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VOL. X. No. 503.] SATURDAY, NOYEMBEE 12,...
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J^P Is Ntt " ^V ^ Jt^Vv Yw ¦ *%- 7 ? A P...
Vol. X. No. 503.] Saturday, Noyembee 12,...
VOL . X . No . 503 . ] SATURDAY , NOYEMBEE 12 , 1859 . Price jg ^^^^ : @ Jr EWCE
Mutual Lifk Assukance.
SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETT . Instituted 1831 . Head Office : 26 . ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH . The profits are divided every three years , and wholly belong- to the members of the Society . The last division took place at 1 st March , 185 & , and from the results of it is taken the following- - EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS . A PofclCY FOR £ 1 , 000 , DATED 1 ST MARCH , 1832 , is now increased to £ l , C 54-9 a . od . Supposing the ag-e of the Assured at tho date of entry to .. haVe . been 40 , these Additions may be surrendered to the Society for . a present payment of j £ 363 1 ~ s . 8 d ., or such surrender would not only redeem the entire premium on . the Policy , but also entitle the party to a present payment of £ 104 4 s ., and , in both cases , the Policy would receive future triennial additions . ¦ . THE EXISTING ASSURANCES AMOUNT TO £ . 1 , 27 > , 367 THE ANNUAL REVENUE £ 187 , ^ 40 THE ACCUMULATED FUND ( arising solely from the Contributions of Members ) £ 1 , 194 . 057 ROBT . CHRISTIE , Manager . . -, WM . FIN LAV , Secretary . LONDON OFFICE , 26 , POULTRY , E . C . ARCHD . T . RITCHIE , Affent .
^ IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON—Instituted 1820 DIRECTOnS . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Chairman . FREDERICK PATTISON , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman Thomas G . Barclay , Esq . George Hibbcrt , Esq . James C . C . Bi-11 , Esq . Samuel HiLburt , Esq . James Brand , Esq . Thos . Newiaan Hunt , Esq . Charles Cave , Esq . J . Gordon Murdoch , Esq . Georg-e Henry Cutler , Esq . William It . Robinson , Esq . Henry Davidson , Ksq . Martiu T . Smith , lisq ., M . P . Gcorg-e Field , Esq . Ko . wmnn Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The assured aro protected Uy a guarantee fund of upwards of a million ' and a half sterling from tho liabilities attaching- to mutual . insurance . PROFITS . —Four-fifths , or eifihty percent , of tho profits arc assigned to Policies every fifth year . Tlio assured are entitled to paHicijmto after payment of om > premium . CLAIMS . —The Company has disbursed in payment of claims and additions upwards of £ 1 , 000 , 001 ) . Proposals ibr insurances may bo made at tlio Chiof Ofllco , ns above -, at the Branch Office , 10 , Pall-mnll , London ? or to any of the agents throughout the Kiiyrdoin . p SAMUEL ING ALL . Actuary .
INCORPORATED 1847 . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , NEW BRIDGE-STREKT , LONDON , E . C . Annual income , & iit } t 388 . Accumulated Fund £ 151 , 807 i-. > a . The profits declared havo amounted to ; ttiM , 418 , yielding a Bonus of s . ' 74 por cout , on the j > reinluinfl , returnable in Cahii to the members . ' Since tho common cement of tho Company the amount paid to tho widows anilothor representatives of deceased members is & 7 V , U- !*«• Vd . , Persons Insuring- this year wllLshnro in tlio Bonus to bo ( luolnrcd uij to December , 18 IM . . JAMES ING MS , Secretary .
LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . INCOltrOUATED liY ROYAL OHAUTKn . PAID-UT CAPITAL , 7 00 , 000 / . Chairman—DUNCAN DVNBAU , Esq . DEl'UTY-CHAi » MAN—WrLLIAM FASK DJfl tfAJ . I . S , EflQ . OPJPiOMS-ir , CANNOX-STKKM' ( l \ M-C LlCTTKRSof CIMODIT niid BlLLy of-EXOUANGE aro > rrantod on tho Branclios of thin bank at Hyduey , Molbotirno Uoolonu ; , Maryboron « li , Ararat , and IJalliirut , DltAFTtiou the AuMtrallau Colonies uogotlutod ait ^ l sent for oollootlon . My order of thu Court . . G . M . B 10 I . J ., Soorot . ary .
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVJB VJER OKNT . on sums fo »« fixed po viodn , or at acvon days' notloo , or 'J'hroe por Gout , nt Oam .. O . U , LAW , MttiwBOV . Offloos , o , Oannon-nlroet West , W , C .
SPECIAL NOTICE . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . CONSTITUTED BY SPECIAL ACTS OF PARLIAMENT . 'ESTABLISHED 1825 . DIVISION OF PROFITS . The Sixth Division of the Company ' s Profits is appointed to be made on 15 fh November , 1860 , and all Policies effected before 13 th November , 185 <» , will participate in that division . The fund to be divided with the profits which Lave arisen since 15 th November , 1855 . ¦ A Policy effected before 15 th November , 1859 , will rank , at the division in 1 S • S E L EC T AS SURA N C E S . The privileges of this class arc—Permission to travel and reside in any part of the world , free of extra premium ; and the cancellation of ( ill conditions under the Company ' s Policies ' , which thus become unchangeable on any ground whatever except nonpayment of the ordinary premium . Assurances of five years' standing are admissible to this class . REVIVAL OF POLICIES . Policies not renewed within the days of grace do not become absolutely forfeited , but may be revived oh certain conditions any time within thirteen months from the date of the premium falling < hie . The regulations under this head m-o Very favourable to the assured in other respects also , and are worthy of spcHal attention . SURRENDER VALUES . Liberal allowances made for surrender of Assurances under the Profit Scheme , at any time after payment of one annual premium . London — 82 , KING WILLIAM STREET , Chairman of the Boaiid . Tin : Right How . ; riiB EAHL OF ABERDEEN . Ordinary DinEorons . John Scott , IJsq ., 4 , Hydo Park-street . Francis Lo Ureton , Esq ., 3 , Crosby-square . Thos . H . IJrookiiifr , Esq ., 1 * , New Broad-streot , John GrlllUh Filth , Esq ., AustinfrJars . Charles Memory , E « q ., si « , Thrcftdnecdle-streot . Llout-Col . Jnnios D . 0 * . Tulloch . Alexander Oiillesplu , Esq ., 3 , UHliter-court . • WILL . TIIO $ . THOMSON , Munag-or . II . JONES WILLIAMS , Res . Sec London : 8 % King William-street . Edinburgh : : i , George-street . Dublin : 00 , UpporSuckvljlo-ati-oot . QJasyow : 815 , at . VIncont-placo . ' tt Kurthor particulars inay bo obtained by addrosuliig to the Secretary in London , in Edinburgh , or In Dublin ; or by application to any of tho og-ents in England , tiootlnucl , or Irultmd ,
rnlllC LAST ANNUAL REPORT , 0 ASII L ACCOUNT , and JiALAWCE SHEET of tho MUTUAL LOT ASSURANCE SOCIETY ( A . D . 1 H 31 ) , maybe had on n wrltton or personal application o tho Actuary , or to uny of tlio Wooloty'H Country A £ onts . To tho Kcporr and -Ai'OouutH is apnciulod a lAtst oi ' Douiuh'S paid on tin elalma of tho your 1 MB . * No extra vhiiru-o for JofulnR Vulnntofr IJIIlo or Artllkry Corprt . CHARLES IN ( JALL ., Aotaury . Tlit > Mutual Life AHHiiranoo OlUeos , ! K ) , KhiK- « troi't , ClwaprtlcU' , E . G ., Lomlou
' WINTER HOSIERY Of MioHoncat nml wnrmost description , Including all the mwuiit » iun > rn » nnd uoloura . Uudor oloHilng lor ftunily uho , nncf for Invalids , I ' rlnted flannol ahii'tn and jiroflflliiH - RowiiH . I'Ol'K and I'l . ANTM , munufnoturori * , 4 , AV ^ ntorlooilaoc , I ' lill-inall , London , 8 . W .
BANK OF DEP 0 SI T , Established A . D . 1844 , 3 , PALL MALL E A S T , L O X V OX . , CAPITAL STOCK , £ 100 , 000 . PARTIES DESIROUS OF INVESTING S . JIOXEY are requested to examine the Plan of tho Bank of Deposit , by which a high rate of I nt erest may be obtained with ample security . ¦• Deposits made by . Special Agreement may be withdrawn without notice . The Interest is payable in January and July . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
Established 1838 . VICTORIA AND LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 18 , KI NG WILLIAM STREET , CITY . The Business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Lite Assurance . Credit allowed of one-third of the Premiums till death , or half the Premiums for live years , on Policies taken out for the whole of life . Advances in connexion with Life Assurance are made on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATKAY , Actuary .
INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Capital , £ 25 , 000 , in shares of £ 1 each ( with power to increase it to £ 100 , 000 ) . Deposit 5 s . per share . Incorporated under Joint Stock Companies' Acts , 1850-57-58 . Under the direction Of a Council and Managing-Committee appointed by tho Shareholders . Bankebs-Ransom , Bouverie , and Co ., Pall Mall East . Solicitors — Grane , Son , and Fesennxeycr , 23 , Bedford , Row , W . O . SKCRETAnv—Sitwell Harris . OFFICES AND MANUFACTORY . Nos . 1 , 2 , and : > , GOUGII STREET KOKTH . Gray ' s Inn Road , W . ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS . T HE loading feature of this Company is , that it in vcstiguti . •* the merit of any invention submitted to it , by the aid ot scientific and praotical men , selected with special regard lo their qualifications , as impartial judg-cs . Such inventions as are approved are patented or registered , and manuiacniroii by the Company , for sale , on a scale sii / Ilciciit to establish their value , without cost to tho Inventor , w | io will » lntro , under agreement , in all profits arising theroft-om . As an earnest of these intentions , tho Mnm » # in £ rommlttCG lmvo aeoured a long loauo , on most mly ani «« £ > « terms , of extensive promises , containing- « Mi > nclomis jnrirtn . ufactory , provided > vlth suitable plant , whorotx o lota i a bo made niid tried , naul patented articles nninufnoturcU Xov sale . Valuable patents , already Arrnnf ^ a ^ . an tiovr b dn so manufactured , at a not * prottt oi HOG por ee at , i » ww eovoral vory promising inventions aro under consideration . Tlio advanInc-os thus enumerated Jus tify tlio' directors l » i rooommoidh ? tho undortjiklng to tho notice « f wimJl , capitalists , us an inves tment well worthy tholr itpuclttl oun-Biucratloii . That tho large mans oflnvuiitors aro unablu to curry out tliolr cloHliniH , 1 s a fact patent to nio 8 t practlo . il olm-rVe -h It Is cmiBUy trwo that- « Rroat number of ohhob only ro < in re the JiXn c-iit nnil kindly asalstnnoo of soiviitlflo nnd prno p pnlmLii to render them productive of Iminuiieo public be io « t . it Is InoontrbvertllJlo that our national InipoPhirn'o on 1 wealth l >» vo booii moro promoted bv |}« v « ntor « « Iimii by v other olnsB of men , Arkwrlght , > VaH , Cort , Stt ? j > Hoii-Hon niifl or . l oth scurocly loss eminent , havo ni-oducod mi amou t of w » Mil ahnoHt boyoml Cjilouluttan , iUoukIi tholr hn'otlonHWororcooivod at Ilrst with cooIih-hh «» imI Inoro-I y iHliortull the ImprovomoiitH for our coiivoiik-m-p aiifl oomA diit iiff IVoiu a wtato of barbnrlty toono (> 1 lilu-h ci lllWKro buni « ooumulntJv « rosultB of luvwUvo UigU " t mubt not bo overlooked by tho Hharolu . ldur tliut it i ) ntoiitglvu " im " xchiMlvo trmlo with thu ouBtoinem o » t hj ^ ( worl . « iI" ^ i Mit tills Company will posmimi In no eonmtf y ^ tWi ' oc" " MlvanliiffOH as will , on tho uvoiwo , bd ^ K < : ,. moi soly iwduotlvi ' . and oiwura a dlvWoud t . lmr mnytnv ^ ilrlsu ami must aatisfy nil iuvostorfl . . . Zj , L )\ ^ J > Appuinlton " Tor Hlu \ r Oa , and full JToRnootuBOH tf v n | MlA' . 'ftilU'Ht Infornmtlon . tobiiniado personalty , or by lettflVWJ i thu Svorotury , at tho OHloos , as above . < q s . J W , V ;' - v ' v ¦ ' ' t . nun it . j pf thy ( somwpiw Uot ^ KV ; a 'W p ttf \ 7 W > - r < J ::. / . Sff i
Tliut O» T Hj^ ( Eonmtf Y^ Bd^K<: ,. Mny...
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Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12111859/page/1/