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__ Np. 399, ISTovember 14, 1857.] TH E L...
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__ Np. 399, Istovember 14, 1857.] Th E L...
__ Np . 399 , ISTovember 14 , 1857 . ] TH E LE ADEE , IlOa
FENDERS , STOVES , and ; FIRE' IRONS . — Buyers of the sibove are requested , before linallv deciding , to visit WILXIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES . FIRE IRON'S , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , aa cannot be approached elsevrhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Briglit stoves ; with bronzed ornaments and two seta of bars . 41 . 14 s . to 131 . 13 s ;; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 57 . 5 s . to 221 . ; Bronzed Fenders , complete , with standards , 7 s . to 5 Z . 12 s . ; Steel Fenders , 21 . 15 s . to \\ l . \ ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , 21 . 15 s . tol 8 Z . ; Fire Irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to ^ Z .-ls-The BURTON" and all otlter PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . CUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied assortment of TABLE-CUTLERY in the world , all warranted , is on SALE at "WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that arc remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales—3 Jinch ivory-haudled table-knives , with high shoulders , 12 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , 9 s . fid ; if to "balaaice , Cd . per dozen extra ; csvrvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; larger sizes , from 19 a . to 286 . per dozen ; extra lino ivory , Sis . ; if with silver rerrules ,. 37 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives , 79 . ffd . per dozen ; desserts , fls . ( Jd . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen-, desserts , 6 s ., carvers , 2 s , Gd . ; black wood-handled table-knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steels from Is . each - -The largest stock in existence of plated' dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish-carvers . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent of Blessrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can bo employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Fiddle or Thread or Old Silver Brunswick King ' s Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . Table Spoons and Forks per dozen ... ... . ¦ .. " ' ... 3 Ss . 48 s . ...... 60 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 3 . 0 s . . „ ... 35 s 42 s . Tea ditto ... ... ... ISs . ...... 2 is . 80 s . Tea andColFee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c ., at proportionate prices . All kinds of replating done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Table Spoonsan-aForks , Fiddle , Thread , King ' s , per dozen . — .............. 12 s . ... 28 a . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and . ditto ... ifls . ... 2 ls . .... 25 s . TTea ditto ........................ 5 s . ... Us . ... 12 a . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in great varietv , and of the newest and most recherche patters . Tin dish covers , Gs . Gd . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 28 s . 9 d . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 5 Ss . fid . the set ; Britannia metal ,,, with or without silver plated handles . 76 b . Gd . to 110 a . 6 d . the set ; Sheffield plated , 102 . to 16 / . 10 s . the set block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , ful size , 11 / . 11 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE maybe had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of . his illiniited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plato , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Stoves , Venders , Mtirble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Clocks , Tablo Cutlery , Eatlis and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedstead ' s , Bedding , Hod Hangings , & c . & c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixtcon large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxford-street ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , and 3 , Nowrniui-streofc ; and ¦> , 5 , and < 3 , Ferry ' splace , London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
HEx lL and SON'S EIDERDOWN QUILTS from one guinea to ton guineas ; also GOOSE DOWN QUILTS from 8 s . Gd . to 24 s . List of prices and sizes sent free by post . HEAL AND SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of BEDSTEADS and PRICED LIST of BEDDING also sent post free . 100 , Tottenham Court-road , W .
XpRENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . —The J- newest patterns of the present season . —Deane , Dray , and Co . have completed an extensive and choice assortment of these Lumps : Bronzo from l ) s . Cd . to itf . China from IDs . to 7 / . 7 s . ench . Engravings with prices freo per post . Pnre Colza Oil for the abovo Lamps at the lowest market price delivered in London or the suburbs periodically , or on receipt of letter order . Deane , Dray , and Co . ( opening to the Monument ) , London-bridge . Established a . d . I 7 i ) o .
COC OA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . TRELOAR'S IS Till- ] BEST . Prize Mednls awarded —London , New York , nnd Paris . CatalogutJH , containing Prices and evory particular , post free . Warehouse , 42 , Lnikr . ito-hill , London . 13 . C .
PATENT IMPROVEMENTS IN STABLE FITTlN ( i & -C 3 OTTAM \ S PATENT COMPONIZED MANGERS , Water or Gruel Troughs . The application of tnis now patent motliod of lining iron nmnger . s beiiiR inexpensive , will greatly increaso their adoption ; they possess ail tliti advantages of Cottam ' s celebrated e ' nainollod jnangcrs , aro equal in appearance , elrauliness , and durability , the lining is warranted to stand any amount of fair weav , and will neither chip uor change , il . s colour by uso . u > ttams patent permanent nUuclied drop cover for the above is a most essential addition to their Httings ; it is noyor in tlio way , can bo placed and replaced in an instant , Wlnlo its cheapness , simplicity , and utility in keeping the + 2 Knl 1 of t . ho tr . B « 3 "loan and regulating the quantity to bo taken , is qinto sufnclont to ensuro its uao . Tho new fSsftv 'V ^ , , ^ Prevent the horso wasting the hay by toss ! ,,, * it out of the rack , and tho improved curved front Fik ^ ii ^ Pn ' . ° . monT a . , mrJ P «» j <* ctlona nro obviated , S , ih ? f " onfc » oisol «« a luiUer wilde and collar 8 trn \\ Si , »> o "owly-iiivoHtod swivel ring for allowing the tionl fnn \ C Ula i P , ° »»« o « . "wo most important iiivon-BottoWn « , 1 ! T S i ftfc > t * an ( 1 co »«' " » t- Cottaui' 8 patent Kh ™ ° n * ? , B ront Utilit -V J " tl » OH « J ntMllRH . fitting i &™ ? ** , tho . . * U ) ut l 0 ° ™ box 3 llul HarnoHS stabk ? fiwP . « ved St t 1 ) l 0 draln 9 « nn « l 0 Vftry description of roo ™« « V o 'JT ' Can b . ° H ? Qn ^ th « "laimrnwtory nnil show-H ? Cottam and Hallon . a , Wiiibley-Htveefc . Oxfordbwoot , London . \ Y . Illustrated Catalogues on application .
A . BON 1 TS DIVISION will be mad « at 31 st December , 185 S , of Profits on the Life Policies on tho participating scale taken out before the close of the present year , 1857 , in the : — GLOBE IMSURANCE , CORNHILL & CHARING-CROSS , LONDON " . ESTABLISHEO 1803 . Capital ONE MILLION" , All paid-up and invested . Fowler NEWS AM , Esq . —Chairman . John "Edward JOHNSON , Esq . —Deputy-Chairman . George CarrGLYN , Esq ., M . P . —Treasurer . rntE . LIPE , AN : N"UITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERSIONARY business transacted . ¦ - ' ¦¦'¦ AVIL . LIA 3 I NEWAIARCH , Secretary .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated byHoyal CI \ arfcer , 18-iT .. LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS are ( granted ! at par upon the Ranks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . iWpproveoV drafts ar » Stouth Australia negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Banking business is conducted direct witih Victoria and New South Wales , and also with tho other Australian Colonies , through tlie Company ' s Agrents . : . Apply at the Offices , No . 51 , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . AVILLIA 3 I PURDY , Manager . london , November , 1857 .
T > ANK OF DEPOSIT , 3 , Pall-Mall , East , X 3 London . Established A . D . 1844 . Parties desirous of INVESTING- MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of interest maybe obtained wi th perfect security . The Interest is payable in January and July , either atthe Head Office in London , or at the various Branches throughout the Country , PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . .-Prospcctnses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
IL LU S T RATION S—The GONHEATH . ¦ .- ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ : : . V .: ' . ¦ : MANTLE . ' ¦ ¦¦¦ .:.: . .. ; . , : ¦ ¦ . ;¦ "To Messrs . JAY , of Regent-streefr , the faslitonable world is indebted for its introduction into this country , where it will doubtless speedily secure the favour it enjoys in the beau ' monde of Paris . " — From the Illustrated l *> ndoit News . ¦ ..: . - .. ' . ; . " ; ' ¦• ; • . ¦ V : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ''' . ' . '
TXTINTER HOSIERY , of every description , W "including-the new coloured "Wool Stockings ^ also . Underclothing for » Family use and Invalids . Printed Flannels and Dressing Gowns in great variety . —POPE and PLANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , AVaterloo ^ place , Pall-mall , London .
THE BULF ANGER , NEW WINTER OVERCOAT , 25 s . to 42 s ., just introduced by R . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor . 7-1 , Regent-street , W . 'Jho OUDE WRAPPER , Registered , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , from 25 s . to 60 s . ThePELISSIER , from 21 s . to 30 s . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS made to order from Scotch , Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shruuk . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FROCK COATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOAT . N . B . —A perfect flt guaranteed .
THE SYDENHAM TOP COAT'ia made from the best Materials , by "Workmen of cultivated taste , at the moderate sum of Two Guineas ; the appreciation of tho fashionable world of genuine and perfect Articles of Dr « ss renders tho success of the Sydenham Top Coat a certainty . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill .
• VXTHAT'S IN A NAME ? —This query can V V be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Ludgatehill , the Inventorsof the SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 b . 6 d . for in the fashionable world there is associated with the Sytlenhani Trousers a perfect idea , synonymous with a graceful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
inn nnn cTjsT ° MERs . — L \ J \ J + \ J \ J \ J SAUNDERS BROTHERS ' STATIONERY is ^ thoUEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . Creamlaid note paper , 2 s . per ream ; black-bordered noto , is .: letter paper , is . ; straw paper , 2 s . fld . per ream j cream-laid adliesive envelopes , 4 d . per 100 , or 3 s . per 1000 ; commercial envelopes , from -ts . per 1000 ; black-bordered envelope * . Od . per 100 . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY < Sixty descriptions , all priced and numbered ) sent post free on receipt of four stamps . All orders over 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post free . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , & c—SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 101 , London-wall . London , E . C .
M AP PIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by tho Makers , MVPP 1 N inCOTllERS , Queon ' s Cutlery Works , Slietliold , and ( 17 . King " \\ illiani-strcct , City , London , where tho largest stock ol Cutlery in tlio world is kept .
"IVTORWICH UN [ ON LIFE INSPKAJtfCE -Lv . SOCIETY . Instituted 180 S . Invested capital exceedniB 2 , O 00 , OO 0 « . sterling . . This Society i 3 one of the very few pmrely Mutual " ¦¦ ¦ Insurance offices , the whole of the profits being divided among the policy holders . The rates are considerably below those usuallv charged . Thus at th « age of 40 the sum of 32 ? . 19 a . 2 d ., wliich at tho ordinary premium will insure IMM . —toWi tlie Xorwich Union-vsM insureVfool . 4 a ' ., giving an immediate bonus in audition to subsequent accumulations . ¦ . Annuities and special risks undertaken ' on favourableterms . JFor forms of proposal and prospectuses apply to tho Society ' s offices , 0 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , E . C ., and Surrey-street , Norwich .
SPECIAL NOTICE . —Sixth Division- of Profits . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Established 18-25 . Constituted by special Acts of Parliament . —The Directors request attention tothe clese of the books for the present year , on 15 th of November instant , with reference to the advantage of effecting assurances before that date . Tlie Sixth Division of Profits will be in I 860 , and the fund to be divided will be derived from the profits which may have arisen between 18 * 5 and I 860 . Those persons who effect assurances before 15 th Novem ber , 1 S 57 , will participate in . the division of 1860 , securing four . vears' bonus , while they wilj be entitled to the division in 1865 to rank for nine years ; in 1870 for fourteen years and so on , their claim increasing at each quinquennial period . The mode of division is essentially tontine , and the Directors ¦ confidently- assert that no life assurance institution , holds outgreater ad vantages than the Standard to persons who , looking forward to long life , effect assurances for thebenefit of their families- \ The Company ' s largo accumulated funds are invested in the security of land and Government Securities . Its income considerably exceeds a , quarter of a million sterling , and during tlie last ten tjsa , rs alone 8300 nolieies have been issued by the Compnivy , covering assurances exceeding int amout four and a half millions sterling . Govee ^ or . —His Grace the Duke of BTJCCLEUCH and QUEENSBERRY . DEPUTr-GovEESOR . —The Right Honourable the EarL of EX . GIN and KINCARDINE . CHAIBMAJT OP THE BOAKD . The Right Honourable the Earl of ABERDEEN . ORPrNARY DIRECTORS . JOHN GRIFFITH FRITH , Esq ., Austin Friars . ALEXANDER GILLESPIE , Esq ., 3 , Billiter-coiirfc-JOHN SCOTT . Esq ., 4 , Hyde Park-street . Sir ANTHONY OLIPHANT , C . B . FRANCIS LE BRETON , Esq ., 3 , Crosby-square . JOHN H . PLOAVES , Esq ., 64 , Broad-street JOHN LINDSAY . Esq ., 7 , Portman-square . WILL . TKOS . THOMSON , Manager H . JONES WILLIAMS , Res . Sec London , 82 , King "William-street , City . Edinburgh , 3 , George-street ( Head office ) . Dublin , 00 , Upper Sackville-street . Agents m most towns of iinportance throughout the kingdom . .
XNCREASED RATE OF INTEREST . —The JL Bank '" of England having this-day advuncod the rate of Discount , the Directors of the DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK arc prepared to give SEVEN per cent , oa all sums from 201 . and upwards , until" further notice . Chairman— The EAUL OF DEVON " . 6 , Cannon-street "West , E . C . G . H . LAW , Manacer . October 12 , 1857 .
ARGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , XJL 30 , Throstnorton-street , Bank . Citaikman -THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq ., Alderman . DEPtTTT-Cnairman—WILLIAM ! LEAF , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq . Bupert Ingleby , Esq . Edward Bates , Esq . Saffery W . Johnson , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A . Jereinia-h Pilclier , Esq . John Humphory , Esq ., Aid . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician . —Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 . Finsbury-square . Surgeox—W . Coulsou , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-place , Old Jewry . ACTTJAitY . —George Clark , Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING IN THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . Tho assured aro protected by an ample subscribed capital—an Assurance Fund of 450 , 000 ^ . invested on Mortgage ami in the Government Stocks , and an income of 85 , 009 ? . a year .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 14, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_14111857/page/23/