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, 00q THE LEADER. [No. 503. Nov. 12, 185...
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, 00q The Leader. [No. 503. Nov. 12, 185...
, q THE LEADER . [ No . 503 . Nov . 12 , 1859
THE DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK , ( LIMITED ) , B 7 . tLEET-STEEBP , LONDON , E . C . TITHE experience which has attended the operal ^ Sonaofsavings banks and loan s ocieties ££ " £ « So make it evident that an extension of tbeir jprmciples . S « aa liberal yet sound b ^ , ^ j brovehi | lil ^* dvanta . Sl ^ % s ^ nents , on withdrawal , of gg ^ l ^ gf ^^ Actra ^ .
JLCCEDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . loanrance data show that ONE PERSON in every FIFOTKN ^ more or less injured by Accident yearly . — £ ga £ ffgH 5 F" - < - * i nnn ra CASE OF DEATH FROM ACCIDENTS OF ' OTKY DESCRIPTION , By a Policy in the KAILWAY PASSENGrBRS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , * OTMch has already paid in compensation for Accidents * ¥ ormfl of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the CuuDufy ™ Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations , ^ ereTafeo , Railway Accidents alone may be insured aeainst by the Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Railway Passengers ' Assurance Company , Offices , 3 , Old Broad-street , London . E . C . ¦ ¦
TO EXECUTORS , ADMINISTRATORS , "WIDOWS , HEIRS AT LAW ,. and others having WILLS * o prove , or Administrations toobtain , or searches made tor same , Residuary Accounts to pass , Valuations for Probate or Legacy duty made , may save trouble and expense onap-Slcationto Messrs . BRADBEKRY & Co . No . 3 , DEAN S ftOTtRT . DOCTORS' COMMONS , E . C . .
TO BUILDERS , SHIPPERS , ETC . J JOHN SON informs the above that he is open to supply them with any amount of GROUND WHITE LEAD and COLOURED PAINTS , at Five per « ent . lower than the Current Prices , J . J . ' s Lead and IPaints are recommended to the Trade as possessing more body , covers better * and easier to -work than any other , and Willretain colour in any climate . All orders to be addressed to J . Johnson , Kevf Bridge , -Brentford , W . ¦ '
BENSON'S WATCHES . " Perfection of Mechanism . "—Morning Post . Gold , 4 to 100 guineas ; Silver , 2 to 50 guineas . ( Send two Btamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pamphlet . ) Watches Bent to all parts of the World free per Post . 33 and 34 , Ludgate-hlll , London , E . C .
WANTED . Ladies and Gentlemen ' s LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL , of every description . — Mr . andJMCrs . HUTCHENSON continue to purchase and give the highest price for Xeft-off Clothes , Officers' Uniforms ( naval and military ) , 01 d Jewellery , and all miscellaneous articles . Ladies and gentlemen waited on at any time by addressing to Mr . or Mrs . Hutchinson , 25 , Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C . Parcels from the country , the utmost value immediately remitted bv nost-office order .
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-hand Fire-proof SAFES , the most extensive assortment , by Milner , and other eminent makers , at half the price of new . Dimensions , 21 in . high , 18 In . wide , and 16 in . deep , £ 3 10 s . At C . GRIFFITHS ; ' ^ , Old Change , St . Paul ' s , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand Salea by Milner , Cunbb . Marr , or Mordan . 3 SfOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' s Safes need not apply , ¦
TEETH WITHOUT SPRINGS , By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Improper Mastication and the Evils attendant thereon ma / he avoided by wearing Artificial Teeth properly constructed and of pure Materials . : Messrs . GABRIEL , the Old-Established Dentists ' Treatise on the L ' osa and best means of Restoring the Ofceth , explains their SyBtom of supplying Artificial Masticators with Vulcanised Gum-coloured Inda Rubber as a . base ? no metal whataover Is used—springe and wires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly lnorieaaed amount » f paotJon is obtained , together with the beat materials and flrst-clase workmanship , at loss than half the ordinary © oot . "Gabriel ' s Treatise is of importance to all requiring tho dentist ' s aid , and emanating from such asourco , it may Jbe confidently relied on . ;— United Sehvicb Gazette . - " VhouBtvnds requiring artifloinl tooth are deterred from consulting a dentist , fearing' tho anticipated cost , or droad jaffaHuro—To all suoh wosay . poruso ' Gabrlere Troatlac '" Ccvn . Servicb Gazette . Pnblishod by Messrs . QAjammx , ( gratis on appUoatlpn , or sent on jrccolpt of threb postago atampa ) , at tholr eatabllshxnentB , —33 , Ludgate-hill , ana 110 , Regent-street , London « bB « rve name andnumborspnrtloularly ) % and ISA , Duko-« trcet , Liverpool .
GLENFIELD -PATENT STARCH . USED IN THB ROYAL LAUNDRY . Attftpronounoed by HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to be THB 3 FINEST STAltOH SHE MVHR USED . CH 4 BITFIHX . D V ^ A ^ Jfl N % STABOH , SEE THAT YOU GMT IT , „ Aa it \ fertor kinds anqften aubatitutea , .. — -. iSpW by all Chandlore , Grooora , & o ., & o . WOTHKWSpooN on * OO ., Glasgow and London ,
NO T X CE . TO INDUCE A TBIAL OF SC ^ UTtt AFRICAN WINES 4 Mt 20 s . and 24 s . per doz ., bottles included , ( The cflBWumption of which has now reached 420 , 000 dozen / ijp « r annum—vide "Board of Trade Returns" ) , A-CfSaSTEscontaining foujKgKmples , sealed ^ agrfft ^ belledrwill Iffctta-waiaed on receip * 3 * rTHIB DY PQS 8 D »!& S « STAMBS , Vfi » . : — Half-pmt Bottle dffcest South African Sherry ; , Hall- *> mt Bottle dfc'best South African P & r * i Half-pint Bottle of * est South African Madeira , Half-T » int Bottle of'best Scrtrth African Amontillado , Bottles and Case included . COLONIAL BRANDY , very * i perior , 15 s . per gallon . BEST GIN , full strength , lls . 3 d . per gallon . Price Lists free on application . Address—ANTHONY BROUGH , Wine and Spirit Importer , 29 , Strand , London , W . C .
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . ANDREW & HUGHES' SOUTH AFRICAN WINES . — Port , Sherry , and Madeira , 20 s . and 24 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 28 s . per Dozen . Extract from Dr . Lethebifs Analysis of our Wines : — " I find your Wine pure and unadulterated , and have no doubt of its being far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuine sherry . .,.,,, ( Signed ) " Henry Letheby , M . B ., London Hospital . A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps ^ Colonial Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . and 18 s . 6 d . per gallon , or 30 s . and 37 s . per Dozen . We deliver free to any London Railway Terminus , or to any Station in England for Is . per Dozen . Ter ^^ ^ HljqHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonial Wines and Spirits , , Crutched Friars , Mark Lane , London , E . C .
OPORTO . AN OLD BOTTLED PORT of hig-ti character , 48 s . per dozen , Cash . This genuine Wine will be much approved . HENRY BRETT and CO ., Importers , Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn , E . C BAIT-DE-VIE . This pure PALE BRANDY , though only 16 s . per g-allon is demonstrated , upon Analysis , to be peculiarly free from acidity , and very superior to recent importations oi ventr able Cognac . In French Bottles , 34 s . per dozen ; or securely packed in a case for the country , 35 s . —HENRY BRETT and CO ., Old Furaival ' s Distillery , Holborn .
ECONOMY . A 10-eallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHEJRRY , for Four Guineas , or 2 os . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Three dozens carriagefree . Cash .- -HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO .,-Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1831 . ¦ __ , TTENEKEYS' COGNAC , a pure French Brandy , XX pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages I to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per gal- I Ion . Six gallons , the cask Included and carriage paid . I LTENEKEYS LONDON BRANDY , Pale or XX brown , 'l 4 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . ffENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the XX Btill , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 26 s . per dozen . Six gallons , the cask included and c & rrlage paid . Coventry orders must contain a remittance-. ITENEKEY'S PRICES CURRENT of XX WINES and SPIRITS sent post-free on application . HENEK . EYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s Inn Distillory , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
ALLS 0 PFS PALE ALE , In the finest condition , is now being delivered by HA RRINGTON PARKER , and CO , This celebrated Ale , recommended by Bnron Liebig and all the Faculty , is sunplied in Bottles , « nd in Casks of 18 g-allons and upwarde , by HARRINGTON PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , S & , rail-mail , London , ¦
CHEDDAJt LOAF CHEESE Ojd . and 7 id . per lb . Rich Stilton , 10 ( 1 . to 14 d . per lb . Ripe Blue Mould ditto , tho Connolsseur'a delight , lfid . per lb . Sugar-cured Bath , Chaps , 6 J < 3 . Superior Westphalia HamB , 7 AQ . and 8 d . perlb . Russian Ox TonKxtes , 10 ( f . each , or 14 a . 0 a . per dozen . Oeborne ' s Peat-smoked Breakfast ' Bacon , pronounced by Paterfamilias to be tho greatest luxury over yet Introduced into tho domestic olrolo . aiow selling at 8 Ad . por lb . by tho half side . Butters injpprio . otion at reasonable rates . A saving of 16 per cent . Is eflebtod by tl » e purchaser at this eatablishmont on all first-class provisions . Packages gratis . " Fulmara qui mcruit forat , OSBOKNE'S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , O 8 B O R N E HOUSE - 80 , LUDGATB HILL . NEAR ST . PAUL'S , E . G .
A BROWN AND l'OLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR , Preferred to ' itho boat Arrowroot . Delicious in Puddincra , Custnrcln , IHanomange , Cnko , & o ., and BSPBCiALLY SUITED TO VhJQ D 10 LIOAQY OF CHILDREN AND INVALIDS . The Ixinoet , statoa , " TUIh 1 b superior to anything of the kind known . "—Obtain It whore Inferior nrtfoloa aro nob substituted , Fron > Family Grocers , Ohoinists , ConfeotlonorB , and Corn dealers . —77 a , Markct-stroot , Manchester ^ and 83 , Ironmongor-litnc , London .
KEATINOT PALE NEWPOUNPLAND OOP LIVER OIL , perfectly pure , having boon analysed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Tayjlqii and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thoman ' s Hospltale , who , in tho words of tho Into Dr , Phrbxha , Bay that " The flu cat oil Is that most devoid of colour , odour , nnd flavour , " characters this will bo found to pouBcae In a high degruo . Half-pints 1 b . Od ., Pints fin , Od ,, Quarts * b . Od . 79 ,: 8 t . PauJi ' B Chnrohyard , London ,
X JJIR . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST * NotSajMTLJBET-STREET , has introduced an entirelv nlw de 8 ciH * HdfcK 3 r ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed & gurintfBftwires or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble « onW ( il ¦ .-teeth- as not to be distinguished [ fromthe WilriMtoby the closest observer ; they will neve ^ ehanee colfmre * decay , and will be found superior to anv tepfh ever beforeTrsed . This method does not require the pv trattiott of : roots or any painful operation , will subnoi * and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed to re store-articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stormed and rendered sound and useful in mastication . —52 Fleet street , London . —At home from Ten till Five . * ¦ w , -
A TREASURE FOR THE TOILETTE . Among the many luxuries of the present age none can be obtained possessing- the manifold virtues of OLDltlDfJF ^ BALM of COLUMBIA . If applied to the roots and bodv of the hair it imparts the most delightful coolness with an agreeable fragrance of perfume . It also at this period of the season prevents the hair from falling off , or if alreadv too thin , or turning grey , will prevent its further progress and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to ' luive beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it dailv It is also celebrated for strengthening- the hair , freeing it from scurf , and producing new hair , whiskers , and moustache . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wash can equal it . Price 3 s . 6 d ., ( 5 s ., and lls . only . C . and A .. OLDIIIDGJE , 13 , Wellington-street , North Strand , W . C .
HARVEY'S PISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunctioii . ^ The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularl y requested to observe that hone is genuine but that which bears the back label with the name of William Lazenby , as well as the front label signed ¦ ' Elizabeth Lazenbi / , " and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an additional label , printed . in green and red , as follows : — " This notice will be affixed to Lazenby ' s Harvey ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well known labels , which arc protected against imitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery efyth July , 1858 . " C , Edward street , Portman-square , London .
KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . STATISTICS SHOW THAT FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS annually fall victims to Pulmonary Disorders , including Consumption , Diseases of the Chest , and the Itespiratory Organs . Prevention is at all times better than cure ; be , therefore , prepared during the wet and wintry season , with a supply of KKATING'S COUGH LOZENGES , which possess the virtue of averting , as well us of curing a Cough or Cold . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., and Tin ' s , 2 s . 9 d ., ' 4 s . Cd ., and 10 s . Gd . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , & e . ., 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , 'London .. Retail by all Druggists .
H YAM and CO . 'S CONJOINT GARMENTS . —Consisting of Guinea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers and Vest , and Thirty-eight SMlling Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . LONDON : 80 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate . H YAM and Co . ' s CAMBRIDGE SAC and PAGET JACKETS . —The best possible garments for gentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Inc 12 s . 0 d ., 10 s . Od ., 21 s ., 25 s ., aud 31 s . fid . H YAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT COATS , in W «» t of Euyland Wool-dyed Black Cloths , Invisibles . S . Jxony Broad Cloths , Woadcd Fabrics , & c . Price a 5 B . to Q 3 s . . ' HYA M and Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed mid Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , CashmeretteB , & c . l ' riw 10 s . Oct ., 21 s ., 20 a ., and 35 s . YAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to eurly iik'O , ^ . 'Z growth . Childron'e Belt Suits in ucw . and bountiful . uato-, rials . Price 10 s . ( Id ., 15 s . 0 d ., aud 21 s . JLiyht Ovi-rcontB and Capes , 8 b . Od ., IPs , 0 d ., 12 s . Od . . HYAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and RUGBY SUITS . Throe now styloB , bwoinJnff « design , serviceable for school or dress wonr , and iu inin Wy adapted for young sontlomcu . Price IGh . Od ., «!» ., « te ., arid 31 s . Odi . .. . ,. , _ - — . " OYAMandCOTS CLOTHING TO ORDER , XX designed in ov (! ry variety of Novel Fabric . Ircncl * and English Cuttore employed . _ . IT ^ AMlS ^^ CV ^ Truo . fitting . TROUSERS ^ --JjL To order , on a self-adjusting and Hliupo-roUliUiiff syetom . Price 17 b . () d . ; Vesta to mat « b , 8 s . Od .. HYAM and CO . nro connected only with tho following , Establiuhmonts : - LONDON : 80 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , « 2 , and 2 . ' ) , JScmv atroet . LEEDS : 42 , Drlggatc .
DOES YOUR TAILOR PIT YOU ^ TRY J . SMITH . SB , LOM BARD ; 8 TKHKT . * j . 0 . -r 80 ^ VBIfilNO TROUdBBB , nil Wool . of thoNowo » t lioBlffnB . ui ondlow Variety , to order . lfls .-Obsorvo Uio Addiorirt 38 , LOMBARD STltWBT .
THE VICTOR NEW OVERCOAT . 80 S ., 30 b ,, aud Ma . Introduced by 1 ) . BMN . TAMIN , Morolmnt and lummy Tailor , 74 , Kotront-strcot , W . , ., „ ,. nvn TUlb INVMUNJ 3 SB \ truAI » PMItS , » t «& H - lllul lJ 0 H " unequalled in apponrnnoo and value . do t 0 THB SUITS ut 47 B .. 00 a ., 0 & n ., iuW m .. aro n J" « J ordor . ft-om SootoH lioathor and UUuvioi * Y i" T \ VUAnKolaB , all wool , « nd thoroujrhly Hlirunk . / ''' miiniSA GUiNlflA DRB 88 ANDFKOoft OOAVB I Tfl ^ 5 N nj , 'A DKJSUS < VHOW 6 J 0 US i and T / Lilfl llAbV-OVW * WAISTCOATS . . . ^ r . JJ . ' -A JPer / M Fit guaranteed ,
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12111859/page/2/