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JtTKE 13, 1857.]___ THE LEADE H. ^ 555
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Jttke 13, 1857.]___ The Leade H. ^ 555
JtTKE 13 , 1857 . ]___ THE LEADE H . ^ 555
BEDST EADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . -WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LABGBSHOWunOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY Clamps ? Baths , and Me & llic Bedsteads . The Stock df « arh is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever cnbmittedto the public , and marked at prices proportionate oritli those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . Od . to £ 12 Os . each . Shower Baths , from :... ' .. Vs . Gd . to' £ 5 12 s . each . Lamps ( Modcrateur ) , from ..... Gs . Od . to £ 6 6 s . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil 5 s . per gallon . C UTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment of TABLE-CUTLERY in the world , all warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—3 £ inch ivory-handled table-knives , with high shoulders , 12 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , 9 s . fld ; if to balance , Gd . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair : larger sizes , from 19 s . to 2 Gs . per dozen ; extra fine ivory , 32 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 37 s- to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives ; 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . Gd . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s ., carvers , 2 s . 6 d . ; black wood-handled table-knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table stools from is . each- The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the now plated fish-carvers . PAPIER MACHE and IRON TEA TRAYS . —An assortment of Tea Trays and "Waiters wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier Mache Trays , per set of Three from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto from 13 s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex-shape ditto from 7 s . 6 d . Kound and Gothic Waiters , Cake and Bread Baskets , equally low . T HE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The HEAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty . years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Piddle ox * Thread or it ; , , „¦ '« Old Silver Brunswick pa ttern Pattern . Pattern . ^ atterl 1 - Table Spoons and Porks per dozen ... SSs 48 s 60 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 30 s . 35 s 42 s . Tea ditto ... 18 s 21 s 30 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet * and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of replating- done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Table Spoons and Forks Fiddle ' Thread . King ' s . por dozen 12 s . ... 28 s . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Teaditto .... B 5 s . ... 11 s . ... 12 s . In these Premises , formed of Eight Houses , is on show the most magnificent STOCK of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY , with Cutlery , Nickel Silver , Plated Goods , Baths , Brushes , Turnery , Clocks , Candelabra , Lamps , Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , arid Bed-hangings ) , so arranged in Sixteen Large Show Rooms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of fjoods that cannot bo hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( per post ) free . 39 OXFORD-STREET , "W . ; 1 , ia , 2 , and 3 NEWMANSTREET ; aud 4 , 5 , and 6 , PERRY'S-PLACE , LONDON . Established 1 S 20 .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Chartor , 1847 . Tho Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and 3 ULLS at par upon the Company ' s Banks at Adelaide and Port Adelaide . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is also conducted with Viotoria direct through tho Company ' s Aponts , as well as with tho other Australian Colonies generally . Apjilyattho OlQcos , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London , E . G . WILLIAM PURDY . Managor . London , Juno , 1857 .
THE HOUSEHOLDERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . DIKECTOnS . Wm . Ashton , T 3 Bq ., Hoi « ton-houso , Wraysbury . Sfcaines . Tho Rev . Thos . Cator , Bryanston-squaro , and Skolbrookpark , Doncaster . Charlos Hulso , Esq ., Hall-grovo , Bagshot . F . D . Bullock Wobstor . Esq ., Norrolk-torraco , Hydo-park . Arthur P . Onslow , Esq ., Lawbrook-houso , Shoro . Gulldford , Thomas Pocock , Esq ., Southwark-bridgo-road . Potor Patarflon , Esq ., jun ., Park-road , Holloway . Jamos Laughton , Esq ., Holm Villa , Lowisham-road . This Company onabloa porsons , without speculation , to invest lnrge or small sums , at a higher rate of intorost than can bo obtained from tho public fuiuls , and on as secure a basis . Forms of application to doposit sums of money , at 6 per cont . lntoroflt , payablo half-yearly , or to purolmsoaharofldho p resent interest on which is 0 por cont . ) , may bo had on application to R . HODSON , Soo . 16 nnd 10 , Adatn-Btroot , A < lolphi .
TEETH . — Much has been said and written about now luvontioiiH In artificial tooth , but hitherto no motliod for Hxlng thorn lias boon found to answer tho Purpose of presorvlng and consolidating tho loose tooth and roots remaining . Up to this time to havo had a tooth or a spt of tooth ronlaooa , springs or wiros , or a painful opora-« on , hjiN boon ooiiNldorod nocossary- Thoso Inconvouionccs I jayo boon obvlatod by Mr . Rogors ' s improved method of "Xing artlflolal tooth . Tho tooth thus soourod rosomUlotlio nabnval tooth so oomplotoly that ovou tho practical oyo of a "oiiyHli oanuolj dofcool ) tlio IniKnUon . —iiivontou by Mr . "O G lilliB . SurBOon-Dontlst , from a 70 , ltuoBt . Uonoro , Paris , aitf of several works on dental art . Mr . It . may bo oonsiutoa daily on all casos of dontnl surgory at 18 , NEW BURLINGTON-STREET , corner of REGENTST 1 U 2 ET . I
CICOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURk 5 ANCE SOCIETY . Established 1831 . The TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING of this Society was held in Edinburgh , on the Gth May , David J . Thomson , Esq ., in the cliair . The Report by the Directors stated that the number of Policies issued during the year ending 1 st March last , was 658 , the sums thereby assured being 300 , 440 ? ., and the Annual' Premiums thereon , 9589 / . — all of which exceed , in every particular , those of the previous year . The Invested Funds of the Society amount to . £ l , 029 , G 04 f The Annual SRevenue to . £ 176 , 411 The Existing Assurances to £ 4 , 8 S 2 , 09 G Copies of the Report may now be obtained at the Societ y's offices . ROBT . CHRISTIE , Manager . Head Office , 26 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh * London Office , 26 , Poultry , E . C . ARCHD . T . RITCHIE , Agent . Western London Office , 6 a , James ' s-strect , Westbouriic-torrace , W . CHARLES B . LEVER , Solicitor , Agent .
T > ROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE X ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . Established 1840 . TRUSTEES . —Thomas Baring , Esq ., M . P . Thomson Hankey , Esq ., M . P . Win . George Prescott , Esq . Baron L . N . de Rothschild , M . P . Every description of life assurance and annuity business effected daily . This Association has an accumulated fund of 88 , 0002 . An annual income of 27 , 000 Z . Profits have been divided to the extent of 15 , 0002 . And a third bonus will be declared during the ensuing year . Policies effected on the half-credit system . Chief Ollice , 15 , Moorgate-streot ,. London . WILLIAM THOMAS LINFORD , Sec .
£ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH . A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF . £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY BY ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , may be secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the T ? AIL WAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE JLYj company . Smaller amounts may be secured by proportionate payments . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may be insured against by the Journey or by the Year at all the principal Railway Stations , where also Forms of Proposal and Prospectuscs may be had—and of the Provincial Agents—and a t the Head Office , London . N . B . —The usefulness of this Company is shown by the sum paid as Compensation for Accidents ^ 22 , 722 . Railway Passengers Assurance Company . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary . Office , 3 , Old Broad-street , E . C .
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK ( Incorporated ) . — Deposits received at Six per Cent . Interest payable half-yearly . Drawing Accounts oponed . Bills discounted . Annuities granted . Chairman—The Earl of Devon . 6 , Cannon-street West . E . C . G . H . LAW , Manager . '
BANK OF DEPOSIT . NATIONAL ASSURANCE AND INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION . No . 3 , PALL-MALL EAST , LONDON , S . W ., ( HcadOfllce ) : ' No . 2 , ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH ; No . 202 , UNION-STREET , ABERDEEN ; No . 8 , CHERRY-STREET , BIRMINGHAM ; No . 9 , PAVILION-BUILDINGS , BRIGHTON ; No . 01 , HIGH-STREET , LEWES ; No . 9 , WESTMORELAND-STREET , DUBLIN . Established May , 1814 . EMPOWERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARXTAMENT . TH IS Company was Established in 1844 , for the- purpose of opening to the public an easy and unquestionably sate mode of Investment , with a nigh and uniform rate of Interest . Tho plan of the Bank of Doposit differs entirely from that of ordinary Banks in tho mode of employing , capital— . money deposited with this Company being principally lent upon wcll-sociircd Life Interests , R « vereions in tho Govornmont Funds , or othor property of ainplo valuo . This clasa of securities , although not immediately convertible , it is well known yields tho greatest amount of profit , combined with perfect nafety . Further , Loans mado by tho Company are colatomlly socurod by a Policy of Assurance on tho Ufe of tho Borrower , or his nominee , effected at a rato of promium whioli ensures tho validity of tho Policy against every pos-Bible contingency . Thus depositors are effectually protected against tho possibility of loss , whilst tho largo and constantly increasing revenue arising from tho promiums on Assurances thus effected yiolds nmplo profit to tho Company , and provides for all tlio expenses of munagemont . Deposit Accounts may bo opouod with sums of any amount , and increased from time to time , at tho convenience of depositors . A rooolpt , signed by two Directors , is given for oaoh sum deposited . Rate and Payment of Interest . , ThorntO'Of Interest bIuco tho oatablishmont of the Company line novor boon lows than flvo por cont . por annum : , niuUtlH ( joiiiKlontly anticipated that tlio samo careful and judicious solcotlon from securities of thodosorlpt on above montlmiocl , will enable tho Board of Management to oontlnuo tills rate to depositors . Tlio Intorost is payablo In . Tanunry and July , on tho amount utandliiK in ' tho namo of tlio donositor on tlio iiotli of Juno aiidaist of December , and for tho ooiivonlonoo cif parties residing at a dlhtanco may bo rooolvod ab the Branch Oflloos , or romlttod throuKh ^ Joiii | tr ^ JJaukors . , 'J . I ' nll-Mull Ens !; , London . " Manaffhiff JJlro ' ofor . Forms for opening accounts may bo obtained at any ol tlio ] Branches ov Afionclos . or thoy will bo forwardod , post froo , on application to the Managing Diroofcor .
. (~*\ NOLL COLLEGE . ( Scientific and Prac-V 3 T tfcal . ) A National Institution adapted to fche wants of the Age . The first Term will commence in October next . Students admitted between the ages of 16 -and 19 . Pees , Two . Hundred Guineas per annum , or Seventy Pounds per term . No Extras . Admissions limited to 200 . Kights of Nomination , bearing priority according to date , issued on payment of 1052 . to Messrs . Jones Loyd . and Co ., Bankers , Lotlibuiy , London . Applications for the seven ProfessorsMps of Mathematics ,. Mechanics , Physics , Chemistry , Natural ilistory . Human History , and Design ( the salary of eaoh ibemg 500 J . . per annum ) , will be received till the 18 th of June inst . Programmes forwarded on application to W . Uullook Webster ,. Esq ., Gnoll Castle , Vale of Neath , South Wales . For full particulars , see " The Principles of Collegiate Education discussed and elucidated in a descripfcion . of Gnoll ¦ College , " published by Stanford , 6 , Charing-croas , London , and sold by all Booksellers . Price Is .
THE MAIDSTONE ESTATE . — WEST KENT AND REDHILL ESTATE . EASTN 5 URRET . —THE CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY . — 'On Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at the offices , 33 , Norfolk-street , Strand , London , W . C , will be commenced the sale of the Maidstone and Redhill Estates . Both estates are admirablyadapted for building purposes . Plans , priee 7 d ., will be . forwarded by post to any part of the country . CHARLES LEWIS GRUNEISEN , Secretaty-
\ T 7 ESTMINSTER REVIEW . — ADVER-7 T TISEMENTS intended for insertion in the July Number ( No . XXIII . New Series ) should foe sent to the Publisher not later than the 24 th inst . ; BILIiS . , by the 27 th . London : JonN Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
In 2 vols . 8 vo , with Two Portraits , bound in cloth , price 30 s . * THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE - , with Sketches of his Age and Contemporaries , from Published and Unpublished Sources . By G . H- LEWES . " A work which , beyond question , surpasses anything ; which even Germany has produced during the last five-andtwenty years Por the first time th « Life of our Poet is represented in its fulness with genial conception and loving enthusiasm , —his noble personality from every side depicted with clearness and truth . Goethe ' s Life has almost ; always in Germany been handled either by learned Professors or constructive Philosophers . In Lewes , on the contrary , we see a man who , to profound and comprehensive culture , adds that other culture which a rich aud varied inward and outward life alone pan bestow , and which brings him into congenial relationship with a poet like Goethe , so as to enable him to place before us a true and life-like picture of Goethe ' s personality It is a work-which will secure Lewes an enduring-name , not only in the literature of his nation , but also in that which Goethe called the World's Literature . "— Cologne Gazette , Feb . 11 , 1857 . London : D . Nutt , 270 , Strand .
This day is published , price One Shilling , W HAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR CRIMINALS ? DON'T CREATE THEM . — A Lecture delivered at St . Martin ' s Hall , May 20 th , 1 S 57 . By THOMAS HODGSKIN . GHOOMuniDetB and Sons , 5 , Paternoster-row .
This day is published , 8 vo , pp . 230 , price 7 s . 6 d ., RELIGIOUS DUTY . By the Author of " An Essay on Intuitive Horals /' London : Jons Chapman , 8 , King William-street , fitrand . * m * Working Men ' s Libraries , to -the number Of SO , will receive copies gratis , on application to the Publisher and an , snclosuro of Od . postage stamps .
T IVING CELEBRITIES . A Series of Pho-X-J tographio Portraits , by BIAULL and POLYBLANK . The nuinbor for June contains , WILLIAM POWELL PRITH , Esq ., it . A . With Memoir . Maull and Poi . tbla . nk , G 5 , Gracochurch-street , and 187 a , Piccadilly i and David BoauE , 86 , Fleot-Jitrcct .
THE WOMAN'S ADVOCATE . THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S REVIEW , and Drawing-Room Journal of Sooial Progress , Literature and Art . Edited by ELEANOR DUOKWOlUWi . A Pirarfe . class Fortnightly Periodical , contributed by female writers , and devoted to Woman ' interests , and especially advocating an increase of fomalo employment and other sooial improvements afleotlng the welfare of women . Published , every alternate Saturday , price Gd ., at 154 / , Strand . ;
2 s . 0 d ., free by post , in wrapper . Bond postage stamps . TTOMGEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF THE JO . DISEASES OF WOMEN . By Dm . WlLJLIAMSOJff and GEORGE N . EPJPS . Treats of all Affections Incidental to Wouion , prescribes tho remedy and doso in eaoh case , and is devoid ol all technicality . J a Mica Errs , Hoincnopathio Chemist , 170 . Piccadilly , 112 , Grout Rusaoll-stroot , Blooinubury t and & S , Old B , road-utroot , Olfcy . , ,
Just published , price 8 s ., post free 2 fl . 6 ( 1 ., AN ESSAY ON SPERMATOBRHCEA : Its Nature and Treatment with an Exposition of tlio Frauds that are practised by porsonH who advortlso Wio speedy , safe , anU effectual euro of Norvouu l > ern » gom . qniJ . By a Mombor of Uio Jloyal College of 1 'kyniolium iouUou . London ! W . Kent ana Co ., 51 and 02 , Patomostor-row . | ]
Leader (1850-1860), June 13, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_13061857/page/23/