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a™ THE I/EADEIt. [No. 442, September 11,...
cover a larger area than was comprised-w...
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A™ The I/Eadeit. [No. 442, September 11,...
a ™ THE I / EADEIt . [ No . 442 , September 11 , 1808 . % JQJ £ m ¦ ¦ ¦ 11- 1 1 . '¦ - - _ . — __ . 1 , ¦— 1- - y - — . ^^^ ^^ ^^ ' ^ ' ^ "j ^^^^ jj ^^^^^ T ^^^^^^^^^ j ^^ ' ^^^^" ^^^^*""^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ' - — - — ~_
Cover A Larger Area Than Was Comprised-W...
cover a larger area than was comprised-within- tho ; old horse The gallery entrance will be from Bullinncourt ' which will be one of the stage entrances . The nit ami box entrances will be , as at present , from the Strand . A wide flight of stairs will lead to the grand tier , which will be appropriated to pri % * ate boxes ; and there will be four other staircases between , this and the other tier of boxes . There will be four tiers of proscenium boxes , ranging with the divisions alluded to of the body of the house . The proscenium boxes will occupy much space , and form a leading feature in the decorative effect . The pit will extend under the grand tier of boxes , as in the old house . The front seats of
the gallery and of the pit will be arranged as stalls , those in the latter case having the staircase communication before mentioned with the boxes . A large saloon , over the grand staircase , will be provided , in connexion ¦ with the upper boxes . The decorative effect of the house will be tasteful and elegant . A manner resent bling that of florid Italian in the enrichments pervades the whole ; light and highly ornamental shafts carry the box fronts ; the partitions of the private boxes have their front edges formed in curves of contrary flexure , with a view to the general effect ; and the centre of the ceiling rises in domical form . Mr . T . H . Wyatt . is the architect . —The Builder .
Excavations near Rome . —Sir Charles Eastlake 'writes to the Builder an account of some important excavations which have been recently made in the / neighbourhood of Rome . Several interesting fragments
> have been thrown up , a portion of the old Roman road vi ^ Via Iiatina ) uncovered , and a most interesting tomb , - ^ consisting , pf several chambers highly ornamented , containing sarcophagi , & c , has been discovered . The remains of an early Christian basilica have also been disclosed , and the general impression seems to be that ¦ what has hitherto been discovered only forms a small portion of a " paga , " or village , of which the most part still remains to be disinterred . The Comet . —During the last few days the comet detected by Dr . Donati on the 2 nd of June has rapidly increased in brightness , and on Sunday , evening , when the sky was very clear , was fully as conspicuous to the
naked eye as -a ' star-of the fourth magnitude . The tail is very distinct , forming , with the somewhat brilliant nucleus , a pretty telescopic object . The brightness of the comet will be constantly on the increase during the present month . It will be found about ten : degrees above the north-west horizon at eight o ' clock in the evening . Sham Ttri . ES os the Continent . —The Droit says : —" The investigations -which are being made into the trafficking in titles and decorations have led to new discoveries . A Piedmontese at London , who calls himself Count Antonio de Melano , set up in what he called ' . The Institute of the United Arts , ' * The Historical Institute of National and Universal Exhibitions , ' Heraldic and Archaeological Institute , ' and ''British .
Academy , ' and * in the names of these institutes gave , for money , diplomas and medals of civil , scientific , and manufacturing merit . His ' Institute' manufactured pedigrees and distributed orders of knighthood . He had agents in Spain , Germany , Italy , and France . In addition to the pretended orders of the Four Emperors of Germany , St . Hubert , the Lion of Holstein , and the Golden Spur , he revived ope called the Asiatic Order , ' originally started in France in 1844 , by an impostor calling himself Sultan of Mongolia . He likewise manufactured false brevets of the Order of Christ , of Portugal , the decoration of which is much prized on account of its being like that of the Legion of Honour .
The BoTNE-srnA Confessional —The Bishop of Oxford has issued a commission to inquire into thestatementa alleged against the Rev . Richard Temple West , M . A ,, curate of Boyne-hill , in reference to his practice of con-.. ft ssion , as brought out in a recent case which has lately been befdre the public ^ and to rep orfc ^ hether there Jja ground for instituting " further proceedings . Tho commissioners are Dr . Robert Phillimore , Chancellor of tho Diocese , % he Venerable James Randall , M . A ., Archdeacon of Berkshire ,, tho Rev . J . Austen Leigh , M . A ., Vicar of Bray ( the parish in which Mr . Gresley ' a district is situate ) , Mr . Charles Sawyer , of Hey wood Lodge , and Mr . J . Hlbbert , of Bray wick Lodge , two county magistrates . Dr . Phillimore , Archdeacon Randall , and Mr . Leigh , are commonly classed amongst the ultra-Mr . Leigh , are commonly classed amongst the
ultra'JL ' ractarian party . Fourteen days' notice has been served upon Mr . West . Fepkuap Union of thk British North American - ^ EitaviN opq , — -On this aubject the Toronto Colonist Bnya : — " Four members or tne ^ QoWninentr ^ ncluuing-stho , President of the Council , the Attorney-General , and tho Inspector-General , are understood to have made arrangements for going immediately to England , and from his Excellency's allusion to the subject , it is reasonable to conclude that Federation will be strongly advocated by the gentlemen who go home . " BuvGQhiNa by A FnisNcn La » v . —On TuoBtlay the mail steam-packet Vivid , on an excursion from Calais , anived at Ramsgato with two hundred passengers . One of tho excursionists , a lady , was aubsuquently charged . ^ ef { iji ^ £ | je local magistrates by the Custom-house nuthorltlcatwith pmuggUngfwr bo ^ lea of ' brandy and eight flaaka of onu ^ de-Cologno , tho flame being concealed about
her person . . The case was proved by ' the Custom-house officers , and the evidence was gone through by means of a lady interpreter . Fined 31 . 14 s . 6 d ., or sent to gaol for fourteen days .- —Kentish Gazette . New K . G . B ;' s — Tuesday ' s Gazette announces the appointment of Richard Madox' Bromley , Esq . ' , C ^ B :, Accountant ^ General of the Navy , and of Thomas Tassell Grant , Esq ., late Comptroller of the Victualling and Transport Services of the Navy , to be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the Second Class , or Knights Commanders , of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; and of James Ormiston -M * William , Esq ., M . D ., Surgeon in the Royal Navy , to be an Ordinary Member of the Civil Division of the Third Class , or Companions , of the said Most Honourable Order ;
. Dkinking Fountains .- ^ -xY director of the Midland Railway has erected , at his own expense , a marble drinking fountain on the Leicester station . These fountains are becoming very general , and it is stated that wherever they have been put up drunkenness has decreased . Why should there not be more stations to supply water both to man and beast 7 ^~ Cambridge Independent . Death op 5 Ijv . Dorljng . —Our sporting readers will regret to hear of the death of Mr . William Dorling . There are very few who have been to Epsom on the Derby day who have not been invited to buy " Dorling ' s correct card . ' * Mr . Dorling had for a very long series of years . the management of the course and the races generally , and was held in the highest respect by persons of all classes . He was . in thie 86 tli year of his age .
Fire in Portland PiusOJr .- ^ -The Government has rewarded the exertions made by the convicts on the occasion of the recent fire , by reducing the term of servitude of several who had particularly distinguished themselves , and one convict , whose courageous efforts attracted especial attention , has received a full pardon . —Pulmaii ' s Weekly News . Mysteries of the Russian Court . —An extraordinary statement is made in the St . Petersburg journals :- — In demolishing a wall in the apartments of the Hereditary Grand Duke , in what is called the " Great Palace , " in that city , the skeleton of a woman was found still covered with fragments : of clothing , which fell to dust on being exposed to the air . There is riot the slightest tradition , they add , to show who the woman was , nor why she was closed up in the wall .
Strange Suicide . —On Monday last a gentleman named Gray arrived at a lodging-house in Brunswickstreet , Edinburgh , accompanied by his niece , a Miss Moffatt ; they stated it to be their intention to make a tour in Scotland . On the Wednesday evening the girl said she felt ill , and asked the landlady to allow some one to sleep with her . The request was not granted , and at five o ' clock in the morning it was discovered that she had cut her throat during the night and was quite dead . The uncle said he was quite unable to account for any despondency or other cause . for suicide . His niece , who was hia housekeeper , was ' much attached to him , and he had always treated her kindly and as a daughter . The prevailing opinion seems to be that temporary derangement had been caused by too free iiir dulgence in spirits , in the shape of toddy . The examination is still proceeding .
species of silkworm that , tinlike the one at present common in Europe , does ' -not . adopt mulberry leaves for its subsistence , but feeds exclusively upon the Japanese varnish tree ( alanthus ffla-ndulosa" ) , a tree almost as common in France as in China . To missionary exertion and ingenuity Europeans , owe the introduction of the new species . Sorhe years ago an- Italian priest , coming back from China , brought some cocoons of the new species with him to Turin ; , thence they found their way to France . The experiment was unsuccessful at first ; but
more , cocoons having been procured the resulting worms are tbriving remarkably well , and spinning silk of such admirable quality that , according to M . Guerin Meneville , ladies need not any longer be under apprehension of being reduced to the painful condition of the wife of the Emperor Aurelian , who , having tenderly solicited a silken robe of her imperial husband , the latter was obliged to refuse , saying he really couldn't afford it . M . Guerin Meneville states his belief that the new silkworm in question is the true cynthia Of entomological
authors . He mentions as a valuable characteristic that it lies dormant in the cocoons during the winter . This indeed is a necessity if it feed upon the alanthus , which in European climates is not evergreen . The Dress of tub Bi , ue-Coat Boys .- —Yesterday a considerable number of the scholars of Christ ' s Hospital were subjected to the exercise of ? '' drill , " under the instruction of a non-commissioned officer , selected by the Duke of Cambridge , president of the establishment .
The boys showed great aptitude in marching , countermarching , slow and quick step , and other evolutions , though it was quite evident that they were much retarded by their clumsy , heavy shoes , which still bear the uncouth form of the time of Edward VI ., while the yellow petticoat and the blue coat of the same period , still worn , proved most inconvenient . There is no doubt , if these drills continue , an undress suit fit for the purpose must be provided , or the cut of the present mode materially altered .
Lord Derby And the Turf . — -The Bury Post has the highest authority for stating that the assertion that Lord Derby had retired from the turf in disgust at the ill success othis efforts for its reform , is altogether a misrepresentation ; the sole reason for his Lordship ' s secession is that the affairs of State allow him no leisure for the amusement . He reserves hia brood mares and foals as . a point d ' appui for the future . , Pastry-cooks and tkeik Foes . —The pastry-cooks of Paris have been for some time past at war with the bakers of that metropolis . The origin of this quarrel ia all about cakes ^ The bakers , who have the exclusive privilege of baking bread , are , it seems , in the habit of trenching upon the province of the pastry-cooks , and selling cakes cheaper than the latter , who have put forth a pamphlet , asking for protection . Galignani and the Siede look on their cause as " desperate . "
Flunkeyism out-fluiocexkd *—A Bordeaux journal gives the following account of the Prince Imperial ( aged two years and a half ) at Bordeaux : —" His imperial highness was conducted in a court carriage , escorted by a detachment of Lancers , to La Bastide , at the southern station , where the directors had prepared a breakfast . Along tlie whole line of his passage he was saluted by loud cheers , to which he responded by blowing kisses . His imperial highness was received at the southern
The Convict Bankers . —Numerous petitions have been forwarded to the Government on behalf of * Sir John Dean Paul and Strahan , and a strong effort is being made to obtain a respite of their sentence . The petitions were signed amongst others by the greatest sufferers in " the smash , " and commiseration appears to be now felt for the convicts . Their case ia specially reviewed with that of the Royal British Bank directors , whose term of punishment was confined dimply to a nine months ' imprisonment as first class delinquents in the Queen ' s
station by the administrative council of the company . The goneral-commanding-in-chJef , the prefect , and the railway directors , had the honour of sitting at the same table with the Prince , who did not appear to be the least fatigued by his journey . At half-past seven the imperial train left Bordeaux for Biarritz , amidst cries of ' Vivo le Prince Imperial . '" Fortunately , his highness was not called upon to reply to addresses from the local authorities , as none were presented ; bo he drove homo without any annoyance of the kind .
Bench , and it is urged that Government might well grnnt a reprieve to the first offenders , Paul arid Strahan especially , aa they have , already passed through three years ' incarceration as common felons . Another strong feature in their behalf is the passing of the recent Act to make a better provision for the punishment of frauds committed by trustees , bankers , and other poraona entrusted with property , & c , in which the punishment for the crimes tho bankers were found guilty of ia made only three years' penal servitude .
INCOME-TAX COLLKCTOKS AJfD THEUt POUNDAOK . — Among other collectors in tho City appenra the unamo of Mr . Richard Till , who , apart from his other emoluments ( derived from tho discharge of varioua duties ) , receives 1812 / . a year'from the incomer tax , out of which ho pays clcrka to the amount of 1007 / ., and 197 / . for rent . Mr . Harker , the well-known toastmastcr , receives 450 / . ( ut tho rate of 8 d . in tho pound ); Mr . W . Ogilvie receives 754 / . ; Mr . G , Singer , 270 / . ; and Mr . G . Haward , 284 / . Tjih Political Kicfokm Licaguh . —On Wednesday a
A Nkw Sfkoiks of Silkworm . —For aome years past a remarkable disease has been attacking silkworms in France and Italy . Whole rogiona have been denuded of theso little aide to textile luxury . Although a commission of scientific and practical men has been appointed to inquire into tho cauae of the malady , very 'Hfctle « Teliable , lnfoEmation haB | been acquired . According to some obaorvera the disease isprininTny ^ nttrlbutw able to tho food of tho silkworm ( mulberry leaves ); othore , apparently with equal sources of Information at
meeting of the members and friends of this society was held at Anderton's Hotel , Hect-atreet , Mr . I ' naamoro Edwnrde in the chutr , for tho purpose of filling up vacancies in tho commit too . When tho society w » a called into existence a few months aincc , a commHteo ot twelve persons wna appointed ; but it was deemed nclvjaablo . tadncr . eaae , . ^ he strength of the executive power . A discussion waa started on tlie' quost ) i 6 n -whethcivBix ^ X . twelve new member should be clectod , and it > vfl 8 ultimately decided that it should be twelve Tho mooting was numerously attended . f Ecoubsiastical ArroJNTMJtMT . —Tho Chancellor or the Bioceso of Durham , T . E . Headlani , Eeq ., M . r ., W appointed the llov . Goorgo Horlot , Incumbent of »* - Anne ' sa Surrogate .
hand , deny the Justice of this conclusion , and refer the disorder to a natural derangement of the wprm itself . Meantime , tho disease progresses at such a rate that , if not soon checked , pr another source of silk discovered , the use of European grown silk promises to bo an Impracticable luxury . Among the various luonna which have , boon token to supply whnt has almost become a necessity of Ufa Is the introduction of a species of silkworm hitherto unknown to Europe . M . Guorin Monovillo has rocontly laid before tho Aoadomy of Science a
, Two Misn Killed my a Railway Train . —Two mon , named Egglostpn and Hall , returning on Saturday n > go ' from Hartlepool , left tho train at Spennymoor , and P * ' coodod by tho lino to walk , On going through ^
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 11, 1858, page 12, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11091858/page/12/