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Wc> THE LEADER. [Saturday, January 15,18...
LONDON, l'rliuiul liy (Ikoikih- 1Iooit.i...
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Wc> The Leader. [Saturday, January 15,18...
Wc > THE LEADER . [ Saturday , January 15 , 1853 ^
PROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Httndbed and Fiftt Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Majob Hbnby Stones , LL . B . Deputy-Chairman—James Anbbbw Durham , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in the Deed of . Settiemen ^ by which , the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TliNlH of the entire profits of the Company : — lBt # For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who ^ have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . ' - ¦ . 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 6 per cent , per annum on the capital originally invested by them . All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of Premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( m tune 01 peace ) Australasia—Bermuda—Madeira-j-Cape of Good Hope—Mauritius—and the British North American Colonies . Medical men in all cases remunerated for their report . _ Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : — Age—20 ... £ 1 10 9 1 Age—40 ... £ 2 13 6 30 ... £ 1 19 6 I 50 ... £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may be had at the Offices of the Company , or of any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD BAYLIS , Resident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapside , London .
A RGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmortou Street , Bank ; and 14 , Pall Mall . Chairman—Thomas Fakkcomb , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—Wii / liam Leaf , Esq . Eichard E . Arden , Esq . John Humphery , Esq ., Alder-Edward Bates , Esq . man . Thomas Camplin , Esq . Thomas ~ Ke \\ y , Esq ., Alderman . James Clift , Esq . Jeremiah . Pilcher , Esq . Eupert Ingleby , Esq . j Lewis Tocock , Esq . ATJBITOES . - - Eev . T . G . Hall , M . A . | J . B . Shuttleworth , Esq . Physician—Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Finsbury Square . Sttegkon—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s Place , Old Jewry . Consulting Actuary— Professor Hall , M . A ., of King ' s College . Soiicitob—William Fisher , Esq ., 19 , Doughty Street . Advantages of Assubing with this Company . —In addition to a large subscribed Capital , Policy-holders have the security of an Assurance Fund of Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds , and an-income of £ 75 , 000 a-year , arising from the issue of nearly 7500 policies . ¦ ¦ ¦• . ¦ Bonus , on Profit Branch—Persons assuring on the Bonus System will be entitled , at the expiration of five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in 80 percent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each Policy may be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be paid in money . Non-Bonus , or Low Premium Branch . —The Tables on the non-participating principle afford peculiar advantages to the assured , not on ' ered by any other office ; for where the object is the least possible outlay , the payment of a certain sum ia secured to tho Policy-holder , on the death of the assured , at a reduced rate of premium . PiiKMiuMS to AHsimr . £ 100 . "Whole Term . One So veil With Without ARe Year . Tears . Profits . Profits . 20 £ 0 17 » JtO 1 !) 1 I £ 1 15 10 £ 1 11 10 . - !() 113 1 2 7 ' 2 S 5 2 0 7 40 1 r > 0 ir . i ) ' ; t 07 2 11 10 60 1111 1 li > 10 4 ( i H 4 0 11 ( iU . ' ! 2 4 . t 17 0 C 12 9 6 0 10 One half of tho " Whole Term" Premium may remain on credit for seven years , or one-third of the Premium may remain for life an a debt upon the Policy , At 6 per cent , or may be paid oil ' ut any time without notice . Claims paid in one month after proofs hnvo been approved . Loans upon approved ( security . Tho medical officers attend every day at Throgmorton Street , at a quarter before two o ' clock . 15 . BATES , Resident Director .
CLERICAL , MEDICAL , AND GENERAL LIFK ASSURANCK SOCIETY . Tho Assured nmy r < 'Hi <) o in most parts of the world , without extra churge , and in all partH by imymcnt of a miaul extra premium . Tim Hmall Mliare of Prnllt divisible in future among tho Shareholders being now provided for , without intrenching on the amount made by tlm regular ImmmiHH , the Ahbukkd will-horenflvr derive all tho benefits obtainable from a Mutual OHlce , ¦ wi th , at tlm Hamo time , complete freedom from liability , secured by lruiiniN of an amj > l « Proprietary Capital—tluiH <; ombiuing , in the Hfiitm ollic (> , all t / iti udrantatjrx ofhotlt Hi / h / ems . Fivu ltoNVHUH have , been declared ; at , tho last in January , ] H 52 , thn sum of £ VAl , Vir > whh luldedto the PolicicH , producing a ItoiiUH varying wi ( h the iJiHercntageH , fr <) iii 5 i 4 J to 50 percent , on tlm PrcmiumH itaid during the llvo yeuiH , or from £ 5 t (» £ 12 10 Hper oeiit . on the hiiiii n »» un » l . Tho next and future JIoiiuhoh may bo either received , iu . Cash , or applied at the option of the UHHiireil in any other . w /» y . < On Polieien for the whole ol Lile , one hall oi the Annual 1 roniiuniH for the flr « t flVevyearn may rewmin on eredit , and may either continue n « a < lob « on the Policy , or may bo paid oil at any time . ¦ ' ¦ „ ,. ¦> , in t , i- ¦ C 1 . A . 1 MH paid thirty diiyn after proof ol ( loath , and all Policies are lndinvuluMeKixwnt in ca « 0 H | of IV « X » I . Invamd Livkh may bo aoatltredl at rates proportioned to the in < ieuH (<( l risk . ' The AHHiirauce Kund already investf ^ l aniouiitH to £ Q 50 , 000 , and tlm liKtome exeeeiiH £ 130 , 000 !»< "' annum . Tim Account h and Italauco HlieetH are at all tiinen open to tho iiiH ])( icti ( m of tho Atinureii , or of any per who may desire to atsure . A copy of the IiihI , Report , with a 1 ' rospoctnH and formn of PropoHitl , can be obtained of any of the Hociety ' H agentH , or will be forwarded free l > y addrctming a line to GI 5 O . II . I'INOKARD , llenident Secretary . Oft , Grout RumhoII Otreot , Blooiuituury . London .
New Work by the Author of "Jane Eyre , " " Shirley , " & c . Shortly wiS be published , VILLETTE . By Cj ^ rer Bell . In Three Volu ' me $ , tf » ost 8 vo . Just Ready , in One Volume , Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . THE SCHOOL FOR DKEAMEESV By T . GWYNNE , ¦ AUTHOR OF " THE SCHOOL TOR PATHERS . " LOOON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , COBNHILL , ^
SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON'S POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS . Vol . 2 , containing " KING ARTHUK , " & c . WITH A TIGKEXTE . Crown 8 vo , price 8 a . On the 20 th . THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES . % prison 9 R ^ pmc . By THOMAS COOPER . Third Edition , fcap . price 7 s . 6 d . Onthe 20 th . RUTH . By thb Atjthob ot " MAEY BABTON . " 3 vols . post 8 vo . AGATHA'S HUSBAND . By the Author op " THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY , " ftc . 3 vols . post 8 vo . "' Agatha ' s Husband' is , like its predecessors , a powerful , passionate , and poetical tale . ' *—Athenaeum . . Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
Dedicated by permission to the Earl of Carlisle . N Just published , " A DICTIONARY of , DOMESTIC MEDICINE and HOUSEHOLD SURGERY . By SPENCER THOMSON , M . D . Price 7 s ., strongly bound in cloth . " This dictionary seems to come nearer to the standard of what such a book should be , than any that wo have yet seen . " Athenaeum . " To tlie traveller by sea or by land , tp the settler and emigrant far from medical aid , it will prove invaluable . "—Tait ' s Magazine . " The best and safest book on Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery which has yet appeared . "—London Journal of Medicine . " Dr . Thomson haa fully succeeded in convoying to the pubho a vast amount of useful professional knowledge . " — Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science . " The amount of useful knowledge conveyed in this work is surprising . "—Medical Times and Gazette . " To families and to tho clorgy it will prove invaluable . " Oxford Jlerald . London : Groombridgo and Sons , Paternoster Row . Sold by all Booksellers .
| P ENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . NKW AUKAirCiEMKNTS , AND BKDUCKD FAJ 1 ES AND FKBIGITTS . DEPARTURES OUTWARDS . INDTA and CHINA , via EGYPT . — For Adfin , . Ceylon , ModraH , Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong on tho 4 th and 20 th of every month from Southampton , and on tho 10 th and 2 (! tb from Marseilles . AUSTRALIA , via SINGAPORE . — For Adelaide , Port Philip , and Sydney ( touching at Batavia ) , on the 4 th of March and 4 th of ovory alternate month thereafter from Southampton , and on the 10 th of March and 10 th of every alternate month thereafter from Marseilles . MALTA and EGYPT .----On tho 4 th an < l 20 th of every month from Southampton , and the 10 th and 20 th from MarneilleH . MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE . —On tho 2 » th of every month from Mouthampton . SPAIN and'VORTlTG AL . —Kor Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gihrtilt'Mr , from Southampton , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of every month . CALCUTTA" and . CHINA .---VohhoIh of ( ho Company ply occasionally ( generally ouco a month ) between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , llong Kong , and Hhangluto . N . B . - The raton of passage money and lVoight on tho India and China linen hayo been considerably reduced , and may bo had upon application at the Company ' s OfHc (« H , 122 , Leudenhull Street , London , and Oriental lMnco , Southampton .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . Tho Court of Directors grant Letters ol ' Cmdit and Bills at !» 0 dayH * Might upon HioCompany'H Hank , at Adelaide . Thocixchango on winiH above , U 10 , w now at a premium or charge of two per cent . Approved draftn on South Australia negotiated and bills collected . A poly at tho Gonipuny ' ti OHIcoh , No . 64 , Old Broad Street , London . WILLIAM PUBDY , Manager . Londou , January 1 st , 18 G 3 ,
Just published , Sixth Edition , fcap . 8 vo , 5 s ., of ESSAYS WRITTEN in the INTERVALS of BUSINESS . Also , by the same Author , The CONQUERORS of the NEW WORLD and their BONDSMEN ; being a Narrative ofJ £° ** % ** £ Eventa which led to Negro Slavery m the West J »* * ? ° f America . Vol . II ., post 8 vo , 7 s . [ Justpublished . VOLUME I ., post 8 vo , 6 s . FRIENDS » IN COUNCIL ; a Series of Headings , and Discourse thereon . A New Edition . Two Vols ., fcap . 8 vo , 12 s . COMPANIONS OF MY SOLITUDE . Fcap . 8 vo , 6 s . Third Edition . THE CLAIMS OF LABOUR . —An Essay on the Duties of the Employers to the Employed . Fcap . 8 vo , Second Edition , with Additional Essay , 6 s . William Pickering , 177 , Piccadilly .
Now ready , Third Edition , with considerable Additions , fcap . 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d ., AN OUTLINE of the NECESSARY LAWS of THOUGHT . A . Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic . By the Rev . WILLIAM THOMSON , Fellow and Tutor of Queen ' s College , Oxford . With an Appendix on Indian Logic , by Professor MAX MULLER . William Pickering , 177 , Piccadilly .
THE EDINBURGH REVIEW . No . CXCVII . will be published on Wednesday Next . CONTBTTT 3 . I . Bunsen ' s Hippolytua and his Age . II . Jervis ' s History of the Island of Corfu and the Ionian Islands . III . Saul of Tarsus . IV . Hungarian Revolution . V . Cathedral Reform . VI . Our Indian Army . VII . Montalembert . VIII . Mrs . Jameson ' s Legends of the Madonna , as represented in the Fine Arts . IX . The Fall of tho Derby Ministry . London : Longman and Co . Edinburgh : A . and C . Black .
Dr . COMBE'S WORKS ON HEALTH AND EDUCATION . Just Published , crown 8 vo , pp . 346 , price 3 a . Od . T HE PRINCIPLES OF PHYSIOLOGY applied to the Preservation of Health , and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education . By ANDREW COMBE , M . D ., late ono of the Physicians in Ordinary in Scotland to tho Queen . Fourteenth Edition . Edited by JAMES COXE , M . D ., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh . Lately Published , Dr . COMBE on DIGESTION and DIET . Ninth Edition . Edited by JAMES COXE , M , D . 2 s . 6 d . Dr . COMBE on the MANAGEMENT of INFANCY ; for tho uho of Parents . Seventh Edition . 2 b . Od . Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., London ; Maolaoldan and Stewart , Edinburgh ; and all Booksellers .
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London, L'Rliuiul Liy (Ikoikih- 1iooit.I...
LONDON , l'rliuiul liy ( Ikoikih- 1 Iooit . ii . ( of No . 3 , Portland' lMucf , KciiHlnKloii , III th « County of Middlesex , ) fit tin ; Ofllcu 4 f Mkhhiih . Havim , iiihI Kiiwmikh , No . i , CHandot 8 frett , ln tint 1 ' nrUh « t HI .. 1 ' uul , Invent Oardim . In llio iinmo County ; And l'ublliriied by TuoiiNTON l . i Kiii Hunt , ( of Hroudwuy lloimu , llnmniursuiltli , ) at B TIIU 1 , KA 1 ) K 1 L Ol'WCl ! , No . 10 , ¦ W liLUNOTON BTHJjfky , „ HTKA N 1 ) , in tlui Vruelnet of tliu Savoy , both In tho iiiuno Couilt / A Hatvuday , Juuuury 10 , 1063 .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 15, 1853, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15011853/page/24/