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Dec. 13, 1851.] &f)t %tmtt. 1193
foreign; funds. (Last Official Quotation...
CORN EXCHANGE. Mark-lane, Friday, Decemb...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, Dec. G. Wheat, R. New ...
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 37s. to 40a. S...
THE LECTURE ON THE WEEK.— TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) EVENING, Mr. Thornton Hunt will deliverin the LecturTheatre of the Western
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Dec. 13, 1851.] &F)T %Tmtt. 1193
Dec . 13 , 1851 . ] & f ) t % tmtt . 1193
British Fund 8 For The Past Week. (Closi...
BRITISH FUND 8 FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) ~~ " Satur . Mond . Tues . JPedn . Thurt . Frid . Bank Stock .... 215 * 214 J 215 215 3 per Ct . Red .. 96 f 87 J 97 | 96 | 96 ? 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 97 f 98 97 97 g 97 | 3 p . CAn . 1726 . — — 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 974 98 971 98 97 | 3 { p . Cent . An . 97 | 98 § 98 } 97 J 97 | LomrA & 8 lf 6 . ~ ~ T T " 7 " ~ Ind . St . lOJp . ct . 262 262 264 Ditto Bonds .. 60 p 61 p 65 p 61 p 58 p — Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 50 p 48 p 53 p 48 p 52 p Ditto , 50 Ot . .. 50 p 48 p 52 p 47 p 52 p Ditto , Small 50 p 48 p 52 p 47 p 52 p
Foreign; Funds. (Last Official Quotation...
foreign ; funds . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . — Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 23 ? Belgian Bds ., 4 $ p . Ct . 90 Small .. .. 265 Brazilian 5 per Cents . 93 J Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cta . ' 46 Peruvian 44 per Cents . 87 | Chilian 6 per Cents ... 1014 Portuguese 5 per Cent . 90 4 Danish 5 per Cents . .. 102 — 4 per Cts . 33 | Dutch 2 £ per Cents ... 58 Annuities — 4 per Cents . .. 89 J Russian , 1822 , 4 J p . Ct 3 . 103 § Ecuador Bonds .. 3 | Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 20 ^ French 5 p . C . An . atParis 96 . 5 —— - Passive .. 5 3 p . Cts ., Julyll , 58 . 45 Deferred .. —
Corn Exchange. Mark-Lane, Friday, Decemb...
CORN EXCHANGE . Mark-lane , Friday , December 12 . —The arrivals into London and off the coast during the week have been moderate . The attendance of buyers has been thin ; but prices are maintained on everything but Oats , which are 6 d . cheaper . At the principal country markets held during the week , there have been larger supplies of Wheat from the farmers , and prices were Is . lower . The demand for the Continent continues , but at prices which prevent exportation to more than a very limited extent . Indian Corn afloat is the only article in which any improvement has taken place . A cargo of Odessa arrived and has been sold at 28 s . 6 d . Arrivals from December 7 to December 12 . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 2340 300 Barley .. .. 4680 2620 Oats 770 1006 O 8330
Grain, Mark-Lane, Dec. G. Wheat, R. New ...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , Dec . G . Wheat , R . New 33 s . to 35 s . Maple 30 s . to 32 s . Fine 35 —37 White 28 — 30 Old 36 — 38 Boilers 34 — 36 White 37 —39 Beans , Ticks . .. 29 —30 Fine 40 —41 Old 30 —32 Superior New 42 — 46 Indian Corn .... 27 —29 Rye 25 —27 Oats , Feed 17 —18 Barley 22 —25 Fine .... 18 —19 Malting 25 —27 Poland 20 —21 Malt . Ord 48 —53 Fine .... 21 —22 Fine 52 —54 Potato 17 — 19 Peas , Hoff 29 —30 Fine 19 —20
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 37s. To 40a. S...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 37 s . to 40 a . Seconds > j <> — 38 Essex , and Suffolk , on board ship
General Average Piuce Of Grain Week Endi...
GENERAL AVERAGE PIUCE OF GRAIN Week Ending Dec . G . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 3 ( 5 s . 9 d . Rye 23 g . 2 d . Barley 27 0 Beans 2 i ) 8 Oata 18 3 Peas 28 7 Aggregate Average of the Six Weekg . Wheat 3 Gs . ftd . Rye 24 a 4 d . Barley 25 11 Beans 28 7 OatH 17 7 Peas 27 10
From The London Gazette. Friday, Deceml/...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , Deceml / er . > . llANKnurrs . — II . Oi . AJtK , Rank-chambers and Cheshunt , stockbroker , to surrender December 12 , January 1 . ' ); Holicitor , Mr . Cox , l'inners ' -hall , Broad-street ; official autiignee . Mr . Johnson , Baiinghall-Btreet—T . S . Cimituin , York-Htieet , WeHtminrttcr , r . heenemonger , December 11 , January K 5 ; Ho'icitorH , MeBHrn . Morgan . Old Jewry ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Itell , Coleman-Htreet-buildingH—W . Williams and K . M . Marohant , ( ircut Gtiorge-ntreet , We » tmiiiHter , and elsewberc , contractors for public works , December 19 , January : U ; solicitorH , Mcbhih . Fox , Newell , and Fox , Old Hroad-Htreet ; official aHBignee , Mr . Pennell , Kuildhull-chambcrti , Hasiinghall-street- —W . Pum . iun , lato of I '' riday-Ht , reet , Cheup . side , woollen warehousemen , December 19 , January ~ > 1 ; ( solicitor , Mr . Joiich , Qualil . y-e . ourt , Chancery-lane ; official aBHiguee , Mr . NieholHon , HaHinghall-Htreet— J . FiJLi . Kit , City-road , Fiimbiny , fjlasH iiiereluml ,,
December ID , January 24 ; nolieitoin , MeHHrn . Lawnuice , I'lewa , and Iloycr , Old Jcwry-chambeiH ; ollicial aHHignee , Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-cliambertt , llnKinghall-Htreet—W . K l itllV , Htoekwcllpark-roail . Mtockwcll , builder , and Deptford , licenucd victualler , December Hi , January 20 ; nolicitors , MetiHrH . Howard and Dolman , CreHcent , Uridtfe-Htreot , Hlackfriarn ; official an-MiK » ee , Mr . KdwardH , Kanibrooli-eourt , HaHin ( jhall-8 treet—J . Nicholson , Woolwich , grocer , December Mi , January V . i ; BolieitoiH , MeHKia . Lawruucc , Plewn , and lioyer , Old Jewry ; official iWHi ( fiu : « , Mr . Graham—I ) . Lrrrm , Liverpool , merchant , December 18 , January H ; Bolicitor , Mr . Kadchlle , Liverpoo ) ; ofllcinl aHHiffiKxf , Mr . Turner , Liverpool—H . Wiiaiiton , Hertford , Cheuhire wine merchant , December IK , January 8 ; olllcial
BoliditoiH , McHHi-ri . Davenport and Collier , Liverpool ; amiiKuee , Mr . Ilird , Liverpool — F . Djcanh , Liverpool , merchant , December 1 H , January 8 ; Bolicitor , Mr . Tyrer , Liverpool ; olllciul uuHitfiiee , Mr . Hird , Liverpool — W . Waijdiiy Kino ( ami not W . Wanimiy KiNil . aH before ad vei lined ) , Liverpool , nlu-iiupt , December I ft , January . ); noli < : itor . Mr . JoneH , Liverpool ; ofllcial abni « nee , Mr . Cu / enovo , Liverpool—J . Waohtaik , Worcetitrr . cuttle dealer , Deeembei 22 , January H ; HolieilorH . MeHarH . Uydoaiul Timlin , Worcemer ; and Mr . Hmilli , J » irniin liani ; olllcial iiHuitfiice , Mr . Valpy , l » irmiii ( fl » ain—IC . <" ai . i ) ioott . CardiH '^ grocer , December 1 <> . January 13 ; Holiuitoru , MeHHi-H . CuhMo and lloiidemon , JJri » tol ; ofllriaf . iwuigiuio , Mr . Acruinau , HriBtol — T . Wu . ou , Uourdean , OloucettterHinro , ffrocer , Dooum ' bor 19 , January 19 j aolicitorH , Mr . Wlitttley ,
Mitcheldean ; official assignee , Mr . Acraman , Bristol—R . Seymour , Sunderland , linendraper , December 12 , January 20 ; solicitors , Mr . Harle , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; and Messrs . Payne , Eddison , Ford , and North , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Baker , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Tuesday , Decetnber 9 . Bankrupts . —O . R . Davies , New-court , Bow-lane , wine merchant , to surrender December 19 , January 20 ; solicitors , Messrs . Cooper and Gall , Verulam-buildings , Gray ' s-inn ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-street-buildings—J . Bates , Highgate and Finchley-road , plumber , December 19 , January 20 ; solicitor , Mr . Field , Finchley ; official assi g nee . Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street—T . A . Young , Woolwich , wine merchant , December 19 , January 15 ; solicitor , Mr . Hodgkinson , Little Tower-street ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-streetbuildings—W . Nash , Noble-street , woollen warehouseman ,
December 19 , January 23 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bell , Broderick , and Bell , B ow-churchyard ; and Mr . Blackburn , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—R . Billing , Reading , builder , December 19 , January 16 ; solicitors , Messrs . Gregory , Faulkner , Gregory , and Skirrow , Bedford-row ; and Mr . Blandy ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—C . J . Powell , Kingston upon-Thames , draper , December 23 , January 20 ; solicitors , Messrs . Jay and Pilgrim , Norwich ; and Mr . Jay , Bucklersbury ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street—T . Fray , Wigan and Manchester , check manufacturer , December 2 and 30 ( and not on the 13 th , as before advertised ); solicitor . Mr . Mayhew , Wigan ; official assignee , Mr . Fraser , Manchester—T . Birch , Manchester , common brewer , December 19 and January 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Binney , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Lee-Manchester—I . Orrell , Kadcliffe , Lancashire , cotton manufacturer , December 22 , January 16 ; solicitors , Messrs . Worth , ing-ton and Earle , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Mackenzie ,
Manchester—J . Storey , Hartlepool , Durham , draper , December 24 , January 23 ; solicitor , Mr . Harle , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee , Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upon-Tyne—R . Fowke , Wolverhampton , chemist , December 21 , January 15 ; solicitors , Mr . Sparrow , Wolverhampton , and Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham—S . Litchfield , Birmingham , druggist , December 23 , January 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . Chaplin , Richards , and Stubbin , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham—W . Tomxinson , jun ., Hinckley , Leicester , draper , December 23 , January 17 ; solicitors , Mr . Cowdell , jun ., Hinckley ; and Mr . Smith , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Valpy , Birmingham—R . Welsh , Huddersfield , woollen cloth merchant , January 8 , February 5 ; solicitors , Mr . Robinson , Huddersfield ; Mr . Barker . Huddersfield , and Messrs . Bond and Berwick ,
Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Freeman , Leeds—J . Child and W . Barker , Wakefield , railway contractors , January 8 , February 5 ; solicitors , Messrs . Westmorland and Taylor , Wakefield ; and Mr . Eastwood , Todmorden ; official assignee , Mr . Youn ° -, Leeds—I . Normington , Bradford , stuff manufacturer , December 19 , February 5 ; solicitor , Mr . T . M . Lee , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Young , Leeds—C . Ward , Liverpool , miller , December 19 , January 15 ; solicitors , Messrs . Evans and Sons , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . B . rd , Liverpool—J . Fleetwood , Liverpool , grocer , December 19 , January 15 ; solicitor , Mr . Godfrey , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Turner , Liverpool—G . Pride , D . Jones , and J . Giisb , Liverpool , sail makers , December 24 , January 19 ; solicitors , Messrs . Davenport and Collier , Liverpool : official assignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool W . N . Monies , Liverpool , wine merchant , December 22 January 12 ; solicitor , Mr . Yates , jun ., Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool .
Central Co-Operative Agency, Instituted ...
CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vaimttart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hug hes , Esq . ( oneof the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 " , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq , London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace , London ; and 13 , Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its objects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing the articles for tlieir consumption , and for the producers in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Association ; to Hud employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers .
A commercial firm , acting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode of carrying out these objects according to Jaw . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for th « wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder and the lirst contributors , no express call m made at present , either for contributions or Bubticriptions . TIio capital will be further increased after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the in-Btituti ' on , mu \ have experienced its mode of dealing . CuHtomeiH , after three months' regular dealing , aro entitled lo a bonuH , to be fixed according to the amount of their transactions by thfi council of the agency , contUHlinjj " 1 l !» e trustees and partners . . , After payment of all expenses , salaries , profils , and homines returned lo cont . rihut . orH , uiibscribers , and regular cuHloiners , the general profits are to be accumulated , part , to form a reserve fund and part to promote cooperative associations . wholesale and retail ( Subscribers
ltiiHineHH traiiHae . ted . , Cooperative Stolen , Working Men '* Association : ; , Regular Oustoiiicru , and the Tublic . supplied . .... r The Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution of all ordei-H for liny kind of articles or produce ; their operations for the present are restricted to ( JKOCK 1 UEH , WINES , and ITALIAN ARTICLES , as a sniciHiiN ol what can be done with the support of cooperative cuHtomern . Ruleu have been framed and printed to enable any number of fainilieH of all clause ;) , in any district , of London , or uny part ot tb uent by pout on payment of one postage titainp for the Whole-Hale List , and two for the Catalogue .
rarticulurH , Kulrn , List , and Catalogue will be lorwarded immediately on receipt of tun pontage stamps . All communications to l » e addressed to MM . Luchevalier , Woodin , JoneH , and Co ., at the Cential-ollice , 7 (> , Charlotteiit . ieet , l ' 'it / . roy-H « iuare . % OltDERH I / OR THE ABSOCIATIONH Ol ' WORKING MEN ALREADY IN EXISTENCE— HU ILDUItK , P 1 UNTKKH . 1 JAKERH , TAILORH , HHOEMAKERS . N EEDLEWOM EN — OAN J « K HKNT THK < llJ <; iI THE AOENOV , AND WILL ItliOKlVK IMMEDIATE ATTENTION .
The Lecture On The Week.— To-Morrow (Sunday) Evening, Mr. Thornton Hunt Will Deliverin The Lecturtheatre Of The Western
Literary Institution , his SIXTH LECTURE on " The Week-Its Events , Achievements , Spirit and Progress . " To commence punctually at Seven . Admission : Amphitheatre , 3 d . ; Front seats , 1 b . ; Reserved seats on Platform , 2 a . 6 d . ¦
OFFIC E FOR PATENTS , BRITISH AND FOREIGN , and REGISTRATION of DESIGNS , —Conducted by Mr . J . G . WILSON , C . E ., 18 , Great George-street ( opposite the Abbey ) , Westminster , Every description ot business connected with Patents transacted daily . Inventors assisted in ascertaining the novelty of their Inventions and with . Capital when required . Office hours , Ten to Four o'Olock .
T 7 NAMELLED DAGUERREOTYPES , by M 2 J Mr . BEARD , 85 . KING WILLIAM-STREKT , CITX ; 34 , PARLIAMENT-STREET ; and the ROYAL , POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION , REGENT-STREET ; also Si , CHURCH-STREET , LIVERPOOL . Mr . R . BEARD has recently introduced an important improvement , by which his Daguerreotype Miniatures are enamelled , and thereby secured from that susceptibility to tarnish ana become obscured , which all others are liable to ; the colours also attain the brilliancy , depth of tone , and permanency of an oil painting .
THE LONDON NECROPOLIS AND NATIONAL MAUSOLEUM COMPANY . Completely registered and incorporated . TRUSTEES . Archibald Hastie , Esq ., M . P . William John Evelyn , Esq ., M . P . Sir James Duke , Bart ., M . P . This Company being now completely registered , and the usual notices to Parliament having been given , the few remaining unallotted Shares may be obtained , upon application to the Secretary , at the Offices of the Company , 16 a , Great George-street , Westminster . By order of the Board , RICHARD CHURCHILL , Sec .
THO MAS COOPER , Author of " The Purgatory of Suicides , " & c , delivers Orations on the following subjects : — The Genius of Shakspere , as displayed in his " Hamlet ;" with Reading's and Recitations from the Play , the Music of Ophelia ' s Songs , & c . The Life and Genius of Milton ; with Recitations from " Paradise Lost , " & c . The Life and Genius of Burns ; with the Music of some cf his Songs ,. Recitations of " Tarn o' Shanter , " & c . The Life and Genius of Byron ; with Readings and Recitations from his Works . The Life and Genius of Shelley ; with Readings and Recitations from his Works . Civilization : What it was in the Past—What it effects for Man in the Present—and the Universal Human Happiness it must produce in the Future . The English Commonwealth : Founders of the Struggle—Coke , Seldon , Eliot , Pym , Ilampden , &< :. —Despotism of the King , and Tyranny of Laud— Civil War—Deatli of Ilampden—Battle of Maseby—Imprisonment , Trial , and Execution of Charles I . Tun Enolisii Commonwealth : Government by Parliament and Council of State—Cromwell in Ireland , and in Scotland —• Buttles of Dunbar and Woreester—Protectorate anil Character of Oliver Cromwell—Lessons to be derived from the groat Commonwealth Struggle . Tub French Revolution of 1789 : Its Causes , and Progress of Events from its commencement to the Execution of Louis XVI . Tiik French Revolution of 178 i > : Kvents from tlit : Death of the King to the Fall of the Directory . The Life and Character of Nai'oi . kon . The Life and Reign of Louis Philhth ; with a Retrospect of the late Revolution . Columbus ; and the Discovery of America . CoitTKz ; and the Conquest of Mexico . Pizauuo ; and the Conquest of Peru . Waikington ; and the Independence of America . WlL . UH Tbll ; and the Deliverance of Switzerland . RlKNZI the Tribune ; and the " Good Estate . " Massanikllo , the Fisherman of Naples , and " Captain of the People . " Kohciurko ; nnd the Struggles for Polinh Independence . WiCKLU'i'K , and the Lollards . LUTIIKU , and the Reformation . Life , Character , and Influence of Galvin ; including a Sketch of the Life and Character of Srkvkxijm . ( iKOHHH l ' ox , and Quakerism . Maiiommki ) , and Mahoinmedanisin . The Age of Chivaluy , and the CriiH . ides . Sir Wai . tkr Raj . kkiu , and the Age of Ki . izakkth . M Alti . BOIUHJUH , Court , liillueuce , and the Reign of Ann K . Philanthropy : aH exemplified in the Liven of IIriinaiii ) <) ilpin ; Onitiii . iN , and John Howard . Perseverance and Independence of Character ; an exemplified in the Lifc-Htruggle of Danihl Dukoh , the author ol Jlohiu-Hon CniMte . " The Life and Genius of Sir Lsaao Nicwton . The l . i / c and ( . ' cniu . 'i ol ' Wh . i . iam Jonicm . Tin ; Life and ( Jciiuin of Dr . Johnson . Tin ; Lift ; and ( ieniun of Voi . taihu . The Life uutl ( jeniiiM of IIoiisskaii . Administration of Pitt ; and its lulluence on our own TinifH . Tin ; Life and Character of the late Sir Kohuht I ' liin , : bin Influence on our Age ; anil a ( jinnee at (/' tuning Events , whirlt " Cast , their bihudowM before . " 'lilt ; Wroiigt ) of I mil . and . Tin ; Lift ; uiiil ( ii'iuin of Handki .. The Liven and ijenhiH of IIaviin , Mozaiit , uiiil HkktiiovkN . With nuincroiiF ) Serial I ) int : ourneH : mich u-i , Four on Ast . ionoiny . Ten on the Hiutory of ( Jreece , . Sixteen on Roman I f i : > tory . Twelve on lliilnJi llintory , Kix <"' Papal llinl . my , I'onrmi tho ( ierinaii People , Four on the ( Sclavonic . People , Kcc . & c . TERMS , TO WORKING MEN ONLY . ( Paying my own Travelling * mid other neiMonal KxpcnucH . ) For Our Oration , ' /' wo 1 'ouuds . For Two Orationn — the one delivered on the night followi ' llir the olhei ¦—Three PoundH . Foi . tiiy number of OratioiiH , delivered on Huec . enuivii ni"ht « Thirty . Shilling !) each . n ' ;> , Park-row , KmghtHliridgfl , London . N . lt . When the diHtauce from London is great , nnd a ppeeial journey li . w tube made from the Metropolis , of eomno uoiua iUlowunco for eitra travelling cxpunuea will bo expected
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 13, 1851, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_13121851/page/21/