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Tffo. 503- m*. l&L^BSm VWE I^AKE B. 1259
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Tffo. 503- M*. L&L^Bsm Vwe I^Ake B. 1259
Tffo . 503- m * . l & L ^ BSm VWE I ^ AKE B . 1259
TlBaSKD-EK ^ r STOVES , JFIItE ^ IBONS * and XRONSrind GKNEKAI , IRONMONGERY , as caivnot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , norelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves , wittf ormolu ornaments and two sets of bare , £ 3 15 s . to £ 53 10 s . ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to * 5 12 s . ; steel fenders . £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments £ 2 15 s to £ 18 : chimney pieces , from £ 1 8 s . to * 8 P ; foSnaffrom 2 s si ' thc set t / ii 4 s . Tlie BUETGN and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth-plates . BEDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . WILLIAM S . BHKTONhasSIXLARGESHOWR 0 OMS devoted exclusively to the _ SEPAKATE DISPLAY of LAMPS , BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock of each ia at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . to 201 . Ob . each . Shower Baths , from ...... 8 s . Od . to 61 . 0 s . each . iamps ( Moderafcear ) , from . 6 s . Od . to 71 . 7 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil .. 4 s . Od . per gallon . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER © ISHES , in every niaterijil , in gTeat variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . The dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set ef six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; cleg-ant modern patterns , 35 s . Cd . to 62 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , £ 3 lie . to £ 6 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 10 10 s . the set ; block tin hot -water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia metal , 22 s ; to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , full size £ 11 31 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GEFERAL W FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 4 O 0 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot Water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimney pieces * Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet A \ , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bed-, steads , Bedding , Bod-room Furniture , & c , with lists of prices and plans of . the sixteen large show-rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , " W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 and . : i , Newman-street ; and . 4 , 5 , and 6 . Perry ' s-placc , London . —Established 1820
ATTIRE FOR THE SEASON . T A . WHENCE IIYAM has to announce his pre-¦ J-i . parations for the Autumn and Winter . Gentlemen will now find his stock of Garments for immediate wear complete in every department . The productions of the various manufacturers exceed , in variety of design and material , those of all former years . ' T AWRENCE HYAM'S OVERCOAT'S , of Xl tlie latest fashion , comprising the INVERNESS CAPE , the ALBERT , the CLAUENDW , the SAC , & c ., are made from the most suitable materials , and in the strongest manner . 2 jb ., 30 a ., 42 s ., 50 s . T AWRENCE HYAM'S Walking , Dress , and -Li Surtout Coats , — sound in material and make , exact in fit , and fashionably designed and finished . —Surtout and Dress Coats , 20 s . to 00 s . w alkiug Coats , from 14 s . to 35 s . T AWRENCE IIYAM'S Vests , in QJoth , Silk , JLI Sutins . Tweeds , Arc , either for ordinary wear or dress purposes , faultless iu design and material , varying- in price , from 4 s . 6 d . to 21 s . T AWRENCE HYAM'S Trousers , celebrated -Li for their true and comfortable fit , made of the strongest and newest fabrics . —l ' rices , 10 s . 0 d ., l' -is .. Us . ( Id ., 17 s ., ! ils . City Establishment—30 , GRACECHURCH STREET . WKST-ENP KSlWHtlSIIMENT—189 and loo , TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD .
CERTAIN MEANS OP SELF CURB , AJSJ ACT OV CIIAKITV . —A Gentleman having- been cured of nervous . debility of long standing , tho result of oarly errors , and after much mental and bodily suffering-, thinks it but churitublo to render such information toothers similarly situated as may restore thorn to hpnltli without exposure . Full particular !) sent to any address , by enclosing' two postage stamps to prepay postage . Address THOMAS HOWAKD , IOsq ., CHvo-houeo , near Birmingham , . «
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL OOLOUlt . NEURALGfA , Nervous Headache , Rlieuma-Ubwi , nnd Htlir Joints cured by F . M . HERRING'S PA'rJ ( JWTMA ( JMKTiC JJKUSHKS . lOs . and lfis . i COMBS 2 s . ( Id , to liow . Cfrcy hair nnd lialdnoss i'kkviintku by F . M . H . ' h Tatfint I'roventlvc Bruoh . I ? rloe , 48 . nud Ob . OIllciiH , 82 , liaainghnll-Mtroot , London , whoro may bo had , pratla , tho UliiMtrutod pamphlet , "Why Hair bocomos Grey , audits Itomedy . " Sold by nil ChotnfutB uud Perfumers ol repute
ON DIBtiUALlFIUATIONB AND IML'JISDIMENTS TO MA Kit I AGIO . Now lSdttion , onlurgvd to 100 pitgos , lllufltrntod by ' ANAIOMIOAC COI . OUUKD I ' jNOHAVINGS ON STBJRIi . Juttt publlsUod , and ai-in , by iMedloua direct iVom the ubtabflulinxont , 10 , HornorH Htroot , Oxford stroot , Lourton , upon receipt of two penny Htamjia . THE SILENT FRIEND ; ftnd fvvo , and front / lvo till uluht , Sundays excoptccl . On Induluonoo , and tho injurioua voiiMoqtioncos ft'om tho use of Meroury i \ sllh obsurvntlona on tho obliprutlouB of nrnrrMg-o . and dlrootiona ibr obviating certain diuquallutions , and oonlninlng a vnluablo 1 ' roBoiiption oi ' a Lotion to Srovomt Inlootlun . —I > lroot lrom tho Jiiutabllslnnent , 10 , ornorB . Mtruot , Oxford ^ utroot , Loudou , whoro any oi the JVtedloJuoH may bo obtained ,
MEDICAL ADVICE . DR . iiA'MERT , Registered X . S . A ., Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society , M . D . ol the University of Erlang-en , & c , maybe CONSULTED on all Cases of Debility , Nervousness , and the Secret infirmities of Youth and Maturity , from 11 till 2 , and from 6 till 8 , a his residence , 37 , BEDFORDTSQUAItE , LONDON . Df . La'Mert has just published , price Sixpence , with ' . nu r mej-ous Engravings ana Cases , a New Edition of his Work entitled , SELF-PRESERVATION . which will be sent free , in a sealed envelope , by Mann , 39 , Cornhill , London . or by the . Author , to any address , for eight stamps . Contents : — Sectional . The Physiology of the Generative Organs . Section . II- Puberty— Manhood—The Morale of Generative Physiology—True and False Morality . Section III . Marriage in its Moral , Social , and Physical Relations—Its Expectancies and Disappointments-i-Advahtages of Physical Contrasts in securing Healthy Offspring . Section IV . Spermatorrhoea and Impotence—The Causes of Sterility in both Sexes—Self-inflicted Miseries , ¦ ' Section V . The Vices of Schools—EffectB of certain pernicious habits on the mental and generative faculties—Importance of Moral Discipline . Section VI . Treatment of Nervous and Generative Debility— Impotence and Sterility—Dangerous Results of various Hazardous Specifies—The Author ' s Principles of Treatment : Medical , Dietetic , and General , derived from Twenty Years' successful practice .
VALUABLE JUEDICAL BOOKS GRATIS . The Professors of the Royal Institute of Anatomy , Science , and Medicine , 369 , Oxford-street , London , have resolved to issue Gratuitous Editions of their colleague , Dr . W . B . Marston ' s instructive Lectures , believing them to be of vital importance to those to whom they are addressed . No . 1 . —NERVOUS DEBILITY ( the result of a pernicious secret habit ) , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Prostration of Strength , and General Incapacity , addressed specially to Young Men , shewing the means of restoration to he ' alth and happineBS . Ko . 2 ;—MARRIAGE and its OBLIGATIONS , addressed to those who desire to become parents . No . 3—THE GREAT SOCIAL EVIL . All the painful diseases which result from it , with Dr . Marston ' s Unfailing System of Treatment , by which Mercury is altogether dispensed with . . , Applicant must state simply which Lecture is required . Enclose two stamps to prepay postage ; and address , Treasurer , Royal Institute of Anatomy , & c ., as above , which is Open Daily , at an Admission of One Shilling , and contains the most Superb Collection of Anatomical Models and in a tural Wonders in the whole world . Dr . Marston Lectures daily , and a Professor is always in attendance Ur impart instruction , and . give information upon any Medical or Physiological Subject . '
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . OA f \ f \ f \ Copies of a MEDICAL . BOOK for &\ J >\ J \ J \ J gratuitous circulation . A Nervous Sufferer having Been effectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , and Indicestion , resulting from the early errors of youth , by following- the instructions . given in a MEDICAL WORK , he considers it his duty , in gratitude to the author , and ior the benefit of others , to publish the means used . He will , therefore , send free , secure ' . 'from observation , on reoeipt oi a directed envelope , and . two stamps to prepay postage , a copy of the book , containing every information required . Address , James Wai . la . ce , Esq ., Wilford House , Burtoncrescent , Tavisfock-square , London W . V .
WAS DR . SMETHURST GUILTY ? Was Madame Lafargc guilty ? There was no doubt in Palmer ' s and Tawell s cases . The country was satisfied . TO THE EDITOR . Sir , —In the trial of Madame Lafnrge , reported in the " Causes Cclebrea , " it appears that she was as good as acquitted , since the chemists could ttud no arsenic in the parts submitted to analysis ; but all of a sudden , ixnd during the trial , the body of " Lafarge ( buried six months before ) was ordered to be exhumed , uud a fresh unalysis then and there ordered , which was to bo conducted by the great Orfila . Iho trial thus reports this extraordinary proceeding : — " At eight in the morning the exhumation or LafargotooK place . Alter having thro-vvu chloride of lime over the grave , the cofQn was discovered which contained the corpse in a state of dreadful decomposition . This human paste was put into earthen pots aud taken to the court of Justice . Six stoves in a oircle heated by an hnmounc bmsier were insujtliclont to absorb the putrid exhalutions which filled the court of justice . " , * ,, » , T * It was under Buch circumstances that Madame Lafnrge wns convicted . Everybody in court thouglit that eho must bo acquitted until M . OrJIla sealed her doom by swearing that ho had discovered sonic traces of arueiiio in tho body of Lafarge . It appears that M . Kaapui ) , the groat uhuinlst ; - was completely at issue with Orfila aa to hlu conclusions , but lie arrived too Into at Tulle to give his evidence , lie had travelled night and duy from Paris , but his oarriago broke down , aud Sl'adamo Lal ' arg-cwus condemned . If la Impossible to conceive a moru oTumsy way of conducting a trial upon which tho life of n fellow-creature depended . Wo need not Hay that wo entertain the greatest doubt a ' s to tho propriety of this conviction of , Madame Lufnrgo , and would therefore suggest to the people of this country , and tho Judges in particular , tho uooeaaity of looking- aovply into this trial and tho evidence udducoa , in order to place thoin-Hclvos on their guard iu similar onsen to tlint of Dr . Bmothurut . It 1 h tho only wny , wo thluk , by whioh our jiulgoa can render thomaolvoa capable of Irving' such oueos . Tho Judge la completely jit tho hands of the doctor and tlio ohouilsl . Ah to thv evidence of tho doctor , It is worse than iiHolesa , Hlnoo ho himself is tho principal admlnlutrator oi tliueio very polaonw ; and , with respect to I lie cltomlmt , Uioro is hm iniicli uuoortulnty la Ilia oxpurimontH , that ho ahoulcl not bo rolled upon In oauoe of I Ho and do « tl »—unloss everything Is maclo eleur ns in Vulmor ' e and 'ruwoll ' s ensue , In conclusion , wo would rofor the public to tho Protest ol Ilyuolats noiilnst . I ' oluouu an Modioinos isouod In 18611 also to tho trial of Maduino Lnuoalo , ruportod In thoCuueuu C . ' tilobrge , and tho report o 1 ' ( ho British C ' yllog-o of Iloalth iw ltlOO . Wo have tho , honour to bo , Sir , Your obodlont Horvants , TllTC MKMREKS OF THE HU 1 T 1 SU COLLliCIE OV HEALTH . King ' a-oross , London ( ior tho Uooloty of JJygolBte ) , Ootobor , 1800 .
MAOTIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . MAPBEN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , , are the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 68 , King . William-street , London-bridge , contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the World , which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . Fiddle Double King ' s Lily Pattern . Thread . Pattern . Pattn . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks , best quality , a 16 0 2 14 p 3 00 3120 12 Table Spoons do . .. 116 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 40 2 14 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0-2 4 0 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 1 4 0 1 70 116 0 2 SaUceLadles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 1 Gravy Spoon do . .. 0 7 0 0 10 6 0 110 0 13 0 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bowls ) . . 0 68 0100 0120 0 14 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . .. 0 1 8 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 3 fl 1 Pair Sugar Tongs do . -. 0 116-0 5 6 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 Pair Fish Carvers do . .. 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 14 0 1 18 0 1 Butter Knife do . .. 0 30 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 Soup Ladle do . .. 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 17 6 1 0 0 6 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . .. 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 10 Complete Service .. £ 10 13 10 15 16 0 17 13 6 21 4 6 Any article can be had separately at the same prices One Set of Four Corner Dishes ( forming 8 Dishes ) , 81 . 18 s . ; One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz ., one 20 inch , one 18 inch , and two 14 ineh ^ lOJ . 10 s . ; Cruet Frame , 4 Glass , 24 s . ; Full-Size Tea and Coffee Service ^ 10 s . A Costly Book of Engravings , with , prices attached , sent per post on receipt of 12 stamps . Ordinary Medium Best Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d . & s . d . £ s . d . Knives , Ivory Handles .... 2 4 . 0 . 3 6 0 4 12 0 lADoz . Full-Size Cheese ditto .. 1 4 0 1 14 6 2 11 0 One Pair Regular Meat Carvers 0 7 6 Oil 0 0 15 6 One Pair Extra-Sized ditto ...... 0 8 6 0 12 0 0 16 6 One Pair Poultry Carvers .. 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 15 6 One Steel for Sharpening .. 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 Complete Service .... £ 4 1 G 0 18 6 9 16 6 Messrs . Mappin ' s Table Knives still maintain their unrir vailed superiority ; all their blades , being their own Sheffield manufacture , are of the very first quality , with secure Ivory Handles , yvhlch do not come loose in hot water ; and the difference in price is : occasioned solely by the superior quality aud thickness of the Ivory Handles . MAPPilT BROTHERS , 67 and 08 , King "William-street , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Shefr field .
HOLLOWAY ^ PILLS & OINTMENT . In these two preparations are found reliable remedies for . all complaints caused by climate , irregularity , over exertion , or accident Internal or external disorders are subjugated by these incomparable medicines , which never fail to relieve if cure be impossible . They act physically by removingimpurities and establishing regularity of functions , extracting all impurities from the blood , stimulating every secretion , and causing each org'an to act healthfully . No disease in the body can long resist the combined action of these remedies , which invariably harmonise every corporeal function , aiid on the brain reflect a happy state of mind , removing low spirits , lassitude and hypochondrincism , for which they substitute cheerfulness and contentment ; and render pure our physical and moral being .
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . l ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . This preparation is on © of tho benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during tho first twenty years of the present century to spenk of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated , by unsolicited testimonials from persons in vvory rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of tho most important discoveries of tho present age . These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during- their use , and are certain to prevent the diacaso attacking any vital part . Sold by all medicine vendors . Observe " Thomas Prout , i > iii » . Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
DR . DB JONG II 'S Kntyht Qf the Order qf Leopold of Bcl (/ lum _) LIGHT-BROWN COP LIVER OIL , Administered with tho greatest success in cbsob of CONSUMPTION , BROMCHITIS , COUGHS , EHEUMATISM , GOUT , WBUEALGJA , GENERAL DEBlhlTJ , DISEASES d * THE SKIN , RICKETS , JNFANWLE WASTING , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS , Is Incomparably superior to every othorkind , Tho rocorded invctBtWtlona of numbeVIiisH eminent iiritiuh and Foreign nuiaiottT practitioners have placed beyond the ruaob of onyH tho fact that no invalid can posaibly rotdluv the full benefits of Cod Liver Oil , who doou not tnko Dr . do Jongh's colebratod puro Light Brow" OH . opinion op R . M . 1 A"WRENGE , Esq ., M . D ., Phiixfcimi to IJ . lt . II . the I ) Hhe <\ f Scura Cobottiy unit Ootha , Oj > h ( li'ilinio Suryeon to tho Great A ' vrtharn JJottj > it ( t { , < Ju tf <» . " 1 lmvo iroqiiontly tested your Cod Liver Oil , nnd ho imnrouHod urn I with it » superiority that 1 invariubly proaoribo it Iu prcfi'ieiioo to any other , foclluR' aanurod Mint 1 am ro-(• oniiniindiiiK a gonulno article , and not a nuinui ' nvt urvil oompyuud , In wliioR tho cflloaoy of thi « invaluablo niudlolno is ilcdtiroyocl . " Hold oni . v In Imwshiax * Wiilf-ninlB , S'H- Od . i PlntB . -lH . Od . ; Oiiurth , »» h ,, oiipnulud and laUoilod with l ) n , uh Jonoh' 8 Btauip and Hi ( fimturo , wjTjiou'iMruiyii none o / vn im >» bji » i . v jma oiiNuiNi :, by roftpoctttblo OhonilBtB . 8 OLK COW 8 IGNKICS , AN 8 AK , llAIlFOKD . & Co . ^^ . STUAJSD , LonnON , "W . C . * »* A I ' nmphUit on Cod JAvvr Oil , with Cnnm ^ tf Curo , sent Post / Vec on implication to £ > r , do Jonyh'a Vonait / nees .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_12111859/page/23/