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1102 THE LEADER. [No. 399, November 14, ...
Warder-street, St. James's, upholsterer—...
/(rTTtrTm^rrfni ( Vl frF' OUUlIUuriUl >tlUUHi(«
¦ V ¦ ¦ London, Friday Evening, November...
Blackburn, S, 9; Caledonian, 72, 73; Che...
CORN MARKET. Mark-lane, Friday, November...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1102 The Leader. [No. 399, November 14, ...
1102 THE LEADER . [ No . 399 , November 14 , 1857 .
Warder-Street, St. James's, Upholsterer—...
Warder-street , St . James ' s , upholsterer—Petbb Kkitway , Lombard-street , drysalter—John Gha , pisian , Hartlepool , grocer — J & Mxa Magkat , Liverpool , timber merchant—John Mackay , Liverpool , timber merchant—John Beabxxt Wood andWai / ter TA . RKANT , Liverpool , merchants—Johjt Johnstow , "Wakefiefcl . upholsterer*—Wiili \ m Swiue , Xakes , BxAiat , Eiias Swiss , and . John Witton , Earden , Yorkshire , builders— "Wiixea . 31 Henky BKCKKxr , Kidderminster , innkeeper—Dovky Hawkespobd and Johit Hatvkesfokd , Bllston , Staffordshire-, screw manufacturers —James Orxtesker and William Ohmeshbk , Manchester , silk manufacturers —; M 09 BS Sbtmour , Maktx"N Sbttmouk , Rodridge Colliery , county of Durham , colliery owners . - ¦ SCOTCH SEQTrESmA . TIONS . —Axexandbb King , Perth , grocer — Joseph Habb , Linlithgow — John Mon-T £ ith and Co ., Glasgow , calico printers—Petes Combie , Perth , painter—Bobehx Watt , Glasgow , accountant and commission merchant .
/(Rtttrtm^Rrfni ( Vl Frf' Ouuliuuriul ≫Tluuhi(«
Cnmniemal Mnm :
¦ V ¦ ¦ London, Friday Evening, November...
¦ V ¦ ¦ London , Friday Evening , November 13 . The unexampled Bank rate and monetary crisis has at length induced Government to interfere . Yesterday , for the second time , the Bank darter act of 18 * 1 was suspended , and the Bank authorities empowered to increase their issues on , ' approved securities' at a rate of not less than 10 per cent ., irrespective of the amount of bullion ia their possession . The recent unexpected failure had created a universal feeling- of distrust . Business in the morning was at a stand-still , and public expectation was . intense ; at this crisis , sad not a moment too soon , this measure ( which was announced at half past three o ' clock in the Stock Exchange ¦ by the Bank broker amidst extraordinary excitement ) restored . & feeling of confidence . Consols at once improved , and closed at the highest quotation of the day . English Railways participated in the rise , some improving 1 to 1 J per cent . Arrivals from the Continent of sflvor are still large , and in American securities little business is doing .
Blackburn, S, 9; Caledonian, 72, 73; Che...
Blackburn , S , 9 ; Caledonian , 72 , 73 ; Chester and Holyhead , 23 * 38 ; B * afcerii Couutiea , 51 i , 52 J ; Great Northern , 98 95 i . Great Southern and Western ' ( Ireland ) , 96 , 98 ; Great \ Vestern , 48 , 49 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 90 £ , 91 ; London and Blackwall , 5 J , 5 k ; London , Brighton , and Sooth Coast , 100 . 102 ; London and North-Western , 96 k 964 ; London aqid South-Western , 84 , 85 ; Midland , S 1 J , 82 ; North .-Eastern ( Berwick ) , 891 , 90 J ; South-Eastern ( Dover ) , 62 ; 65 $ V Antwerp and Rotterdam , 5 i , 5 |; Dutch Bhenisbj , 6 * , 54 dis . ; Eastern of Frauce ( Paris and Strasbourg ) ,. 25 » 354 ; Great Central of France ,. ——; Great Luxembourg , 5 | , 5 f ; X & rthern of France , 34 i , 341 ; Paris and Lyons , 32 f , S 2 |; Boval Danish , 13 i , 15 * x . d . ; Royal Swedish * , 'f ; Sambre and Mease , 5 f , 6 i .
Corn Market. Mark-Lane, Friday, November...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , November 13 . Tax suspension of the Bank Act has had very little influence on our market , which is and has been but little affected by the dearness of money , beyond the general curtailment of business from prudential motives . The exportation from France- seems to affect us more than the other circumstauce . Bed English Wheat fetches 50 s . to 52 s . Norfolk Flour , 35 s . per sack . Archangel Oa . ts , 2 ls . Soft St . Petersburg "Wheat , 47 s . per 496 lbs . ; Saxonka , 52 s . per 496 lbs . Maize , S 4 a . 6 d . per 480 lbs .
Beitish Funj>S For The Past Week. (Closi...
BEITISH FUNJ > S FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Pkices . ) Sxt . \ Jftrn . Tues .. 1 Wed . Thur . Frid . Bank Stock ..... 211 211 211 211 2094 209 * 3 per Cent . Red , « 7 | 87 i 871 88 J 87 J 88 $ 3 per Cent . Con . An- SSJ 881 88 | 89 88 g 89 * Consols for Account 88 $ 88 * 89 i 89 i 894 89 | New » per Cent . An . 88 88 ? I 88 873 875 88 * New 24 per Cents . _ Long Ans . 1860 2 2 15-16 India Stock 210 212 i 212 »¦ Ditto Bonds . « 1000 | | Ditto , under £ 1000 50 d 40 d 40 d i Ex . Bills , JG 1 O 0 O } 8 d 17 d 24 d 17 d 35 d ' 18 d Ditto , £ 500 ^ 18 d 17 d 17 d 10 d ' 35 d i 18 d Ditto , Small 15 d 21 d 17 d ' 25 d ' 20 d ' 20 d FOREIGN FUNDS . Last Official Quoxatioit DUBiNeTiiE Wjebkending-TiraasDAX Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 884 ' Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayrea 6 p . Cents ... I Russian Bonds , 0 per Chilian 8 per Cents ... I Cents 10 « Chilian 3 per Cents ... | Russian 44 per Cents .... 95 Dutch 24 per Cents 634 Spanish .-. 25 a Dutch 4 per Cent . Ccrbf . WSJ Spanish Committee Cer-Eqnador Bonds ... of Coup , not fun S Mexican Account — is Turkish e per Cents » 7 i Peruvian 4 * perCentu .... 74 1 Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 054 Portuguese * 3 per Cents . 43 ' , Venezuela *} per Cents
Hollow Ay's Pills A. Certain Remedy For, The Cube Of Bowel And
XiIVBK , COMLI'LAIINTS . — io cleanse tho blood and purify the fluids is all thai ; is requisite to keep the system in a Bound and healthy state . This is . effected hy a steady per-Boveranco in the us « of Holloway ' a Pills , which cannot bo said of any other medicine over placed before tho public . By recourse to their use the afflicted are soon blessed with a return of health , strength , and cheerfulness , when they have boon considered beyond , human aid . Sold by all Medicine vendors throughout the world ; at Processor HOLLO WAY'S Establishments , 244 , Straud , Londou , ami 80 , Maiden-lane , New York j by A- Stain pa . Con 8 t » ntinopJo ; A .-GuUlicy , Smyrna ; and E . Mulr , Malta .
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . — M " . JULLIEH'S CONCERTS . —MADLLE . JETTY TRBFFZ . The highly successful Indian Quadrille and General Haveloek ' s Grand Triumphal March every Evening during tho week . ¦ .. - . ¦ ¦¦ ' ' . ¦ '¦ ' - . ; ¦ ' ¦ ' :.. The uew grand descriptive composition by M . Jnllien , eniiitled the "INDIAN QUADRILLE . " and GENERAL HAVELOCK'S TRIUMPHAL MARCH , performed by M . Jullien ' s Orchestra , assisted by the drums and fifes of the Grenadier Guards , tho Coldstreani Guards , the Scots Fusilier Guards , and a Grand Chorus . Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen . , "Prices of Admission•;—Promenade , Is . ; Upper Boxes , Is . ; Gallery , Is . ; Private Boxes . 10 s . 6 d . and upwards , to be had at the Box-office at the Theatre . THE GRAND BAL MASQUE , which will close M- Jullien ' s Nineteenth Season of Concerts ( 1857 ) , will take place on Monday , November 30 th .
OPERA BUFFA , ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . On Monday Evening , November ltitli , tho Operas of COLUMELLA and IL CASfPANELLO wilt be repeated . Tuesday next , November 17 , will a \ ao be produced , for tne first time in this country , Ricci ' s admired Opera , CRISPIN *) E LA COM ARE , with entirely new scenery and costumes , imported from Italy , and iu which Signora Maria Tancioni , Signor de Giorpi , Siguor Castelli , and Signor Giorgetti will make their lirst appearance in this country . IL BIRRAIO DI PRESTON is in active preparation . Subscriptions per Month or Season , as also Private Boxes , Stalls , and Tickets , may be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s Koyal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at the Box-office , which is open daily , from eleven to live o'clock .
MR . ALBERT SMITH has the honour to announce that MONT BLANC will open for the season on Monday Evening , November 23 rd . During the recess the room has been cornpletley renovated and redecorated , and several improvements made , which , it is hoped , will tend to the increased comfort of the audience . The rowtoot the tour will be as follows : —The Rhine Panorama , between Cologne aud Heidelberg-, will form an Introduction , before the actual journey . which will lake the travellers through the Bernese Oberlaud , by Zurich , the Rigi , the Lake of Lucerne , the Jungfrau , the Great St . Bernard , and Geneva , on to Chamouni . Tlie Ascent of Mont ~ Blanc will , as before form the Entr ' acte . The second part Tvill be entirely devoted to Naples and the adjacent points . of . interest . .. ' _ ¦ .. ' . . . ' _ " . ¦¦'¦' . ¦¦ . • . ' ¦ . '¦ . ; : ¦•'¦' . . '¦ ' : ¦ These , painted by Mr . WiitiiM Betirite ^ -, will comprise a General View of Naples from the heights of Pausilinothe Santa Lucia and Hotel de Rome a > t Naples , looking towards Portici—the House of . the Tragic Poet at Pompeii —the Ruins at Passtum — the Blue Grotto at Capri—the Ascent of Vesuvius ; and the Eruption of Vesuvius on the 24 th of September last , with the lava running down to the Atrio del Cavalli , at which Mr . Axbbbx Smith was present . Mr . Smith was fortunate enough to encounter several old friends , on the journey , including the Engineer of the Austrian Lloyd's Company at Sorrento , and Baby Simmons at Pompeii . The representations will take place every , evening ( except Saturday ) at Eight o'clock , and on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons at Three o'clock . The Box-olfi . ce will bo open at the Egyptian Hall , on and after Monday , ICth , where Stalls can be secured without any extra charge .
TP | EAF , NESS . —A retired Surgeon , from the JL / Crimea , having been restored to perfect hearing by a nmtfrvo physic Ian ia Turkey , after fourteen years of great suffering- from noises in the Ears and extreme Deafness , without being able to obtain the least relief from any Auriut in , Bngland , ia anxious to communicate to others tho pturttauhurs for the cure of the same . A book sent to any part Off tb « world on receipt of nix stamps , or tho Author will ajppljr the treatment himself , at his residence ) . Burgeon SA . WUUBL , COLSTON , Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons , London . At home from 11 till 4 daily . —8 , Lolcosfcerplac « . i *« loe « tor ^ quare , London , where thousands of lotters may bo scon from poraons cured .
/ CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS . — Open every Kj Evening-, at POLYGRAPHIC HALLi , KING "WILLIAM-STREET , STRAND . Monday Kveninp :, November 1 C , the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH ENTERTAINMENT by this talented troupe in London . Great hit of the " Jullicn Burlesque . " ( Doors open nt Half-pasi Seven , Commence at Eight . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s . ; Amphitheatre , Is . ; Boxes , U . 1 &) ; on Saturday , a MorniiiK Entertainment , commencing at Three . —Seats can bo secured at Mr . Mitchell's , 33 , Old Bond-street , or at tho Hall .
DR . BE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Prescribed by tho most eminent Medical Practitioners as tho most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS . ASTHMA , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETBS , DISEASES Ol ' THE SKIN , NKURALGIA . RICKETS , INFANTILH WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AKl- 'ECTIOSiS . Contains iodine , phosphate of lino , volatile fatty acids—in short , all tho most essential etirativo properties—in much larger quantities than tlio Palo Ojln manufactured in Groat Britain and Newfoundland , mainly deprived of those by their mode of preparation- ' Tho well-merited celebrity of Dr . do Jonah ' s Oil ia attested by its extensive use in Franco , Germany , Rimin ., Holland , and Belgium , by numerous spontaneous testimonials from distinguished members of tho Facul ty and uctenlitto chomlats of European reputation , an < l ainco its introduction into this country , by tho marked succchb with which it has been prescribed by tho Medical Profession . In Innumerable cosch , where other kinds of Cod Livor Oil had boon tak « m with little or no benoflt , it has produced almost immediato relief , arrested disciuio , and restored health .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO , arc now deUvering tho October Browing of tho abova celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for liy the hiRhest medical and . chemical authorities of tlie d-iv Supplied in bottlns , also in casks of 18 » callons and upwards by HARRINGTON , l'AUKElt , and . CO ., Wiua auifsK . Merchants , 54 , Pall-mall .. l ^ Oct ., 1857 .
(^ ISAL CIGARS ! SISAL CIGARS !! at O Goodrich ' s Ciffar , Tobacco , and Snuft * Stores -107 Oxford-street , London , near Soho-squarc . Box , coutiiiniriir 14 , for la . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; Ib . boxes , containing 10 S , 12 s . None are genuine unless signed "II > i Goodrich . " *
EPPS'S COCOA . —This excellent prepnration is supplied in it ) , and J lb . packets , Is . Sd : and lod . A tm canister , containing 7 i lb .. lls . ( id . —JAMES KPPsj Homoeopathic Chemist , 170 . Piccadilly ; 8-2 , Old lii-oadstrect , City ; and 112 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbitrw
GLE N FIE L D PA TENT STA 11 C H USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , And pronounced by HER , MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to be THE FINEST STARCH SUE EVER USED . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , & c . & c .
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS' in VETERINARY SCIENCE . ¦ " If ' progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whoso duty itis tostmly the diseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest on a visit to the well-known Horse Infirmary of Air . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Hero incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonishing , whilo the c . HU cacy of theremodies , and the quickness of their action , appear . t q have revolutionised the whole system , of firing and blistering . Among tho ' -niost recent proofs of the euro of spavins by Mr , Major , wo may mentionCannobio . thewi ' . iner . of the 3 Ietropolitaii » audsecoii ( l favourite for the . ' per ! iv , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers couid desirp . And by tho advertisement of Mr . Major's painphlot iu another column , we perceive that other equally nnnuTclous cures are set forth , which place him at th <; Iiead of the y <; terinary art in London . " —Globe , Slay 10 , lS 3 n . :
HAIR-CURLING FLUID , 1 , LITTLE . QUEEN-STREET , HIGH HOLBOltN . — VLlvX . ROSS'S CURLING FLUID saves the trouble of puttinc the hair into papers , or tlip / use of curling irons ; for iinnic ; - diatel y it is applied to cither ladies' or gcntleraen ' s hair a beautiful and lasting curl is obtained . Sold at 3 s . t 5 d . St itfree ( undercover ) for 54 stamps . —ALEX . ROSS'S L 1 Q . U 11 > HAIR DYE is of little trouble iu application , perfect i > . r effect , and economical in use . Sold at 3 s . 6 d . Sent Ace in a blank wrapper , the same day as ordered , for 54 '• stamps . Alex . Ross ' s Depilatory removes superfluous liair from ; ho face , neck , and arms . 3 a . Cd per bottle ; sent free for ¦ . '• i stamps ; or to be had of all chemists . RUPTURES .-BT ROYAL LETTERS PATKNT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS U allowed by upwards of 200 MeiUcalGentlomcn to l > c the niost < i ( r « ctivo invention in the curative troalinr ' ot Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( ho hurtful in its effects ) is here avoidcd . a soft Uantlagebeing worn round tUo body , while therenuisite reaistiii K power issuppliud liy 1 in : JIoc-. Maiu Pad ana Patent Lever , li ttin . fr with so mur ' li ^ . \> c ami closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be v . n-11 during sleep . A descriptive circular may be hart , and th <; Truss ( wind ) cannot fail to lit ) l ' orwarded by po ^ t , <> . ; t he circumference of the body , two ' , inches below tin- hi 11 , beiiii ? sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN "W" 11 LTE , 22 * , I'iOcadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 2 ( is . GU ., and ais . iJii . - Postage , Is . Double Truss ,-31 s . Od ., 42 s ., and . "J 2 s . Cil . —Postajro Is . \ I Umbilical Truss , t'is . and 5 ' 2 s . ( id . —Postage Is . Kid . Post-oHlco Orders tobo made pnj'a , ble to JOHN WH V ' ili Post-ollice , Piccadilly . EL ASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & ir ., for VA 1 U 0 O 8 K VEINS , and all cases of "WKAKNKSS and SWELLING of the LUGS , SlMtAl ^ S . v « . Thoyaro porous , llg'ht in texture , and inexpensive , a ml avu draArn on like an ordinary stocking . l ' ric . Rfrom 7 a . Oil . to Ids . ( -ach . —l ' ostntre , ( Hi . JOHN WHITE , aianufacturor . aiS . Piccadilly , l . «> n < lt : i ..
r > UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CUKl'D L \ j WITHOUT A TRUSS .-Dr . BARKER'S oolcluaUl RI 0 . MKDY is protcscttid by throe patents , of Diil-I m . iI , I ' rniicr , and Vienna ; and from its | rru & t success iu priMiiu practice is now made known as a public duty tlircuiirli 11 | m by " all who havo bctiu tortttntd with trusses . S « Mit 1 )<> -- > i 1 !' - ' to any part of th « world , with instructions for uv , . u r . ¦!'•; , London . —Any inl ' riiiKcmcnt of this trijilo pnt <; n ! win J 1 proceeded against , and restrained by injunction ol ' .-n Lord Hiffh Ohancellor .
A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Arlili ^ il Teeth and OuuiHivru IHted with ubsolutf pt-rlft '¦ ' and ruccchh hitlici'Lo unattainable . No springs . or v . in ¦ . "' ' ( utraction oi ' roots , or any puiiil'iil opcrntion . 'IIn * important iuvcutlou pe rfcets tho br-iiutifnl iirtol' the iI < i < wm a closoncbK of 11 L aud beauty of appearance bciiitf obliitiny oqunl to naturo . All iniilalionu Hhouldlio carefully avu ; ii «' l > tlio f 5 (! i > "ii »« being on ly supjilied by Messrs . ( lAlMilKI-. i " ' old-eatabllshedJJ < iutistN , from : jy . ( id . por Tooth —t ' ots , 1 / . ^ Observe nnnio anil number particularly . : s ;( , Tjinir " ' 1 . ' London ( live doors west of tho Old Bailey ) ; and Kit , I '" ° ' street , Liverpool . KstubllbhcdlHOI . I ' roparod Whlto ( Julia Porolia I'luanicl , . tholios ^ Slupi ¦ ' ¦<¦' for dtscayiid 'L ' uotli , renders thorn houuiI und ns (! l ' td in ii- 1 '' liciitiun , iiomittiUir how l ' ar decayed , iniu" oll ' outuiilly jmvvi iir ToothauliL > . —in boxes , with directions , at . 1 h . ( Id . ; li ' tv '' . . post ,, ^ 0 utainpa . Sold by ino « l ( JImmiiIsIh in ' 1 own ¦ > " Country . Ask for Clabriiji ' H ( JutU l ' crcha KiiiuikI .- '^' opinions of tho l » rc « a tliereon ,
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 14, 1857, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_14111857/page/22/