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9S4 ~ ~\ , THE LEADER. [Saturday, Octobe...
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9s4 ~ ~\ , The Leader. [Saturday, Octobe...
9 S 4 ~ ~\ , THE LEADER . [ Saturday , October 14 , 1854 .
& of ~ HOBLYK ' S MEDICAL DICTIONARY . Now rea 4 y , in 12 ino .. price 10 s . cloth , the sixth edition , considerably enlarged , of A DICTIONARY of the TERMS USED - in MEDICINE , and the COLLATERAL SCIENCES . By . R . I ) . HOBLYN . A . M ., Oxon ., Anthor of " A Dictionary of Scientific Terms , " & c . Whittakeb . and Co ., Avo Ttfaria-lane .
LIST OF NEW WORKS . THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , & Jo . CCIV ., for OCTOBER , 1854 . 8 vo . price 6 s . of COXTEJTTS : I . Vestries . and Chituctt Rates . ~ II . Mkmoihs of King Joskph . III . The Arab Tribes of tiik Giceat Desert . ^ IV . Railway Wokals and Bailwat Policv . V . Burton ' s History of Scotland , from : 1689 to , 1748 . 1 VI . Macaulat ' s Speeches . B VIT . Ueform of the War Departments . " ir VIII . The Management and Disposal of our p Criminal Population . ai 2 . . r IOED CARLISLE ' S DIARY in " TT 7 EKISH and GREEK WATERS . Post 8 vo . [ On Wednesday next - S . MEMOIRS of JAMES MONTGOM- -t ERYr Including Selections from liis ? Correspondence I and Conversations . By JOHN HOLLAND and JAMES EVERETT . PostSvo . [ In the press . ¦ 4 . ¦ S TJie Bev . B . I . WILBERFOKCE'S c INQUIRY into the PRINCIPLES of CHURCH AUTHORITY ; or * Reasons for recalling his Subscription to the Royal Supremacy . 8 vo , price 5 s . '¦ . •' . 6 . . . New Edition of the Rev . SYDNEY SMITH'S ELEMENTARY SKETCHES of MORAL PHI- I XiOSQPHY . Feap . 8 vo , price Bs . [ On Wednesday next ; a '¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦ '¦¦ . ' ' ' . . ' ' ¦ . a PICCADILLY to KERA . By Cap- - - taihOLDMIXOiV , R . N . With Illustrations in colours . Post 8 vo , price IOs . 6 d . The BALTIC and the WHITE SEA . ' By the Rev . T . MILNER , M . A . "With a Map of the Baltic Sea . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . G - . . . ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ' ' .. 8 . " ¦ ' * THIRTY YEARS of "FOREIGN POXIOY ; or , a History of the Secretaryships of tho Earl of Aberdeen and . Yiscount Palmerston . By the Author of the " Biography of Mr . Disraeli . " 8 vo . [ Nearly ready . 9 . The GEOGRAPHY of HERODOTUS Developed , Explained , and Illustrated from modern Researches and Discoveries . By J . TALBOYS WHEELER , i F-B . G . S . 8 to , with Maps and Plans . [ Nearly ready . 10 . The Second Volume of Chevalier B 1 JNSBN'S Work on ANCIENT EGYPT . Translated by C . H COTTRELL , M . A . With many Illustrations . 8 vo , price 80 s . 11 . People ' s Edition of Mr . MACAULAY'S CRITICAL and HISTORICAL JJSSAYS . Now ready , in 2 vols . crown 8 vo , price 8 s . 12 . CHESTERFIELD and SEL"WYN . By ' A . HAYWAUD , Esq ., QC : Two Essays , reprinted from tho Edinburgh Jteview . and forming Part 70 of tho Traveller ' s ' Library . 16 mo , price One Shilling . [ On tho 31 at inst . ; 13 . A TREATISE on G-REEK METRES : \ Tith tho Clioral Parts of Sophooles Metrically arranged . By the Rev . W . LINWOOD , M . A . 8 vo . [ Nearly ready . GRAMMAR of LATIN POETRY , founded on tho Work of Jani . Hy tho Rev . E . WALFORD , M . A ., lato Scholar of Ualiol College , Oxford . 12 rao , price One Shilling . HISTORY of the IRON TRADE . By HARRY SORIVENOR , Livorpool . Now Edition , rovlso d and corrected . 8 vo , price 10 a . Cd-10 . New Edition of Sir W . , T , HOOKER'S MUSOOliOGUA UIMTANNIOA , carefully rovlsod and corrootod to tho Present 'lime . 8-vo , with Plates . [ Just ready . 17 . Fourth Edition of Dr . W . MACKENZIE'S PRACTICAL TREATISE on ' DISEASES of tho EYE , thoroughly roviaod . 8 vo , with Illustrations . [ Just ready . 18 . Tho BRITISH COMMONWEALTH . A Commentary on tho Institutions and principles of liritinh Government . By HOMERSHAM , OOX , M . A ., Uarriatorat-law . $ vo , prloo Via . LONDON : LONGMAN , BROWN . G IU 5 RN . and LONG MANS . B of J B an
^ , 1 B ir p r NEW ITALIAN DICTIONARY . This day is published , in two vols . 8 vo , ( 1 , 582 pp . ) , price 30 s . cloth , A NEW DICTIONARY of the ITALIAN J- 3 . and ENGLISH LANGUAGES : based upon that of Bahetti , and containing , among other additions and improvements , numerous neologisms relating to the Arts and Sciences ; a variety of the most approved Idiomatic and Popular Phrases , Sic . Compiled by JOHN DAVENPORT and GUGIELMO COMELATI . London : Lon & man and Co . ; Whittaker and Co . ; Duiad and Co . ; and other proprietors .
" -t c MEW CLASSICAL ATLASES . Now ready , in Svo , price 12 s . Gd . half-bound , AN ATLAS of CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY ; containing twenty-four maps , constructed by W . Hcghes , F . R . G . S- ; and edited by Geoege LonGj M . A . With an Index of places . Also , in 8 vo ., price Es . cloth , A GRAMMAR SCHOOL ATLAS of CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY ; containing ten Maps selected from the laTger Atlas ; constructed by W- Hughes , and edited by GEo & GiE . Long- ' London : Whixtaksr and Co . ; and Geo ^ oe Bexl .
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' * i CHEAP PUBLICATIONS . - Second Edition . This day , small 8 vb , boards , 2 s . 6 d . npHE ENGLISH PRISONERS IN X RUSSIA- A Personal Narrative of the FIRST-LIEUTENANT of H . M S . TIGER ; his journey in Russia , and interview with the Emperor Nicholas , & c . By ALFRED ROYER , LIEUT . R . N . This day , fcap ., Is . A VISIT TO THE SEAT 03 ? WAR . IN THE NORTH . From tbe German , by LASCELLES WRAXALL . This day , small 8 vo , boards , 2 s . TH E FALCON FAMILY ; or , YOUNG IRELAND . A Satirical Novel . By M . W . SAVAGE , Author of the " Bachelor of tho Albany , " & c . London : Chapman- and HAtt , 193 , Piccadilly .
Routledge ' 8 Series of Original JSTovels . THE NEW NOVEL . Now ready at all tho Libraries , A RVON ; OB , THE TRIALS . By C . xiL M CHARLES , Author of " Hamon . and Oatar . " Xondon : Geobge Routi < ed & e and Co ., ^ arrinadon-streot .
' Just published , price Is ., ryVHE PRUDENT MAN ; ov , How to X . Acquire Land and Bequeath Money by means of Cooperation . By WILLIAM 11 R . IDGES , Secretary to tho Mltro Life Assurance and tho Friendly Societies' Institute . With a draft sot of Rulos for tho formation of Benefit , Emigration , and Land Socioties . By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY , M . A . London and Now York ; H . Baiixiere , Regont-stTCofc and Broadway ; and at tho OiUoos of tho Friendly Societies ' Institute , S 3 , Pall-iuall , London .
Just published , in l vol ., 12 mo , sowed , -22-2 pp ., prleo la . Cd . Hj ^ HE GOYERNING CLASSES of J- GREAT BRITAIN . Politioal Portraits by EDWARD M . WHITTY . " In this volume wo have some exceedingly smart sketches of various public man . "—Church and State Gazette , -w'Jh . » yQ dorivod » mioh gonuJno onjoymont from Mr . yhitty ' s book . Mr . > Yhitty will ondur « comparison with tho best political writors ^ WhlB , Tory , or Radical -oT the < lay ; and ho is , to the ruin of all rivalry , tho first writer of Ms own school - tho Revolutionary . " -Titirnina Post " Those portraits of what tho author terms tho Govern-Ing Classes of Groat Britain' are ropnbllshod from tho Leader Nowsnapur , and form a little Thesaurus or information ol a iJoouliarand intorostlng . charnctor . "—Loads Timos . •' Thqso lively Nketohos of living political characters aro mai-. y of thorn admirably written , always fi . vtlrlo . il Inspirit , and occasionally fiir-Moolng lii their kou . Thoro nro polnta wMoJjTUookoriur conlil hardl y Imvo Uoim Iwttop . "—igj ' o . i , Mr ] liiaw l ard Shitty ia by fur tha wltliost and moak siibtloof modern nottlun ] osaiurlHta . " - thiblin 1 ' ote (/ raph . i ., ™ , * f AU H ' ovof thiH boolt , J » w dlHtinButBhoU UlmsoVf by Invontlns , if wo may ho Hiioalt , quito a . now stylo of nownpapor-commont on Pivrllatuoniary men and proooefUnprs . If wo aro not greatly mltitakon , Mr . Whitty ' a iwuno will yot bo nconspJououN ouo In the world of JoumaHam . Tho nmln in considorlDK itaoll' a soU-Bovornod country . Mr . WhlUv jpoina to have no political proforonoos . Wo kuo-w » o poll-! , ' «« fv ^ ' i ff ° < i ho fl -iV »» J ? wiiiKa hiinloi- head , a wioro rulh-JS ?? te T ' »» » 'r . Wlut / ty ' H . Add to tlda a grmt fund Commoi o ( W '" a l ) Ow 0 r of wittv oxpioboion . " — Thudner and Co .. IS , Patornostor-row .
CONSTABLE ' S MISCBIiI . AN'y OF FOREIGN LITERATURE . Just Published , cloth , price 2 s . Gd . A THENS and the PELOPONNESE J 7 \ . with SKETCHES of NORTHERN GREECE . Prom the German of HERMANN HETTNER . Lately published , cloth , price 3 s . 6 d ., TTUNGARIAN SKETCHES in PEACE JLJL and WAR . By MORITZ JOKAI . " The first volume is a capital beginning , for M . Jokai stands well in his own country as a popular writer , and is very happy in depicting those details and peculiarities of life and charactei- which not only give tho charm of truthfulness , but are very instructive to a foreign reader" Atlas . " Most vivM 4 "and truthful descriptions of Hungarian life . " —Leader . "Not only amusing but in the best senso of the word instructive . "—Daily News . " Jokai is a highly popular Hungarian Author , and this is the finest specimen of his works that has appeared in English . " —Athenceum . Edinburgh : Tiiomas Constable and Co . ; London : Hamilton , Ada . hs , and Co . ; Dublin : James jVI ' Glashan-
Price 2 s . 6 d . MI NERAL WATERS of HOMBURG , Observaiions upon the Mineral Waters of Hesso Homburg . By T . H . PRYTHERCH , M . D ., Resident English Physician at Homburg , V . D . H . J . Churchill , Princes-street . Soho .
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NEW EDITION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE OFFICIAL GUIDE BOOK . By SAMUEL PHILLIPS . A NEW EDITION , Corrected and Enlarged , with NJ 3 W PLANS of the BUILDING and GROUNDS , and many additional Plans of the various Courts is published this day , price One Shilling . *» * The Official Guide Books to all the Courts are always on sale in the Building , and at all Railway Stations . Beadbukt and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 14, 1854, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_14101854/page/24/