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368 __gjLg__J^JgiL?- . . . ;C^y 368, SA-...
CORN MARKET. Mark-lane, Thursday, April ...
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
pOYAL ITALIAN OPERA, LYCEUMw' JLmj.--'¦¦: . -' ¦ '.; First night of the Season.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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368 __Gjlg__J^Jgil?- . . . ;C^Y 368, Sa-...
368 __ gjLg __ J ^ JgiL ? - . . . ; C ^ y 368 , SA- rtiKn ^
Corn Market. Mark-Lane, Thursday, April ...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Thursday , April 9 , 1857 . To-hobhcw being Good Friday there will be no other market held this week- The supplies of Wheat are very moderate , bat Barley and Oats arrive in large quantities . The Wheat tradecontinuesas dull as possible , with drooping prices . The demand for BaTley and Oats yesterday , though not active , was sufficient to prevent any decline from Monday ' s rates , which , were Is . to 2 s . under those of last week for both articles .
British Funds For The Past -Week. (Gloan...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST -WEEK . ( GLoanca Prices . ) Sat . 1 Mon . Tiies . Wed . fliur- } Fricl Bank Stock ............ ...... 2 l 8 i 216 216 3 per Cent . Red ...... ...... 92 91 * 9 H- 91 * 3 per Cent . Con . Am . 93 * 93 i 92 * 92 i 92 $ Coasols for Account 93 * 93 £ 923 » 2 * 93 * N « w 3 per Cent . An- ...... Ms — - [ H N « w 2 £ per Cents- * . ••— 2-Ijong Ans . 1860 U .. S India Stock 222 J 222 * ...... 223 ^ 22 o £ Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 5 d 1 ( 1 ...... ...- ¦ ¦ .. Ditto , under JE 1000 par 1 d 5 d 2 d par Ex Bills , £ 1000 ...... 2 d 2 d 6 d 6 d Ditto , £ 500 . 2 d ..... 2 d 6 d | Ditto , Small Id ...... ad : 6 d 6 d j
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the "Week ending - FlUDAY EVENIBe . ) Brazilian Bonds . ......... 100 Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents 86 Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents .. 102 J | Cents ........ Chilian 3 per Cents ....... 78 > 1 Russian 4 ^ per Cents .,.. 955 Dutch 24 per Cents ....... 65 J Spanish .. 41 i Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . i ) 6 i S Spanish Committee Cer-Equador Uonds ............... of Coup , not fun ........ 6 J Mexican Account ' . ; . 231 , Turkish 6 per Cents ...... 971 Peruvian 4 £ perCerits .... 77 J ; Turkish New , 4 ditto ... 100 J Portuguese 3 per Cents . 45 i Venezuela 4 & per Cents .. ...
Poyal Italian Opera, Lyceumw' Jlmj.--'¦¦: . -' ¦ '.; First Night Of The Season.
TDOYAL ITALIAN OPERA , LYCEUMw—J-k ; First night of the Season .
On Tuesday next , April 14 , 1857 , will be performed Bellini's Opera ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦ . : ¦¦ :: "¦ ¦ ¦¦' .. ¦• . I PURITANE . Principal characters by INtadame Orisi , Signor Gtraziani , Signor Tagliafico , Siguor Polonini , Signor Soldi , and Signor Gtardoni . Conductor , Mr . COSTA . After which will be given a New Divertissement , entitled . LES ABEILLES , in which Mademoiselle Delechaux ( her first appearance ) , Mademoiselle Esper , Mademoiselle Battaliui , and Monsieur JDesplaces , will appear . The Theatrehas been entirely redecorated , and the Boxes and Stalls rendered more commodious . The Admission to the Pit , and also to the Amphitheatre Stalls , will be through the principal entrance in "Wellington-street . There will be a communication between the Pit and the Boxes . —Pit , 8 s . ; Amphitheatre Stalls , 7 s . and 5 s . The Opera will commence on each evening at half-past eight o ' clock .
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . —SPEZIA , GIUGLINI , VIALETTI , BENEVENTANO , POCCJ 1 INI . OPENING NIGHT , TUESDAY , April 14 th , Opera ...................... LA FAVORITA . Ballet ...... ... LAESMERALDA . ( For particulars see bills . ) The same Opera and Ballot will ha repeated on Thursday , April 16 th , it beiue an extra night not included in the Subscription . . A limited number of Boxes in tlio Half-circlo Tier havo been specially reserved for tho public , and may bo had at tlie Box Ofllco at the Thcatro , Colonnade , Haymarket . Prico One Guinea , and One Guinea and a-Half each .
HER MAJESTY'S THEAT 1 E .-GKAND EXTRA NIGHT , THURSDAY , April 16 . Spezia , Guiglini , Vialetti , Beneventano , Pocchiui . OPERA . —LA PAVORITA . i % BALLET .-LA ESMERALDA . Tor particulars , sco Bills-A limited number of boxes in the half-circlo tier havo been specially reserved for tho public , and may bo had on application at tho Bok-oIUco at tho Theatre , Colonnade , Haymarket . Prico , © no Guinea , and One Ouinoa and a Half . r ^ h 6 door ^ wil 1 ° P ° ** Sovon ; tho Opera comnicnco at Half-past Soven .
BASTEE , MONDAY AKTD DURING THE WEEK . T 3 OYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . - * -+ > Lesseeuiid Manager , Mr . Amurd Wioan . ^ - i r > P ; Y HARDAORB . Oharaotnra by Messrs . P . Robson , <» . Ylning , G . Oooke , Leslie : Miss Stephens and Miss Hughos . After which A S HEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . Characters by Mt » Bsra . Addlson , G . Vininp . G . Cooko , Loslio . fe ' uTOHnlinSift Maskell . To conclulo with 'rHlByBSt THIEVES 1 Characters by Messrs . P . Robson , « . Vtning , Leolio , Cooper ¦ , Misses Bwanborough and Brom-
K ^« 5 Sg & gSH ^ P IB » ' ST . MARTIN'S HALL , LONG ACRE . Bballs . Ss . i Reserved Seats , Is . ; Unreserved , cd . Poors open at Half-past Sovou .
nPHE GREA , T TOBACCO CONTROVERSY K ^ iS » a , SaS and lli « rarity and ooinpletono « a of whSw ? contont ^ lmvo already acquired for it a iSuropoau reputatlon ^ nd'Sbtainod tho waJfui ooiumondatiou of tho pross In tkia and othor countries , is open daily ( for goiifclomon on &) fr 5 m £ n tS Ton . Anew Locturo is do ivorod byl > r Kaiik at H » i ?«««? Bight P . u . precisely . Adini » i . lon 7 lB ?^ lw 1 ? ttvo ^ cata / o 'K of tlio Museurn conta iiing Leoturou as delivered Wr KAUN , * gratia to tho visitoru . " «»^ u oy ut .
BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY has ever since its introduction to the public been , recognised , both , by scientific men and the trade , as the best article ever manufactured in this couiitry .- 3 ts claims to such preeminence are based uponits unrivalled purity , aud its closer assimilation than any other to tlxe flavour of t-Ue finest Champagne Brandy . There has been no Brandy made from Wine in France , either in the present year or in the preceding one . Owing to the successive failuresin their vintages , the French wine grower gets a higher price for his wine , consumed as sucli , than he can realise by its being distilled into Brandy ; and forasmuch as the Foreign Brandy of recent importations is but the product of British grain and beetroot sprrits , the prestige hitherto exclusively enjoyed by Trench Brandy as having- been distilled from a particular French , wine no longer exists , and is no longer worthily assignable to it now that is bmiglingly made from other materials . The supply of wine for distillation into Brandy having failed , tho Frencli distiller is constrained to recur to a tnanu facture In which lie needs the quarter of a century's experience which has been exercised upon that of BETTS'S PATENT BRANI > Y , to . render his article respectably cpinpetiti % ' e , and he has not had it . Under these circumstances , the Messrs . Betts challenge that their PATENT BRANDY is superior to any now made abroad . It is to the interest of the public and the Messrs . Betts that these facts should be . widely spread , for recent importations are of a quality so inferior as to disgrace the name they b « ar , and are twice the price of BBTTS'S PATENT BRANDY , which is supplied by the trade to privaie families xn any quantity , down to the sing ; le capsuled bottle . Excise regulations prevent its sale from the DISTILLERY , 7 , SMITHFIELD-BARS , ST . JOHN-STREET , in any less quantity than two gallons .
" THE MEDICAL CIRCULAR " J- ON DE . DE JONGH'S LIG-HT BROWIsr GOD LIVER OIL . " Much of the Pale Oil sold in the market is found to be nothing more than Skate Oil-a fact which will account for the failures which have so frequently attended tlie use of the so-called Cod Liver Oil . The utmost reliance may he placed , upon the experimental researches of Dr . de Jongb , who is one of tlie ' . ' most eminent of European chemists- tlie Oil procured hy him enjoys also "the additional sanction of the opinion of Baron Xiebig and the la . tc Dr . Pereira in favour of its genuineness and efficacy ' . ' Our 6 wn experience practically confirms their judgment , and . we ujniESirA .-TINGI ^ r RECOMMEND I > K . DK JONGII ' S LtGHT-BBOWN COD Livek Oil as the hest fou mudicin At purposes , a-nd "WELL DE 3 EBV 3 NG- THE CONBIDEIS'CE OF THE PJiOFESSIOH . " DR . BE JOlSfGH'S COD LIVER OIL Has now , in consequence of its inarkedsuperiority over every other -variety , secured the entire confidence and almost universal preference of the mostemiiient Medical Praetitioners as the most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHll'lS , ASTHMA , GOUT " , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN NEURALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING GENERAL DEBILITY , and all SCROPULOUS AFFECTIONS . — Sold onxt in iMPEiirAL Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts , 9 s . ; capsuled and labelled with Djr . de Jongh ' 8 Stampand Signature , without which nowearegujvuike , by many respectable Chemists througliout tlie United Kingdom . WHOLESAriE AND KETAIL DEPOT . ANSAR , HAltPORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAND , LONDON , W . C , DR . DE JONGH ' 8 SOLE BRITISH CONSIGNEES , By whom tlio Oil is daily forwarded to all parts of the Metropolis .
T ^ RAMPTON'S PILL HEALTH . —The A . manifold advantages to tho heads of families from tho possession of a medicine of known efficacy , that maybe resoTted to with confidence , and used with' success in cases of temporary sickness , occurring in families more or less every day , aro so obvious to all , that no question can bo raised of its importance to every housekeeper in "the kingdom . For females . these Pills aro truly excellent , removing all obstructions , the distressing headacho so very prevalent with the sex , depression of spirits , dulness of siKut . norvous affections , blotches , pimples and sallowness of the skin , and produce a healthy complexion . Sold Ivy PKOUT and HAUSANT , 229 , Strand , London , and all Medicine Vendors . Price Is . l $ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box .
IQLAIR'S GrOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . J ~> This preparation is one of tho benefits which tho science of modern chemistry haa conferred upon mankind , for , during tho lir . st twenty years of the present century , to spoak of a euro for the Gout was considered aromanco—but now tho clttcacy and . safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from porsoiiHin every rank « f lift ) , tliat public opinion proclaims this as 0110 of tho most important discoverios of the present ago . Sold by PRUUT and HARSANT , 220 , Strand , London , and all Medicine Vendors . Price is . lid . and 2 s . 9 d . per box .
Ef OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS L INVIFCIBLE REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF ULOURS . —Henry Jones , of Church Gate , Rt . ockport , was grievously afflicted for three years with an ulcerated ckcek , tho face , being fearfully swollen , accompanied with deafness on tho one side , and general debility . Mo procured the ilrst modioal advi « e in tho neighbourhood without obtaining- tho BlightestTelief , when ho was induced to give these remedies atrinl . and nt'ter applying tho Ointment for a short time , and taking tho Tills , tho complaint entirely disappeared , without leaving a trace behind . Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout tho world ; at Professor HOLLOVVAY'S Establishments , 244 , Strand , Iondon , and 80 , Maiuen-in . no , New York ; by A . Stnmpa , Constantinople ; A . Gujdicy , Smyrna ; aud 10 . Muip , Malta .
OMMUJRATBD HAIR PREPARATIONS . A LEX . ltOSS'S LIQUID HAUt DYE , easily xA _ applied , being tho bent in tho world . Sold from 3 h . (] k-HTKOYKit , or DiM'ii . AU'ouv , for ronioving miiierlliioiiH hair from tho face , neck , iiram nnd hiind . s , ; j ^ . oil , per botLhv , Hont for atnmpM , l'rco by post , Sd . extra . Au : x . Rosa ' s Uan-THA . 1 UDK 8 Oil ., a Hiiro restorer of tho linir , its . till . ; wont for IW Btft , mpN . Albx . Rosa ' s Facij 1 ' ownujt , or I ' omodoru , is . ; noo for 14 atainpH . LKtuin Rouge , " 2 h . ( Ul . per bottle , Bent Ireo tot iUi Btamps . by Ar . ux . Ross , 1 , LitUo Queonatroet , JllgU llolborn ; Wholesulo Agent , Bahclay , FurrinBdon-atreet .
COLERA SHERRY , — VINTrAbrt , TT " ^ guaran teed , jj 4 s . j > er dozen . Queen Isabella ' s favoi , 34 W me , as used at the Royal tabl e of Spain iavoiu ,. ' The peculiar characteristics 6 f thewiue are fall bettv fi » flavour , and great riehiress , aad 13 the FINEST fiHEhnv ever imported and eminently suited to the palEte of'thf ? who enjoy and appreciate a first-class -wine . hoso J . L . DENMAN , Wine and Spirit Importer bs V ^ chuTch-strecfc London . Counting-louse entrauce' fc door on the left up Eailway place . we > ^^ "This wine possesses immense body , combined with a f , m and rich nuttr flavour , and a . dryness mellowed by its i « p constituting at once the finest sherry we ever tasted ¦ afui we say to connoisseurs of really fine wine , Call and iud " o for yourselves . "— Vide Morning Herald , Feb . 19 1857 fc
TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEN DENMAN'S SOUTH AFRICAN PORT DENMAN'S SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY . . "Having tasted tliese Vines , we say to those who likn wine possessing Ricliness without Sweetness , Drynesswith out Acidity , and Body without Brawdy , by kll mea ^ s 3 ™ 1857 1 a triaL "~ Yide BelVs Weekl V Messmgtr . S 5 / l £ Bottles included . Packages allowed for when retimi & d Te ? ms e sh . * ^ ° th ° Railway TermLau ? iTnlin ASample Bottle for 24 stamps . Country Orders ' must contain a remittance . Checaies tn be crossed "Bank of London . " vucciuea to J . L . DESMAN" , Wine and Spirit Importer . Ten church-street , London . Counting-house entrance " , 'first dor . v on the left « p Railv / ay-plaee .
THE CONTINENTAL WINE COMPANY BIRCH IN LANE , CORNHILT ; . ' Ai- e enabled , by their connexion with tho principal wine growers , to supply every description of WINJ 3 of-the finest qualities at prices for cash far below the average includin « their ° Alto Douro Ports , at 42 s . per dozen . Genuine ditto , 54 s . per dozen . Superior Pale or Gold Sherries , 30 s . to 36 s . per dozen . Champagne , frc * m 42 s . to 72 s . Claret , from 30 s . to 8 'is . PcTst orders must contain a remittance .
GLEFFIELD PATENT ST Alt CH USED . ' . m THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to bo THE FINEST ? STARCH SHE EVER USED . " Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers . & c . « Ssc .
/ T-. ENUINE GARDEN" SEEDS . —TIMOTHY VT BRIGDEN , SEEDSMAN and PLORIST 10 l ? iir WAT AROADEi LONDON BRIDGE , begs most regretfully to inform his friends aud patrons , that his unrivalled collection of Agricultural , Vegetable , and Flower Sectis is now arranged , and Catalogues will "be forwarded , post // rep upon application . V . B . further begs to state that ho still continues to make assortments of choice Vegetable Seeds , in collections suitable for Gardens of every size , from Ten Shillings and upwards . IJadies and Gentlemen not being able to call at the above Establishment , nray rely upon their orders being executed with only First-class Seeds . , . All orders from unknown correspondents must be accompanied with reference or Post-ofiicc Order . Loroueh Branch . ¦ . '¦ " .
DE ANE'S TABLE CUTLERY , celebrated for more than ISO years , maintains an unrivalled reputation for cheapness and lirst-rate finality . The stock i : i most extensive sind complete , including the finest trans ;! > : i rent Ivory Handles at 32 s . per dozen , choice ditto ¦ Balance Handles from 22 s . per doz ., medium ditto Balance Handles ( an exceedingly chuan and serviceable family » artielo ) , 10 s . per doz ., also Bone , Horn , Stag , and every variety of mounting , all warranted . Plated Dessert Knives and Forks with Silver , Pearl .. Ivory , and Plated Handles , in easeso / ' 12 , 18 , or 24 pairs , also plated Fish-eating Knives from < 12 s . per doz , Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of the newest and . most elegant designs always in stock . . London Agents for IW ossrs . Joseph Rodgers aiid Sons' celebrated Cutlery . 1 > HAJTE , DltAY and Co . ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Wnrohouses ( opening to > tho Monuiiiunt ) , London Kridgo . Estr .-lishcd a . e . 1700 .
rjpEETH . —Messrs . GABltlEL supply COMJ- PLETB SE 1 S , without Springs , on the principio of capillary attraction , avoiding tho necessity of extrautiii | i ; stumps or causing any pain . S 1 LICIOUB ENAMELLED AMERICAN M 1 NT 5 HAL TEETH , the best in Europe—guaranteed to answer every purpose of mastication or articulation—from os . Cd . per Tooth . Sets , 4 , 1 . 4 s . —lie ) ' Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent liavc been awarded for tho production , of a perfectly W 1 HTK ENAMEL , for deoayod FRONT TEETH , which can only bo obtained at Messrs . Gabriel ' s Establishments , l \ 3 , LUDGATE HILL , live doors from the Old Bailey i a : nl nt 112 , DUKM-STltEET , LIVERPOOL . Consultation and ovcry information gratis .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PAT !¦ x \ V . WHITE'S MOC-iYIA-lN LEVER TllUSS is allowed byupwardsof 200 MedicalGenMoinou to It , the most ofl'ectivo invontion in the curative trontwent of Hernia . The uso of a stool spring ( so hurt fill in its efl'eets ) is hero avoided , a soft Bandago being worn round t ho body , while th « requisite resisting power is supplied liy t . lio Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lovor , fitting with so niucli <•««() and closeness that it cannot bo dotccted , nnd niny be worn during sloop . A descriptive circular may bo hud , and tlw Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tlio circumference of the- body , two inches bolow t lie hip , being sent to tho Manufacturer . Trice of aainglo truss , 10 a ., 21 s ., 20 s . Cd ., and { Jls . Odi-Postngo , In . Double Truss , 31 s . fld ., 42 s ., and . V 2 s . 0 d . — Postngft I- ' - *• * ' Umbilie ; il Truss , < 1 . 2 a . and Ms . ud . — -Postage- 1 h . un \ . PoHt-olIlcciOrdcM's to bo made payable to JO 1 IJS' Will li ., Post-olHco , 'Piccadilly . Ht » l . \ stic stockings , knee-cars , & . ., JLli for VAUKOSM VKINS , and all rases of \ VK . \ KNKSS mid KWULMNG of tho LEGS , SPRAINS . \ c ¦ Tltoy arc poroiiH , light in texturo , and inexpensive , I ' . mlM ' " drawn on lik « an ordinary stocking . I ' ricol ' roin 7 s . fid . to KIh , each . —Postngc , ( id . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , . London .
Leader (1850-1860), April 11, 1857, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11041857/page/22/