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October 14, 1854.] THE LEADER. 969
OUR CIVILISATION". A silk -weaver of Spi...
Mary Sullivan mul hor husband paid n vis...
At n tavern in Ship-alloy, Wolluloac-mnu...
William. Bniloy, a morchant'a dork, aged...
airs. Elizabeth Irpng, the wife of a hat...
It appears that at Ramsgate young ladies...
THE PUBLIC HEALTH. There is a satisfacto...
IIOllKOKS OF PEACE. Two frrent moivantil...
- Untitled
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At Barford, Nonr Nottingham, A Man Was F...
THE PUBLIC REVENUE . The national balance-sheet continues to be satisfactory . The statement for the Quarter is set forth in a new and improved form , -which is henceforth to be adopted . Omitting the two supplementary items of Imprest Moneys and Repayments , it will be found that , in the Ordinary Revenue of the Quarter , there is the large increase of 872 , 879 / . —that , on the six months ended Monday , the increase on the Ordinary Revenue is 654 , 257 ^ . —and that , in the year ended on the same day , the increase is 687 , 097 / .
In the quarter , the largest amount of augmentation , namely , 569 , 686 / ., occurs under the head of " Propertytax ; " and that increase arises , of course , mainly from the higher rates of duty , and from the extension of the area of the tax so as to include Ireland . In the Excise , there is an increase cf 354 , 912 ? ., arising in a great measure from the increased duty on malt . In the Postoffice , the increase id 108 , 000 ? . ; and in the Stamps and Crown Lands the augmentation is , in each case , about 12 , 000 / . In the Customs , there is a comparatively small decline of 150 , 107 / . ; and , remembering the operation of the reduced duty on tea—counteracted , it is true , to some extent , by the increased duties on sugar- —and also bearing in mind the unexampled prosperity of the period of last year -with -which the present Quarter comes into comparison— it will not fail to excite surprise that , in the midst of war and severe pestilence , the Customs revenue has maintained itself with so much steadiness .
When we turn to the comparative results of the first six months of the current financial year—and this is a feature of the new form entitled to particular praise—we find that the increase on the Property-tax is 854 , 790 ? . ; on the Excise , 263 , 342 / . ; on the Post-office , 236 , 000 ? . ; and on the Stamps , 41 , 748 / . These results are . all satisfactory , particularly the increase under the head of Stamps—a department in which there have been no changes , except such as were more calculated to diminish than to increase the gross returns . . In the Customs * - the decrease on the six months is 509 , 407 / . ; in the Taxes , £ 7 , 095 / . ; in the Ciown Lands , 124 J 316 ? . ; and in the Miscellaneous , 20 , 805 ? . These , it will be seen , comprise "what is known as the Ordinary Revenue , and , as we have said above , they show an increase under that head , for the six months , of 654 , 257 / .
The third division of the return is also a new feature ; and it is a portion of the document which , for the first time , renders it easy to ascertain the real financial effect upon the Treasury of the receipts from all sources , and of the payments of all kinds , during the quarter up to the close of which tlie statement is rendered . It appears that , during the quarter ended Monday , there was a total receipt of 18 , 446 , 413 / ., of which sum 15 , 870 , 096 / . was derived under the usual heads of Revenue—leaving 2 , 576 , 317 / . obtained from sundry sources , principally , it Will be seen , from : the sale of Exchequer-bonds . The payments of all ' kinds have amounted to 20 , 906 , 995 ? . 2
—or to , 460 , 582 ? - in excess of the receipts ; and , as stated in the return , for that sum Deficiency-hills will have to be granted , and paid off out of the accruing receipts of the quarter now commencing . This balance , however , of two millions is much less than the deficiency balance of the 5 th July last , on which day the exact over-payment was 3 , 148 , 093 ? . ; and during the next three months , the further receipts under the increased heads of taxation , ^ vith the further instalments from the sale of Exchequer-fconds , will , in all likelihood , be sufficient either to square the two sides of the next quarterly account , or , at all events , to reduce the debtor balance into a very small compass .
On the whole , therefore ) , whether we look at the results of this revenue return as regards the quarter , the six months , the year , or the balance of the receipts * and payments , there is the most abundant reason to bo satisfied and thankful .
October 14, 1854.] The Leader. 969
October 14 , 1854 . ] THE LEADER . 969
Our Civilisation". A Silk -Weaver Of Spi...
OUR CIVILISATION " . A silk -weaver of Spitalfiolda , John Brindlcy by name , was brought to Worship-stre
Mary Sullivan Mul Hor Husband Paid N Vis...
Mary Sullivan mul hor husband paid n visit to their ultimate friond Ellau Fleury . Tho Indies had nn altercation , in the mid » t of which Mrs . Floury stealthily advanced belaud Mm . Sullivan and gave hor a blow on Iho back of 1 ho head with a heavy hammer , rendering hor Insensible for some , hours , and her lift ! ia in clangor .
At N Tavern In Ship-Alloy, Wolluloac-Mnu...
At n tavern in Ship-alloy , Wolluloac-mnumi , Charks Wyld , a foreign nooman , got into a rifnputo witli a man whoso nanw is not known , on which lio noizcd a knifu and ran a-muck « t every one in the placo , ending in stabbing tho unknown man in ( ho tample , who nftorwarda diod of tho injury he hud received .
William. Bniloy, A Morchant'a Dork, Aged...
William . Bniloy , a morchant ' a dork , aged 10 , was ntfBHUiK <> i » o day . Throw days nftorwimls hit ) body wim jo una In tho rive * U 0 lxr Lambeth . At tho incmonL , his intucr Btatod , u « dw procure , that Lb BOn had boon
driven to despair by the conduct of his mother , who neglected her home , and made awa y with her son's clothes and his furniture to obtain drink .. The son , on the day he was missed , left his mother in a state of fearful intoxication , he being in great distress , and saying he could not " bear it any longer . " His great dread was that his mother , in one of her fits of drunkenness , would go to his place of business and disgrace him . Hence the " temporary insanity" which the coroner ' s jury returned as their verdict .
Airs. Elizabeth Irpng, The Wife Of A Hat...
airs . Elizabeth Irpng , the wife of a hatter in Blackfriar ' s , was in the Vaux hall-road about 12 o ' oclock one evening , when George Brett , an engineer , as she alleged , addressed lier , stated that he could be liberal with 101 . and 20 / . notes , as he had just come from Australia ; but , finding corruption fail , tried indecent force , and was given into custody . Krett , however , called evidence to show that the " lady" had drunk ale with him in a public-house , and swore that she first accosted him and asked to be treated to wine and a cab to take her home , after which he was of course astounded at being charged with an indecent assault . The magistrate at Westminster police-cour t believed Brett and dismissed the case .
It Appears That At Ramsgate Young Ladies...
It appears that at Ramsgate young ladies are taught to swim by male professors of the art . Paul Huggett I ' earce , a bather , was summoned before the magistrates for the infringement of a by-law of the town -which prohibits men bathing within fifty yards of the machines used by women . Mr . Pearce , it appears , in a simple costume , comprising a waistcoat and pair of trousers , his arms and breast being quite naked , was seen bathing with two young ladies , one of whom he turned on her back , in doing which " the ripple of the sea turned up her / bathing gown , which he then put over her feet . " One of the ladies was on her back , and he was teaching her how to float , for as she came towards him he pushed her by the feet from him , to the great disgust of a roximate
p father of a family , to wit , John Edwards , solicitor , 39 , Lothbury , London , to whom' we recommend a pure practice . The man was the centre of a group of five ladies , bathing with them . Pearce said he was only exercising his calling of a teacher of swimming , that his dress was completely decorous , and tlie dresses which the ladies wore could not " wash up . " A gentleman stepped forward and said , that as the father of one , and the grandfather of another , of the young ladies , he was convinced of the propriety of Pearce's conduct , and -would , did it not tend to infringe the laws , allow his children to go in again . After that the magistrates could only say that the case did not come within the hy-law to prevent indecencies , and , without expressing an opinion on the propriety of the affair , dismissed the case .
The Public Health. There Is A Satisfacto...
THE PUBLIC HEALTH . There is a satisfactory account of the Public Health for the last week . The deaths in London from all causes , which in the first -week of September rose , to 3413 , and in the three weeks following were 283 G , 2504 , and 2216 , foil in the last week ( the first week of October ) to 1532 . . In ' the first week of October , 1849 , tho total number of deaths registered was 1290 . The improvement , in the public health is visible
generally in the metropolis , but appears to be more slow in the castorn and southern districts than in other parts . Tho total number of deaths from cholera was 754 in tho last week of September ; they declined to 411 in the week that ended last Saturday . The deaths from diarrhoea in tho same times were 165 and 98 . The returns of cholera for the last two weeks give 118 and 69 in the western districts , 50 and 26 in tho northern , G 2 nncl 31 in tho central , 146 and 95 in tho eastern , and 383 and 200 in the southern districts .
Last week the births of 711 boys and 691 girls , in all 1402 children , were registered in London . Tho average number in eight corresponding weeks of tho years 1815— 52 was 1397 . At tho lioyal Observatory , Greenwich , tho moan height of tho barometer in the week was 29 . 710 in . ; on Sunday tho mean reading wart 80 . 068 in . Tho mean teinperuturo Of tho week was £ >! J . G dog ., -which is 1 dog . above tho avorago of the unmo wcuk in 88 years . Tho highest temperature occurred on Monday and Thursday , and was
72 . 8 cleg . ; and on tho latter day the moan temperature was 60 . 0 dag ., being 8 . 2 dog . above tho average ; on the two following days it was below tho average . The moan dow-point temperature of tho week won 48 . 1 dog ., and tho cHflureuca between this and the air temperature , wa « f > . 5 dog . Tho air wiih calm in tho fir « t pnrtnf tho wcuk ; on Wednesday mul Thursday iho wind blew from the Houth-wt'Ml , and at tho oiul of tho wook wao in tins northeast . Hnin to the amount of 0 . 45 in . full on tho laat two days .
Iiollkoks Of Peace. Two Frrent Moivantil...
IIOllKOKS OF PEACE . Two frrent moivantilo communltioH have just boon involvort ia calamitioH that Mcba » to | iol will hardly exceed . Nowcuhtlo-upon-Tyno and Gntowlioad have bam nearly destroyed by gunpowder , and Mumal has boon utmost burnt do-wn . On the : morning of tho 6 th , « , firo broke out in ivworstodmanufuutory at G utudhauri , which noon reached n warehouse containing vast quantities of Hulphur nitre , and
gunpowder , which instantly blew up , shaking the town and setting Newcastle , on the opposite side of the river ' on £ re . Houses were thrown down , many persons buried in the ruins , and others suffocated by the fumes of the exploded combustibles . A large building , used as a Methodist chapel , near the scene of the conflagration , was occupied by a body of the Camerontans , who are stationed at Newcastle barracks . They Avere engaged with their
fire-engine operating on the flames , when the explosion blew down the greater part of the building , and buried several of the poor gallant fellows in its ruins . Lieut . Paynter , the commander of the force , was amongst the victims . Mr . Robert Pattinson , a member of the Newcastle corporation , was suffocated by the fumes . Mr . Davison , jun ., miller , a barber named Hamilton , a sergeant of the Cameronians , Scott , a Gateshead policeman , ¦ were among the earliest bodies recognised . The loss of life and property is very great .
This was in Gateshead . Burning rafters were thrown across tlie river into the middle of Newcastle , which was set on firo . The quay side is demolished—the worst part of Gateshead blown up . All this 5 s no great matter ; it ¦ will _ great good ; but there has been a shocking loss of life , I fear one hundred or more . The ruins fell among crowds , and we fear many are still under them . There was no wind luckily , and it appears only one third of the combustibles took fire . If all had , and there had been a wind , Newcastle and Gateshead would have ceased to exist . A correspondent says , " The explosion was like the concussion of an earthquake . "
On the 5 th , a conflagration occurred in the city of MemeL which was with difficulty subdued on the 6 tb , after destroying property to the extent of 2 , 000 , 000 / . The custom-house , hank , and court of justice were all burnt , and public business had been entirely suspended . ; This fire will affect the tallow-market , for it is to this port that nearly all the produce of the north of Russia has this year been consigned in consequence of the blockade . Not much tallow has been destroyed , but the suspension of business in the town has caused a rise ia the price .
A Steamer Lost . —If we were hot daily reading of killed and wounded in battle , -we should perhaps hear ¦ with more horror of the loss of a vessel with 300 souls . The United States' mail-steamer Arctic , Captain Luce , was lost on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., on her voyage frpan Liverpool to New York , about sixty-five miles from Caye Race , oil the coast of Newfoundland . This terrible event was the consequence of a collision in a dense fog with an iron steamer ( French ) , the Testa , trading between Franco and America , There were from SOO to 400 persons on board , including passengers , officers , anil crew , of whom only fourteen passengers , threo officers of the ship , and twenty-eight seamen , are known to have been saved , having arrived at Newfoundland ; but it is possible that some others may be picked up .
Movements Op Notabilities. The New Gover...
MOVEMENTS OP NOTABILITIES . The new Governor of the Cape , Sir G eorgo Grey , sailed from Bristol on Saturday . Mr . Buchanan , tho United States' minister , has left London for the continent to attend a conference of Ameriqjin ambassadors in Europe . Queen Christina is shqrtly expected at a chateau at Malmaison , where preparations are being made for her reception . Jdrome Napoleon Uonaparte , grandson of Prince J < j ~ rorne , who has left tho American for tho French army , has arrived at Marseilles on his way to tho East . Lord Stanley , M . P ., has been staying at Bnllykisteen , the Tipporary seat of Lord Derby , and examining into the local system of Poor Kcliuf . Lord John Russell has been at Scarborough , where ho received a congratulatory addreoo from the Town Council ; to which ho relied , mentioning tliat he was a supporter of civil and religion ;) liberty , and soon ; but the point of Iuh speech was that ho had discovered that * ' Scarborough had the huppiiMwa to enjoy tho advantages of a healthful position , and an exemption from epidemic di . settiio , " whieli ho trusted tho vigilunco of the municipality would preserve . Tho Komnn Catholic llinlio ]) of ( Jloync is on his w < iy to Itomo to nttund the groat synod of 1 lia Calhollo world , lie truveln in company with Archbishop Ciillon . Mr . Eduxuiul O'Fluhorty tutu airivud at Neir York ! I ! Tho habUith of the Opera at Vnrti nro In conntomation at tho Hudilen dir 4 : i ]>|>» aranr < . i of MikU'IikiIhoIIo Cruviilli . < Jn « evening hlii ! wim niuutimcod f « r tl >« part , of Valentino in tho Jlwjii < w > t « , but In < m * iih (!( juoik : o of lior unoxplaincd uJwoncu ' llicro wan no jmrforiiHUieu . It wan HWppoMwl tliat nh » murtl l »
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 14, 1854, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_14101854/page/9/