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926 THE LEADER. [No. 442, September 11, ...
CRIMINAL RECORD. The Creech Mukdeks.—A w...
IRELAND. Rusiouued Resignation.—It is ru...
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Accidents And Sudden Deaths. A Most Fear...
The train in question was one of the last , bringing back immense numbers of Loliday folks from the celebrated m ? e des Loges , held annually in September , in the forest of St . Germain . It consisted of the unusual number of forty carriages , and it is probable that the immense force , on a violent incline , was greater than the breaks were calculated to Tesist- The moral of this accident is , that all extra and pleasure trains are greatly to be dreaded . It is feared that the accident will turn out to be more serious than the communication from the company would infer , several of the wounded having died . A party of market-women from the Halle , who had saved up their money to enjoy the fete , were the principal sufferers . M . Salles , the censor of the press at the Ministry of the Interior , was in one of the carriagesbut he escaped without injury .
, Explosions as well as railway accidents appear to be the order of the day . Yesterday an explosion , occasioned by an escape of gas , took place at the Independent Gas Works , Haggerstone . Many of the workmen ¦ w ere injured , and it is feared that several of them will lose their lives . On Thursday a collier brig , heavily laden , by some means came into Collision with another vessel , and sustained such injuries that she became perfectly ; w aterlogged . The Thames police rendered every assistance in their power , and the vessel yras with difficulty saved from going entirely down . The mishap occurred between BlackWall and Charlton .
926 The Leader. [No. 442, September 11, ...
926 THE LEADER . [ No . 442 , September 11 , 1858 .
Gatherings From Law And Police Courts, O...
GATHERINGS FROM LAW AND POLICE COURTS , Osr Saturday Mr . Henry Burbidge , formerly income and assessed tax collector for the Richmond district , was charged with having embezzled large sums of money , the property of her Majesty , and also with having obtained different amounts of money as income and property tax by false pretences . The defendant , who declined saving anything at that time , was committed lo take his trial on four several charges at the Central Criminal Court .
Alexander Monrt ^ a man of genteel appearance , w-as placed at'the bar of the Lambeth poliee-court , on a charge of stealing a small glass jar , from a standing in the Crystal Palace * and also the plated end of a scabbard from the Indian Court there . A constable saw him take the jar and put it in his pocket , and another said , on searching him he found in his pocket the mounting of a sword scabbard which had been sent to him frdrn India by a friend . The . prisoner gave his real name and address— his father held high rank in the army , and he fritnaplf ( the prisoner ) had been an officer in the 42 nd Regiment . The prisoner said he saw the jar empty , and thoughtlessly ; took , it , up . Mr . Elliott said there could be no doubt he intended to steal the articles found on him , and sentenced him to pay a penalty of 40 s ., or twenty fliys' imprisonment .
At the Court of Bankruptcy yesterday , the examination meeting in the case of Lewis Zucker , a jeweller , of Oxford-street , was adjourned , the assignees requiring time to investigate the circumstances connected with a robbery of 1294 / ., which , it was alleged by the bankrupt , had taken place on his premises upon the 1 st of July last , J . Thomas , a builder , of No , 5 , Montpelierstreet , Walworth , passed his last examination . Knight , the cabman , the charge against whom excited so much public indignation a few weeks ago , was tried at the Middlesex Sessions on Tuesday . It will be
remembered that he was charged with having first drugged a poor servant girl , and then with having conveyed her to a brothel in George-street , St . Giles , where ho plundered her of her money , and would , as it was thought , have perpetrated a far greater outrage had it not been for the interposition of a servant in the house , a young man named Smith . The case was thoroughly investigated , and as the jury did not find him guilty on the more serious charges in the indictment , but convicted him of petty larceny only , he was sentenced to no heavier punishment than ten months' hard labour . A charge of robbery , rather singular in Us nature , was preferred by Mr , Samuel Jacobs , jeweller , Knightsbridgo , against a young girl , his domestic servant , at the police-court , " Westminster . It was stated that tho prisoner had stolen a brooch and toothpick , which wore both found in her box . Tho girl , in defence , declared it was a conspiracy against her , and that tho articles wore put into the box during her absence . The result was that the prosecution was withdrawn , and Mr . Lewis , who appeared for the defence , stated his intention of bringing an action for false imprisonment . " •"' The"extrao » din «* y ~ oharg © i * oJ ^ excited bo much Interest in tho East-end of London , was disposed of on Wednesday by tho Worship-street police magistrate , Sarah Macdonald , the alleged witch , being sentenced to twonty-ono days'imprisonment . The leniency of the sentence was occasioned by evidence tending to show that she had * not carried on her impositions to the extent that was at first supposed . At the Middlesex Sessions , George Webster pleaded guilty to stealing a pair of shoes . It was then provod that tho 'prisoner had boon convicted of felony and punished , once in the year 1851 , twice la 1862 , and again in 1864 , and . at that time sentenced to four yours g
penal servitude , and lastly , since the expiration of his sentence , again impr isoned for six months . The Court now sentenced him to be kept in penal servitude for six years ; , . ; . ' ¦ A person named Basil Woodd Pike , described as a mariner , who had passed himself for an officer in the navy , and a member of the Junior United . Service Club , was charged with uttering a forged draft'for 85 / . The passing of the instrument took place at the establishment called the Piccadilly Saloon , to the proprietor of which respectable establishment the prisoner had become indebted for 10 / ., for two evenings' supper and wine . The proprietor , named Goodered , on tendering the cheque at the London Joint-Stock Bank , was
informed that the siguature which it bore , " E . B . . Jupp , " was forged , and in consequence he ( Goodered ) was given into custody until he could point out Pike to the officers . Upon the latter ' s arrest , Goodered was set at liberty . Mr . Jupp , whose signature was forged , was ill , and could not attend the police-court ; but his clerk said that the signature was not Mr . Jupp ' s . He also said Air . Jupp was a solicitor , and trustee to the prisoner ' s family , in which capacity he had paid the prisoner several sums of money . The prisoner was not now ' an officer in her Majesty ' s service , but was only an . ordinary seaman . The prisoner pleaded guiltj' to the cheque being in his
writing , but he had no intention to defraud the bank . He was committed for -. trial . After the prisoner was disposed of , the man Goodored made a complaint of the way in which he had been treated ,. having been led through the streets in custody . The Lord May or , however , said that the officers were not to blame—as he had been found in possession of , and actually uttering , a forged chequ«—in keeping him in custody until lie satisfactorily proved how it came into his possession , and as he ( Goodered ) had been set at liberty the moment he did , that he had nothing to complain of , nor was there any imputation resting upon the officers' character .
A pawnbroker , named Thompson , appeared before Mr . Ingham to answer a summons at the instance of a lady for knowingly taking in a quantity of washing linen as a pledge from a laundress , who , in answer to questions from the magistrate , admitted that she had pledged the clothes , and added that she Iiad . oTten pledged her customers' goods with Mr . Thompson . The . defendant said he had no knowledge of the thiugs being-washing at the time they were pledged . The magistrate said the defendant knew very well that the woman was a laundress , and ordered him to forfeit 2 i 10 s ., to deliver up all the articles , and to pay 4 s . costs .
William Kelly , a horse-dealer , but pretending to be a corn merchant , was brought before Mr . Combe , charged with being concerned in administering a narcotic to a greengrocer , of Lewisham , aud stealing , from him a horse . The prosecutor said he had a horse to sell , and the prisoner . was introduced to ' him as a man who would buy . They went into the parlour of a publichouse . He there drank a little stout , and almost immediately lost his senses , and he only recovered them after he was taken home . When the prisoner was taken he said he had bought the horse iu the usual way for 12 / ., but ho had not paid all the money . The magistrate committed him for trial for hocussing and robbing .
Criminal Record. The Creech Mukdeks.—A W...
CRIMINAL RECORD . The Creech Mukdeks . —A week before tho execution of Bucknell , for the murder of his grandfather and grandmother , he was visited by his mother and sister , who were much affected , and Bucknell told his mothor not to visit him again , for " ho could stand no more of it . " Since tho morning of the execution wo understand that tho mother has taken no food , but gradually sank and expired of a broken heart on Tuesday morning , a week within a few minutes of tho time when tho extreme penalty of tho law was carried out upon her guilty offspring . The sister , a girl about olevon years old ,, wo . hoar ,, is , dangerously , afllicted , and it is feared has lost her reason . —> Taunton Courier , '
Movements op Convicts . — -R edpath , Burgess , and Tester , were despatched to tho Australian convict settlements last week , in the Edwin Fox , Rodpath , a few days before his embarkation , had a farewell interview with his wife , and their parting is described as being very affecting , Owing to his feeble constitution , which ha d suffered considerably from tho confinement of u prison , he was incapable of enduring tho severe labour of the quarries , in which most of tho convicts at Portland are employed , and ho was consequently put to work in tho " drying-room , " whore ho had tho light but undignified occupation of hanging up linen . — -A- RiinawayBANiCRUrjff" - The adlournod
examination of Thomas and William J oimthan JLtobrVnsTOu'Tnr the Sheffield Bankruptcy Court , on Saturday , when the fact was made Unown that one oC tine bankrupts ( W . J . Beet ) , to escape tho oonsoquenco of acts brought to light by . his bankruptoy , has absconded to tho Continent . The Beets , up to a short ; time ago , had a high clmractor in tho commercial world . W . J . Boot , who was tho more active partner In tho firm , was also fop many yours a director of one of the local banks , and up to the tlmo of his flight hold offices in the Wesloyan body , and was trustee tor most of tho Wosloyan ohapols in the olrouit . So good < v man was ho esteemed that many persons
appointed him to act as trustee under their wills . It is now discovered that for several years past he has been appropriating the funds of these trusts , and as his bankruptcy rendered concealment no longer possible , and the recent act against fraudulent trustees made punishment almost certain , he has sought safety in flight . Thomas Beet , who is not implicated in the frauds alleged against his brother , had prepared a balance-sheet , but of so unsatisfactory a nature that an adjournment was ordered for amendments to be made . The parties interested in three of the trusts the funds of which have been embezzled by W . J . Beet , have filed bills in Chancery , of Which copies have been served on the official assignee . Notice was given that if W . J . Beet did not appear at the next meeting he would be outlawed . —Manchester Guardian .
Elopement . —Mrs . BiUett , the wife of a publican residing in Bethnal-green , London , eloped recently with a sawyer named Markham , only half her own ;> ge ; In order to pay the expenses , the woman , it is alleged , robbed her husband of 350 / ., and with . it bought a large quantity of jewellery and other trinkets for the adornment of the sawyer . The police were put on the scout , . and the fugitives were traced to Liverpool , brought pro forma before the magistrates , and an order made for their transmission to London . SciciDE istjie House of Detection . —A suicide was committed during the night of Tuesday in the
House of Detention , by an Italian named Guji ^ eppe Frigerio , who was there on the charge of obtaining twenty pounds by false pretences . The deceased was of a cheerful disposition , so much so as to excite remark . An officer found the deceased suspended by the neck froirf the iron work of the window . He had by some means got a quantity of braiding off a coat he had with him : this he had doubled knotted in several p laces . One end of this he passed over a projecting bar , and niadc fast , and , to prevent the sharp edge cutting the braid , he had placed a piece of thick cloth just where it passed over . When he was discovered the surgeon was at once sent for , but life had been extinct some hours .
Alleged Mubdesand Suicide . —On Tuesday morning the youug man lieidj known as being connected -with the Falkirk Bank defalcations , was apprehended iu Glasgow on a charge of murdering a young woman , servant to his mother , who resides near Folmont . It is alleged that the deceased had been with child by Keid , and that the latter , assisted by a doctor named Kirkwood , had administered drugs and used instruments to procure abortion , the result of which was the death bi" the woman on Monday last , Reid immediately absconded ,
and arrived in Glasgow on Monday night . He was captured by a detective officer from Falkirk , who had started for Glasgow by an early train . It was rumoured iu Glasgow that the doctor , on ascertaining the death of the unfortunate young woman , had poisoned himself . It will be remembered that Reid was a young man fur whom much sympathy was felt during his late incarceration in connexion jwith the Falkirk Bank case , and that , on a strong representation having been niajo to tho Homo Secretary , ho was set at liberty . —Scotsman .
Ireland. Rusiouued Resignation.—It Is Ru...
IRELAND . Rusiouued Resignation . —It is rumoured that Lord John Bcrcsford intends resigning tho Archbishopric of Armagh , and that in nil probability ho will be huccclmIciI by tho Rev . Dr , Singer , Bishop of Mcath , one of tho leaders of the Evangelical party in Ireland . The Archbishop is eighty-five years of age . He was con .-ocniU' 4 Bishop of Cork in 1800 , translated to Rnphoo in 1 * 07 , to Cloghor iu 1819 , to Dublin in 1820 , and to Armagh m 1822 . Caupijstal Wiseman at Dundalk . — -Dr . Wiseman visited this town on tile 8 rd inst . His rocoptiou was not enthusiastic . A triumphal arch was erected by somo
zealous Catholics , but removed by a , magistrate ( 1 a an illegal obstruction . A row wa 8 inj ? on flequ , en 99 i th > riMitcncif , but did not como off . In tho evening a banquet wna given to the Cardinal . About 150 persona , including several bishops , wore present . Tho Very Kov . l > oun Koiran presided . Tho toasts proposod wore tho healths of " Tho I ? opo , " " Tho Quoon , " " TUo Koyul Family , " Cardinal Wiseman , " "Tho Primata , " " Tho Irish Hierarchy , " and " Tho Catholic Laity . " Dr . Wisoman returned thanks in a speech of considerable length . Upon this occasion tho position of tho Queen was . J » ° t altogether forgotten , hor Majesty being placed botwooa tho l ' opo and Cardinal Wiseman . Chnrloa
Tine Atlantic Telhcjuai'u Engineer ., Mr . Bright , whoso name is so intimately associated with « the > lavinBfrdown « oCtho » A . tlantiQ . cahlc .-waa . JHiitfUtca Qtt Saturday by tho Lord-Lioutenant . Atlantic Tulicguaph Celebration . — A granu banquet was given at Klllnrnoy on Tuesday nig ht by the . gentry of the county of Korry , in honour of tho successful laying of tho Atlantic cable . Tho chair w » s occupied by Ooloncl Horbart , the lato Soorotary for Jreland , and tho ontortainmont was graced by tho pnwonco of the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland , together with tho major portion of the individual whoso names uro msonarably associated with tho success of tho groat cutorprlso , Tho Lo" 4-Llout < maut in tUo oourso of lite spooou ,
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 11, 1858, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_11091858/page/6/