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66 T HE Ii E A P E. R. [N<V 460, January...
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66 T He Ii E A P E. R. [N<V 460, January...
66 T HE Ii E A P E . R . [ N < V 460 , January 15 , 1859 ,
SOHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY . 26 , Soho-square , London .---Established 20 years . —The Proprietor begs to call the attention of the public to the following very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , of superior quality , fitted in carefully' manufactured carved and gilt frames : — Size of Glass . Outside Measure of Frame .. Price . 40 by 30 in . 51 in . wide by 39 in . high from 31 . 10 s . each . 46 by 36 in . 48 in . wide by 5 S in . high from 51 . 0 s . each . 50 by 40 in . S 2 in . wide by 60 in . high from 61 . Os . each . 58 by 43 in . 65 in . wide by 65 in . high from 71 . 7 s . each . 56 by 46 in . 69 in . wide by 69 in . high from 81 . 8 s . each . 60 by 48 in . 62 in . wide by 74 in . high from 10 ? . 0 s . each . 70 by 50 in . 64 in . wide by 84 in . high from 121 . 0 s . each . Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , gilt cornices , girandoles , picture frames , & c , at equally moderate prioes . Merchants and shippers supplied by special contract . ' - ~ _ .. i . i . ! " ^
DEANE'S TABLE CUTLERY . Celebrated for more thin 150 years , maintains aivuiirivalled reputation for cheapness and first-rate quality . The stock is most extensive and complete , including the finest transparent Ivory Handles at 32 s . per dozen , choice ditto Balance Handles from 22 s . per dozen , medium ditto Balance Handles ( an exceedingly cheap and serviceable family article ) , 16 s . per dozen ; also Bone , Horn , Stag , and every variety of mounting , all warranted- Plated Dessert Knives and Forks , with Silver Pearl , Ivory , and Plated Handles , in cases of 12 18 , or 24 pairs , also plated Fish-eating Knives from 42 s . per dozen . Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of the newest and most elegant designs always in stock . —London agents for Messrs . Joseph Rodgers and Sons' celebrated cutlery . DEANE and Co . ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery "Warehouses ( opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established a . d . 1700 . ' 1 ' . '' I / r . _
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For moderator lamps , selected from choice parcels direct fronvlalle , 4 s . 6 d . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , 7 d . per lb . ; ditto Moulds , 8 s . per dozen lbs ., stored in March last especially for family use . Household Soaps , 40 s . * 4-ts ., 4 Gs ., and 48 sTt ) er cwt Delivered free to any part of , or within five miles of , town , and . orders of 51 . value railway free to any part of England . WBITMORE and CRADDOCK , 16 , Bisbopsgate-street Within . B . C ., London , old servants of , and City Agents to , Price ' s Patent Candle Company . I ' I > r
, FRENCH FAILURE . LYONS , prance . SOWERBY , TATTON , and CO ,, having purchased for cash , at a discount of 8 s . 4 jd . in the pound , the whole of the rich and distinguished STOCK of SILKS of a Lyons manufacturer , amounting to 1 , 250 , 000 francs , The same is now being offered for PUBLIC SALE , on our Premises , together with some striking Bargains in every Department . . ¦ . . 272 and 274 , Regent-circus , 111 and 112 , Oxford-street , W . ,
HAIR DYE , * C . 248 , High Holborn , opposite Day and Martin ' s . ALEX . ROSS'S LIQUID HAIR DYE is easily used , producing a perfect light or dark colour , permanently , to the hair , whiskers , and eyebrows , 3 s- 6 d . Sent free in blank wrapper , the same day as ordered , for 54 stamps . Cjmtharides oil , a sure restorer of the hair , 3 s . 6 d . ; hair curling fluid , 8 s . 6 d . " Hints on Dress , and on the Arrangement of the Hair , " Js . ; free for 18 et > ps . Wigs of perfect make and natural appearance , from 1 l- 10 s .
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS , & cr — If so , use MISS COUPELLE'S CRINTJT . RIAR , whien is guaranteed to produce Whiskers , Moustachios , & c , in a few weeks , and restore the Hair in baldness iron * whatever cause , preveut its falling off , strengthen Weak Hair , andeffectually check Greyness in all itB stages , if used in the nursery , it will avert Baldness in afterlife . Sold by all Chemists , price 2 s ., or will bo sent , post free , on receipt of twenty-four postage stamps , by Miss Coupelle , 69 , Castle ^ street , Oxford-street , London . —Testimonials : — "I have ordered its use in hundreds of cases with success . "—JXr . Walslu "I have sold it for eleven years , and have never heard a complaint of . it . "—Mr , Jones , " My hair is quite restored . ?'— JB . James , Esq . ' After nine years 1 baldness , its effects are miraculous . 'V- W . llahon .
KNOW THYSELF . MARIE COUPELLE contlnuos her vivid and interesting delineations of character from an examination of tho hand-. writing of individuals , in a stylo never bofpre attempted in England * Persons desirous of knowing their own characteristics , or those of any friend , must enclose « , specimen of their writing , stating sex arid ago , with fourteen penny postage stamps , to Miss Coupollo , 69 , Uastlo-streot , Nowmanstreet , London , and they will receive per return a full detail of tho gifts , defects , talents , tastes , affections ,. & p ., of tho writer , with many other things calculated to be useful through Hfe . ~ -From J ? . N . ~ " f consider your skill surprising . " 0- 8 , — " Your description of her oharaotor is romarkaoly correct . " H . W . — " Your sketch of my character is marvellously correct . " Miss V . —* Mamma says the character you siont mo Is a true ono . " W , N .- — " You have described him very accurately . " ^^
TEETH-TEETH . PROTECTE D BZ ROYAL LETTERS PATENT , and received by tho most eminent of the F » cufty ; - ^ Wr * tAWRlNOE'S fMPROVEJD A & TI 1 ? WIAL TEETH by the OLIO-PLASTIC proooss entlroly . Bivporaedo the Soft Gum , and ovory substance that become nutroscentin the mouth . Their cleanliness , ease , and comfort rohdor thorn available in every case , without'gprmfig or wires , at loss than advertised prices . — PAINLESS voomtixmioWQmTQdkD ^ Aj ) electricity is always attended with certainty and success . —A Trofttiso on the above methods sent post free on application . Mr . LAWK'BNOBr'Membepof OoUegeof DontiBts , U . & ., BO BorneraT » tr ( Bot , Oxf 6 rd « i 8 trcet , Jjonclon ,
QLENFIELD PATENT STARCH , treED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY , , «« jfa ffifes ws ? ffi * , SolclbyftUOh 5 naior 8 , arooor » , * o . 4 c . I-
H . J . AND D NlbOLL'S PALETOT WAREROOMS Are situate 114 . 116 . 118 . 120 , REGENT-STREET , W ., and 22 , CORNHILL , E . G ., where clothing fpr gentlemen , of the best qualities , may be obtained , and at the moderate charges originating , with this establishment , a circumstance the higher ' and middle classes who deal with Messrs . NICOLL or their agents havo long since discovered and appreciated . Messrs . NICOLL , for shaping and fitting garments , not only employ the best talent in England , or to be obtained from Prance and Germany , but they secure J ; o their customers all those advantages which arise from there being no intermediate profit between manufacturer and consumer . The following may , for example , bo chiefly roferrea , to : — NICOLL ^ S NEW REGISTERED PALETOTS are worn by professional men , who desire to avoid anything like singularity of drcss » and to retain tho appearance well-known to be afforded by this garment . t mr , ™ r »« = mBr For those Gentlemen who prefer NICOLL'S GAPE PALETOT , a garment concealing but giving groat freedom to tho arms , a variety will always be ready for immediate use ; and estimates as usual aro submitted for Military Uniforms and for Servants' Liveries .
WARWICK HOUSE , , 142 and 141 , REGE 3 STT-STREET , W ., is an Establishraont also belonging to H . J . and D . NICOLL , in whoso Showrooms female attendants exhibit the Household Jacket , tho rich seal fur Jacket , the popular Highland Cloak , Riding Habits , and Pan talons des Dames a Cheval . Also in WARWICK HOUSE , but in another part of the promises , thero may bo scon ovory material adapted for tho olothlngof young tfontlomcn at sohool and for othor purposes . Tho Kilted or Highland Ooatumo , as worn by the Royal Princes , may also bo inspected , with tho Cap , Sporan , Scarf , Hos e * and all tho Ornaments proper Tor this Costume , now becoming so popular for youth under ton years of ago .
PR . PB JON GITS ( Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium ) LIGHT . B & OWN COD IJVER OIL , Prescribed , In consequence of Its Immeasurable superiority over ovory other kind , as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for CONSUWPTION , nRONOHITI 8 , QOUO ' H 8 , aOUT , UnBUMATI 9 M , NEURALGIA , DWBASBS OCTHJB SKIN * INFANTIfcBWASTING , RICKETS , GKN » KA ^ DBBIMTY , AND AW SOROPULQUS APITKCTIONS ,
opinionpjr O . H . BARLOW , ESQ ., M . P . F . R . C . P . Physician to Guy ' o Hospital , $ o . < j-o . u I havo frequently reoommondod persons consulting mo to mako use Of Dr . do Jongh ^ s Ood Livw Oil . I have boon well satisfied with its offeots , and bqllevo it to bo a pure Oil , well fitted for those oases in which tho use of that Bubstanoo is indicated . "
, ¦ Sold 0 Ni < y In Imperial Half-pints , « s . pa . i Pints , 4 , s . 0 d . « Quarts , 0 s ., onpnHlcd and labelled with Dr . do Jongh's signature , vrmnow wnicn wown oaw posBijai / y mb aKNtriMB , by rcapootftblo Ohomista . BOI < n A & BNTB , ANSA R , HARPQRD , and qO . V 77 , Strand , Loudon , W . 0 ,
, - - a POPE AND PLANTES WINTER HOSIERY of every description , knitted and r woven . Underclothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed ., and Woven Flauuels in great variety . —POPK and PL ANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London . ___ PGPEOT ^ pTANtE S ~ MILITARY SHIRT , constructed to fit the figure withoufc f creasing with peculiar accuracy . —POPE and PL ANTE , 4 , [ , Watcrlbo-placo , Pall Mall , London . - ~^ POPE AND pLANTE'S ~^~~~ LADIES' ELASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , for use befovo and after Accouchement , admirably adapted for giving elli-- cientsupport , and EXTREME LIGHTNESS—a point little attended to in the comparatively clumsy contrivances and 3 fabrics hitherto employed : Instructions for measurement , 3 with prices ; on application , and the articles sent by post 1 from the manufacturers and inventors , POPL and 1 PLANTE , 4 f , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London , S . W-
- - - . . . PIANOFORTES . ' - / "CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . have every 0 KJ description for Sale or Hire . Warranted . — 201 , ~ _ . Regent-street . ' HARMONIUMS * .. / CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . are the chief i . \ J agents for Alexandre and Son ' s , NEW MODEL i . HARMONIUM . Every variety . —201 , Regent-street . r ., f [ , -
. . . . , . is - - , , . . ; - , , — : . . — : : .. ; ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . . THE PAST AND THE FUTURE . ! " HYAM and CO ., 86 , OXFORD-STREET , beg to acknowledge gratefully the encouraging success which has at-^ tended their trading operations during the year 1858 . So great has been this success that the proprietors arc led to augur favourably for the year 1859 . HYAM and Co ., on a review of their past efforts , congratulate themselves on ' the assurance that they have extended the advantages of their business to the material benefit of the public . 1 Nothing will be wanting on the part of the Proprietors to s secure by merit a continuance of support during the year . 1859 . ¦ ¦• ' " ¦ ¦ . p ' . ¦ . ¦ - CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . ' . HYAM and Co . respectfully invite the attention of parents and guardians to the superior Overcoats , Sleeve '' I Capes , School Suits , & c , which they have now on stock , f Style , Serviceableness , and Suitability being admirably com-/ bined in these matchless garments . V ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - _^ : : — , ¦ s CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . r HYAM and Co . have contributed materially to the com fort . and appearance of the Young in the design and make of their DRKSS and UNDRESS JACKETS for Little Boys _ and Youths . A vast variety may now be selected from at the most economical prices . I CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . ' ¦ HYAM and Co . arc celebrated for the Elegance , Excellence , I and Economy of the HUSSARS and TUNICS which they > fashion , fabricate , and finish in the most approved stylo , r and from the choicest patterns . . ' ' CHILDREN , BOYS' AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co ., in their excellent and diversified GARMENTS OF A-PIECE for the Young , have provided Xvhat was long wanting in convenient and becoming Undress for Children and Boys .. These conjoint Garments look exceedingly well , and serve to spare the wear andtear , of other articles of attire . ; .. SPECIAL CAUTION . _ , '¦ : / HYAM and Co . are not in any way connected with any ^ t ^ S ^^^^^^^^^^^ BIRMINGHAM—23 and 24 , NEW STREET . LEEDS—42 , BRIGGATE . f ' f ' - 1 I I - ¦ - ¦ 3 1 1
. , - , , ICEATING'S COUGH LOZENCES . f XXTHAT IS A C OLD ? THE PL A GUE OF VV THE ENGLISH CLIMATE . At this season . who , ' however careful , escapes its destroying influence ? AVo may clothe well , live Well , and guard well to repel the inf evitable attack : it comes at last with the ever-chatifring ' atmosphere of this country ; then should be procured a box J of KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES , \ yhich have been 1 known to cure when other means have failed . Prepared and Sold in Boxes , Is . H 4-. and Tins , 2 s . Od ., is . 6 df . andlO 3 . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , & c , 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard . London . Retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the World . j ¦ .- » . » ..- — —— - ¦¦ . I KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD I LIVER OIL , Perfectly pure , nearly tasteless , has been analysed , reported - on , and recommended by Professors Taylor and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St ; Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in the worils of the late Dr . Pe . reika , say , that " The finest oil is that most 1 devoid of colour ' , odour , arid Jiavou-r . " Half-pints , Is . 6 d ., Pints , 2 s ; 6 d ., Quarts , 4 s . Cd ., and Five-pint Bottles , 10 s . 6 d ., ¦ Imperial Measui 6 . —79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instantaneously to any of four stages , from a warming power of 40 deg . down to 1 . 5 deg : A paper , describing the principles and right use of proper Respirators , and especially of this recent and important improvement , by the original Inventor of the Respirator , Mr . Jeffreys , may be oUtaincd by post from Ji E . Percival , Manager . Chief Office , 25 , Bucklersbury , London ; and of the Agents everywhere . ¦
DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD . 1 r \ ^ URKI & H TREATMENT . —A Surgeon from JL the Crimea , who was cured of fourteen years'deafness and roost distressing noises in the head , is anxious to communicate the means of cure to others so afflicted . Full instructions to effect a cure sentto any part of the world upon receipt of a stumped directed envelope . —Surgeon Colston , M-R . Q . S . and M . K . S . L ., No . 7 . Leicester-place , Leicestersquare , London , W . C . Consulting hours eleven till four daily .
EC L ECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE And PRIVATE BATM ESTABLISHMENT , 105 . Groat Russell-street , Blbomsbury , W . C . —Simple and Medicated VAPOUR * GALVANIC , and ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS , on improved principles . For tho extraction of Lead , Mercury , and othor Minerals from the body , and for tho cure of Nervous , Diabetic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Hepatic , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and othor diseases . Medical Superintendent—JOHN SKBLTON , JEsq ., M . D ., M . R . C . S ., Eng . For terms , & c , see circular sent free upon receipt of address . ¦
GALVANISM . MR . WILLIAM H . HALSE , the Medical Galvanisi , of . No . 1 , Addison-torraco , Kensington , London , solicits invalids to send to him for his Pamphlet on " Medical Galvnnism , " which ho will forward post / roe on receipt of Two Postage Stamps . The bencflcinl cd ' ogts ol ' Galvanism in cases of Paralysis , Loss of Mnsculnr Power in any part , Asthma , Indigestion , nnd Nervousness , aro inosfc extraordinary when applied inasoiontillc manner , and with an efficient apparatus . Attendance from Ton to Two o ' clock . Mr- Halso ' s Galvanic Machines are Ten Guineas each .
VISIT THE OLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT O ! , OTHIKR AND MANUFACTURER , CITY—30 , Grnceohurou-stroot , \ T oMnnisr WB 8 T—189 and 100 , Tottonham-courfc-road , / h { JiS vvss ' In tho RBADYMADM DBPARTMRNT , suoh an immonso assorlmont of MEN U 'S , BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , conMisfcliiK of garments of tho moat novoJ , durable and elegant designs , can rarojy bo hocii . Tlio Public will ofToot a groat saving , tho prices boiiiK uiihoiI on tho most economical prlnoiplus , consistent with sturling quality—tho only tost of cheapness . BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT .-Nothing can exceed tho varloty and novelty of design in this Uop [ ir . timont . For tho winter season , such an immense assortment is provided as to okoood all L . IIYAM'S former ofl ' ortM . Tho prices , as usual , are framed upon ( ho most ncononiic noalo , and hayo only to ho seen to onsuro that patronago wliicli their intrinsic uiorita bo well deserve . Tiio ORDERED DEPARTMENT coufcalna a magnl / loont assortment ofovory novelty for tho soasou . ThoArLlstost who are oolobratoM for roflnod tanto and ntylo . aro guarautoQH for a good ( It . Economy is tho loading feature . OLJiJRIOAL and PROFESSIONAL MRN are spoolally invited , the Black and Mixture Cloths being of a FAST DYE . An ordered Suit of Black for til . Sh . AI ho tho colebratod SBVJBNTJBJBN SHILLING T & 0 UBUR 3 in great varloty . L . HYAM marks ovory Gnrmonb in PLAIN FIOUIIES . from which no deviation is made i and no garmoiu ltupu bo kept , when soon at homo , if not sal iHfaotory , hut can mo oxobangod within any reasonable tlmo , if roturnod in troov * condition .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 15, 1859, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15011859/page/2/