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April 11,1857.] THE, LlABEB 1 .. 359
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April 11,1857.] The, Llabeb 1 .. 359
April 11 , 1857 . ] THE , LlABEB .. 359
T 2 EDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . JL > —WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LARGE . SHOWBOOMS devoted exclusively to tho SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . Tho Stock of each is at once thes largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked . at priccs"proportioiiate with those that have tended to make his es . ablishinent the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from ...- 12 s . Od . to £ 12 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from 7 s . Gd . to dSXj 12 s . each . I / amps ( Jloiicrateur ) , from Cs . Od . to £ Q 0 s . ca « h . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) PureColzaOil ..... ; .. ;; 5 s . per gallon . CUT ] , ERY WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment of TAliLE-CUTLERY in tlie world , all warranted , is on SALE at VI LLIAJtt ' S . 'BURTON'S , at prices that are ¦ remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—3 J inch ivory-handled table-knives ,-with high shoulders , 12 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , 9 s . fid ; if to balance , Gd . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . por pair : larger sizes , from 19 s . to 20 s . per dozen ; extra line ivorv , 32 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 37 s . to 50 s . ; whi te bone table-knives , 7 s . Cd . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . Gd . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . -id . per dozen ; desserts , Os ., carvers , 2 s . Gd . ; blade wood-handled table-knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steels from . Is . each . The largest stock iu existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of tho new plated ftsh-carvers . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , ' , when plated by the patent of Messrs . Elkingtcn . and Co ., is beyond alL comparison tho very best article next to sterling silver that can bo employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished frovn real silver . Fiddle or Thread or T ^ . . Old Silver Brunswick -Jt ^ Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . TaA ) le Spoons and Forks per dozen ... .... ... ... 38 s . 48 s . ...... GOs . Dessert ditto aud ditto ... 80 s . ...... 35 s . ... „ . -12 s . Tea ditto .... ... ... ISs 21 s . ...... 30 s . Tea and Cofleo Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of replating done by : the patent process . . .. ' CHEMICALLY" PURE 3 TICKEL NOT PLATED , Table Spoons and Forks ™ dle . Thread .. King ' s . per dozen .... 12 s , ... 28 s . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Teaditfco 5 s . ... lls . ... 12 s . The additions to these oxteusive premises ( already by far the largest in J'luropo ) are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display of the most magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery , Nickel Stiver , Plated Goods , Baths , Bmshos , Turnery , Lanms . Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , aud Bed-hangings ) , so arranged in Sixteen Large Sh . ow Rooms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( por post ) free . 39 , OXFORU-STKEET , W . ; 1 , 1 A ., 2 , and 3 NEWMANSTREET ; and 4 , 5 , and G . PE . U , RY'S-1 LAOJG , LONDON . Established , 1820 .
THE FOUTT-SEYEN SHILLING SUITS . MADE TO OEDER from Scotch , Heather ,-and Cheviot T weeds . All wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor . 74 , Regent-street . Tho TWO-GU 1 NUA DRESS and FROCK COATS . TheGUINHA DRESS TROUSERS and HAW-GUINEA . "WAISTCOATS . The REGISTERED OUDE WRAPPER , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved CiLpe , 25 s . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
J . W . BENSON'S WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY , S 3 and 34 , LUDGATE-HULL , LONDON . Established 1740 . — . T . W . BENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and S 1 LVUR WATCHES of every description , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his magnificent and unprecedented display of Watches , which is admitted to be tlie largest and best selected Stock in London , lb consists of Chronometer , Duplex , Patent , Dotached Lover , Horizontal , and Vertical Movements , jewelled , & c , with all the latest improvements , mounted in superblyfirushed engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . Tho destigns engraved upon many of the cases aro by oniiiicnt artists , stnil can only bu obtained at tins Manufactory . If the important requisites , superiority of finish , combined with accuracy of pt . 'ii ' ormanco , elegance , durability , mul reasonableness of price , are wished lor , tho intending Purchaser should visit -this Manufactory , or send for tho ILLUSTRATED PAJLPHLNT , published by , 1 . \ V . BENSON ( andsout post frcoo > n application ) , which contains sketches , prices , and directions-an to what Watch to buy , where to « uy io , and how to > use it . Several hundred letters havo boon received from persons who havo bought ; Watches al ) this Manufactory , bearing testimony to tho correct porlorinanoesol' tho same OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . . Trorn tho Morning JL > ost , Oct . ISO , 1 H 5 I 5 . —" Exhibits exquisite artistic reeling in ornamentation , and perfection oi ' incchanisni iu struclnro . "—From the Jlloruiu / j Chronicle . Oct . 30 .- — " J'Jxccllrneoof design and perfection in wai-kinimsliip . " — l'romtho Morniiitr Atliiertiner , Nov . I . — Tho high repute which Mr . Benson has obtained for the qualities of his maiuifiicluro stands second to none . "—Prom tho Morning llcralil , Nov .: ' ,. — "Tlio hif ? h standing of Mr , ISonsou as a London ninnufueturor mw > t hucui'o for him a largo amount of public i > nlronngi ! " —From the ( Hake , Nov . : ) .--- " All that can bo dosired , iu llulsh , tiuito , and design . " CiOLJ ) WATUHEW , llori / . oiital . AlovmiKsnts , Jiiwolle . il , & c , accurate tiine-kMtptrs , : s / , 15 s ., . \ . i , ins .,. " ")/ , ins ., to 15 / , IBs . each . Gold Lover Watehos , jewelled , and highly-finished inovcinontb . lj ; . Us ., S / . 8 s ., 10 / . ]() S ., VU . 12 s ., Ui . Ua . ltiiM (! s ., to «) ( iuincas . SILVER' WATCHKS , Horizontal Movdinonts , Jp-wollcd . « c ., exact timo-kenpe . rs . -ZI .-J . H ., \> l . 15 s ., \\ L irm ., Lo r , L 5 m . oach . Silver Lever Walchos , highly lluishod , lnwnllod niovcitientM , am' 'U-1 ()* " nL 1 Us - ' " tl - KM .. K / . Ills ., "in / . His ., toiMtKiiiiiuiis , JV l \ vo roars' Warranty « ivon with ( ivory Watch , and sent , earnajjfo paid , to Suollinid , Iruland , Wales , or any parl or the kingdom , upon roi : ui ]» t ( if Post-olllco <> v Ua ' ukci's order miulc payable to J . W . lJENSON , a ; Jaua ;> l ., Lnd ( rate . lull , London . Merchants , Shippers , and Watch Clubs supplied . Old « utchca taken iu K ); change .
• A Iu L I AN C E ¦ - ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - . ¦ ¦ ¦ . BRITISH AND FOREIGN " LIFE AND FIRE ASS-URANCE COMPANY * . BARTHOLOMEW-LANE , LONDON . Established ISM . "The Half-Yearly Dividend on the Shares of this Company wilL be in course of payment on Monday , the VAth Jnstant , and every following day ( Saturdays excepted ) , between thehours of 11 and S o ' clock . P . A . ENGEIiBACH , Actuary and Secretary . Dated the 8 th April , 1857 .
THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT of the Directors of the MUTUAL . LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , together -with the Casit Account aud Ht & iiMiCE Siieet for the year 1856 , showing the state of th c Society ' s 'affairs on the 31 st of December last v as presented to the General Meeting on the 18 th of February , 1857 , will be' delivered on a written or personal application to the Actuary , or to any of the Society ' s ag-ents iu Great Britain . CHARLES INGALL , Actuary . Mttuat , Life Assurance Offices , 39 , King-street , Cheapside , London , E . C .
£ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH . A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WHEEL IN THE EVENT OP INJURY BY ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , may be secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the T > AIL WAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE JLV COMPANY . Suiallcr amounts may . be secured by proportionate payments . NO CHxVRGE FOR STAMP DUTY . RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may be insured against by the Journey or by tho Year at all tho principal Railway Stations , where also Forms of Proposal and Pro--spoctuses lnay be had—and of the . Provincial * . Agents—and at the Head Olliec , London . N ~ . B . —The usefulness of this Company is showii by tho . sunn paid as Compensation for Accidents j 6 ' 22 , 722 . Railway Tassengors Assurance Company . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Seoietary . Oflice , 3 , Old Broad-street , E . C .
THE HOUSEHOLDERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . DIRECTORS . Win . Ashton , Esq ., illorton-house , "Wraysbury , Staines . Tlie Rev . / rhos . Oator , Bryanston-square > aud Sk « lbrookpark , Doncaster ., Charles Hulso , Esq ., Hall-grove , Bstgshot . * F . D . Bullock AVebster , Esq ., Norfolk-terrace , Hyde-park . Arthur P . Onslo . w , Esq ., Lawbrook-lioiise , Shere , Guiidford . Thomas Pocock , Esq ., Southwark-bi'idpre-road . Peter Paterson , Esq ., jun ., Park-rond , Holloway . James Laughton , " Esq ., Holm A ^ lla , Lewisham-road . This Company enables persons , without speculation , to invest large or small sums , at a . higher rate of interest than ca . n be obtained from the public funds , and on : is secure a basis . * ,. ¦ ¦ ** . ¦ Porms of application to deposit sums of money , at 5 per ce-nt . interest , payable half-yearly , or to purchaseelmren ( the present interest on which is G por cent . ) , may bo had on application to R . HODSONiSec . 15 and 16 , Adam-street , Adelphi .
A RGUS LIPE ASSURANCE COMPANY , J- - »_ , 39 , Throgmorton-street . Bank . fJHAiJi-MAN -THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq .. Alderman . DisruTY-Cirairman—WILLIAM LEAF , Esq . Richard K . Arden , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Kdward Bates , Esq . Safi ' cry W . JoliiiBon , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A . Jeremiah Pilchor , Esq . Jolin Humphery , Esq ., Aid . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician . —Dr . Joalfreson , 2 , Finsbury-squave . Suhgdon . —W . Coulsou . Esq ., 2 , Fredoriok ' S-place . Old Jewry . Actuaey . —George Clark . Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING IN THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . Tho assured are protected by a subscribed capital of 300 , 000 /! , an Assurance Fund of 43 (> , ()( M ) i . invested on M ' ortpi \ Ro and in the Government Stocks , and an income of 80 , 000 / . a year . Premiums to Assure-lOOf . j Whole Term . Asa . ' Ono Year , i Seven Years . With Profits . Profits . 20 I XQ 17 8 ! . ^ 0 VJ {) 1 15 10 1 31 10 : if ) : 1 1 15 ! 1 . 2 7 -I 5 G 2 0 7 40 1 5 0 i 1 U 1 ) 15 0 7 2 I * 10 50 ' 1 IV 1 I 1 19 10 . ¦ < 1 . « 8 < 1 > 0 11 ( 10 , 'i !> 4 _ [ !! 17 0 ftVZ _ » 0 _ 0 10 MUTUAL'BRANCH . A . ssurers on the Itouus system aro entitled , at the ond of flvo yen I'm , to participate in nino-toi . it / lis , or DO por contof tho prollts . The profit assigned to each i > olic , v can bo added to the sum assured , njiplind in reduction < il' tho annual promium , or lii ) received in cash . At tho lir . st ilivision a return of 20 por cent , in easli , on tin ; pi'iMiiiimiK ]) aid , was ( U'l'lnred ; thin will allow a reversionary incr <} a «<; , varying , according to Jige , from ( W to 2 a tier cent , on tho premiums , or from 5 to JO por cunt , cm tho bum fissured . Oiic-hulf ( jf tho " whole term" premium may remain on credit for si'vttn years-, or ono-thiril ( if tho pniminm may r < -iiniiu Cor lifo us a dobt upon . tho |> olioy at 0 por oonfc ., or in : i , v In . ' |> : iid oil' nl , any tiiuu without notice . (* liiiius pnld in oiio month aftm proofs have been approved . Loans upon npproved Kuisurity . Ko chfii'ird for policy Hl'nnips . , \ ic ( lic ; il : l ( li'iidantN | i ; iii > for thelv reportrt . I ' ci'Miiis may , in time i > f poaee , procisod to , or rcdido in , m ly purl , of Kuro | Mi , or iSritinh ISorth America , without cxtrii charge . Tin- incdical rjflloL-rs nltond every day , at a quarter bnforo | t ' . vu o ' clock . Ji . BAT US , Resident Director .
npHE NIGHTINGALE FUND . —It i 3 intended -JL to close this Fund during the first week in May , and to lay a detailed Report of Proceedings lieforo the public , when the Trustees appointed by Miss Nightingalo will receive the amount subscribed as a reeord of " national gratitude , " and to enable her to establfeli am "laatitution for the Traiuing ^ Sustenance , and Protection of Nurses and Hospital Attendants . " . It is , therefore , respectfully requested that all outstanding subscriptions be forwarded to the Honorary Secretaries , and that Local Secretaries \ vill bo pleased to make' up theiraccounts , in order that they may be properly acknowledged and recorded . SIDNEY HERBERT , " ) Honorary S . C . HALL , J Secretaries . Office of the Nightingale Fund , 5 , Parliament-street , Westminster .
T OND ON , HARWICH , AND GQNTIJLj NENTAL STEASVIPACIiJiT . COMPANY ( Luflited ) . LONDON to ROTTERDAM in TWELVE HOURS by the NEW ROUTE to the Continent , forming the connect- ' ing link between the Butch Rhenish aud tho li ' astcru Counties Railways . -. The STEAMERS' of this Company will COMJS 5 ENCE RUNNING botweon HAltWICII and ROTTERDAM with passengers and goods on Saturday , April 25 . Tor further particulars as to freight , & c , applv at tho Company ' s Oflices , 44 , Moorgate-stroet , E . C . ; of Oliver John Williams , Esq ., Harwich ; and of H . P . Maples , shipping agent to the Company , 4 , Arthur-street East , E . C . .. . . . .. ' ¦
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 ; The Court of DirectorsGRANT LETTERS of CHED 1 T and BILLS at par upon the Company ' s Banks at Adelaide and Port Adelaide . Approved drafts oni South Australia negotiated and sent fori ' -olleotion . Every description of Banking business is also conducted with 1 Victoria direct through the Company ' s Agents , as well as with tho other Australian Colonies generally . Apply at the Oilices , No . 51 , Old . Broad-street , London , B . C . WILLIAM PITRDY , Manager . London , 1 st April , 1857 ;
SIX PER CENT . INTEREST . —DEBEN' TURES bearing Six per Cent . Interest are now ready to be issued for sums of 20 f . and . upwards j interest payable half-yearly . Life Assurance TnEA . sun . x 3 ncohpoha . ted , and Deposit , Discount , and A 8 SUEA . NCE Bank . The EARL of D-EVON " , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . ¦¦ - ¦ 6 , Cannon-street West , E . C .: :
TTNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSUKANCE VJ SOCIETY , 54 , Cliaring-cross . Xondon ; Whole Profits divided annually . No charge for Policy Stamps . Every description of Life Assurance effected on equitable terms .
RANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3-, PALtirMAldi IEAsT , LpNDONi Established ad . 1844 . CAPITAL 50 O , 000 / i PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY " are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of interest may be obtained with perect security . , The Interest is payable in January and July , cither at the Head Oliico inLondon , or at the various Branches throughout tho Country . PETER , MORUISONj Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening'Accoinits sent free on application .
rpiIE CAMBRIAN ami UNIVERSAL LIFE JL and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital 100 , OOOZ . EBtabliNhed : 184 . Ui Office , 27 , Grcsham-strcet . AgcneicH in tho principal towns of England and Wales . This office offers tho benefit of assurance iu all its branches , and Is highly eligible for every description of life assurance . A now and most important feature , entirely originating with this Company , viz .. Marriape Dowries . Life Assurance , aud . DcferrcdiAnnuities included in one policy . Rates of premium moderate . ¦ Annuities granted . Family endowments . Loaus on personal and oilier Kocuritios-Forms of proposal and every information inay be obtained on application . Hyordor , ALFRED MliLJtliADO . Managorj
¦ rpiIE VERY BEST SPECTACLES to be had JL' or Mr . LADD , OPTICIAN , « 1 , 0 HANONRY-LANK . lilue Steol SpectiuiJeu , with filsiHaetj , 13 d ;»; wibh PeblileK , aos-Host Gold , ditto , ;( 5 h . ; with Pebbles , 42 s . Second , quality at much lower pricus . Eye ( jJliiHHes , t )| ir ; ra GIjirhon , Telc : HcopeH , & c . Compound Achromatic Microscope ** , froin . 4 tO' 4 O KUincun .
ITALIAN AND FRENCH ) 'LANGXTAQES . MR . ALUUVABENK , B . LL ., from . tlio Univornity of Padua , who has hoon oBt & bliahcd in London for three yearn , given private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or tho housoti of hin pupils . Ho also atloudu Schools both in town and country . Mr . AliRlVAHI 5 NE t « nchcH on a plan thoroughly practical , and the moHt mt ! iliour « mindicaanotfaihtoithon <» iaBhljyconiprehcnd Ins losbous . Ai > ply by hitter to Mr . ARRIVABENE , No . 1 H , Croat I ' oi'tlaua-Mtreet , ( Juvundiuh-squaro .
"X / fJtiS M . LINDSAY'S LATEST VOCAL if . ll COMPOSITIONS :- " Airy , fairy Lilian , " and " Maud , " J ' ootry by A . ToimyHon , KfW | ., ( sach 2 fl . « rt . ; "Tho Bridge , " Poetry by Longfellow , 2 a . (( n . Od . ; "Puliwkl , " duel !)* i "Excelnior , " 2 a . Od ., duet or trio , 3 w . ; " tij » oak Gently , " Us . < ld ., duot «« .-London : ltOKdiR , ' ! . COOKS aud CO ., Now UurliiiKtou-» tr (! f ; t , \ V . \ mid of all Musiumillurs . N . I 3 . —Piuiioa on Hire , ait 12 h . per mouth , and upwards .
Leader (1850-1860), April 11, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11041857/page/23/