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I*aA THE LEADER, JN.o. 503. Nov. 12, 185...
To-morrow the Empress of the French will...
39 <v k f e • k { «v4. <|^ V 8 f _Ji E T J jj I. ?
¦ m ¦ ?THE LEADER " OFFICE, Friday Eveni...
FKANCE. The jMvniteur of to-;luy (Friday...
AUSTRIA. The Council of tho Empire (Reic...
This Convict Sm-kxiiubbt. -- Tho report ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Jai'anesh Poi.Icv.~-A Correspondent Of T...
en BMWM * Mm ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . < --m ^— ¦ ... for six months in every year , of all the great feudal princes of the land , who are compelled thus to do service to the Suzerain , and , when they return , to ;> iit in bail for good behaviour' in the persons of their wires and children . None but the heads of the diplomatic missions are permitted to take up their resitence in this cynosure of Japanese dignity , rank , and fashion . But it is not so absolutely shut to visitors is sxich a stipulation might seem to indicate . The ! reads of missions must receive visits from those of - var , if not from their friends—and so the eggis made : o stand by a very simp le process—without serious difficulty , ' if due discretion be shown—and Yerfdo nay be seen . If I am not mistaken a photographic artist has already obtained a few very interesting lews of the temples assigned temporarily to the British and American diplomatic agents as residences . In due time , no doubt , the public , by Utustrated News , or stereoscopic impressions , will have the opportunity of gratifying their curiosity . Hie buildings are large and rambling , quaint and kH in their forms and distribution , and most picuresquely situatedin well-kept grounds , stocked with ine timber and ornamental shrubs . The ponds are lied with gold and silver fish , some so larg « and fat ; s to suggest comparison with portly abbot and ¦;! eepy monk ; and so perfectly secured by the : iuddhist respect for life , that they will come to the > urface at call , and snatch the crumbs of bread from t lie extended hand , in a way which only a Japanese fish , born and bred in .-a temple of . Buddha , lam inclined to think , could be induced to practise .
I*Aa The Leader, Jn.O. 503. Nov. 12, 185...
I * aA THE LEADER , JN . o . 503 . Nov . 12 , 185 Q .
Koyaii English Opera, C O Vert Garden
, Jnder the Management of Miss Louisa PiT ? E and Mr . W Harrison . The . ¦' Public are respectfully informed that the present , > opulaaeOperas cannot be repeated after Dec . 24 th , conse-[ iient oil the production of the Christmas Pantomime . Monday , Nov . 14 th , TROVATORE . Messrs . U . Haigh , : > j * iitley , Lyall , Walworth ,. Misses Parepa and Pilling-. Tuesday 15 th , Thursday 17 th , Saturday 10 th , DINOKAH . Tessrs . \ v . Harrison , Santlejr , H . Corri , St . Albyn , Misses 1 ' illing- and Parepa , Miss Louisa Pyne . Wednesday 16 th , Friday 18 th , SATANELLA . Mossrs . ¦^ ititley , G . Honey , H . Corri , St . Albyn , and W . Harrison ; Miss PUJingr and Miss Louisa Pyne . Conductor , Alfred Mellon . Ballet—LA FIANCEE—every evening . JVIdlles . Leluiae , Pasquale , pierron , Clara Morgan , Mons . Vnndris , Messrs . "VV . H . Payne , H . Payne , S . Payne . Stajfe Manager , Mr . Edward Stirling . Acting Manager , Mr . Edward Murray . ¦ ¦ ' Prices of Admission . —Stalls , 7 s . ; Private Boxes , £ 4 4 s . ; £ 3 3 s . ; £ 2 12 s ., Od . ; £ 1 5 s . £ 1 Is . ; Dress Circle , 5 s . ; Amphitheatre Stajla , 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s . 6 d . ; Ampliitheatre , Is . JS " o charge for Booking . Commence at 8 .
CRYSTAL . PALACE . ARRANGEMENTS for ^ SVBEK ending SATURDAY , NOVEMB E R 10 th . SIonday—Open at Nine . Tuesday to Fjiidav—Open at Ten . Admission , Is . ; Children under twelve , Od . S-VTiutDAY—Opon at Ten . CONTCKRT and BIRD SHOW . Adraission , Half-ti-Cro \ vn ; Children , One Shilling-. Season tickets free .
ROYAL ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . Kino-street , St . James ' s . Lessee , Mr . F . B . GnAXTEBTON . Nearest theatre to Plmlico , Cliclsea and Weatmlnster , the Park being . ' open tp carriages and foot-passengers all lioura of the night . On Monday , and during tho week , new Comedy—LONDON PRIDE ; OB , LIVING FOR APPEAUANCE 8 . Meenre . Lofgh Murray , O ; Young , Barrett , Mrs . Frank Matthews . After whioU , on Monday and Tuesday—MAGIC TOYS . To conclude with VIRGIN 1 US $ On , THE TRIALS OF A . FOND PAPA . \ .- , On Wednesday will bo produced nn entirely new Fairy Extravaganza , entitled THE S 1 VAN AND EDGAR ; On , TUB FAIRY LAKE . Reduced Prices—Pit , Is . ; Gallery . Od . Doom open at hnltf . past 0 , commence at 7 . Box-ofllco opon from 11 to S flatly .
THEATRE ROYAL , OLYMPIC . LcBBCCB , Messrs . F . Robhqn ivnd W . S . Esidbn . On Monday , and during the weoK , will bo performed tho favourite Comedietta , LADIES B 1 CWAKM . Chnmotore by Mohspb . W . Gordon , G . Cpoke , Jkllea Wyndham , Mrs . Stephens , and Mrs . TV . S . Emdoji . After wWoh will bo produced a now Comodlottn , fro"J Lo WToulin a Parolos , entitled TH » HEAD 0 » THE PAMII . Y . OharROtorH by Mcsara , II . Wigan , W . Clordon , H . lUve ^ p , MIhb CottroJl , and Mrs . ^ Stirling . - To . bo ^ pHowod by thoClftBflloIflxtrayng-ftnaa of MJCDEA . Chwwitow by MosarB . F . Wobnon , Addition , Mesda . V ^ ynd-U ( sw , ^ iigtvo » , Stoplvonb , and Cotttell . Toj ' ooftoWdcwitU A DOUBTFUL VIOTOUY i MosHrfl . uJMpB * W » Gordon , ^ ranka , Mrs . 8 ( irlllnff , und MJae XJooto 'open' at '? , ' oothmonoo nt half-pant 7 .
^¦ j ^ mmm ^^^ ' —¦ . . ' . ~ " ' ' _ DRURY-LANE , ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA . Farewell Performances of Madlle . Titiens , Borchawlt , Vaiieri , Signor Aldi <> hieri , npialetti , and Giuglini , previous to their departure for the Continent . . ARRANGEMENTS FOK THE WTBEK . Mr . E . T . Smith respectfully begs leave to inform Ills patrons and the public , that on Monday next , the 14 th inst , will be presented tlie admired Opera of LES IIUGEXOTS ; Valcntia . Madlle . Titiens ; Kaoul , Signor Giuglini . On Tuesday , the 15 th , TEOA'ATOKE ; Leonora , Madlle . Titiens ; 3 Ianrico , Signor Gitigliui . Wednesday , A GRAND CONCERT at Oxford , in which the whole of the Company -will appear . Thursday , A GRAND CONCEUT at Birmingham . Notice . —For the convenience of parties havin g , purchased " tickets for the pit or other parts of the house , at the liox-office or music sellers during the day , they will be admitted at the private cut ranee , a quarter of an-hour before the doors are open , without extra charge , a convenience particularly-to ladies , to . avoid the rush at . the doors . Doors open at half-past Seven ; Commence at Eight . Box Office open from Ten till Five ,
ROYAL PRINCESS ' S THEATRE . Lessee , Mr . A . Hahkis . Second week of the newimd " successful Drama . Screaming Farce , Xursev < -hickweed ; tuid last six nights of the Dramatic Tableau of LOVE AND FORTUNE . Monday , find during the week , the Romantic" Drama , entitled , THE MASTER . PASSION ; OR , THE OLTLWVS OF THE ADRIATIC . Messrs . Ryder , G . Melville , Graham , Garden , It . . Cathcart ; Miss Carlotta Leclcrcq , and Mrs . Charlos Young . After which , the now Farce of NURSKV CHTCKTVEED . Messrs . H . Widdieomb , Ateado . ws , H . Saker ; 'Miss Louise Keeley aud Mis . "Weston . To conclude with a Dramatic Tableau , in Wattenu Colours , by . T . R . Planehu , Scenery by W . K . lievorley , entitled , LOVE AND FORTUNE . Mr . Frank Matthews , Miss Carlotta Leclercq , and T ^ otrise Keeley .
THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) Mr . and Mrs . Charles Mathevs every evening-. Monday , T . uesday , " and Wednesday , last three nights of the Contested Election and Paul Pry . Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , to commence ' tit ~ , with the CONTESTED ELECTtON . Mr . 'Charles Ma-. thews . Mr . Buckstone , Mr . Conipton , Mr . W . Farren , Mr . Rogers , Mr . Clark , Mr . Braid , Mrs . Charles Mathews , Jliss Eliza Weekes , & e . After which PAUL PRY .: Paul Pry , Mr . Charles Mathews ; Phoebe , Mrs . Charli'S Mathews . On Thursday , Friday , an j Saturday ( first time nt this Theatre ) , THE BACHELOR OF ARTS . Jasper ( his original character ) , Mr . Charles Mathews . After which a new Comedietta , entitled THE LATE LAMENTED , by Tom Taylor , Esq . Characters by Mr . Charles Mathews , Mr . Bucfcstoms Mr . Clark , Miss Keynolds , and Mrs . Charles Mathews . Concluding with MY WIFE'S DAUGHTER . Air . Chippendale , Mr . Conipton , Mrs . Wilkins , & c . Stago-managor , Mr . Chippendale . . ' v
THEATRE R OYAL L Y CEUM . Sole Lessee aud Directress , Madame Celeste . The public is respectfully lnforrhed , this Theatre will open for tho Winter Season , on Monday , KSUi November , with a New Drame Funtustiquo , written by a Popular Author , entitled—PARIS AND PLEASURE ; On , IIO 3 IE AND JIAPPINIO . SS . Full Particulars will bo duly announced .
To-Morrow The Empress Of The French Will...
To-morrow the Empress of the French will make her first appearance on any stage ( since she has become an Empress ) in a new proverb by M , Octuve Feuillet , to bo called u Le Vouf ot 1 ' IIommo MariC , " which will bo played bofore tho court at Compiegne . Lieutenant-Colonel peorge Ashley Maude , G . B ,, who has boon appointed to ho Crown Equerry , Secretary to the Master of the Horse , and Superin * tendent to the lloyal Stables , vice 'Major Groves , deceased , served the Eastern campaign oT 1854 in command of a troop of Royal Horse Artillery , including the battles of the Alma and Balaklava , whore , he was dangerously wounded , and . tho siege of Sobastopol . Sir iCobort Peel , Bart , M . P ., by tho demise of his mothor , becomes possessor of tho family mansion in Whitehall-gardens , and tho family plato , bosidos a handsome annuity of above . £ 5 , 000 , charged upon tho i utriinonlnl estates iu Staffordshire . Tho marriage of tho Earl of Dalkeith , M . P ., and Lady Louisa Hamilton , has boon unavoidably deferred to a more distant day , in consequence of the death of Louiqn , Countess of IJarcyvood , nistor of the Duuhoss of Bucclouch , and therefore aunt of the noble bridegroom eleot . Wo regret to say llie First Commissioner of Works ,-tho Right Hon . Honry Ifltsvroy , has boon fi > r several weeks confined to his bed by sovore Indisposition .
39 ≪V K F E • K { «V4. ≪|^ V 8 F _Ji E T J Jj I. ?
| P a h 181 x i jj t
¦ M ¦ ?The Leader " Office, Friday Eveni...
¦ ¦ ? THE LEADER " OFFICE , Friday Evening-, Nov . Utli , ,
The Central Italian Reg Ettcy. A Despatc...
THE CENTRAL ITALIAN REG EttCY . A despatch , dated Turin ,. Nov . 10 , says : —• " The King , Victor Emmanuel , in consequence of a very urgent representation received from the French Government , has refused to grant permission to the Prince de Carignan to accept the Regency of Central Italy which has been offered to him .
Fkance. The Jmvniteur Of To-;Luy (Friday...
FKANCE . The jMvniteur of to- ; luy ( Friday ) confirms the news of the signature of the three treaties , and adds that the Governments of Franco and Austria have agreed to promote the meeting of a congress , which will receive communication of the treaties of Zurich , and deliberate on the means most' . adapted to establish the pacification of Italy on solid and durable bases . The Monitcur also publishes a circular , issued on the 5 th of November last , by Count Wiilewski , Minister of IToroiiMi Affairs ,. , to the 'diplomatic agents of the French Government abroa-1 , explaining the advantages of the different clauses , of ,. the treaty of peace signed at Zurich , ami stating that France . will not have to advanve the amount of the ik-Mdue by Piedmont to Austria , but will co-nperatn \ yiih > Piedmont in making the stipulated payment , by certain arrangements which have been agreed upon between France and Sardinia . France has ¦ demanded from Sardinia the payment of sixty millions for the expenses of the late war . The circular further announces that the Governnvent of France had received assurances that the Pope was . only waiting an opportune moment to make public certain reforms by which the government of the clergy would be replaced by a government generally composed of the laity . It is doubtful whether the Montalembort prosecution will be proceeded with . In point of law it is already at an < ii < 1 , but then it must be remembered that legality in France is not always strictly observed . According to an enactment of 1819 , yet unrepealed , whenever a book or pamphlet ia seized as being libellous , the parquet ( public prosecutor ' s office ) is bound to declare within ten days whether the seizure is maintained or abandoned , and in default of such a declaration in duo form , the prosecution drops , and the writings stizcl must be restored . The ten days have now expired , and M . Ue Montalembcrt has been served with no . process of any kind relating to the aflhir . The MonlUur of this day ( Friday ) publishes tlie monthly return of the Bank of France , which shows the following results as compared with the previous return : — Decreased . Cash ... ¦ 18 S iinnioi . 9 . Current account ... ¦•• 8 3- > Increased . Bills discounted not yet due .. 29 $ , » Advances ... , y A »• Bank . Notes ! * ff » Treasury Account ... 3 " ' . .
Austria. The Council Of Tho Empire (Reic...
AUSTRIA . The Council of tho Empire ( Reichorath ) is in course of being transformed into a bonutu , wiiui will control the administration of the nuances of jino country . Decrees will shortly be issued granting i « the Jews additional politiual and social priviltstfo * - During tho celebration of tho tf « hllU-r J ' i' » i ; «" Boveral popular demonstrations of u libonU oinuiifctor have tulcon place .
This Convict Sm-Kxiiubbt. -- Tho Report ...
This Convict Sm-kxiiubbt . -- report circulated to-day by a very well Informal eontoinporuiy . that tho caBo of BmoUmrat lms boon disposed ui , iuiu that he will reoelvo a free purdon , is not correct . x * w free pardon haa been grouted , and tho euso has xws bcou disposed of la ( vny way .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 12, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12111859/page/12/