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aoo THE LE1DER. pSTo. 442, Septembeii 11...
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Aoo The Le1der. Psto. 442, Septembeii 11...
aoo THE LE 1 DER . pSTo . 442 , Septembeii 11 , 1858 .
THE PEOPLE'S PROVI DENT ASSURANCE SOCIETY , IFOR LIFE ASSURANCE , ANNUITIES , AND THE GUARANTEE OF FIDELITY IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST . . Chief Office , 2 , Waterloo-place , Pali-Mall , London , S . \ v \; With Agencies in all the Principal Towns throughout the Kingdom . EUESIDENT . The Right Hon . Thomas Milner Gibson , MJP ., Wilton Crescent . TKTTSTEES . George Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., M . P . . Joshua Proctor Brown Westhead , Esq ., M . P . James Heywood , Esq ., F-B / S . itichard Spooner , Esq ., M-P . BOASD OF PIEECTOHS . George Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., M . P . for Dublin University , Chairman . . _ John Cheetham , Esq ., M . P . for South Lancashire . James Davidson , Esq ., Angel- court , Throgmorton-street . John Field , Esq ., Wamford Court , and Dornden , Tunbridge ^ XT ^ tJct ' Charles Forster > Esq ., M . P . for Walsall . Richard Francis George , Esq ., Bath . ¦ . __ Thomas G . HayWard , Esq ., Minones and Highbury . J . Hedgins , Esq ^ , Thayer-street , Manchester-square . Chas . Hindley , T 3 sq ., M . P . for Ashtpn-under-Lyne . T . Y . McChristie , Esq ., Revising Barriister for tho City of London . James Edward McConnell . Esq ., Wblverton . John Mossi Esq ., Reform Club , and Derby . Charles William Reynolds , Esq ., 2 , Eaton-place , Prrahco . Bichard Spooner , Esq ., M . P . for North Warwickshire . H . Wickham Wickham , Esq ., M . P . for Bradford . Thomas Winkworth , Esq ., Gresham . Club , and Canoiibury . The President , Trustees , and directors are ail Shareholders in the Society . MANAGES AHD SECBETAB . T . —WILLIAM CLELAND . Th £ People ' sPbovedeni Asbiteakce SociETT transacts Guarantee business upon very favourable terms ; and , if combined with a proposal for Life Insurance , still greater advantages are given to the assured . ' ,, ,. The Premiums of this Society are applicable to all ordinary classes of risk , and range from IPs . per cent , and upwards . The rate in . each particular case is dependent upon the nature of the duties , the system of accounts , and the extent of responsibility or trust reposed . The Guarantee Policies of this Society are accepted by the leading London and Provincial Joint-Stock and Private Banks , the principal Railway Companies , Life and Fire Offices , Public Companies , Institutions , and Commercial Pirins throughout the kingdom . '_ ,, -,.. Immediate Annuities , payable during the whole of life , may be purchased on the following scale : —
"PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE JT ASSOCIATION . Established 1840 . TBTTSTBES ' Thomas Baring , Esq ., M . P . Thomas Hankey , Esq ., M . P . William George Presoott f Esq . Baron L . tie Rothschild , M . P . Every description of mutual life assurance for all classes . Invested Fund , 100 . 00 QZ . Annual Income , 30 , 00 ^? . The whole of the profits divided among the members . WM . THOS . LINFORD , Sec . Chief office , 15 , Moorgate-atreet , E . G .,. Sept . 1 , 1858 .
INDIA . O FFICERS in the ARMY and CIVILIANS PROCEEDING TO INDIA may insure their lives oh most favourable terms hi the MEDICAL INVALID and GENERAL . LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The rates of this Company , which transacts the business of the Delhi , Simla , North West and other Indian Banks , are lower than those of any other Office , while tho Agencies at Calcutta , Madras , Bombay . Ceylon , and about fifty up-country stations in India , afford every possible faoility for the transaction of business . „ Prospectuses , Forms of Proposals , and every other information may bo obtained of the Secretary , at tho Chief Office , 25 . Ball Mall . 'O . DOUGLAS SINGER , Secretary .
ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF ^ G PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , Hay bosoourodby an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in tho RA ILWAY PASSENGERS * ASSURANCE COMPANY . A apodal . 4 < jtf provides that persons receiving oomponsatlon from this Company are not barred thoroby from recovering full damages from tho party causing tho injury j an advantage no ot / iar Company oan offer . Xti is found that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is nMoreor 4 e 88 > injured , by ^ o ^ already paid as compensation for Ac ^ abnts ^ OSBT . ' ""'" Forms of Eropoealand Prospectuses maybe had at tho Company ' s Offices , and at all tho principal Railway Stations , where , alao , RailvvayAociclouts alpno may bo insured agalus t fry tho Journey or year . NO CHARGE J-OR STAMP DUTY . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , Offices , 8 , Old Broad-stroofc , London , E . G . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
MONEY TO LEND . —THE LONDON AND CONTINENTAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY lond . s money , repayable by instalments , upon personal or othor Mo ^ rvk y , of ^ Graoocliwrch-strool / , B . C .
THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE . Incorporated a . d . 1720 , by Charter of King George the First and confirmed by Special Acts of Parliament . Chief Office , Royal Exchange , London ; Branch , 29 , ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ -. Pall-mall . Fikb , Lite , and Matjine Assurances maybe effected with this Corporation on advantageous terms . Life Assurances are granted with , or without * participation in Profits j in the latter case at reduced rates of Premium . Any sum not exceeding 15 , 000 / . may be assured on the same Life-The Reversionary Bonus on British Policies has averaged 48 per cent , upon the Premiums paid , or very nearly 2 per cent , per annum upon the sum assured . The future divisions of Profit will take place every'Five Years . . The Expenses of Management , being divided between the different branches , are spread over a larger aviountof business than that transacted by any other office . The charge upon each Policy is thereby so much reduced as to account for the magnitude of the Bonus which has been declared , and to afford a probability that a similar rate will be maintained at future divisions . This Corporation affords to the Assured a liberal participation in Profits , with exemption under Royal Charter from the liabilities of partnership ;—a rate of Bonus equal to the average returns of Mutual Societies , with the guarantee , not afforded by them , of a largo : iuvested Capital-Stock;—the advantages of modern practice , with the socurity of an Office whose resources have been tested by the experience of nearly a Century and a Half . JOHN A . HIGHAM , Actuary and Secretary .
ARGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton-street , Bank . Chairman -THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—WILLIAM LEAF , Esq . Richard E . Arden . Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Edward Bates , Esq . Sau'erjr . AY . Johnson , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A , Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . John Humphery , Esq ., Aid . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician . —Dr . Jcaffreson , 2 , Finsbury-square . Sukgkeon . —W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-place , Old Jewry . Actttabv . —George Clark , Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING IN THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with Security ; ¦ The assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital—an Assurance Fund of 450 , 000 / - invested on Mortgage and in the Government Stocks , and an income of 85 000 Z . a year . .
ESTABLISHED 1838 . ¦ \ nCTORIA and LEGAL and COMMERCIAL V LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , No . 18 , King William-streot , City . DIREOTOKS . BENJAMIN HAWES , Esq .,.. Chairmau .. THOMAS NESB 1 TT , Esq ., Doputy-Chalrraau . Oharlos Baldwin , Esq . W . IS .. Jameson , Esq . George Penny , Esq . John Jouoa , Esq . J . 0 . Diinndalo , Esq . John Nollgth , ISHq . ? William Elliott , M . JD . Moauurn Staniland , Esq . Robort Ellis , Esq . Daniel Button , linq . J . P . Gosaiot , Esq .. F . R . S . Wai tor Charles Vunning , Esq . John Gladstone , ihq . O'B . Bolllngham Wooluoy , Aaron Goldsmld , Esq . E » q . Sidney Gurnoy , Esq . Tho businoss of tho Company embraces ovory description of risk connected with Lire Aasnriinoo . The assots of tho Company oxocod 205 , 000 ? . And Its Income Is over OO . OOOl . a year . Advances in connexion with Lifu Aaaurauoo arc madq on advantageous torrau , cither on real or par « onal security . """ ' W-I-LfM-A ^^ RA ^ RAX . wlotuacK .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Ohartor , 1847 . LETTERS of 0 REP 1 T a « d BILLS are apranted upon tho BanUs at Adolaido , 1 ' ovt Adelaide , and Gawlor . Ap * proved dvftfts on South Aubtrallu negotiated and nont for oollootlon . Kvory doHcrlptlon of Banking buHinoHS ia oonduotod direct with Victoria and Now South Waloa , and alao with the othorAuabraUan Ooloulcu , through tho Oompany ' a Agonta . Apply at 81 , Old Broad-afcreot , Lon » don , E , g , ¦ ' WILLIAM PURDY , Mauagor .
~ sr :. '» , : -. TpORMOULMEINANp ilAN-<*^ 4 sW l . *\ - * - GOON . r-Tiio line Al , twelve vcars ' ' ffi ^^ clipper brig ASTART Ei 328 tons register 2 £ a PISKv' Thomas Crossley coinmandcr , has a great * N ! ^ uKS ^ - ™ . P arfc of her cargo engaged , and will have ^^^^» s ^^^« " immediate despatch . —Apply to G . W Beomner , 130 , Fenchurch-streot .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . XTARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., are I I now delivering the October Brewings of tho above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day , Supplied in bottles , also in casks of lagallonsand upwards . by HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wme and Spirit Merchants , 5 J , PaU-Mall . September , 1858 .
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . P ORT , SHERRY , MARSALA , MAD KIRA ¦ & C , TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEX ., imported by us from the Cape of Good Hope , and only charged half the usual duty by her Majesty s Customs . " I find it to be pure and unadulterated , and I have nodoubt of its being far more wholesome than tho artilicial mixtures too often sold for genuine Sherry . "H . LETHEBY , M . D ., London Hospital . " A pint sample of either , 12 stamps .. Terms , cash or reference . Packages charged and allowed for if returned . Delivered free to any of the London Termini . Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon . WELLER and HUGHES , wholesale Wine and Spirit Itnnorters . 27 . Crutched Friars , Mark-lane-
HAR VEY'S FISH SAUCE . —Notice of Injunction . The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears the back label with the narae of WiixrAM Lazenby , as well as the front label signed "Elisabeth Lasenby " and that for further security , on the neck Of every bottle of the Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an additional label , printed in-green and rod , as follows : — " This notice Will be affixed to Lazenby ' s Harvey ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well known labels , which are protepted against imitation by a perpetual iniunctipn in Chancery of 'Jth July , isiS . " 6 , Edwards-strcct , Portman-square , London .
E PPS'S COCOA . —^ Epps , homajopatbicchemist , London . —lib . and ^ lb . packets , Is . 6 d . and Ul .-Tliis excellent production , originally prepared for the special use of homoeopathic patients , having been adopted by the { , 'eue-. ral public , can now be had of , tno principal grocers . Kach packet is labelled James Epps , homoeopathic chcuiist , London .
C \ L E N FI ELD PATENT S TAR CH VjJT USED TNT HE ROYAL . LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S LAUXDRPISStolie THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , Ac . & c .
THE SUITS at 47 a ., 50 s ., 55 s ., 58 s ., GO * ., and 63 s ., are made to order from Scotch heather anil Cheviot tweeds and angolas , all wool , and thoroughly . slirnuk , by ii . BENJAMIN , merchant and family tailor , 74 , Kegeutstreet , W ., and are adapted for either shooting * ilshing , promenade , sea-side , or continental touring . N , li . A perfect fit guaranteed .
SY DENIIAM ALPACA OVERCOATS for Summer Wear . Admirably adapted for the Parks . Day Festivals , Race-Courses , Country Rambles , Daily Towu Wear , or the Soa-Sido , and equally convenient for Iravolliiiff in hot dry weather from the protection which they afford against dust , without the encumbrance of wejtrlit , or tho restraint of transpiration . These goods nro minlp with a degree of care hitherto unprecedented . Sydciilmp Trousers of fine light cloth , 17 s . 0 ( 1 . ; Waistcoat to mutch , 3 s , 0 d . ; Business or ParKCoat , 17 s . tid . ' j Sydeuham Sunimor Overcoats of Melton Cloth , 21 s . j Comploto Suils lor Bo . , 24 s . ; Gentlemen ' s completo Evening IJrcss or Opera Suit , C 3 s . Tho Sydonham construction as is now well known is oU ' eetually directed to secure the moat parftict' retentiveawi easy fit in all positions of tho body . Miulo onlybj ' tlw Inventors , SAMU 12 L liltOTHEllS . au , LiulKntu-hill .
GRAND ILLUMINATION GALA FOR TUH 3 JliNEFlT OF MR . ROBERT VUVFULh . ROYAL GARDENS , VAUXHALL .-M . Du ( T <( ll ( Director of tho ttoyal Gartleiisj l » ' « s to luforiu , hla frionda and the Public that hid bonolit will tnku | il « w . on Monday next , Soptoinbor l ; Uii . Mv . HulIVII ¦ t . wj v this opportunifcy of thanking tho public lor Ilicir lsiml ftj >« „ liberal support Uu ' i ' Hik 1 i | h nianagcnionfc . >¦ ! ti mlil-Uiuii in JJ . W . , ; varied attractlvo ontprtainnionts , nil tho available tnl > 'iit , » , sooMrod , so as to make this gala tuo most brilluuu ui i * whole season . ___ _ .
ROYAL GARDENS , VAUX 11 AI . L .-1 ' ' umphant Succouu of tho New Kquostriiui Coi «|« ijJ ' undor tho direction of hor Alajosty's Clown , Ii . < - ''" !'| : ' . ] Mr . Janjos Robinson , tho groat Amuricaii Itiiiv . uin-K iwi and Madame lilanuliu ( tho Equostriau . Minuet ; , ever ) i evening . Director , Mr . Robert Pufl ' ull . ___ I
PROFESSOR WILJALBA VRlKVAAf I l'OLYGUAPH 10 HALL , KIjik Willlani-Htivi-i , ClinrW m cross . TWO HOURS OP ILlJjrflONH .-l- ' or nno Mont" n only , provlous to l'rofoasor VrlkoU ' rt doparlnro miii 1 / " m vlnolal Tour . Mvory HvcnhiB at l-JIglifc . Sal ur . ny A ' M fSa . i Orchestra Stulln , as . i Aron , iia . i Aniplpt TOT «« ' ««« # 1 'laccH may bo secured at the PolyKvapnlo Mull , ami ni »> : % Mltoholl'b Royal Library , Mi , Old iiaucl- ^ ti'cot . j
D , R . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL AlUSffilj f »? Tlohfeornq-strcot , opposite 11 i <> H . ^ v"V , , 'M''' [ A . l ')' r , % DAILY ( for Gonllomon only ) . LMOTtm « , S SEXTON at -A and H o ' clock on IiiinorUni' . "' Vtl ! V K TorIoh in oonnoxlon with ANATOMY , ?} l \>\ ' , ^ -I and lWniOLOQY ( vido Prograinmo ) . Adnil ^ ioii , » j » r . Kalni ' s Nino Looturos on tho 1 'IiIIohojiIi . v a . ;'' , ' , ! fpt ( S & o ., soot post I ' roo , airoct from tho Author , on Uhi *^ ' W of 18 stamps , \ i )
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 11, 1858, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11091858/page/2/