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360 THE 1EADM. [No. 368, Sat., Aprii, 11...
liONUOXf; PrlnUd and Published by Almlbd...
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360 The 1eadm. [No. 368, Sat., Aprii, 11...
360 THE 1 EADM . [ No . 368 , Sat ., Aprii , 11 , 1357
NEW WORKS ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ——? ¦ . ¦ ' . '¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ THE EDINBUEGH EEVIEW , No . CCXiV ., APRIL , 1857 . 8 vo , price 6 s . { On Thursday next . Contents . I . AT-E 2 CA 3 JPER THE GREAT . II . THE XAST CBNSCS OF FRANCE . III . THE . ATLANTIC OCEAN . IT . KAYE ' S LIFE OF MALCOLM . T . BOUMANIA . VI . THE FESTAL I-ETTEKS OF A 1 HANASIU 8 . VII . BOSWEIX . AND BOSWELXiIAITA . VIII . THE DILETTANTI SOCIETV . IX . BRITISH BEiATIONS WITH CHINA . X . THE PAST SESSION Atn > THE NEW PARLIAMENT . : . ' ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ ' ; . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 2 ... ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , A Tarantasse Journey tlirough EASTERN RUSSIA . By WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE , M . A ., F . R . S . ¦• Map , Plates , ¦ Woodcuts . Post 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . CHRISTIANITY in . CHINA , TABTARY , and THIBET . By the Abbe HUC . Translated with the Author ' s sanction . 2 vols . 8 vo . \_ On the 20 thin $ t . ¦ - - . ¦ . ¦ ¦ . : ¦ ¦ . ¦ 4 . ¦ ¦¦ .. ¦ . . ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ The COKFIDEjSTCE-MAN : His Masquerade . By HERMAN MELVILLE , Author of " Typee , " " Omoo , " & c . Fcap . 8 vo , 5 s . ; - ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ -. ' .. ... ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 5 . ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ , : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . "¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ The ANG-LER in t he LAKE DISTRICT ; or , Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions in Westmoreland and Cumberland . By JOHN DAyY , M . D ., T . R . S . Fcap . 8 vo , 6 s . 6 d . . ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ - ¦ . ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ . . . ¦ 6 . ¦ : : . -. . :, ¦¦ . MEMOIR of Admiral PARBT ( tire Arctic Navigator ) . By his Son , the Rev . E . PARRY , M . A . Second Edition ; Portrait and Map . Post 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d .
. ,. ' •"• This day is published , 8 vo , clotb , price 18 s . THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLiYS OF SHAJCSPERE UNFOLDED . 3 Y D E L I A B A C O K " . With a Preface by NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE , Author of " The Scarlet Letter , " & c . GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS , PUBLISHERS , 5 , PATERNOSTER ROW .
In 2 vols . 8 vo , with Two Portraits , bound in cloth , price 30 s . THE LIFE AND WORKS OF aOETHE : WITH SKETCHES OP HIS AGE AJSD COMXEMPORARIES , FROM PUB 1 ISHED AND UNPUBLISHED SOURCES . . ' . . ¦ ¦/ . . : ¦ ' . ' - ' : ; . BY G . H . LEWES . : ¦ ' '' -y ~ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ' . ' .. ¦ Y- V- ' : ¦ - "A work which , beyond question , surpasses anything which even Germany has produced during the last five in A twenty years ....... For tho first time the Life of our Poet is represented in its fulness with genial conception ' ami loving enthusiasm , —Ms noble personality from every side depicted with clearness and truth . Goethe's'life has almost always in Germany been handled either by learned Professors or constructive Philosophers . . In Lewes , on the contrary we see a man who , to profound and comprehensive culture , adds that otlier culture which a rich and varied inward and outward life alone can bestow , ar . d which brings him into congenial relationship with a poet like Goethe , so as to enable him to place before us a true and life-like picture of Goethe ' s personality ....... i . It is a work which will secure Lewes an enduring name , nob only in the literature of liis nation , but also in that which Goethe called the World ' s Literaturc . '' - Colcgne Gazette , Feb . 11 , 1857 . " ¦ . ¦ ' ¦;¦ LONDON : ¦ ¦ D .- ' NUTT , 270 , STRAND .
.-Shortly will be published , in 2 vols . 8 vo , ^ PHE STATE POLICY OF MODERN JL EUBOPE . London : Longman , Bro ^ wn , and Co .
1 _ NEW WORKS JTJST BEADY . HISTOBICAL and MILITABT ACCOUNT of the DEFENCE of KARS- By Colonel ATWELL LAKE , CB . 8 vo . With Plans and Illustrations . . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ EGYPT and the GRBAT SUEZ . CANAL : A Narrative of Travels in E & jpt , & c . By ST .. BARTHELEMY SI . HILAIR . B . 8 yo . NIGHTSHADE . By G-. JOHjNrSTONE , MA . Crown Svo . Price Five Shillings . liondon : Richard BentX / ET , N " e \ v Burliugton-sireet .
- ] \ In the Press , 8 vo , HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND . By HUNRY THOMAS BUCKLE . Volume I ., / being the First Part off a General Introduction London : Jonn W . Pabker and Son , "West Strand " .
- ¦ This day , the Third Volume , with Maps , 8 vo , 16 s ., of THE SPANISH CONQUEST IN AMERICA , and its Relation to tlie History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies . By ARTHUR HELPS . - Lately published , Vols . I . and II ,, 28 s . London : Jouk W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
' NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR , OF " THE HEIR OF KEDOLYrPE . " This day , Two Volumes , fcap . 8 vo , 12 s ., DYNEVOR TERRACE ; or , The Clue of Life . By tho Author of " The Heir of Rcdelyffo . " London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand-
This day , 8 vo , price 2 ls ., the Second Volume of SIR FRANCIS PALGltAVE'S HISTORY of NORMANDY and of ENGLAND . The Pirst Volume , 21 s . London : Jodtn W . Packer and Son , West Strand .
.- ¦ ILLUSTRATED . EDITION OP TENNYSON'S POE 3 IS ; Early in May will be published , in One Volume , POE MS . By ALFRED TENNYSON , D . CL ., Poet Laureate . With Illustrations by r W . jNtulrcady , R . A . ¦ J . E . Millais , A . R . A . C . Stanfield , R . A- J . C . Horsley , A . R . A . T . Creswick , R . A . ¦ W . H . Hunt . D ? Maclise , R . A . D . G . Rossetti . . Edwakd Moxon , Dover-sti-eet .
Just published , Svo , cloth , 10 s . Gd ., rpHE CONSTITUTION ; - of tbe ANIMAL JL CREATION ' , as ^ ^ Expressed In Structural . Appendapes , as Hair , Horns , Tusks , and Pat . By G . CALVERT HOLLAND , M . I ) ., Honorary Physician to the - Sheffield General Infirmary . ' . London . JortN Crcimciiii . 1 ., ~ Kg \ v Burlington-street .
REV . . F .-JD " . MAURICE'S MORAL and METAPHYSieAL . PHILOSOPHY , down Svo . Part 1 . SYSTEMS of PHILOSOPHY Anterioi to the Time of Christ . Third Edition , 5 s . cloth : . 2 . PHILOSOPHY of the FIRST SIX C 11 XTURIHS . Crown Svo , 3 * . Cd . oloth . 3 . MEDIAEVAL PHILOSOPHY from the Sixth to Twelfth Century . 5 s . cloth . ¦ ¦ " 4 . PHILOSOPHY of the PRESENT DAY . In preparation . London and Glasgow : Riciia-RI ) Grifpix and Co .
This day , Third Edition , 3 s . Cd ., CONNEXION BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGY V ^ AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY . Being Number Two of SMALL BOOKS ON GREAT SUBJECTS . Also , Second Edition , 3 s . fid ., CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE AND PRACTICE IN THE SECOND CEN 1 URY . Being dumber Bovon of SMALL BOOKS ON GREAT SUBJECTS . % * A List of SMALL BOOKS ON GHEAT SUBJECTS may bo obtained of tho Publishers . London : John W . Parkkb and Son , West Strand .
SCOTTISH - . COUNTY DIRECTORY , 1857 . Just published , in Svo , > vith Map , 7 s . ( id ., free by post ( from Edinburgh ) , DIRECTORY to NOBLEMEN and GKN ' - TL-KMBN'S SEATS , VILLAGES , & c , in SC < iTLAND . Giving tho Counties in which they : ive situated , the Post-town to which each is attached , and tho Naun .- oi the Resident . Edinburgh : Sutiikela . > and Ksox ; London : Simpkis , Maesjiail , and Co . Just published , fcap . Svo , price One Shilling , / COMPLAINTS OF A CONVEUT ; or , Our \ J Reliuious Holatiom with tin : Continent . ByEDMUN 1 . ) S . rOULKES , late Fellow and Tutor of Jesus tollepi ; , Oxford . ¦' , ' . „ " Pcrcute , sod audi . Strike , b-ut hear . London : 3 . Lu . mi , ev , 51-t . New Oxford-street .
Just ' published , post free from the Author for Thirty stiii ») N , A METHOD OF CULTITATING TIIL jrV . SPEAKING VOICE , by which it may bo greaUy improved in tone , developed in compass , » "c >' ; n « " , » j \ ° }\ i { modulated , and pro-served . By OH . VltLBh WILMAM SMITH Professor of Elocution , Author of Hints on Elocution , " & c . Address Mr . O . SMITH , Buckingham Chambers , n , Buckingham-street , Strand , W . O .
. . , THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW , NEW SERIES . No . XXII . APRIL , 1857 . rrico Cs . CONTENTS : I . Pkksknt Static of Tiiicolooy in Gkkmany . II . The Hindu Dkama . III . GuNPowDiat , and rra Eppkct on Civilization . IV . GtvA . CIKRS AND Gr . AOIKrt TlIKOIUBS . V . rnoQRicss : its Law and Cause . VI . Tub Danubian Pkincipalitiks . » VII . LlTURAIURU AND SOCIISTY . 1 VIII . China and tub Chin ksic CoNTBMroitARV LiTKRATUicis : —§ 1 . Theology and Fh ilosophy . —§ 2 . Politics « nd Kducntion . —§ 8 . Science , — § 4 . Belles Lotties . London : Jottw OnAPMAN . ft , Kinir WilHnm-stroot , Strand .
T IVING CELEBRITIES . A Scries of rho ; X _ i tographie Portraits , by MAULL and POIAHhA ^ h . Tho number for April contains , ltOWIANl ) HILL , Esq . "With Memoir . . LoudoiuMAULLaadPoiAMir-. vNrv % r , n , Oraccch . u'cl > -st | vct ; | Davip Jioaais , 8 ( 5 , i'leot-strcet ; and all JJook unit \ n » " sellers . _
COMMENCEMENT OP A NEW VOLUME . LORD ERLISTOUN : . v Lovk Stokv . » y tho Author of " John Halifax , Cienlloman , " w V'c' \ . iu No . 27 , price 2 d ,, ami l ' iivt 7 , price lOil .. <> l . 1 " ' ' - ;• , TIONAL MAOA / ilNlO . Vohnnii I ., prifi ! ( . s . < iii ., iwi " aoinely bound , cloth Kill , will h « s ready in " l « w " . V > op London : "Nnlioiml Mnirnzino Company" ( laniLted ) , -J . Esrtex-. stivcl-, Htnnxl ; « nil sill hooUsclltirs . ______
Lionuoxf; Prlnud And Published By Almlbd...
liONUOXf ; PrlnUd and Published by Almlbd Edmund Ga . i . low ^ v .. a 'A'l . o U-iK | or"Oillce , No . a 52 , Strand , in tho County of Middlosex .-Aiiril 11 , 1857 .
Leader (1850-1860), April 11, 1857, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11041857/page/24/