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Dec. 13, 1851.] tEtie Ufa&ftV 1195
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Dec. 13, 1851.] Tetie Ufa&Ftv 1195
Dec . 13 , 1851 . ] tEtie Ufa & ftV 1195
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE •¦ - ASSOCIATION . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Loans granted on personal and other securities . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of nearly seven hundred shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Parties desirous of becoming A gents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , THOMAS H . BAYLIS . Offices ; 40 , Pall-mall . London .
ENGLISH AND CAMBRIAN ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Chief Office , 9 , New Bridge-street , London . Branch Offices : —London : 6 , Trinity-street , Borough , and 65 Sun-street , Bishopsgate-street . Glasgow : 65 , St . Vincentstreet . Dublin : 38 , Lower Ormond-quay . Norwich : 16 , St . Giles ' -street . Bury St . Edmunds : 18 a , Corn-market . Policies Indisputable . Half Premiums taken . " Diseased , " Military and Naval Lives accepted at equitable rates . Annuities , Endowments , and Loans on the most advantageous terms . Claims payable three months after satisfactory proof of death . Profits divided annnually afterflrst seven years . C . W . BEVAN , Manager and Actuary .
T HE MERCHANT'S AND TRADESMAN'S MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 5 , Chathamplace , Blackfriars , London ; 53 , Dale-street , Liverpool ; and all the principal Towns in the Kingom . TRUSTEES . John Macgregor , Esq ., M . P . Quarles Harris , Esq . I David Fergusson , Esq . Jeffery 8 mith , Esq . | Thomas How , Esq . DIRECTORS . Chairman—John Macgregor , Esq ., Princes-terrace , Hyde-park M . P . for Glasgow . John Carter , Esq ., South Molton-street . Francis Edwards , Esq ., Westbourne-terrace , Hyde-park . David Fergusson , Esq ., Eastcheap , and Champion-park . Thomas How , Esq .. Eastcheap ; Gordon-house , Turnham-green . Benjamin Hooper , Esq ., Seething-lane . Daniel McFarlan . Esq ., Fenchurch-street . William Northcott , Esq ., 13 , Rood-lane , and St . Mary's-road , Peckham . Charles Snewin , Esq ., Lloyd-square . MEDICAL OFFICERS . Archibald Billing , Esq ., M . D ., F . R . S ., Park-lane . R . W . Tamplin , Esq ., F . R . C . S ., 33 , Old Burlington-street . Daniel Hooper , Esq ., B . A ., M . D . Lond ., 18 , Trinity-square , Southwark . Assurances on Lives and Survivorships ; Annuities for Old Age ; Endowments for Children ; and every description of Life Assurance may be effected in this office . Policies indisputable , except in cases of Fraud . All the Profits go to the Members . Prospectuses may be had at the Offices , or of the Agents . GEORGE THOMSON , Manager . THOMAS MUSGRAVE , Secretary . * Active persons required as agents where they are not already appointed .
INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 . With a Guarantee Fund of Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chief Office , Ji 4 , Moorgate-strcet , Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . _ I Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell . ' Esq . | John Poole , Eaq . DIKHCTOKS . William G-. II . Baines , Esq ., Kensington . Stephen Broad , Esq ., Rye-hill , Peckham . William ( Jarr , Esq ., Bishopsgate-street Without , and Sydcnhain . John Cropp , Esq ., Oakland-house , Clapham . Joseph Davison , Esq ., Friday-street , Cheapside , and Highgate . "Wellington Gregory , Esq ., Cheapside . John Poole , Esq ., ( Jutter-lane , Cheapside , and Highbury . William Anthony Purnell , Esq ., Oriental Club , and Lee , Kent . AUDITORS . James Hutton , Eaq ., Accountant . Moorgate-Btreet . Henry Chatteris , Kh () ., Accountant , Greyham-etreet . Willium Henry Furnell , Esq ., Accountant , Old Jewry . PHYSICIAN . Henry Letheby , Ksq ., M . l ) ., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence , London Hospital . hi ; it <; icons . Thomas Olliver Duke , Esq ., Kcnnington . Thomas Carr Jacluou , Esq ., Hamilton-place , New-road . Bankkkh—Commercial lfimk of London . auuorroii . Edward Kelly Harris , K 8 q .,. > : 2 , Lincoln ' s-inn-lidds . SU HVl ' . YOIl . Honry Annesluy Voysey , K . sq ., Guil < lford-8 treet , Uussell-Kquare . Manaukk—J . VV . Sprayue , Iwq . The Directors of this Society , in addition to the ordinary hUHincHH usually tnmmicled by Life Assurance . Societies , havu formed a distinct Hranch for the Industrial Claime ' s , embracing every syntom of Life Anmirnnce , and for I hat purpose have caused « xtennive tables to be prepared , combining the intercuts of every class of AsH'irers , in a iriiinner mori ; coin |> iehcniuvt- thiui him hitherto been attempted by any nimilar Society . The ( system of Life Asuuranco hitherto propounded , although admirably well adapted to the meium . mil circimiHtunooH of the middling mid higher cIuhhch of society , nevertheless is not available to tlui ever-varying condition of nearly nine-tenths of fbii peoplo of thin great cominciciul country , vi / .., the Industrial Ninepeuce per Month , or the cOHt of one pint of beer per week , will secure JW 0 to Ui « wife and family , ; it the dentil of a mun aired 2 . > ni : xt birthday ; or , One UlaUing and Three Ponce per Month will secure to a permoii of II 10 flame age tho mini of JCi };' > 011 his nttainini , ' the age of <><» , or the mime miin would bo paid to IiIh family should ho die before attaining that age . ....... NON-KOItKKITIIRK OK MONEY PAID . Should a person from any cnuse be unable to meet the payment of liia Premium , he will not lose tho benefit of 111 .: Ashuraiiee , but will bo allowed , ax often aa the value ol the Policy will admit , to chargo tliu amount thereof on hia I ' olir . y J <> ' " . Should it pernon be altogether unable to continue tlio Absiiriinc ) . tlui Hums paid will not be forf . iited aw in other () lllce » an lie will ho granted , by the Directory , another Policy ot 1 « : hh uiiioiint , but equivalent to tlio huiiih already puid . and exonerated from . my future payments . Tho Rttleu of Premium for Deferred Annuities , bndowmentu for Children , and ovory other iiiformutiou may be obtained ol the Secretary , ut tho OIIIcoh of tho Hooioty , M , Mooitfute-iitiuot , 'Jlitnk , or of any of Cite Airuatu .
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . DIRBCTORS . Samuel Driver , Esq . Thomas Littledale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq . Edward Lomax , Esq . Henry Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John Palk Griffin , Esq . " Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham , Tt . N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
FRATERNAL FESTIVAL . THE FRATERNAL DEMOCRATS will hold their FOURTH ANNUAL SOIREE and BALL , at the LITERARY INSTITUTE , JOHN - STREET , FITZROYSQUARE , onTUE 8 DAY EVENING , December 30 , as a public reception to G . JULIAN HARNEY , on his return from Scotland . Several of the leading- Dsmocrats , both British and Continental , are expected to be present . Tea on the Table at Six o ' clock precisely . Tickets , Is . 6 d . single , and 2 s . 6 d . double , to be had of Mr . Truelove , at the Institute , and of the members of the Committee . N . B . The Metropolitan members are requested to meet at the above Institution on Friday Evening , December 19 .
CATHOLIC DEFENCE ASSOCIATION . — OFFICE OF SECRETARY . Catholic Defence Association Committee , 15 , Rutland-square East , Dublin , December 1 , 1851 . The Committee of the Catholic Defence Association will proceed on Wednesday , the 17 th of December next , to elect a paid Secretary to the Association , at a Salary of Three Hundred Pounds per Annum . Sealed Applications from Candidates to be addressed to the Honorary Secretaries , at the House of the Association , No . 15 , Rutland-square East , on or before the 12 th of December . The General Committee will meet for the purpose of examining the Applications , on the 13 th of December , preparatory to the final Selection on the 17 th instant . ' John Retnolds , ~) -rr John Sadlier , \ Secretaries William Keogh , J becietaries-
SOC IETY for the DISCHARGE and RELIEF of PERSONS IMPRISONED for SMALL DEBTS throughout ENGLAND and WALES , Establishad 1772 . President—The Earl of EOMNEY . Vice-President—LordKENYON . Treasurer—Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Esq ., M . P ., F . R . S . Auditors—Capel Cure , Esq ., and H . Harwood Penny , Esq . At a MEETING of GOVERNORS held in Craven-street , on Wednesday , the 3 rd day of December , 1851 , the cases of 9 petitioners were considered , of which 8 were approved and I rejected . Since the Meeting held on the 5 th of November , TWELVE DEBTORS , of whom II had wives and 26 children , have been discharged from the prisons of England and Wales ; the expense of whose liberation , including every charge connected with the Society , was £ 139 . 17 s . 2 d ., and the following BENEFACTIONS HECEIVED SINCE THE LAST REPORT : — The Executors of the late Robert Neale , Esq ., Legacy , per Treasurer jC 4 . r >( J 0 0 The Reverend Sir John Newport , Baronet , per Messrs . IIoare and Co A . 110 Benefactions are received by Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Esq ., the Treasurur , No . 1 , Brick-court , Temple ; also by the following Bankers : —Messrs . Cocks , Drummonds , Merries , Hoares , Veres ; and by the Secretary , No . 7 , Craven-street , Strand , where the books may be seen by those who are inclined to support the Charity , and where the Society meet on the first Wednesday in every month . JOSEPH LUNN , Secretary .
STEAM TO INDIA , CHIN A , & c-Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance and of the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with the East , ike . The Company book passengers , and receive goods and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PKNANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , by their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the l () th of tlic month . The next extra Steamer will be dispatched from Southampton for Alexandria on the ; trd of April next , in combination with an extra Steamer , to leave Calcutta on or about March ^ 0 . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded , by these extra Hteamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON . ALKXANDR 1 A , ADEN . CEYLON , MADRAS , mid CALCUTTA . BOM BAY . —The Company will likewise despatch from Bombay , about the 17 th of December and I 7 tb of February next , a firstclass Steam-whip for Aden , 1 . 0 meet there the Company ' s uliipn between Calcutta and Sue / , in connection with their Mediterranean Steamers leaving Alexandria about the ( Jth of January and <> th of March , affording direct conveyance for panMciigers , parce l * , and goods from BOMBAY to Southampton . PaaHtMigern , parcels , and goods for BOM KAY and WESTERN INUIA will also he conveyed throiighoutin tlic Mail Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20 l . li of December and the L'Otli of February next , anil the corresponding vessels from Suez to Aden , at which latter port a Steam-ship of ihc Company will be in waiting to embark and convey them to Ifoinbay . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s Steamers of tlie Xi'Jl . h of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty'h steamers , and from Sue / , by tho Honourable Kast India Company ' s stunners . MEDITERRANEAN . — MALTA— On the 20 th and 2 i ) lh of every month . Constantinople—On the U'Jth of tho mouth . Alexandria On tin ; 'JOtliol the month . KI'AIN AND PORTUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadi / ., mid ( Jibraltar . on the 7 th , 171 b , and ~ ' 7 th of the month . N . 15 . Slcam-Hliips of the Company now ply direct , between Calcutta , Ponnng . Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between lloug K oug and Slianghae . l- 'or furthisr information jiikI tariffs of the Company ' H recently revised and reduced rates of paHsage-nioney and -freight , and for pliiiiH of the v ^ 'sh « 1 h , ami to micurn piittHiige » , 8 lc ... apply ut the ( , 'oinpany ' M OIIIcch , I ' JJ , Lra < l ( Md » all-. itreet , London , and Oriental-|) l ; i :, c , Soutli : uiipton .
A LL tlu * lx > Ht NKW WORKS arc exdmiitfrd weekly ut the resideuco of every ISubneiiber wil Kin three or lour mild * of MUDIE'H SELECT LI I 1 RAKY , 011 tlio following teriini : —Three volumes at . one time , £ 2 . Us . ; or nix . volume * at . one time , XX ' . in . per annum . Head ' s " Paiin in IS » l ;" Htepliou ' n " l , i" . lnn : n 011 l'Yaiice ; " S pencer ' n "Turkey ; " Waljiole ' n " AiiHuyrii ; " mid overy other good new work , are imiil . in aiiHwer to every application . HiihucriptioiiK iiro received l > y O . WiIhou , ' XI , Witfinore-Htiiiet , Cuvendiidi-nquaic ; and l » y ( J . E . Mudie , ' M , Upper King-street , BIoomidMiry-Hciuaie , from whom riowpeotuuou mid overy inloriuutiou nmy |)(; obluined .
Second Edition , post 8 vo ., price 2 a . 6 d ., cloth , THE EDUCATION of the FEELINGS . By Chahlhs Bray . " With unaffected simplicity , and in a clear , manly , healthfully vigorous moral tone , has Mr . Bray executed the task ho set himself , and has produced a book'of small size , but of great ' merit and utility , and containing much excellent remark . "Westminster Review . " We have seldom seen a volume which contains so muck practical good sense in so few pages . " —Critic . " Teachers of all kinds , whether parents or professional guardians of youth , are deeply indebted to Mr . Brayfor this charming ' little volume . It embodies in modest size and style a number of practical rules in the highest department of education , auch as the labour of a whole life could but with difficulty collect and sift . "—Weekly News . By the same Author , in two vols . 8 vo ., price 10 s . 6 d ., The PHILOSOPHY of NECESSITY ; or , the Law of Consequences ; as applicable to Mental , Moral , and Social Science . Contents : —Mental Science ; Moral Science ; On the Origin , Objects , and Advantages of Evil , & e . ; Social Science ; On the Present Condition of Society ; On the Measures proposed for the Amelioration of the Condition of the People ; On the Cause of the Poverty of the Working Classes ; Social Reform ; Appendix , containing- an Outline of the various Social Systems founded oh the Principles of Cooperation . Also , price 58 ., An OUTLINE of the VARIOUS SOCIAL SYSTEMS and COMMUNITIES which have been founded on the Principle of CO-OPERATION . With an Introductory Essay . By the Author of " The Philosophy of Necessity . " London : Longman and Co .
WORKS on CO-OPERATION and SOCIALISM , Sold by JAMES WATSON . ROBERT OWEN'S BOOK of the NEW MOEAL s . d . WORLD . 1 vol . cloth . HO Ditto , Six Parts , reduced to 6 d . each . Part 4 out of print . ROBERT OWEN'S DEVELOPMENT , or Principles of Home Colonization . 1 vol . . . . . . . 30 ROBERT OWEN'S LECTURES on a RATIONAL STATE of SOCIETY , in Answer to the Bishop of Exeter 30 ROBERT OWEN'S TWELVE LECTURES on an ENTIRE NEW STATE of SOCIETY . . . . 30 ROBERT OWEN'S REPORT to the COUNTY of LANARK 0 6 ROBERT OWEN'S SIGNS of the TIMES . . . 02 ROBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS to SOCIALISTS . . 02 ROBERT OWEN'S OUTLINES of the RATIONAL SYSTEM 0 2 ROBERT OWEN'S MANIFESTO ( Seventh Edition ) . 1 0 ROBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with the Eeverend WM . LEGG 10 ROBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with J . BEINDLEY , at Bristol 0 6 ROBERT OWEN'S FIRST LECTURE at the MECHANICS' INSTITUTION , London . . , . 03 ROBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS on the OPENING of the NEW LANARK INSTITUTION . . . . 06 ROBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL , Vols . 1 and 2—each . 2 C ROBERT OWEN'S LETTERS to the HUMAN It ACE 1 0 ROBERT OWEN'S REVOLUTION in the MIND and PRACTICE 10 THOMPSON'S ENQUIRY into the DISTRIBUTION of WEALTH . 1 vol 5 0 THOMPSON'S APPEAL of WOMEN " . In a wrapper . 1 <> THOMPSON'S LABOUR REWARDED . In a wrapper 1 0 BRAY'S LABOUR'S WRONGS and LABOUR'S REMEDIES . 1 vol 2 0 London : J . Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
WORKS PUBLISHED nv E . APPLEYARD , 8 tf , PARKING DON-STRKKT , CITY . Now Publishing-, in Penny Weekly Numbers , and Monthly Parts ut Sixpence , beautifully Illustrated , THE PERILS OK Till' : OCEAN ! being Authentic Narratives of lleiimrkable ami Affecting Disasters upon the Deep ; also Wonderful and Daring Adventures by Lund . Nob . 1 to G are now ready : also Part I . WORKS COMl'I . HTK . 8 . d . THE WANDERING JEW , 8 ( i Engravings - . . ' . ) 0 THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , Oa Engravings . . 40 ATAR-GULL , and PAULA MONTI , I'J Engravings . 2 0 MARTIN THE FOUN DLING , lil Engravings . . . 10 THE WIDOW'S WALK , li > Engraviujja . . . . 20 THE SLAVIC KINCJ , 17 Engravings 2 6 THE SIN OK M . ANTOINE , 11 Engravings . . . . 2 ( i OTTAWAII , 2 ;} Kngravings i > ( i THE BASTARD OK MAULEON . By Alex . Dumas , ~ . > Engravings * ... . . .. . 20 CAIXUH . US , THE TURFITE'S COMPUTOR . . 10 BARLOW'S NKiliKR MELODIST , lat . and , 3 rd , and 'lth Series , post-free , 10 penny stumps each . . . 0 (» HELPS TO MKMOKY . Being Questions and answer * in every Department , of II iiinuu Knowledge 1 (' , LIVES OF THE MOST UKLKBRATKD ACTORS AND ACTRESSES , By T . S . Marshall , Eh . i ., with their Portraits by Jolin Gilbert , Ksq . . 4 0 TIIK TAILOR'S TUTOR , with 18 Platen . . " 5 (» TI 1 K COMl'LKIE READY RKCKONKK , from One Farthing to One Pound ..... 0 (> AMERICAN RECITATIONS . Post-Jro *; , 10 penny ( damps 0 ( i W . WARDK'SOOMICSONGS . Post-frco , 10 penny Htauips 0 6 MANLY lU ' . MITY . 10 LIKE IN PAKIS . t 0 PRIDE ; or , THE IHJOUKSS . - MEMOIUH OKA PHYSICIAN : i G rill ' , KORTY-KIVK GUARDSMEN . . . . a ft Til K COMMANDER OK MALTA 1 C , : C-i PLATES to Illustrate the Cheap Edit , of N . Niekelliy . I V , BLACK TULIP . Ity Daunts 10 HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY ; or , Guide to Doin .-titic llappinrHH 2 (| TALES OK ALL NATIONS J (> PERILS OK THE OCEAN WOIIK .. H TO III ' . HAD IN l'KNNT NUMIIItlltt . THE WANDKIUNG JEW . . complete in 70 Numbers TIIK M YSTEKIES OK PARIH . ,, ; i ; t ATAR-GULL ; ind PAULA MONTI . ,, ;|() MARTIN TIIK FOUNDLING . . ,, 47 " THE BASTARD OK MAliLI ' . ON . ., 2 ( j LIKE IN PAHIH .... ,. 4 ; t 1 'ltl l > 10 ; or . TIIK DUOHKSH . MEMOIRS OK A I'll YHICI AN . 4 ^ THE KORTY-KI VE GUARDHMEN m Till' : COMMANDER OK MALTA . " 1 , 1 THE IILACKTI / LIP ... " 10 TALES OK ALL NATIONS . q All the above Work ,, are alwuyn in Print in Numliwii or'V om pleto Copie ,., and are well printed 011 Kim : Paper , with lieaiit < . 7
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 13, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_13121851/page/23/