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982 THE LEADER. [Saturday,
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982 The Leader. [Saturday,
982 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
I ^ HEATRE ROYAL , DRURY-LANE . JL M . JULLIEN'S CONCERTS .-M . JULLIEN begs most respectfully to announce that his CONCERTS will commence on MONDAY , October 30 th , on which occasion lie will have the honour of making- his First Appearance in England since his return from America . Full partioulara ¦ will bo duly announced . .
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATKE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . A . WIGAN . Monday and daring the week-will be performed the Comediet ta , entitled A MATCH IN THE DARK . Characters by Messrs . b \ Vining-, E . Clifton , A . Wigan , Danvers , Miss F . Maskell ( her first appearance at this theatre ) , and Mrs , A . Wigan . After which ( never acted ) a New Farce , entitled A BLIGHTED BEING , Characters by Messrs . !?• Robson , Leslie , Danvers , H . Cooper , and Miss B . Turner . To conclude with , the Comic Drama of HUSH MONEY .
A DDITIONAIi NEW MODELS . —Dr . Jr % . KAHN'S MUSEUM , top of Haymarket . — "Upwards of 800 Wax Models . —Open for Gentlemen from 11 till 5 , ancl from 7 till 10—Lectures by Dr . Sexton , F . R . 6 . S . and TE-S . On Wednesdays and Fridays , a portion of the Museum is open for Ladies only , from li till 5 . Lectures by Mrs . Sexton . Gentlemen are still admitted on those days from 7 till 10 Evening . Admission is .
THE 16 s . Trousers reduced to 14 s . — Trousers and Waistcoat , 32 s . —Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers > 47 s ., made to order from Scotch Tweeds , all wool ; by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 yRegent-street , A perfect fit guaranteed .
TO L . OTEES . OPTIS H—1 OO real Yarmouth Bloaters for 6 s ., package included Tlie above are forwarded to all parts on receipt of penny postage stamps , or P . O . O . ( preferred ) for the amount . Send plain address , county , and nearest station . —Address , Thomas Lettis . jun . j flsh-curer , Cfreat Yarmouth .
"f \ UTY OFF -TEA . —The REDUCTION JL / of the TEA DUTY , and . the easy state of tlio Teamarket , enables PHILLIPS and Company to SELLStrong Congou Tea , 2 s . Sd ., 2 s . idd ., and 3 s . liich Souchong Tea , 3 s . 2 d ., 3 s . 4 d ., and 3 s . 8 d . The Best Assam Pekoe Souchong Tea , 4 iS . Prime Gunpowder Tea , 3 s . Sd ., 4 s ., and 4 s . 4 d . Best Moyune Gunpo \ yder , 4 s . 8 d . The Best Pearl ' . Gunppwder , 5 s . Prime Coffees , is ., Is . 2 d ., and is . 3 d . The Best Mocha and the Best West India Coffee Is . 4 d . Sugars are-supplied at . market prices . All goods sent carriage free , by our o » wnvans , if within eight miles . Teas , coffees , and spices sent carriage free to any railway station or market-town in England , if to the value of 40 s . or upwards , by PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea ( Merchants , 8 , King ¦ William-street , City , London . A general price-current sont free on application .
Tj ^ ENDERS , STOTES , and FIRE-IRONS , Jl Buyers of the above , are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . UURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , S 9 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . l & 3 , Newman-street , and 4 & 5 , Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and . contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , BA . NGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisitenessof workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 22 . 14 s . to 5 f . 10 s . ; ditto with , ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 5 £ . 10 s . to 12 ? . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to 32 ;; Steel Fenders from 21 . 15 s . to Gl . ; drtto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from . 2 l- 15 s . to 11 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 d . the set to 4 : 1 . 4 s- Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which he is enabled to sell at these very reduced charges . Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases -, and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash-PAPIEE MACHE and IRON TEATRAYS . " An assortment of Tea Trays and "Waiters , wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . , New Oval Papier Btach £ Trays , per set of three from 26 s . Oil . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto from 13 s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape ditto from 7 s . 6 d . Round and Gothic waiters , cake and bread baskets , equally low . r \ AS CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS . \ JX The increased and increasing use of Gas in Private Houses has induced AVILLLVM S . BURTON to collect from all the various manufacturers all that is New and Choice in Brackets , Pendants , and Chandeliers , adapted to offices , passages , and dwelling-troonis , as well as to havo , some designed expressly for hiin ; these are now ON SHOW in one of his TEN LARGE . 31 OOMS , and present , for novelty ; variety , and purity of taste , an unequalled assortment . They are marked in plain figures , at prices proportionate Avitn those which have tended to rnake his Establishment the largest arid most remarkable in the kingdom , viz ., from 12 s . 6 & . ( two light ) to 16 Z . LAMPS of all SORTS ancl PATTERNS . The Xargest , as well as the Choicest , Assortment ill existence of FRENCH and ENGLISH MODERATEtJR , PALMER'S , CAMPHINE , AR . GAND , SOLAR , and other IiAMPS , with all tho latest improvements , and of the newest and . most recherche patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , and plain glass , or papier machc , is at "WILLIAM S . E"URTON'S , and they are arranged in one large room , so that patterns , sizes , and sorts can be instantly selected . Real French Colza Oil , 4 s . Cd . per gallon . Palmer ' s Candles , 9 d ., 9 | d ., and lOd . per 1 b . DISH COVERS and HOT-WATER , DISHES in every material , in great yariety , and of tlio newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . Cd . tho set of sis ; Block Tiu , 12 s . 3 d . to 2 Ss . 9 d . the set or six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 58 s . Gd . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 70 s . Gd . to lios . Gd- the set ; Sheffield plated , lOZ . to 16 k 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , ' 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia MetaJ , 22 s . to 77 s . ; Electro-plated on Nickel , full sizo , 117 . lls . WILlllAM S . BURTON lias TEN LARGE SHOWROOMS < all communicating ) , exclusive of the shop , devoted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once make thoir selections-Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( pcT post ) free . The money returned for every article not approved of . 30 , OXFORD-STEEET ( corner of Newman-street- ); Nos . 1 , a , and ! $ , NEWMAN-STRJBET ; and 4 and 5 , PJGE / RY'SplAce .
DB . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . Prepared for Medicinal use in" the Lofpoden isi-. es , noiiway , and put 'xo the test op chemical ANALYSIS . THE MOST EFFECTUAL REMEDX FOR CoMsvmvtios , Bkonoiiitis . Asthma , Gout , Chronic Rheumatism , and all Scrofulous Diseases . Approved of and recommended by BERzBWtrs , JjjBina , Wohlkk , Jonathan Pjjreiba , Fou < iUiBB , and numerous othor distinguished Scientific Ohoxnists , proscribed by the raost eminent Medical Mcn > and supplied to tho loading Hospitals of Europe—effecting a euro or alleviating symptoms much more rapidly thau any other kind . Extract from "THE LANCET , " July 29 , 18154 . " After a careful examination of tho different kinds of Cod Liver Oil , Dr . do Jongh gives tho prol ' orenco to tho Light Brown Oil over the Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatile fatty acid , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphoric acid , and tho elements of bilo , and upon which ingredients tho c ( Hooey of Cod Liver Oil no doubt partly dopends . Somo of the deficiencies of tho Palo Oil are attributable to tho method of its preparation , and especially to its filtration through charcoal . In thiwproforenco of tho Light Brown over the Palo Oil wo fully concur . 41 We havo carefully touted a specimen of tho Light Brown Cod Liver Oil , prepared for medical uso under tho direction of Dr . de Jongh , and obtained from tho wholesale ngonts , Messrs . Anhah , Haiwoiip . stud Co ., 77 . Strand , " Wo lindit to bo gomiinc , and rich in iodine and tho element a of bilo , " Sold wholesalr and itETAii , iu bottles , labelled with Dr . do Jongh ' s stamp and signature , by ANSAR , HARFORD , nud Co ., 77 , Strand , London , Solo Consignees and Agents for tho United Kingdom and the llritiuh Possessions ; nnd may bo obtained from rospoetablo Chemists and DrugitlstH in Town and Country , at the following prlcou : — IMVISRUVt , MEA 81 HU 0 . IJalf pints , 3 s . Cd . ; I'lnts , 4 h . Od .-, Quarts , 0 a . % * Four lialf-pint bottles forwarded , OAUiuAaB paid , to any part of England , on receipt of a remittance of Ton Shilling .
THE MOU-MAIN X . BVBB TKTJSS ia allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gonltaxnon to bo tho moat ofl ' outivn invention 1 » tho curatlvo troatnient of llornla . Tho uso of a stool Hpring ( bo often liurtfnl in it « ofl ' uota ) is horo avoided , a soft l $ an « ago buinn worn round tho body , while tho roqutslto roaiHting power i » Huppllod liy tlio Moo-Main Pad and 1 ' a . lont Lover , JlttiiiK with mo muoh oaao and eloaonoau that it cuuuot bo detected , and nmy 1 ) 0 worn during sloop . A dosoriptivo circular may bo had , aud tho Truaa ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tho oiroumforonoo of tho l > ody , two IuoUoh bolow tho hips , fouluu Hout to tho Manufiwturor , Mr . JOHN WHITE , slsKJ , ELAS' ^ ioS'rOOKINaS . KNEE OAPS . & c . For VAKIOOB 1 ' ] TWINS , and all oaww of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of fcho LHGIS , SMCA 1 NS . & o . They line poroua , ll ^ ht In toxtxtro , and Inexpensive , ami arc drawn on llko an oval jiary atookhiR . Prloo froru 7 b . Od , to l « u . I ' oataKo , Od ,
THE 0 H O L E B . A ! ! Prevented by tho destruction of all noxious effluvia . OREWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID , recommended by the College qf Physicians , the Cheapest and Strongest Ohlorido of Zinc . Quarts , 28 . ; pints , Is . ; half-pints , Od . Sold by all Chemists , Druggists , and Shipping Agents , aud at Com luorcial "Wharf , Mile-end , London .
riHI-lE MOST CERTAIN PBEVBNTION JL OF CHOLBBA YET DISCOVERED . —Further Great Reduction in Price—CREWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID is tho Host and Cheapest for tho purification of Dwelling Houses , StabloB , Doff Kennels , Snips' Holds , Cossrpools , Drains , 'Wator Olosots , & c , tho Disinfection of Sick Itooma , Clothing , Linen , and for tho Prevention of Contagion and Bad Smells . Tho extraordinary power of this Disinfecting ancl Purifying Agent is now noltuowlcclgod , and its uso recommended by tlio College of Physicians and tho London Board of Health , unuho tlio action of many other disinfectants , it destroys all noxious smolls , and is itself scentless . Tho manufacturer , having destroyed a monopoly fostered by tho falsa assumption qf the titlo of a patent ' , has to warn tho public against all spurious imitations . Mach JJottlo of OrowH ' H Disinfecting JPluld contains a densely concentrated solution of Ohlorido of Zinc , which may bo diluted for lisa ivtth 200 times its bnlk of water . Vide iuwtruotioiiH accompany ingleach bottlo . Bold by all ChoiniHtHand bhipnhiK Agents in tho United Kingdom . Imperial < iuartn at 2 b , s pints at la . ; half-pints od , | lnrpnr vohsols at ns . nor Ka Ion . Mimufiwjturod at H . 01 . CSRAY'S , Oommoroial Wharf , Milo-nud . London .
Dl B A V KBS S . —IMPORTANT DISi , OTW' MANFRKl ) , M . R . C . 8 ., lmn thin day puUliNhod , frees by pout , for olght postage Htrnnpn , a Phyh eiau ' s Guide for Country Pationtw , for tho l ' erf . ' ot and Pormanont JtosUiraHou of Hearing , by hit ) invaluablo Now 'Irodtnionli . HoIijk a atop to quiwk ' ory , oruol imiio » it ionn on UiottuHoi'liiB pnblUi , and exorbitant oliar ^ os , thiwbook will savd thousaudH from tho imposition * of tho Holf-ntylod doctors , Iniutmuoh oh tho hearing aim bo roHtorcd for llfo . DoiUuoHuot tho moHt iuvotaratti nature rolievod iu half an hour , mn-oU iu a low hoiun , aimoHl , instant conation of riolKOM iii tho oars and hond , by tialuloHH troatmoiit . HundrodH ol lottora anay b « noon , and poroonn r <) f < iiT « wJ to , who hayo lipm-d tho iwua tono of convorwation in a low bourn . ralloMtb X'coolvud daily at Dr . Manfrtid ' u ruHidunuu , 7 a , Rfi-Bont-atroot , U ) Hdon ( Jlmli door in Air-utroot , whoro all lottyrn inu « t bo addroaHud .
FRENCH SIODERATOR LAMPS . —A ™ . y , y Iar 8 ean ( 1 superior stock now O 2 tf SALE at DEANE DRAY , and Co . s ( Opening to the Jlonunient ) , London Established A . D . 170 O .
^ fRELOAE'S COCOA-jSUT FIBRE X MATTING . —Door Mats , Mattresses , Cuskions Hassocks , Brushes , letting , & c ~ , Ac . WAREHOUSE , 42 , LUDGATE-HlLL , LONDON .
T ^ r 3 ? ECTIJAIi SL PPOEr EOE VARIJLi COSE VEINS . —This elastic and com pressing stocking or article of any other required form , is pervious , lMit ' aud inexpensive , and easily drawn on without lac ' iu «? or bandaging . Instructions for measurement and prices on application , and the articles sent bv post from the Mann , facturers , POPE iind 1 'LAJSTE , 4 , WATERLOO PLXcE PALL MALL , LONDON . ^^
I ^ RTHOPCEDIC MECHANISM . Every V- / description of apparatus for the CURE or R . ELIEV of UODILY DEFORMITY , and diseases requiring mechanical assistance , may be had of Mr . HEATHER BIGG , " 9 LEICESTER-SQUARE , who , having recently risited the principal continental Orthopoedic Institutions , is in possession of every modern iuiproveiuent .
tPUTVOTE'S WEDDING and BIBTHJL DAY PRESENTS .-It would be impossible to enuiaerate the enormous variety of articles , both valuable and inexpensive , which may be inspected daily at this Establishment . All goods marked in plain figures . Illustrated Catalogues sent free on application . . It may be well to state fcliat all visitors to this magnificent establishment \ vill meet with a polite reception whether purchasers or ( itlierwise , Retail , 151 , liegent street , corner of Beak-streot ,
FUTVOYE ' S . GOLD -- . and SILVER WATCHES of English or Foreign Manufacture .- Tho long tested qualities of these articles are of themselves sufficient to insxirc the approbation of a-discerning public . -Retail , 154 " , Regent-street , corner ofBeak-street .
l ^ IJTVOYE'S DRESSING- CASES for JL LADIES and GENTLEMEN , in leather , walnut , and other cboieo woodsy from 1 to 100 guineas , Also , their Government DESPATCH BOXES are too well known to . require comnieiit . Retail , 154 , Ilegent-street , corner of Beak-street .
TpUTVOYJi'S PAPIER MACHE — The JL superior qualities of these articles need only be seen to l ) e fully .. appreciated , arising from the well-known fact ( among . the . aristocracy and nobility ) that Mr . Tutvoye is the son . of tho original Inventor of this beautiful work , whose choicest specimens are iu possession of her most gracious Majesty , Retail , 154 , Uegent-street , corner of Bealt-sfcreel ; .
FUTVOYE'S FRENCH TIMEPIECES . 'Tho statistical accounts presented by the Customs to the House of Commons prove that Messrs . Futvoye are by far the largest importers . 000 of tho most elegant mid classical designs in ormolu with plass shade and stand complete , from 2 to 100 guineas , may be inspected at 154 , Rogeutstreet , corner of 15 eak-street .
1 p TJTV DYE'S PATENTED HOUND A . BRASS DIALS , 13 s . Gd . each , warranted —ThesoTimc Pieces havo already a world wido reputation , and thoir correctness astonishes all their owners- To avoid disappointment it is necessary to notice on each dial , " Futvoyc , ft , I ' aris . " Retail , lfi < iy Regent-Street , corner of Bcnlc-sh-eot .
tpUTYOYE'S PARISIAN . NOVELTIES JL toujours Nouveaux , from is . to 100 guineas , Hinybo more easily imagined than described . Retail , l & t ., Regent-street , corner of Beak-street . Wholesale and oxiiorfc warehouses , 28 and 20 , Silver-bti'oct . Golden-squaxo . City , 22 , Gi'oafc Winchester-stroot . Pans , a ! ., ltuo do ltivoli .
THIIE PEN SUPEBSEDED . —The most -JL elegant , easy , economical , and best met hod of IIA liKLNG LlNKIi , SILK , HOOKS , etc ., without tho ink n | . ivii « 1-I « B or fjuliuK , is with tho INCOlUtODIB ^ li ! AIUiK . N'iMNK PLATES , ! No propagation required . Any person win uso thorn with t ho greatest facility . Name , 2 a . "; Initials , is . ild . ; Numbers , por sot , 2 s . fld . , Crest , 0 a . Sent , post I ' rw , will ' direction . )! , for stamps or pout order . VRUDK . WIUa'kiMAN , Inventor and Solo Maker , 1 % Xiittlo Quccsn-street , llolborn .
131 QQ OTT'S GALVANfc " ] 3 EI / l \ ~ \ xi 1 } 1-JL out aeldn , or a , ny miturution , without ( shook or uiip loasant HoUHatiou , for the euro of hcitous < Uhcii 8 us mill those aiialuK from cold , an imiotlvo llvor , or uluiwlrtli tJli'culatlou , mid . Iiaw boon found highly bomilluiiu hi ouwm ol JUionniatlHT )) . Bciatlco , Dyspojwiu ., NuurnlBlw in nil it h form- * . and general debilit y of tho nyHtom . Troiitlso on Mm aliuvc fr « o on tlio l-ocoipt of a iiostnKo utiunp . Mr . V ( . )'• l'lGQUT'lV MUidloal Galvunltst , ' r > 2 ! J it , Oxford-Htwet , JJlooniHlmry . At homo daily from 10 till I . RUITURT CB .-UY KOYAL LETT MRS I'ATKNT .
A UTEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . JVf K . HOWARD , SlTltGEOX-DENTIST , 1 . Y . JL 52 . FLHKT BTIUOKT , Ihih Introduced mi 10 NTIISKIA NHW DIC 8 O 1 UPTION of ARTIFICIAL TKKTII , IU < ' < without » f ) rinKH , wires , or HKiiturcH . Tiny ho pcrl ' wlly > '' )• Homblo the natural tdofch an not to bo dlNlUiKuinlKid from Hi " orlglimlN ») , y tho olonowt obNorvcr , thoy will liovor < -luniK <> colour or docay , nutl will bo I ' mi nd mipo ' rlor to any trrl li > 'J ( 'r huforo utie- < l . Thin method doos not roiiuiro tho nxt riicll < 'i » of rooltt . or any painful operation , mid will hui »|» " ' I 1 UI' I" ' !" mirvo tooth tlml , uro loom ; , anil in puuraiitutid to i'cmIoi -chi " ouiatlon rviid iniutltaaticm . lhjcuyud kolli roudurwl nwunti and usem 1 in nuiHticntion . Da . I'XEET-HTKEET .-At homo from Ton till Five .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 14, 1854, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_14101854/page/22/