentleman ' s 17 in . Writing and Dressing Bag . fitted with every necessary , very handsome , complete * 1 ° ° ' ° Enamel Leather Lady's Travelling- Bag , 13 in ., Lined Silk , fitted with 14 Articles , Outside Pocket , complete ....... .... £ 2 15 - 0 Morocco Leather Lady ' s Travelling Bag-, Lined Silk , fitted with , li » -Articles , Outside Pocket , complcto ., ..-. £ 4 4 0 Do do . do . with addition of Writing Materials , Ink , and Light , complete • £ 5 5 ° Levant Leather Lady ' s Writing and Dressing Bag , 15 in ., fitted with 28 Articles , complete . £ 10 0 Q Lovaut Leather Lndy ' s Writing- und Dressing ling-, 15 in ., fitted with 30 Articles , Outside Pockets , complete ........... * . 13 0 o Lovant Leather Lady's Travelling- and Dressing Bag-, 15 in ., fitted very complete , SJlvcr Tops to Glnss and Bottles , Ivory Brushes , very handsome , complete hZi 0 o A costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , lorwarded by Post on receipt of Twelve StampB . MAPPIN BROTHERS . 07 and 08 , KING WILLIAM STRICICT , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' b Cutlery WorkB , bhcffield .
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-hand Flro-proof SAFES , tho most oxtonslvo assortment , by Milner , and other eminent makorfl , at halt tho prloo of now . Dimensions , 2 Hn . high , 18 in . wide , and 10 in deep , £ 3 10 s , At O . GRIFFITHS ^ JIM Old Change , St , Ptvul ' H , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Milner , Chubb , Marr , or Mordau . NOTICE , —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' s Sales nood not apply ,
WANTED . Lndlos and Gontlomon ' s LEFT-OFF WEA 1 UNG APPAltKL , of every description . — Mr . and Mrs . HUTCH INSON continue to purchase and give tho highest prloo for Left-off Clothes , Ofllct'i'iJ' Uniforms ( navur and military ) . Old Jewellery . and all miscellaneous articles . LiuHcb and gentlemen wftitocl on at any time by addressing to Mr . or Mrs . Hutphiuson , M , Rod Lion-squaro , llolboin , W . C . 1 ' nrcolB from tho country , tho utiriost valuo linmodlately remitted by post-offleo order .
KEATINCr'S 00 UGE LOZENGrES . STATISTICS SHOW THAT FIFTY O THOUSAND 1 'IflltSONS annually fUllvJotlins to Pulmonnry Dlsordoi'H , including Coimumpllon , JJlMoasoa oJ tno Chost , and the lioepirntory Orffiina . Provontlou 1 h ftt nil tiruoB bottov than euro » bo , tliovotoru , nroparod iliir »» K « ' " wot niul wintry sooson , with a Biipply ol KLATING H COUGH l . OZJfiNQKH , which poHseua Iho vlvtuo oX uvortiiuf , HswoHiisofourlns'aCous'hor Cpkl . rrvnnrvd nn < l boM Iii IIoxc-b , 1 m . ll < 1 .. ong TAnAwiKii ' Jh . 0 ( ., mid 108 , ( HI . ouch , by TfloMAS KIOATINO , C'lifinlBt , &« ., 7 H , St . l ' uul ' tt Churchyard , London . Jtotallby ill jpruutrltttH .
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES , AT DEANE'S . ESTABLISHED AD . 1700 . D EANE'S TABLE CUTLERY has been cele ^ brated for more than 150 years for quality and cheapness . The stock is extensive and complete , affording a choice suited to the-taste and means of every purchaser . KNIVES , PER DOZEN . Table . Dessert , ^ era-Transparent Ivory Handles .. 33 s . .. 28 s . .. Us . Od . Best Do , Do 29 s . .. 23 s . .. 9 s . Od . Fine Do . Do . .... 23 s . .. 18 s . .. 7 s . 6 d . Good Do . Do . .... 10 s . .. 12 s . .. . 5 s . 6 d . Kitchen Do . Do 10 s . .. 8 s . .. 2 s . Od . Ladies' Scissors of the finest steel , the most finished workmanship , and in choice variety . Scissors in handsome cases adapted for presents . Penknives and every description of pocket cutlery . Deane ' s Monument Kazor nas been 150 years before the Public , and is a plain , thoroughly good Old English Razor . Price 2 s . 6 d . T ^ OM ESTIC BATHS—a very large variety U of SHOWER-BATHS of the most improved construction ; also , vapour , hip , plunging , sponging , nursery , and every description of Baths for domestic use . Deane's Baths are distinguished for their superior finish , strength of material , and great durability ; while the prices are on that low scale for which their Establishment has so long been celebrated . For Illustration s and Prices see their Pamphlet on '' Baths and Bathing , " to be had gratuitously , on application . DRA WING - ROOM STOVES—A large and handsome collection of BRIGHT STOVES , for the Drawing or Dining-room , embracing all the newest Designs . Deane and Co ., have applied ; to these and other classes of Register Stoves Patented Improvements , economising the consumption of Fuel , for which the highest Testimonials have been giveu . Hot Air Stoves , in Now and Ornamental Patterns , with ascending or descending Flues , suitable for Chnrches , Public Buildings , Halls , Shops , & c . ¦ . . SPOOK'S and FORKS . —Silver Pattern Spoons and Forks . —AJ 1 the newest and best designs of these Cheap , useful , and elegant Articles in Electro-Silvered and cDeanean Plate . ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ . ; . Prices of Electro-plated Spoons arid Forks : — Table Forks .. .. .. per doz . 38 s . 31 s . TableSpoons .. .. .. " ' 40 s . 33 s . Dessert Forks .. .. " 29 s . 23 s . Dessertspoons .. .. " 30 s . 24 s . Tea Spoons .. .. " 18 s . Us . Od . Mustard and Salt , per pair , 3 s . Sugar Bows , 3 s . Oa . OPENING TO THE MONUMENT , London-bridge . . * » SEND FOR DEANE'S FURNISHING LIST , Free on application ,
TO BUILDERS , SHIPPERS , ETC . J JOHNS ON informs the above that he is open to supply them with any amount of GROUND WHITE LEAD and COLOURED PAINTS , at Five per Cent , lower than the Current frices . J . J . ' s Lead and Paints arc recommended to the Trade as possessing more body , covers better , and easier to work than any other , and will retain colour in any climate . All orders to be addressed to J . Johnson , Kow Bridge Brentford , W .
TEETH WITHOUT SPRINGS . By Her MajeBty ' B Koyal Letters Patent . Improper Mastication and tho Evils attendant thereon may be avoided by wearing- Artificial Teeth properly constructed and of pure Materials . Messrs . GABRIEL , tho Old-Established Dcmtists ' Treatise on the Loss and be " Bt means of Kestoring- tho Teeth , explains their System of supp lying Artificial Masticators with Vulcanised Gum -coloured Inda Rubber as a base : no metal whatsover is uaed—springs nnd wires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly incrioased amount of suction is obtained , togethor with tho best materials and flrst-claBB workmanship , at less than half tho ordinary cost . "Gabriel ' s Treatise Is of Importanco to all requiring tho dentist ' s aid , and emanating from suoji a source , it may bo confidently relied on . —United Service Gazette . " Thousands requiring artificial tcoth arc deterred from consulting a dentist , fearing tho anticipated cost , or ¦ drond of failure—To all such wo say , peruse ' Gabriel h Treatise . Civil , Service Gazette . J ' ublishod by Messrs . GABiUEt . ( gratis on application , ov eent on receipt of throe postage stamps ) , at tholr establishments -33 , LudffatchiTl , an % 110 , / ^ F " ^ ;^ ^ ' ^^ " obHervo mmio uud numbers particularly ) ; und 1 J-I-, Puko-Htrcot , Livorpool i ' _______——
CERTAIN MEANS OF SELF CURE . AN ACT OF 0 T 1 AKITY . — A Oontlemon havhiff boon eurpd of nervous debility of Ions' stand \ uu , iho miult of early frppra , ami nftor irtuch mental and Cod ly Huflbrinff , 1 ii ^ H ltliut olinrltablo to rondor suoli iuioram Iton to oHow similarly situated as may rostoro thorn to lU'iiHli wlUioiu oxnoBuro F i 1 particulars sont to any nddronB , by oucIohintr two pOBtiitfo stamps to prepay poHtugo . Adtlross THOMAS 11 oVa « D , JBbq ., UUve-houHO , now Minnlng * hum .
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATJJRAL OOLOU 11 NEURALGIA , Nervous t Ilo ^} lo \ n }}^^ X Hum and Blill' . lolnts eurod by F . M -, H J ? A ^ ia A'l ' lONTMAOiNKTIC UUUHHKS . lOB . and 15 n . \ COMBS ^ h ( d to «< h Cjriy i ,, iir and UaidnoHH piibvisWtbd by f «¦ ' II / B I ' nlPiit I ' rovt ' utlvoltruHh . l'rlcc . » h , and 5 b . Olic iH : »• , ' , MaHhiKhall-Htroot , London , wlioi ; .. may bo had , mat Mi 1 iVh nted pamphlet , " Why llalr bnnomoB Oroy , and 11 « ltwiwdy . " atdd by all ghomlBtH and i ' orl ' unioru ot 'eputo .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 10, 1859, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_10121859/page/23/