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^ *«O Jaktiak* 18 , 1859.1 THE LEADER, 8...
SARDINIA. Prince Napoleon, is expected a...
LOMBARDY. At Milan an additional number ...
AMERICA. The Kangaroo arrived at Liverpo...
CRYSTAL PALACE, for the Week ending SaturdayJan
c ^J |iWS .e r ?
pMh %Mt8.
.. • . ¦ . -. . * ¦: '¦ ¦ ' There is not...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Rome. The News Has Just Arrived That Tho...
honours usaally paid to royalty are to be given on the arrival of the Prince . '
^ *«O Jaktiak* 18 , 1859.1 The Leader, 8...
^ *« O Jaktiak * 18 , 1859 . 1 THE LEADER , 81
Sardinia. Prince Napoleon, Is Expected A...
SARDINIA . Prince Napoleon , is expected at Turin at noon on Saturday * and the ceremony of the betrothal will probably take place on Monday or Tuesday . It is thought that the Prince ' s presence at Genoa and Turin will ' be accompanied by popular demonstrations of an unmistakable character .
Lombardy. At Milan An Additional Number ...
LOMBARDY . At Milan an additional number of guns are mounted at the citadel , all pointed against the city—there is to be no street fight * but a bombardment on Bombas Messina model . Count Giulay's plan is to carry the war into the Piedmontese territory at the first outbreak .
America. The Kangaroo Arrived At Liverpo...
AMERICA . The Kangaroo arrived at Liverpool this . day ( Friday ) , with dates from New York to the 1 st January . She brings 151 , 919 dollars specie . The Americans in British Columbia are annoyed at a continued exaction of the Hudson's Bay Company . There is excitement in Havannah concerning the President ' s Message . General Harney is engaged successfully in suppressing Indian depredations . Two shocking railroad catastrophes are reported , at which between twenty and thirty lives were sacrificed .
Crystal Palace, For The Week Ending Saturdayjan
tne enqing aturusy CRYSTAL PALACE ,
Arrangements ror > v eeKenqing » , . January s * Monday , open at 9 . Tuesday to Friday , open at 10 . Ad-Admission , One Shilling ; Children under Twelve , Sixpence . Saturday , open at 10 . Seventh Winter Concert , at . 2 . 30 . Admission Hair-a-Crown ; Children . One Shilling . Scientific Lectures daily by Mt . Pepper in the Lecture Room adjoining the Tropical Department . On Sunday , open from 1 . 30 till sunset * to shareholders gratuitously by ticket .
EXHIBITION . PALACE OF THE PEOPLE , MUS WELL-HILL . ThePLANS and VIEWS of the PROPOSED BUILDING ! , designed by Mr . Owen Jones , are now ON VIEW at- Messrs . Leggatts , Hay ward , and Legjratts , 79 , CornhUl .. Cards of admission may be obtained of Sir . Mitchell , Old . Bondstreet ; at Sams * Library , § t . James ' s-strcet ; Cramer , and Co ., ^ Regent-street ; Chappell ' s , 50 , New Bond-street ; at Messrs . P . and D . Colnaghi andCo .. Pall-mall ; and at the Office of the Company , 61 , Greshani-house , Old Broad-street , City . - ¦ . " . ¦ . . '• ¦ :
ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . ( Under the sole management of Miss Louisa Pyuc and Mr . W . Harrison . ) On Monday evening , and until further notice , Balfe ' a highly successful opera , SATANELLA , OR THE POWER OP LOV * 3 . Characters by Miss Louisa Pyne , Miss Rebecca Isaacs , Miss SuMan Pyne , Mr . George Honey . Mr . A . St . Albyn , Mr . H . Corri , Mr . AVeias , and Mr . W , Harrison . Conductor , Mr . Alfred Mellon . Concluding with tho Now Pantomime , LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD . Messrs . W . H . Payne , Frederick Payne , Henry Piiync , Flexmore . Barnes , Miss Clara Morgan , Mesdlles . Morlacelii and Pasqualo . Doors open at Half-past Six . Commence at Seven . Private Boxes , if . li » . to at . 3 s . ; Orchestra Stalls , 7 s . ; Dress Circles , Ss ; Amphitheatre Stalls , 2 s . and 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s . 6 d . ; Amphitheatre , Is . Box-onico open daily from 10 till r » , under the superintendence of Mr . J . Parsons , where places may bo secured without any fee for booking .
ROYAL ENGLISH OPEXiA , COVENT GARDEN . A Morning Performance of the new Pantomime , LITTLE REP RIDING HOOD , will take placo on Monday , January 17 th , commencing at Two o ' clock . Carriages to be ordered at Four .
ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . ( Farewell Season of Mr . Charles Kcan as Manager . ) Monday HAMLET . Tuesday , THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . Wednesday mid Saturday . THE CORSICAN BROTHERS . Thursday , MACBETH . Friday , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING , and tho PANTOMIME every ovoning .
ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE . ( Mnnngor , Mr , Edmund Falconer . ) Triumphant Success of the SIEGE OF TROY , with its gorgeous scenery and unequalled enst . Last Twelve Nights of Uio Engagement of Madame Celeste . On Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , MARION DE LORME . On Thursday ' ft New Drama entitled A SISTER'S SACRIFICE , in which Madame Colokto will appear . After which ovory evening with tho immensely successful burlesque by R . B . Urough , entitled THIS SIEGE OF TROY . Tho new and , gorgeous Bconory by Mr , W . Callcott . To conclude with the Comlo Pantomime . Tho Harlequinade sustained by tho Laurl family . Prlcos—Privuto Hoxoa , 2 i . as ., \ l . lls . 0 d ., M . Is . Dross Circle , 4 s . ; Upper Circle , as , i Pit , 8 s . s Gallery , is . i Stalls , 08 . Doors open at Half-pout Six , to commence t \ t Seven . Boxoflloo open from IS | ovon to Five daily . Morning Performance of tho Burlesque and Pantomime . on Saturday next , January Sfl , at Two o'Olook . Doors open ftt Ha , lf . pa > it Ohq , '
DR , KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , _ ,. __ 8 . Tjchborno-sfcreet , opposite tho Hnymarkot , OPEN DAILY ( for Gentlomen only ) . LKOTURJES at 9 , 4 jJ , and uo clock on Important and Iutorosttiur -Topic * in con-5 «&> n with ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY , ami PATHO . LOGY ( vido Programme ) , Admission , m . —Dr . Knhn '« £ » n © fceoturoii on tlio Philosophy or Mari-tago , * c , sent i post ) froo , direct frpm the Author , on tho receipt of \ % \ utAmps - j
THEATRE ROYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) The Pantomime Every Evening , and on Thursday Morning at Two . On Monday . Wednesday , and Friday . Miss ^ A . mySedgwick will annear in the Character of Constance , in THE LOV * - S ^^^ es ^ ss ^ K'ai ^^ I ^ ater &^ sSiSra'ffi ^ annenranco in London , in the character of the widow fEas ^ s ^ K ^ ssg ^^ ij W ^ m ^^&^ -i ^^ j o ™»! f AND tKpIBIT OF THE WATJEfaS . ^^ Thei magnificent Scenery by Mr . Frederick Fenton . The th ^ 4 LM ° rmng Performance of the Pantomime will take place ° ^ " *» £ f next January 20 th , the fourth and last on ihurattay . Janu ' ary 27 " Loo « open at ^ f . past ^ One , commence ^ t Two and conclude by a quarter P ^\^ ^ 9 ^ fmt ^ Kl Thursday , and Saturday evenings the Pantomime will conclude immediately after Eleven . ¦ . . Stage Managerj Mr . Chippendale .
¦ ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . Robson and ¦ W . S . Emden . ) Monday , and during the week , the pe ^ ormancaswUl commence with the comedy of NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS . Characters by Messrs . Addison , GvVuung , H . Wigan , H . Cooper . Miss Hughes , and Mrs . Stirling . _ After which , the New Extravaganza founded on Lord Byron ' s Poem of MAZEPPA . Characters by Jklessr * . F . Robson , G . Cooka . H . Wigan . F . Charles . H . Cooper and L . Ball ; Mesdamea Wyndham . Hughes , Marston . Cottrell . ^ Scfu ^ with - 2 ? OBJECT OF INTEREST . Commence at Half-past Seven .
THEATRE ROYAL * SADLER'S WELLS . . ( Under the Management of Mr . Phelps . ) Monday and Tuesday . THE WINTER'S TALE . . Leontes , Mr . Phelps ; Polixenes , Mr . T . C . Harris ; Flonzel , Mr . P . Robinson ; Antigouus , Mr . J . W . Ray ; Camillo , Mr . C Seytoh ; Clebmenes , Mr . Belford ; Antolycus , Mr . J . Chester ; Shepherd , Mr . Williams ; Clown , Mr . C . Feuton ; Hermione , Miss Atkinson ; Perdita , Miss Ness ; Paulina , Mrs . H . Mars ton . ¦ ¦ _ , ' . ¦¦ , . Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , and Saturday , a play in which Mr . Phelps will perform . Concluding every evening with HARLEQUIN AND OLD 1 ZAAK AVALTON ; . OR . TOM MOORK OF FLEET-STREET . THE SILVER TROUT . AND THE SEVEN SISTERS OF TOTTENHAM . Harlequin , Mr . C . Fenton ; Columbine , Miss Caroline Parkes ; C lown , Nicolo Deiilin ; Pantalooni Mr . Nay lor . Boxes , First Circle , 3 s . ; Second Ditto . 2 s . ; Pit , Is . ; Gallery , 6 d . Doors open at Half-past Six . The Performances to commence at Seven ; ¦¦ Box-office open from . 11 till 3 , under the direction of Mr . Austin . ¦¦ . ' . '
ST , JAMES'S HALL . Mr . and Mrs . HOWARD PAUL every night ( except ' Saturday ) in the new characters of their Comic aiid Musical Drawing-room Entertainment , " Patchwork , " pronounced the most varied and brilliant entertainment of the day . ¦ ¦ Mr . Howard Paul as "The Vegetarian . " Mrs . Howard Paul as " Dog and Cat , " in which she represents two persons at once—a novel and laughable impersonation . Also , the wonderful imitation of Mr . Sims Reeves , in which the eminent tenor is photographed in a marvellous manner . Morning Representations every Tuesday and Saturday at 3 . Evenings at 8 . Carriages at 10 . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s . ; Gallery , is . Tickets at tho Hall tpiccadilly entrance ) , and at Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 53 , Old Hond-street .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . PATRONt-H-RH . THE PRINCE CONSORT . Important Novelty ; tho Italian Salamander . Lecture on Chemically Prepared Fire Resisting Materials , by Mr . E . V . Gardner , Proressor of Chemistry , Practically . Illustrated by Siguor BUONO CORE , Who will Walk , iu the Midst of Flames , uninjured , m his Patented Prepared Drfiss ' ' Lecture on Moulo ' s Patent Photogenic Light . Lectures on the X'hilosdphy of Juvenile Amusements . by Mr . Kingi Childo ' s highly successful PHANTASMAGORIA , most intorosting to tho JUvoniles , Lectures by Lennox Homo , Esq ., on tho Humorous Melodies of Old England . Harp Performance , by Frederick Chottorton , Esq . Tho St . George ' s Choir of twenty voices , ovory Wednesday ovoning , Madrigals , Part Songs , & c . Now Dissolving Views , illustrating tho Life and Exploits or DON QUIXOTE , The NEXT DISTRIBUTION amongst tho Juveniles of tlio Gifts from tho WHEEL of FORTUNATUS will take place on Wednesday , tho 10 th iust ., Morning and Even ing . * R , I . LONQJBOTTOM , Esq ., Managing Director
AUTHORS OF THE A , QE . WILLIS'S ROOMS , KING-STREET . Mr . S . 0 . Hall , F . S . A ,, will have tho honour of presenting n Scries of WRITTEN PORTRAITS ( from personal ao ° quaintanoe ) of tho AUTHORS OF THE AGE- " GREAT MEN AND WOMEN OF THE HPOGH "' to bo comprised In Two Lectures , tho drat of which will be given on Friday Evening , January 28 , tho second on Frldny Evening ; February 4 , comniuiicing punctually at Eight o'clock . Tho Firat Series , on Friday livening , January 28 , will rolato to—Hannah Moro ; Sir Walter ( Scott ; Samuel Rogers j Lisle Bowles i George Crabbo ; James Montgomery , Ebcnezor Elliott ; Thoiuns Mtoro ; Letitia E . JLandon ( L . E . L . ) t Amelia Oitlo ; Charles Lamb ; Sydney Smith ; WordsWortht ColqrUlgOj Southoy ; and others . Tho Second Series , on Friday livening , February * . win rolnto to—Professor Wilson ; Lady BlosningtoH } Mary ilus 8 oll Mltford j Horace and James Smith $ Jano and A . M . Porter | Allan Cunningham i Jamos Hogg | Maria IfldKOworth ; John Bivnim i Follola Human * i Barbara Hoflnndi Thonmns Campbell | Thoodoro Hook i Thomas | lood i and others . Rcuarvod and mupbored , seats for tho Two Lectures , 8 s . ; Unrosorvod nents for ditto , Cs < i whluh may bo obtained at I Mr . MUcholl ' i * Royal Library , 33 , Old Bojid-atreoti ,
g NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS . No notice can be taken of anonymous correspondence . Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address pi the writer ; not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of his good faith . It is impossible to acknowledge the mass of letters we receive . Their insertion is often delayed , owing to a press of matter ; and when omitted , it is frequently from reasons quite independent of the merits of the communication . ; - ¦ We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . OFFICE , - NO . 18 , CATHERINE-STREET , STRAND , W . C ., The commodious premises formerly occupied by th « Morning Exbald .
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Saturday, Januaj&Y 15, 1859.
SATURDAY , JANUAJ & Y 15 , 1859 .
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^ Mh affairs
.. • . ¦ . -. . * ¦: '¦ ¦ ' There Is Not...
.. . ¦ . -. . * ¦ : '¦ ¦ ' There is nothing so < volutionary , because there ia no > thing so unnatural arid convulsive , as the strain to keep things fixed when all the world is by the very ; law of its creation in eternal progress . — De ; Askold .
Royal Speeches—Sardinia And Prussia. Two...
ROYAL SPEECHES—SARDINIA AND PRUSSIA . Two royal manifestoes have been put forward this week , each of which has its particular significance and meaning in the present critical condition of continental affairs . The King of Sardinia has addressed his Parliament and people in accents not to be forgotten . Though conscious of his inability to wrestle unaided with the gigantic despotism of Austria , Victor Emmanuel declares unmistakably that he sympathises deeply with the sufferings of Italy , and that he holds himself in readiness for he events that may arise out of her condition . This is as plain an offer to take the , lead in a war of liberation as could well be made under all the circumstances of the case . It was not to be expected that popular revolt would take place before it was generally known that the Government of Piedmont was prepared and willing to cooperate with an organised force ; nor would even this alone have probably been deemed sufficient without some indication beyond the Alps that France was ready to interpose oil the side of national freedom . The ambiguous words uttered by Louis Napoleon on the first day of the year , in presence of the whole diplomatic body assembled at the Tuileries , were hardly in themselves enough to decide so momentous a question . But , followed up as they have now been by the pregnant declarations of the King of Sardinia , they arc calculated unquestionably to bring to maturity all the disaffection that has so long been ripening under Austrian misrule . ' Bearing in mind the cony fidentiql conferences between the French Emperor and M , Cavour in September last at Plombieres , the many proofs of growing alienation between the Courts of Vienna and Paris that have since occurred , the absolute refusal of Sardinia to entertain any project of alliance or friendship with Austria , and the avowed intimacy of the diplomatic relatious established between the Cabinets of Paris and larin , it was difficult not to believo that combinations were forming inconcompatiblo with the peaceful retention of its dominions in Italy by the House of Hapsburg . This conviction we have more than once repeated during the last three months 5 and an event is now about to ocour whioh puts as it were the seal on all such anticipations : we alludo to the approaching marriage of Prince Napoleon Jerome with the Princess Clotilda of Savoy . So significant has tho last-mentioned faofc been considered that when authoritatively announced in Paris on Wednesday last , tho funds , which had bogun to rally a little from the depression caused by Victor Emmanuel ' s speech , fell rapidly again , and have oontinuod to fall without material recovery over since . Meanwhila tlioro 19 no disguise at Vienna about tho apprehensions
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 15, 1859, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15011859/page/17/