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August 12, 1854.] THE LEADE R. 767
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August 12, 1854.] The Leade R. 767
August 12 , 1854 . ] THE LEADE R . 767
DUTY OFF TEA . —The REDUCTION of the TEA DUTY , and the easy state of tho Tcamarlcet , enables PHILLIPS and Company to SELLStronp : Congou Tea , 2 s . 8 x 3 ., 2 s . 10 d ., and 3 s . Rich Souchong Ton . 3 s =. 2 d .. 3 s . < kl ., and 3 s . 8 d . Tho Best Assam Pekoe Souchong Tea , 4 s . Prime Gunpowder Tea , 3 s- 8 d ., 4 s ., and 4 . 3 . 4 d . - Best Moyune Gunpowder , 4 s . Sd . The Best Pearl Gunpowder , 5 s . Prime Coffees , Is ., Is . 2 d , and Is . 3 d . - The licst Mocha and the Best West India Coffee Is . 4 d . Sugars are supplied at market prices . . All goods sent carriage free , by our own vans , if within eight uiiles . Teas , cofl ' ees , and spices sent carriage free to any railway station ov market-town in England , if to the value of 40 s . or upwards , by : PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea Merchants , S , King William-street , City , London . A general price-curreut sent free on application .
A NOTIIEE REDUCTION OF FOURJt % l . PENCE THE POUND 1 N THE DUTlf ON TEA . —In accordance with cur usual practice of always being FIRST to { rive the Public tho full ADVANTAGE of every REDUCTION iu the value of our Roods , we have at once lowered the prices of all our Teas to fullest extent of the REDUCTION OF DUTY ; and we arc determined , so far as we are concerned , tliat the Public shall reap tlie full benefit of this act of the Government . ¦ . s . d . The Best Pekoe Congou 3 8 tho pound . Strong Breakfast ditto 3 0 ,, Good sound ditto 2 8 „ Choice Gunpowder 4 8 ,, Finest Young Hyson 4 4 ,, Good Plantation Coffee 10 ,, Cuba ., Jamaica or Costa Rica 1 -i „ Choice -old- Mocha .. — 10 ,, The J > est Homoeopathic Cocoa 10 ,, For the convenience of our numerous customers ,, wa retail the finest West India and llelhibd Sugars at market prices . ' AH goods delivered , bj * our own vans , frce of chaTRC , Within eight miles of London . Parcels of Tea and Coffee , of the value of Two Pounds sterlin g * are sent , carriage free , to " any part of England . CULLINGHAHI AND COMPANY , Tea-merchants and DealerSj 2 r , SKONER-STREEt , SNOW-HIL 1 , CITY .
WILLIAM STEVENS , Sole Agent , con' tiiuics sunply . inp the Public with the METROPOLITAN and PROVINCIAL JOINT-STOCK BREWERY COMPANY'S ALES and STOUT , in Bottles of the Standard Imperial Measure , at the prices telow : — s , d . Ale or Stout quarts fi G per doz . Uo do ... pints 3 D „ Do do .. . half-pints 2 3 „ All Orders to be sent to the Wholesale and Retail Stores , 13 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand . Terms Cash . WILLIAM STEVENS , Sole Agent . The Company's Goods supplied in Casks to Families .
SHOWER arid all DOMESTIC BATHS . —Purchasers of these valuable and important family requisites should immediately inspect' DEANE , DHAY , and Co . ' s oxton ' sive STOCK , warranted the best manufactured , both for finish and durability . Doane , Dray , aiid . Co . ' s Recumbout Shower Bath forms at tho same time- an excellent Sponjrlng Bath , and may also bo used as a Hip Bath , thus nlVominp , ' to all the members of tlie family the various applications of the bath . Shower baths of improved construction . Jlip , ijlungiiiff , sponging , vapour , and other , baths , of various sizes and patterns . An Illustrated Pamphlet on Baths and Bathing may bo had on application , or free by post . Established A . D . 1700 . — Dcnuo , l > ray , and Co , ( opening to the Monument ) London-bridco .
SHOOTING SEASON , 1854 . F . JOYCE ' S ANTI-COEKOSIVB PERCUSSION CAPS . npi-lE Nobility , Gentry , and Sporting JL World at lar ^ e / aro respoct fiilly informed , that these well-tried Detonators , warranted in every respect , which havo now stood tho . test of many years' exporionco , notli at homo and abroad , tnny bo had as usual of Messrs , J . Blanch and Son , -ilt . Graceelmrch-street ; H . Beekwith , 5 S , Skinnerstroefci I ' nikor , VUtlA . and Sous , aw , High JloHiorn ; J . C . Reillv , nil : ! . New Oxford-street ., \\ . OokhwoII , < Zi % , Strand ; W . Moor « s aud Grey , < U \ , Old Ijoud-Htreot i S . Noelc aud Co ., 110 , Jonnyn-strcet ; 11 . Tatham , ; J 7 , OhariuK-oross ; T . Boss , 73 , St . Jaiucs'M-Btivot ; and of most respectablo Gun-makora and Donlors in Gunpowder throughout tho United Kingdom . To prevent accident and disappointment to Purchasers , from tho uho of spurious imitations , they are roquoHtfid to observe tho naino and addrow of b \ JOYOE OlUGlNAL INVEN'XOK . AND SOLK MANUfACTUlUJK on each SoaUid 1 ' ackot , without which thoy aro not genuine . . This precaution Ih rondorcd nocossary by some vnipi'lueiplod indlvjtUiala having iiuitatod tlio Labels and Wrappers . Tulios , ; Poil Coyorca Caps , Wiro Onrtrlilgcs and Wnddings of ovory d (! serii ) tlon . Wholoanlo Warohouso , 07 , Uppor Thaiuofi-wtrciet .
ItUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . npilE MOO-MAIN LEVEU TJfcUSS ia iiwT all . " , a bv » M » wardH of 2 ( 10 Modlcal Oontlt-nion to ho VlVL " i ° -iVi llo (! Llvo illv « 3 »< i" » I" tli" cuirntlvo tivatnicut of n ! rrf « J * U 1 ° " f aHt () o 1 Hprinff ( HO OltlMl lllU'tflU 111 its f ivini "voiaotl . tt Hon JiandiiKO Uffnpc worn round t In Mon ' Mni ° i » i ° ro <) 1 ' HiU ) ro ( iiatlii powur k » Huppllud l ) , V li » ina \ I <¦ In " ? , "" ' ftt 0 Ul L " ( M > ' » K Wit" »» »» " «" w m m-l ! rN 7 ' 0 HH U A lafc , ili Cluuiot >»« * U » toot « d . and may bo h 'IV m , / fvl }? T A rtoRorliitlvo clrouhir may I ,,, had , und ,-lr um f ^ m ' r " , \ , flvi to i ] l ) ^ "'wardo . l by post , on li liu s . ,, i ? if Ml " lMII ' y . tw « I'H'luw liolow t in lilpH , «« s ? JvW , ^ - ^^ & t ! «^ nury m « ekl . i B . l ' rioo from V « . ( 1 . 1 . to IO » . JlCiiko , Od
STEAM to INDIA , CHINA , and AUSTRALIA , & c Tho Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company ' s Steamers , carrying her Majesty's mails and despatches , start from Southampton for the undermentioned ports , as follows : — Tor ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PETfANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KOXG , on the 4 th and 20 th of every month . Tor ADELAIDE , PORT PHILIP , and STDNEY ( touching at BATAVIA ) , on the < tth of every alternate month ; nejst departure , Ath Septemner-Tor MALTA and ALEXANDRIA on the 4 th and 20 th of the month . PorVIGO , OPORTO , LISBON , CADIZ . and GIBRALTAR , on the 7 th , 17 tli , and 27 th of every month . MARSEILLES to MALTA- —The Company's new and fast Steam-ships VALETTA and VECTIS are 4 a spatched from MARSEILLES to MALTA on the 10 th and 26 th . of every month ( in connexion with the Southampton Packetsof the -ttliand 20 th of the month ) . Tor further information , and tariffs of the Company ' s rates of passage-money , and freight , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , LeadeiihaU-street , London ; and Orientalplace , Southampton .
"C > A N K OF D E P O SI T , -tj No . 3 , Pall-mall East , and 7 , St . Martui ' s-place , Trafalgar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which , a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . Tlie Interest is payable in Januakt and Jtri / r , and for he convenience of parties residing at a distance , may be received at the Branch Offices , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETES , MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses sent free on application .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT SHOWS" COD LIVES , OIL . Prepared f »> k Mkdioixax , use in the Loffoden Islks , Norway , a ^ d put to the test of chemical anai . vsis . The most effectual BE-irEi > y foe Consumption , Bko 2 > ciiitis , Asthma , Gout , Chronic Rheu-M . A . TrsM , and all Scrofulous Diseases . Approved of and recommended by the most . distinguished ' Scientific Chemists , . prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men , and supplied to the leading Hospitals of Europe . EXTKACTS PKOM MEDICAL and SCIENTIFIC TESTIMONIALS : " T H E ' L A NC E T , " July 29 , ism ; " In the preference of the light brown over the pale oil we fully concur . We have carefully tested a specimen of the HjLriit brown cod-liver oil prepared for medical use under tho direction of Dr . de Jongli , and obtained from the wholesale agents , Messrs . Ansae , Haetord , and Co ., 77 , Strand . "We lind it to be genuine , and rich in iodine and the elements of bile . " " THE MEDICAL CIRCULAR , " May 10 , 1854 . " The pale oil , even when genuine , is deficient to a considerable extent , if not wholly , of the volatile fatty acid , iodine , phosphate of chalk , tliecholinic acid , bilifellinic acid , and other elements of bile , which are found in their normal proportions in the light brown oil . The utmost reliance may be placed upon tho experimeutal rcsearchesof Dr . de Jongh , who is one of the most eminent of European chemists ; the oil prepared by him enjoys also the additional sanction of the opinion or Earon Liobig and tho late Dr . Pereira , in favour of its genuineness and oflicacy . Our own experience practically confirms their judgment , and we unhesitatingly recommend tlie light brown oil as the best for medicinal purposes , aud well deserving the confidence of the profession . " BARON LIEBIC " You have rendered an essential service to science by your researches , and your efforts to provide sufferers with this medicine , in its purest and most genuine state , must rnsuro you the gratitude of everyone who stands in need of its use . " DR . JONATHAN PEREIRA . " I know that no ono can be better , and few so well , acquainted with tho physical and chemical properties of this medicine as yourself , whom I reward as the highest authority on the subject . The oil which you fjave mo was of tho very finest quality , whether considered with reference to its colour , Uavour . or chemical properties ; anil I am satisfied that for medicinal purposes uo lluor oil cnu bo procured . " Sold wrtor . iiSA . T-E and retaii ,, iu bottles , labelled with Dr . do JonAh'R stain )) and signature , by ANSAlt , HAItFORD , aud 0 o ., 77 , Strand , London , Solo Consigneos and Agents for tlio United . Kingdom and tlio lh-itish Possession ^ at tlio following priaea : —> IMPXWIAL MKASt'RIS . iinif pints , as . < ki . ; l'lutfl , 4 s . na . % * l- ' our hnir-pint bottlos forwarded , caiuiiaok paid , to any pnrt of England , on receipt of a reniittanco of Ton ShilliiiKa .
A ME 11 IC AN S A 11 S A PAK I LI , A . J . X . OLD DR . JACOB TOWNSHND'S AMIOUICAN fej / VRSAPAlULLA . Thin Is , of all known roniodies , tho most pure , aafo , active , and ouloaoloua in tho }) urillciitlou of the blood of nil morbid uinttor , of bilo , imw , acldH , scrofulous siibMtancoH , liumourH of all kinds , whidi produeo rnslioH . fruptioiiH , Halt rheum , erysipolas . nonld ho » u , « or « oyos and earn , worn throat and uIcci-h , nml hotoh on any part of the body . It in uiiHurpuMNod In il « notloii upon tho llvor , tlio liuiKH . and tho Hlomncli , romoviiiK any ouuso of dimmso from LlioMo nrgmiH , and oxpflllug all luuuonrrt from tho Nyatoin . Uy clciuihhiK tho blood , It for »< vor prcvouts puHtuloa . souba , iilmiilus iinil cvfry vuriiity « l' hoihsh on tlicfnon aud broatit . It in n gn « iil tonio . iind impiirls utrmiKth nud vigour to the ilcl ) ilit ( it ( Ml and wvnk , kIvcs rout and rolrohhliiK Mloop to tho nervous mid icmUohm iiiviilld . 11 , in a Ki'ont IViuituo niodlclne , nml will I'ui'omoro coinplaiutK nccullur to l . hom'x tliuii any ullicr remedy in tho world . " \ Vari > lioun (> . : i 7 ; 5 , Htraud , tid-. iiiinhiK Uxotur-lIaU : 1 'OMKHOY , ANDH 1 J 1 W 8 , mill VO ., tHolo 1 ' roprlct . orH . Ilalf-plntH , Uh . ( Id i plntH . is , ; aiuallquurtH , ia . Od . j yuarta , 7 a . Od . i nuuuuuulha . lla .
TO THE ELECTORS OF HUIX . Gestlemeu , "DEPEATED efforts to communicate witb JLvL > you have in one way or other failed . Enough has probably found its way , to create an expectation of my being a Candidate . I will not appear , except as an opponent of a , ny nominee of the unseated Members . The Commission gave bribery a shock , and the object now is to save the pieces . The plan is to bring in two nominee * of the wuilty parties , with an understanding to begin . afresh when the ground is cleared by a new Parliament . These men will go on till the borough is disfranchised ; which is what you are driving upon . Do-not trust too much in the connivance of Parliament ; a tide in the national mind might make even that protection unavailing . If there was a disposition in the town to relieve itself from the disgrace it has been brought to , it would be my duty to come forward if asked . But I will be at no expense of any kind : and there must be some demonstration . of tl »& probability of success . I am , Gentlemen , your obedient servant , T . PEEEONET THOMPSON . Eliot Tale , Blackheath , Aug . 7 , 1854 .
STAYS SUPERSEDED . G HEAT EXHIBITION ELASTIC BODICE . —Stiff stays destroy natural grace , produce deformity , and implant disease . Curvature of the spine , consumption , and ahosfc of evilsarise from their- use . MARTIN'S ELASTIC BODICE is without whalebone or lacing , at the same time furnishing a sufficient ; support , and inapartirg to the figure that natural elegance , which is quite impossible under the pressure whieh is the great aim , as mischief is the certain : end , of all kinds of stays . The tinie and . patience of the wearer are also spareditay & simple fas ^ teuingin front , to obviate the trouble of Lacing . Can be sent by post . To be obtained ouly of the Inventors and Manufacturers ,.. E . aad E . H . MAJtHlN , 504 , New Oxford-street . A Prospectus , & c , on receipt of a stamp .
HpHE UNI VERSAX PTJWEYOE . —The -i - immediate object of this Institution , is , to Commencean Organised System of Supply for a great variety of articles of consumption , with a public guarantee for their quality , genuineness , fair price , measure , & c . It is hoped thus , withiTt the limits of the agency , to inake the operation of supply a . kind of public service , not speculative , but regularly arid sufficiently remunerative , and at the same time to relieve theconsumer of the uncertainty arising from the impostures and ¦ unfair dealing practised by unscrupulous merchantsand tradesmen ; Tliis can only Toe secured by making it the main , object of a trust , governed by persons of acknowledged character , aud administered iir detail only "by such as are found honest upon trial . The profits applied to the benefit of the officers of the Institution , and of those who supplyits capital , are to be limited , so as to allow only fair remuneration , and all surplus proceeds to be applied to such public objects as have a fair claim on the profits of distribution . Amongst these would be Provident Associations of pea-sows connected with commerce or any branch of industry , also any associations of ajpacijic character for securing the due balance of interests m trade , manufactures ,. or agriculture , and regulating tho relations of profits , labour , capital , skill , & c , with equal regard to all classes , or for equalising tile supply of labour in various departments . In the present state of tho plan the chief benefit offered to the public is not any extreme cheapness , but a guarantee for tlio honest endeavour to supply the best article that oaa . be fairly obtained for the ' prieo , together with the convenience , in some eases , of access to articles which are easily procurable by parties well acquainted with the best houses of wholesale supply in the city of ; London , but which may be difficult to ilnd genuine , or in some cases to lind at all , in retail shops . It is intended also to give tho ready-money customer the advantage of his prompt payment . The system of keeping an account with tho establishment , and ordering by cheques , as from a . bank , will be tho most complete mothod of doing business , aud the most advantageous to tho consumer . Any persons who arc desirous of entering further into > details , with a viow to co-operation , may communicate , by letter , with Mons . J . L . St . AtuU-c , originator of tho concern , 20 , Albany-street . R-CKont's-paik , London , or with the Rev . C . Marriott , Oriel College , Oxford , ono of the trustees . Tho Universal Purveyor is already in operation as a business concern . Tho establishment undertakes to execute ? orders entrusted to its cave , Forjprospoctus . card , and list of prices , apply to Mr . Wor Islip , Central Ofllco of tho UuiverisaA Purveyor , lou , Pojuohurch-strect , City .
rpiIE MOST CERTAIN PREVENTION X OF CHOLERA . YET DISCOVERED . —Further Groat Reduction in Price , —CRKWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID is tho ' Ut-ist and Cheapest for tlio imrilication of Dwelling J louses , Stables , Dog Kouuols , Snips , ' Holds , Coss-pools , Drains , Water OloBOts , & c , tho Disinfection of Sick Rooms , Clothing , Linen , aud , for the Prevention of Contagion aud JJiul Smells . Tho extraordinary power of this Disinfecting aud Purifying . Agont is now acknowledged , aud its uao r < jcoimnendtxl by tho College of Physicians . Unlike tho action of nuwiy other disinfectant )* , it destroys all noxiouw hihoIIh , and is it self scptitloss . Tho manufacturer , haviiiK dowtroyod i » monopoly fostorodTby tho / also assumption <\ f tho title of <* patent , lias to warn tho public against all guurious imitations . Each . Bottle of Crows ' rtDisinl ' ooting Vluld contains a densoly concentrated ( solution of Chlorido of ' / Ano . which may bo diluted for tuto with iW times its bulk <>/ iv < ttcr . Vide iuHtructionu < u : eompaii \ liiK eiioh bottle , hola uy nil OhotniHtH and Shipping Agents in tlio I'nIK'd Iviwclom . Imperial quartH nfc 2 h . j pints at In . ; hiilf-piii / a « lf L lK , « voasola at Bs . per ( cnllon . IHnniifnoturod at H . U . UKAI » , GouuuoruliU Wharf . Milu-ond , London .
HP It -U C H O li K ft A ! ! I M Prevented liv tlio dost motion of all iioxIouh «> f ! luvin . ( MUiW ' ' . N IMlSlNfM'XTINd I'M'IU , rn'oimiic-niloil by tho Ciiltftrti <(/ ' J' / ii / iflrtium , tho Choapi'Nt and ntroiif ? i > nt ChlorUJo ol'Klito . QiuirlM , "Jl « i . i pints . l « . i liall ' -pintH . Ou . ( Sold l > , v iilUllwiultit « Driiu ^ lhlK . nuil Hhlppliifj AyvnlH , ami at Cuunuureiul Wharf . Mllo-ond , London .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 12, 1854, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12081854/page/23/