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1192 €tt f ZLeaHtV* [Saturday,
Tin: Nation al Cii a ici i;k Ahsoci a ti...
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There 13 no learned man but will confess...
Cmnmemni iUfatra.
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to...
BHAKK8-I.a.st Olllcial Uuotution for Wee...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Rimlico Working Buildkks. The Pimlieo Wo...
it by Mr . Bishop , the landlord of the hotel , in granting the use of his rooms , and other services , when the members were struggling with difficulties . The Association is now in a flourishing condition , and is about to remove to a building of its own construction . Sixty or seventy persons sat down to table ; the members of the Association themselves numbering about fifty . Amongst the company were Mr . Ludlow , Mr . Furnivall , and other gentlemen of the Christian Socialist circle . Mr . Vansittart Neale took the chair . After dinner several interesting speeches were delivered .
Lord Goderich , who responded to the toast of " The Promoters , " took the occasion to claim the sympathy of English associators for their brethren in Paris , whose associations have been closed by the arbitrary power of the President : an appeal heartily responded to by the company . In returning thanks for the Pimlico Working Builders , Mr . Nottage entered into a rapid historical survey of the Association—its difficulties , its brotherly feeling , the frankness of its officers and managers , its ultimate successes , with an untutored eloquence , graphic and impressive .
Mr . Lloyd Jones described the progress that had been made , not only in establishing cooperative stores and productive associations , but in promoting a more practical intercourse between the several cooperative bodies . The factories of Bacup and Padiham have before them the prospect of an increasing field through the activity of the central agency which Mr . Lloyd Jones has done so much to render efficient in its provincial working . It was stated in the course of the evening that most of the builders present stood in shoe leather manufactured by the Working Shoemakers' Association in Tottenham-court-road . Speeches were also delivered by Mr . Jennings , the manager , by Mr . Thornton Hunt , Mr . Stevens , Mr . Bishop , and Mr . Walford .
1192 €Tt F Zleahtv* [Saturday,
1192 € tt f ZLeaHtV * [ Saturday ,
Halifax Working Man's Cooperative Societ...
HALIFAX WORKING MAN'S COOPERATIVE SOCIETY . We have received the Second Half-yearly Report of the Halifax Working Man ' s Cooperative Society , and are happy to find that the progress made dming the last six months is of a highly satisfactory character ; the balance in the treasurer ' s hands being £ 83 . 15 s . 9 d . ; that on the assets and liabilities being £ 34 . 13 s . lOd . ; and that on profit and Ios 3 , £ 31 . 4 s . lO ^ d . in favour of the Society . On this the Board of Management observe : — " Your attention will doubtless be attracted to the small amount of profits , both , gross and net , which is shown in the balance sheet . The Board have , however ,
to remind you that every advantage has been thrown on the side of the purchaser , that none whatever of the usual tricks of trade have been resorted to ; that the profits have been of the lowest shade , and in some articles not even nominal , while markets of the first character only have been sought . They are aware that , by having recourse to the usual modes of conducting business , a more favourable balance sheet could have been produced ; and it remains for you , at your general meeting , to determine to what extent any questionable practices shall be adopted , or the present mode , with such improvements us experience must suggest , shall be continued . "
There has been a considerable accession of members during the past half year , the present number being 27 < j . We arc glad to find from the following paragraph that the board have commenced a system of mutual relations with other cooperative bodies ; the best means of practically aiding the cooperative cause , and of strengthening the hands oil those engaged in its furtherance . With respect to promoting generally the cause of cooperative association , —another object for which your society was established—the Hoard may briefly inform you that . th ; it princip le has never been lost isight of . In addition to the Central Agency in London , and the Branch Society in Manchester , accounts have been opened with the Whit-lane Weaving Company , the Siilforil Hatters , the liacu |> Joint-Stock Company , the Bradford Society , the Rochdale lOquit . ible I'ioncers , and the Garden-lane Weaving Company .
There in one passage in the Report , however , which we are forced to attribute to an oversight on the part of itH compilers . We quote it . below , and while we cordiall y concur in praising the honest and persevering energy exerted in favour of cooperation l > y the conductors of the publication in question , we do not think it fair to Hpealc of it as the " only organ" devoted to that movement , anymore than we should to claim the honour of its cx . clusi . iu : advocacy for the Leader . "The Board having had drought before them the duty of societies hucIi as ours , to exert themselves in extending the sale mid influence of the Christian Social tut , — the only organ of the Cooperative cause , and hitherto published at a weekly loss to its benevolent proprietors , resolved to have it introduced as an article of Hale ; and , for the lust , few weekn , it lias been regularly mjpplied b y its London publisher . "
Tin: Nation Al Cii A Ici I;K Ahsoci A Ti...
Tin : Nation al Cii a ici i ; k Ahsoci a tion .-- The Kxeeutivc met on Weuu < H ( lay , a < l < -ul of correspondence wan read , and financial business disposed of . A long letter from Mr . llarney was also read , for which we have no room thin week . Mr . It . Cooper , Mr . Swift , Mr . Stallwood , and Mr . Ollcrenshaw decline- to serve . instructions for Voting .-- K . very member holding a card for the present year is entitled to vote for nine pernoiiH from the list . Where localities exist , it is ; requested that special ineet . iugH be called lor the purpose of taking- the voten , and all members are desired to write the namcfl of the nine for whom they intend to vote , on u piece of paper , and place the sumo iu a ballot-box , or other convenient receptacle . It in uluo requeuted that florutineeru bo
appointed to inspect the votes , who shall record the number of votes polled for each candidate ; and the list , having been duly attested by them and the chairman , be forwarded by the sub-secretary to the office , addressed to John Arnott , on or before Tuesday , December 30 , as all votes received after that date will be null and void . Members residing at a distance from the localities can send their votes addressed to the general secretary as above . N . B . Every member is called on aod expected to take part in the election . —Signed on behalf of the Committee , John Arnott , General Secretary .
Eubopean Letters . —Mr . James Bronterre O'Brien has announced Letters and Tracts , which , will embrace the entire range of political , moral , and social science , and treat of the fallacies and misrepresentations of historians , publicists , economists , politicians , and party leaders ; of international rights and duties ( including the solidarity of peoples ); of parliamentary and municipal franchises ; of real democracy and local government ( as opposed to class legislation and centralization under forms of spurious republicanism and constitutional monarchy ) ; of social rights as distinguished from social systems ; of the home and foreign affairs of the day ; and
of the institution , objects , and prospects of the National Reform League , in relation to agrarian , monetary , and commercial Reform . The Letters are to appear weekly . Redemption Society . —We have added the tailoring business to our Cooperative Store this week . Two of our members , shoemakers , go to the community on Saturday , December 13 . to make shoes , & c , expressly for the store in Leeds . Moneys received for the week : —• Leeds , £ 1 . 10 s . 3 d . ; Liverpool , per Mr . Sandys , 8 s . 4 d . ; Longton , per Mr . Riley , Is . 6 d . ; Etruria , per Mr . Wilbraham , 7 s . 6 d . Building Fund : —Liverpool , Is . Propagandist fund , 10 a . Id . —J . Henderson , Secretary .
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[In This Department, As All Opinions, Ho...
There 13 No Learned Man But Will Confess...
There 13 no learned man but will confess he hath much protited by reading controversies , his senses awakened , and his judgment sharpened . If , then , it be profitable for him to read , why should it not , at least , be tolerable for his adversary to write . —Milton .
International Money-Order Office. Decemb...
INTERNATIONAL MONEY-ORDER OFFICE . December 8 , 1851 . Sin , —An excellent suggestion has appeared , from a correspondent of the Times , for an International Money-order Oflice between America and England . This is so valuable that I ask you to give currency to it in your paper , with these further remarks , that there would be but a very Hinall commission requisite ; for each Government would retain all that it received , except the balance , just as merchants do in equalizing their exchanges . A very small per centage upon the whole sum paid in on each side would puy very amply ; and , if it did not , at ) an important individual convenience it would be a great national benefit ; but it would . Though the poorest of the Irish who go over remit largely to their relatives their remittances would be equalized by the number of those who would take their money over in governmental orders from this country , instead of taking it in actual canli and incurring the risk of the seas . All tin ; wealth of every state proceeds from the activity of those who labour ; and whatever gives currency to that labour—transferring it from where it is least ; wanted to where ; it is most needed-- benefits both countries ; for every man carries with him his wants , an well as the means , through bis labour or money ( hoarded labour ) , of supplying the wants of others . The time will come , I trust , when society will see it is worth its while to promote locomotion b y providing it gratuitously , or jf not gratuitously , at the . smallest possible cost . it is by the agency of man that ( Jod ' s purposes in relation to man in this world are carried into action ; and man always nets best , and produoeH most fruit , when he is able to choose his own lie-Id of notion .
Neither the land nor the other elements arc ; ol value without , man to apply them . As to the land , this is palpable . In America , for instance , which now exchanges ho many millions per annum with us , and thus adds to the wealth of tbouHands and the enjoyment tuid comfort of millions . Lund might have been hud a century ago for hulf-a-crown an acre , or even for squatting upon it ; yet now , by tho moro trungitionu of men
from Europe to cultivate , America sends back the fruits of the earth to clothe and feed and make ham ! the masses of Europe receiving those same blessing in return . ^ coauigs We shall yet see that it is desirable to teach the people to enlarge their narrow home feelings , and to seek that country and government where they find that most good maybe done for themselves / their families , and their fellow-men . How grateful would be the reflection , if We could trace the blessings we now enjoy , through commerce and intercourse with , that country to voluntary and peaceful efforts and forethought , instead of beinjr
obliged to remember that it was by persecution , and depriving them of their religious liberty , that our forefathers were driven from us in the Mayflower and that as to Virginia , to which we used to send out transports , it has been the head quarters of slavery and still continues so . How grateful ought we to be , that out of seeming evil God is ever educing good ! A money-order office would als < T tend , and probably shortly lead , to the adoption of one of those great wants of civilized nations , the unity of monetary denominations and accounts , and thence to unity of " weights and measures .
The English and American languages bid fair to be the language of the world . The extent of the commerce of the two countries , the energy of the two peoples , their common sympathies arising from their common language , are all in favour of this ; and the time should be hailed by all , when we shall repair the damage done to us by those who are said to have planned , but could not build , the Tower of Babel . Edward Search .
Cmnmemni Iufatra.
Cmnmemni iUfatra .
Money Market And City Intelligence. Frid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Friday . Consols have not been seriously disturbed this week . On Monday they closed at 97 J , on Tuesday at 97 f , on Wednesday and Thursday at 97 | . This morning the opening price was—Consols , 97 $ I , good market . The fluctuations have been : —Consols , from 97 | to 98 ; Bank Stock , from 2144 to 215 $ ; and Exchequer Bills , from 47 s . to 51 s . premium . The French Rentes closed on Saturday at 96 f ., being an advance of near 7 per cent . ; but the rise was suspected in the City . It has , however , been maintained .
Business correspondence states that the commercial men of France desire a military government as the only guarantee of order . Yesterday , Foreign Stocks stood as follows : —Brazilian , 93 ; Ecuador , 3 ; Mexican , for money , 24 £ and 4 ; Peruvian , 88 i and 891 ; the Deferred , 44 and 45 ; Portuguese for account , 34 4 ; Russian Fourand-a-Half per Cents ., 103 . J , J , 3 , and 104 ; Sardinian Five per Cents ., 81 and 81 £ ex div . ; Spanish Five per Cents ., for money , 20 ^ ; for the account , 20 3 J ditto Three per Cents ., 40 | , 8 , 40 , and 40 J ; Venezuela , 344 and J ; Belgian Four-and-a-Half per Cents , 88 ; and Dutch . Two-and-a-IIalf per Cents ., 59 and 58 . 1 .
Bank Of England. An Account, Pursuant To...
BANK OF ENGLAND . An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria . cap . 313 for the week ending- on Saturday , November 2 £ , 18 ji . ISSUE DEPARTMENT . Jt ' Notes issued .... 21 ) , 4 i > r > , 48 r > Government Debt , l 1 . ^ -, ^ Other Securities -. ~ , ' J ° ' 1 , JUU ° sI : : : "? : : . ^ : i 5 . . no Silver Bullion J-M ^» jC 21 ) , ir » i ) . 4 Hr , X 2 U . 45 U . 4 K IIANK 1 NO DEPARTMENT . Jfc" X Proprietors'Oapit ; il , 14 ,. > r >; t , 000 Government Sccu-KoHt : ( , 1 H : J , 1 (; 8 ritie » ( including Public l ) i : noKits ( in- Dead-weight An- ^ ^ eluding- Kxohe- unity ) ...- ¦ - - ¦ ] ¦ '' r . uii ' r . oo q » « r . K a v i „ s' Other SecmLes - | J ^ g Hanks , C ' oniinis- Notes •• - "' Hioiw'iHof National <;<>•!> ,: { I 7 __ _ . . . t > . j ;; -i . j , 4 $ M > , 2 fW Dated November 37 , ' mil . '" M . Marshall , Chief Cashier .
Bhakk8-I.A.St Olllcial Uuotution For Wee...
BHAKK 8-I . a . st Olllcial Uuotution for Week endii . fr l '' "'''^ I ' ' lU " h' K . AH . WAYH . . " AN" - % _ - Aberdeen .. .. I ' - 'H AiiHtraliiMuu ¦ - •¦ 45 ItriHtol and Kxeter .. HO ! llriti . h North Am « iM » ' » __ Caledonian .. .. Mil Colonial .. •¦¦ ;» . > 4 Ktlinlmrffli and OlaMtfOW 37 London and W < » lI"u | Hj ( . real Northern .. .. IV London Joint- Hlo' * - „ , Jr « utH . & W . ( Ireland ) -fWi Nation * oI lr ^ „ ( ireulWU » Ur .. .. - ™ NuLonal P «» v ' / 4 l | J » m-. itHl > ir n , & H . Count 'Mi Union ol 1 ' " j ^ | [ H London and Bluokwall .. 7 ^ . — London and N .-WeHte . a 114 « »»«« ;¦ ^ .. - Sor ' u / iUiHi . :: :: i . mu , Hi . j-i . a a . utoy ^ Houtli-KuHU . nl and Dover ¦ - < ' <> ' » " XThi . / aNKO .-h . York and Noith Midi 1 ~ ' 4 ? , steau , " - $ f . , JTrVia 143 Poni . m . * . Ori « nt » t 8 t «< v . u gj Must ami Wont India .. J ^ R ,, yal Mail BUain - ¦ 2 L Hu ' KrthurVno " V . ™ Bo « th Au . l » U- » "
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 13, 1851, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_13121851/page/20/