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768 THE LEADER. [Saturday, August 12, 18...
Tbkms o«r BunaomrxiON to "tub Lkaduu ."—...
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768 The Leader. [Saturday, August 12, 18...
768 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , August 12 , 1854 .
Just ready , in post 8 vo , with Illustrations printed in Colours , a LEANINGS from PICCADILLY to PERA . By J . W . OLDMIXON , Commander , R . N . London : Longma . it , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
Just ready , in post 8 vo . . THE BALTIC ; Its Grates , Shoresi attj Cities : With a Notice of the "WJiite Sea , & o . By ttfe Rev . T . MILNER , M . A . F . R . G . S . " '; vk London : Longman , Bbown , Ctbebh , and Lion & mans . u .
Second Edition , revised , in post Svo , price 5 s . Qd . A DEFENCE of the ECLIPSE of JFAITH , by its Author : Being a Rejoinder to Professor Newman : Including a full Examination of that "Writer ' s Criticism on the Character of Christ ; and a Chapter on the Aspects and Pretensions of Modern Deism . * * Also , a New and cheaper Edition of The Eclipse of Faith , in fcp . 8 vo , price 5 s . London : LojraaiAir , Brown" , Geeen , and Longmans .
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Just published , in small 8 vo , price 7 s . TH E CROSS and the CRESCENT , as STANDARDS in WAR ; their origin , progress , and the abuses of the Cross , as revised ana enforced by tho Bishops of Homo . By JAMES J . MACINTYRE . London : Adam . Scott , Oharterrhousc-square .
On the 16 th of August , will bo published , price 5 s . 6 d ., rpHE NINTH VOLUME of « HOTJSEX HOLD WOUDS- " Conducted by CHARLES DICKENS . Containing " HARD TIMES" & c . Office , 16 , Wellington-street North , Strand ; and Sold by all Booksellers and Nowsvenders .
ARCHER GURNEY'S NEW POEMS , Now ready , in 1 vol . 8 vo , the People ' s Edition , with fancy boards , price 1 b . 6 d ., QONGrS OP THE PRESENT . London -. Ci ^ abke and Beeton , Fleet-street .
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dust publtoncd , in 1 vol ., ltsmo , sowed , 222 pp ., pncole , Gd . THE GOVERNING CLASSES of GREAT BRITAIN . Political Portraits by EDWARD M . WHITTY . " In this volume wo have some exceedingly smart sketches © f various public men . " —Chnroh and Stato Gazette . " Those portraits of what tho author terms tho ' Governing Classes of Groat Britain' aro ropublished from tho Xiectdor Newspaper , and form a little Thoaaurus of information of a peculiar and Interesting character . "—Loads Times . " Thoao livoly skotohos of living political characters aro many of them admirably written , always satirical in spirit , and occasionally far-seeing in their ken . Thoro aro points which Thackeray could hardly havo dono bettor . "—Era-. " Tho author of thla book has distinguished himaolf by iuvontiiiK , if wo may bo spook , quite a now stylo of nowspnpor-commont on Pnrlinmontary men and procoodiugM . If wo aro not greatly xniHtakon , Mr . WUltty ' a naino will yot bo Aconspiouous ono in tho world of iourunUsm . Tho main notion of tho work la that Great Britain is under a min take in consldoring itself a solf-govornod country . Mr . Whittv nooms to havo no political proforencoH . Wo know no political writing of tho day showing a hardor head , a more ruthless franknosH , than Mr . WitiUy ' H . Add to thin a groat fund of political knowledge , nnd a power of witty Qxpmswlon . " — CommonwoaU / t . Tkubkbii and Co ., 12 , Patornostor-row . i ! ¦ . I . ' > ' [ r
Now ready , at all the Libraries , 2 vols . post Svo . JERNINGHAM . % Sttirn . " Exciting and amusing . "—Observer . " A tale of very great merit . "—Advertiser . " Strongly portrayed . "— The Press . " Force in many of the scenes . "—Spectator . " Talent , information , and much inventive power . "—Sun . " Dashing , splendid style . "—Sunday Times . " Grrapliic fidelity and power . "—Postf . " Remarkable for beauty and originality . "—Britannia . London ,: Chapman and Halx , 193 , Piccadilly .
MR . ST . JOHN'S NEW WORK . - Poolscap cloth , 5 s . > pHE NEMESIS OP POWER — Forms JL and Causes of Revolution . By JAMES AUGUSTUS STT JOHN , Author of "Isis , " " There and Back Again , " & c . & c . London : Chabman and Hali , 193 , Picea 4 iilly .
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SO UTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 184 . 7 . Tho Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS it 30 days' sight upon tho Company ' s Bank at Adelaide , 0 , 'ho exchange on Bums above £ 10 is now at a premium or chargo of two por cont . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated , and bills collected . Apply at tho Oompany'u OHlcos , M . Old Broad-stroot , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , August , 18154 .
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i "" ! Tj > REQUENT TRAVKLLERS can IN-^ a ^ 11 ! 3 nKftlllH ti RAILWAY AOCIDKNTS by tho . YEAR , for torma or YMAUS , or for tho wholo of LI Pit ) , on I £ P ; oaU () " the UookiiiB ClcrkH at the I ' rliao ) pul ltailwa-y . StatlonH , and at thoOllWjon of tho Raiiavav I Abhenok «» AB 8 DUAN 0 H OOMl'ANV , ! J , Ol , I ) JJKOAO-STBBUr , LoNWON . WILLIAM J . VIAN . Boorotar . y .
No . v ready , carefully Revised , and wiiolly Rsprinted—in Ono Volume , price 5 s ., HARD TIMES By CHARLES DICKENS . Bradbury and Evass , 11 , Bouverie-strcot .
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Just published , price 2 s ., p < ist free , 2 s . < ld . NEKVOUS AFFECTIONS : an Essay on Spermatorrhoea ; its Nature auid Treatment , with an Imposition of the Frauds ) that are practised by iiorsons who auvortiso the speedy , tinffl , and olrciotual ouro o 1 ' Nervous DeraiiKoment . « y a At UMBER Oimil <] RO Y A 1 , COLLECT OF PHYSICIANS , London . ¦ London ; AYLOTTaud Co ., 8 , Palerno . stm-row .
pRTSTAL PALACE , MUSICAL IN-, \ J STRIJMHNT 0 Ol 7 IM \ -Mr . Wm . KBA Ihw tlm honour toannonntio to the Nobility and Gentry that lie will , next : Saturday , pori ' orm a Horios of oninjwHitionM on tho New Ronotitiou Gnu id Oottnpo Pianoforte . Mnnut ' nclurod and Exhibited by MMHSHB . ' LNVE 8 Q . UE , UDMRVDKS , ami CO ., of 40 , Uhoapsido . 'I ' o commence * at Throe oVlouk .
¦ p i-IOTOailAPJOC rOHTRAITS AND JL STUDIES FKO . UTJIK Llt'JB .-Uopioa of fainting . Scnlptui'P , AVorks ol" Avl , and Specimens c > r MiiuuuK-Unv . * , taken duily . ManMlo ; i « , Churches , or other Special Nnli' uiotHt hi Town or Countr . v , photo ^ r-nphcid ntaahort iioLUv . I lustruoMona in lh <> Art and At > t > arntii . t HinmNiMJ . 1 'holoi Krapluo OliuinioalH ol tiWsoluto purity . Waxcil , lodined , nml ! Albunioiiiwod Pnpur-H . J ' rloo lint freu on application . | DOLAMOUM and itlJLLOOK , Now Photottniphlo liihtl-I tutlon , 30 , lUitfont-HtvuKst , Waterloo place .
ITALIAN ANB TRENCH : LANGUAGES . MR AKIMVA 15 ENE , D . L . L ., from 11 k ; \ Jnlvernity of l'adua , who hiv * boon omUIiMmIkkI In London IwUirctiwura , Kivon prlvnt . o IommohhIii Italian nntl iM'onoh ul liln own Iiouho , or at tho bonne oI'IiIm pupil * . Me l ., ° . " , . V , ( Jl ? HoIiooIm l >» Lli in town tmtl tho e » iuntry . Mr . AI & IMVADIJNM lonolifH on a )> luii thorotiKhly priuiUoal , nnd the inoHt inodlooromlnd cannot Civil to thormiMlily oonipivhond hln Imnboiim . ' Apply by lottortoMr-AlUUVAIJKNH . No . l . Ml ,. IMIoliiu I ' dpmoo , Uromptou .
Tbkms O«R Bunaomrxion To "Tub Lkaduu ."—...
Tbkms o « r BunaomrxiON to "tub Lkaduu . "—For n Hnir-Yonr , lan . Mono / ordors ntioulil lie drawn unon the Bthaiti > Mrnnnh nm . ir , n .,. i i .., , > i ,, , ., , WMWH , ** t *|*™ o » a « UQ ©* W , ( , rNo . 9 , Horth « na ^^
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 12, 1854, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12081854/page/24/