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96 THE LEADER'- [No, 400, January 15, 18...
LONIK>N« Printed »nd pub)Uh«d by Fr«dtri...
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96 The Leader'- [No, 400, January 15, 18...
96 THE LEADER' - [ No , 400 , January 15 , 1859 . ¦ i ¦ ¦ — .. i ¦ ¦ — ¦ ¦ ¦! . ¦ ¦ — ' * " ¦¦ ¦¦ - " .. •_ = ————^—^ - ^^«^ i ^ MM ^— ^ ibi ^ —^ i———^—w *^^*^^^^^^^^ ^^ mm . » : M ^ — fc ^ iW ^»>*^ ¦ i »«»> m * t * + tm *^ l' * ^ k ¦ ^ i ^^ ip *¦ w . l'Vk ^ t % ^ f a in ¦ ¦
¦ i ¦ ¦ — .. ¦ ¦ ¦ . — ' * - " .. •_ = ————^—^ - ^^«^ i ^ MM ^—Nowreadiy at all the Booksellers , EPISODES OF FEENCH HISTORY . By Miis P ^ RDOE . a yols . i ais . HENKY III ., KING OF FRANCE : HIS GOtlBT ANP TIMES . By Miss FREER .. 3 vols .. withPortraits , 813 . 6 d . WINTER EVEITINGS ; By I . EITCH BJTCHIE . 2 vols-, \ rith Illustrations , Sis . These volumea will be universally attractive . "^ - * - menger . ¦'¦ ¦ ¦¦ . . ' , . .. ¦ ' ¦ RIGHT OR WRONG . By Miss JEWSB 1 TRY . a to 1 s . j ais . JOHN HALIFAX , GENTLEMAN . Price 6 s ., bound and illustrated , forming the Second Volume Of HlTBST ISD BliACEB'TT'S STAWDABD LlBRABT OP Cheap Epitioks 6 pPo * 0 i . a . b Modern works . Hubsx and Beackbxt , IS , Great Marlborough-street .
NEW WORK OK AMERICA . On the 18 th inst ., in two vols ., demy 8 vo , with a Coloured Map , price 28 s ., CIV ILISEI ) AM E RI C A . By THOMAS COLLET GRATTAN , . Late Her Britannic Majesty ' s Consul for the ^ State of MassachusettB ; Author of " A History ? of the Netherlands , " " Highways and Byways , " & C . & C . London : Brabbttbt and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-atreet , Fleet-street . . ' . . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦
This day , price Sixpence , MONEY , ITS USE AND ABffSE . . A Summary View of the Currency Question . BosWobth and Harbison , Regent-street .
BURNS ' POEMS , CHEAP EDITION . In one volume , price 2 s . boards . B U R N S C 0 M P L E T E . Also , price 3 s . 6 d ., cloth , gilt edges , BURNS' POEMS ANI > SONGS , with Life , and Eight Illustrations by John Gilbert . No event since the famous Stratford Jubilee—nearly a century ago—has ever excited so universal an interest as the approaching Centenary Fete in commemoration of the birth ^ f Burns , In order to meet the increased demand for Burns * Works this cheap popular edition has been prepared . ¦ : . •' . • • ¦• / , . . ' . ¦ . ¦ ¦ " London : RotrxtEDGB , Wabites , and RotrTtBDGE , Earxingdon-street .
NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OP " THE UNPROTECTED FEMALES IN NORWAY . " " Iu one vol ., price 7 s . 6 d ., cloth gilt , SICILY , CALABRIA , AND THE TOP OF MOUNT ETNA . By the "Unprotected Females . " With Coloured Illustrations . Contents : —Palermo—Travelling in Sicily—Modern Giruenti and Sulphur Mines—Catania—rLife on Etna—Asqent of Mount Etna— Syracuse—Messina ^ -Cal ab ria—Reggio—Pablo— Naples and Portion & c . London : RouTiEDGEr Wabneb , and RouTtEDaE , Farringdon-gtreet . ¦
NEW WORK ON JAPAN . In one volume , price 53 ., cloth gilt , JAPAN AND HER PEOPLE . By ANDREW . STEINMETZ . With many illustrations . Gbnbrai . Contests-. —History—Classes of the Population —police—Army —Palaces —Social and Domestic Life-A Journey by Land and Water from Nagasaki to Jeddo-rlncidehts of Travel in Japan—Religion—Language—Literature , & 0 . " This volumo contains most complete information respecting Japan and her People , and in its variety and copiousness exhausts almost every subject that can stimulate our curiosity , " London : Rotttwbdgke , Wabwbs , and Rotttebdge , Farringdon-street .
" ~* : THE LATE MAJOR HODSON , This day , post 8 vo , with Portrait , lQs . 6 d ., TWELVE YEARS OF A SOLPIER'S LIFE IN INDIA . Being Extracts from the Letters of Major W . S .. JR . HODJ 3 ON . Commandant of Hodson ' s . Horse ; Including a Personaf Narrative of the Siege of Pelhl and Capture of tho Xing . Edited bv his Brother , tho Rev . GEQRGE H . HODSON , M . Ai , Follow of Trinity College , Cambridge . London : Jomw W . Pabkbr and Soar , West Strand .
THE CRITIC : WEEKLY JOURNAL of LITE RATURE , ART , SCIENCE and the DRAMA , is now published every Saturday , price * a ., Btamned 5 d . The Oaxvia contains WoviewB of all the * current Literature of the Week , Homo and foreign , including Frojiob , Gorman , Italian , Sclavonic , and Oriental . ArohwoHoglcftV ^ onqntino , Artistic , Mualca and Dramatic Summaries : Reports of the Learned Societies . Leading Art ^ Hoo upon , Literary and ArtisMo topics , and » U the LWwpry , l & lentiflo , and ArtisWo News of the Week . The Ctoixib may bo ob ' tfllnod through the trade , or ¦ ordered direct from , the Qfllce , 20 , EjBflox . ptroot , Strand , W . O . ¦¦¦ i i iin 'i 'i ^ ' ip m if "n « ifc « i'r"'i wt i ' . ! ' i "" IM "' t * ' ' ^ ' " i " ¦'" ' ; '"' I "' " . ¦¦ " ' •¦ -
This day , THE PATHFINDER : A Weekly Journal of Political , Social , and Religious Reform . Conducted by P . W . PJQR'FWCT . Prlqo 8 d . Published by J . Pawib , Paternpster-rov , ftnd by G . nutannii : 47 ft . Nenr Oxford-street .
^ ibi ^ —^ i———^—w CATJTIONy LORD BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS . Mr . MURRAT bfegs to call the attention of Booksellers , News Agents , & c :, to the following statement , which appears in consequence of his having refrained from taking leg ^ lproceedin g ? against Mr . Henry Lea , 22 , "Warwick-lane . Paternoster-row . ¦ . Aibemarle-street ,-January , 1859 . . '; ' n nm " The Announcement by me of the publication of a Complete Edition of Byron ' s Works Illustrated , was founded on a mistake / as I find that owing to the Copyright held by Mr . Murray in a portion of those works , he alone can publish a complete edition . My announced Publication will therefore be a New Edition of the Illustrated Byron , comprising only those Works of Lord Byron in which no Copyright exists . "
On January Slst will be published / . .. to be continued Monthly , and completed in Nine Parts , 8 vo , price On e Shilling each , MURRAY'S EDITION FOR THE PEOPLE or LORD BYRON'S COMPLETE WORKS . Illustrated with Portrait and Steel Engravings by Stothard Phillips , Westall , Corbould , Ac . The First Part will contain CH 1 LDE HAROLD * THE CfAOUR . THB ATHESiEtrM , MAX , 1858 . "Eirfit years have yet to run before the Copynghtpf tlio whole of Byron ' s Poems expires , and those who now buy an edition of Byron's Works published without the sanction of Mr . Murray , buy an imperfect booh : ' JoHtf Mttrrat , Albemarle ^ street .
Now published , in one vol . Svo , 360 pp . in handsome wrapper , price 10 s . 6 d ., MEMOIRES DE L'IMPERATRICE CATHERINE II . Ecrits par elle-memo et precedes d ' une preface par A . HERZEN . " That these extraordinary memoirs are genuine we see no reason to doubt . "^—Tinies , Jan : 7- ¦¦ ...., ¦ , An English edition of the above work is m the press , ana will be published very shortly . ' ' . ' .. „ CAUTION . —Messrs . Trubner and Co ., the proprietors of the ¦ copviight , ' and of the exclusive Iright of an iEnglish translation , will take lepral steps against any person or persons infringing upon their rights .
This day , price One Shilling , THE HANDBOOK OF REFORM : Explaining the true Principles of Political Government and Taxation , ahd showing the Administrative , Financial , Law , Electoral , Church , and other Reforms Needed . Hent & y Adams and Co ., 9 , Parliament-street , Westminster ; and all Booksellers . ¦ . ' ¦¦ . •¦ '
1 QK (\ METIS'S DIARIES , ALMANACS , J . Qi )« 7 » & c , adapted to all Callings , Professions , or Trades , in above 100 VARIETIES of Size and J ' orra , at from Sixpence to Fourteen ShillinKs eacli , as well as pescrintivo Catalo >? ues , GRATIS , may ho obtained at ^ ANY BOOKSELLER'S in tho Kingdom . LETTS and Co ., 8 , Royal Exchange . ,
HAN WELL COU-EGE , MIDDLESEX , Is still retaining its high character . — United Service Gazette , ' ¦ ¦ A Prospectus will bo forwarded . on application to the Rev . Dr . Emerton , the principal . " .
EPPS'S COCOA . EPPS , HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST , London , —lib . and Jib . packets , is . Cd . and pd . —This excellent production , originally prepared for the special use of homoeopathic patients , having boon adopted by the goneral public , can now bo had of the principal grocers . Each packet is labelled Jamca Epps , homoeopathic chemist , London .
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction- Tho admirers of this celebrated Fjsh Sauce are particularly roquosted to observe that none is genuine but that which boars the back label with tho name of Wiiliam Lazhndy , as well as the front label signed Elizabeth Laeenby , " and that for further seonrity , on tho , neck of every bottle of thp Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an additional label , printed in green and red , as follows!— "This notice will be affixed to Lazonby ' s Harvey ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well-known labels , which are protootod against imitation > y a perpetual injunction In Chancery of Oth July , 1858 . " 6 , Edward 8 TBtroot , Portnmn-Bquaro , London ,
BRECKNELU'S SKIN SOAP , The best for prpdnclng a clear and healthy skin t in Is . packets of four tablets or oight squares . BrooknoH ' B Glysorlno Soap , for use whon thp skW is rough or ohappod ; In paokets of four tablets , 1 h . Od . —BREOKNBLL , TURNER , and SONS , manufacturers of Wax . SRermaqpti , Stcarino , Composite , and Tallow Candles to her Majesty ; agents to Price ' s Patent Candle Company , dealers in all other Patent Candles , all kinds of household and toilet Soaps , and in Oplzn , Sporra , Vcgotablu , nnd other Lamp Oils , & o . Buohlvo , 81 , Haymarkot , London—N . B . T ) aoh tablet and squaro in Btampod with tho name of "Brooknoll . "
A PATENT CORN FLOUR , with BROWN and POLSON'B name , has now tho armoxod trade mark on oaoh paokot . For Puddings , Custards , & o ., preferred'to the boat Arrowroot , and unpquallod nan . Plot for infants aud Invalids Tho Lanqot B » yfl , " Th » s Is superior to an . vthli' iiB of tho kind known /'—See 'Reports—also from Drs . Haaaall , Lothoby , and Muaprfttt . Sold by Grocers , Chemists , & o ., at 8 d . per 10 oss . pnokot . Paisley , Manchester , Dublin , and 23 , Ironmongor-lano , London .
mm . » : M ^ — fc ^ iW ^»>*^ i »«»> m * t * + tm *^ l' * ^ k ¦ ^ i ^^ ip *¦ w . l'Vk ^ t % ^ f a in ¦ ¦ MAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE AND TABLE CXTTLERY . MAPPITiT BROTHERS . Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 68 , King William-street , London-bridge , contain by far tlie largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVfiR PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the World , which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . _ .,,, V ,, v . , _ ., Fiddle Double King ' s Lily l ' attern . Thrcad . Pattern . Pattn . dEs . d . £ s . d . £ b . d . £ a . d . 12 Table Forks , best quality .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Table Spoons do . .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 p 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks do . .-1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 314 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 J 4 0 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 116 0 2 Sauce Ladles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 110 0 13 0 1 Gravy Spoon do . .. 0 70 0106 0110 0 13 o 4 Salt Spooiis Ogiltbowls ) .. 0 6 8 0 10 0 0 12 0 D 14 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . .. 0 1 8 0 2 6 0 8 0 0 3 « 1 Pair SuearTongs do- . ^ 0 3 6 0 5 6 0 6 0 0 7 0 I Pair Fish Carvers do . .. 1 0 0 1 10 0 114 0 USD 1 Butter Knife do . .. 0 3 0 0 . 5 0 0 60 0 70 1 Soup Ladle do . .. 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 17 6 10 0 6 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . .. 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 110 Complete Service .... ^ 10 13 10 15 . 16 6 17 13 6 21 4 6 Any Article can be had separately at the same Price ? . One Set of 4 Corner Dishes ( forming 8 Dishes ) , 81 . 8 s . ; One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz . one 20 inch , one 18 inch , and two 14 inch—101 . 10 s . ; Cruet Frame , 4 Glass , 24 s , -. Full-Sixe Tea and Coffee Service , 01 . 10 s . A Costly Book of Engravings , with prices attached , sent per post on receipt of 12 stamps . ' ¦ ¦ ,. „ ,. „ . ¦ Ordinary Mcdi . nm Best Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . Knives . Ivory Handles ... 2 4 0 3 6 0 4 12 0 lJDoz . Full-Size Cheese ditto .... 1 4 0 1 14 6 2 11 0 One Pair Regular Meat Cai-vors .. 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 15 C , One Pair Extra-Sized ditto .. 0 8 6 0 12 0 0 10 G One Pair Poultry Carvers-. 0 7 6 0 11 O O 15
FENDERS , STOVES , AND FIRE-IRONS . Buvers of the above are requested , before finally : deciiUiig . toOT- ' WILMaVS- BURTO . > ^ S ' SHOW-ROOMS . The > - contain such an assortment of FENDERS , S 1 W KS . RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRON . MO . VGER"X as cannot be approfiched elsewhere , eithcr .. . for . varietv , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisitcness of wmkmanship . Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments nnd two sets of bars . 81 . 15 s . to 33 / . lOo . ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to Bl . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 21 . 15 s . to 11 / . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 21 . 15 s . to isr . ; lire-irons , from 2 a . 3 d . tho set to 4 / . 4 s . The JiUltro . N and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . BEDSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . — WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to tho SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths / and Metallic Bedsteads . Tho stork of each is at onco tho largest , ncwost , and most varied <; ver submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate ; with those that have tended to make his establishment tho most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads / from ........ 12 s . Od . to 20 ? . 0 s . pneh . Shower Baths , from ...... 8 a . 0 s . to HI . 0 a . each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) , from ,. 6 s . 0 a . to 71 . 7 a . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil ,. . 4 s . 3 d . per gallon . rWrLEHY , WARRANTED . —The most va-V ^ ricd Assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in tho woi'ltl , all warranted , ia ON SALE at WILLIAM S . BUTTON'S , at prices that arc remunerfttivo ojily because * of tho larponoss of tho saJos . 34-inch ivory-handlod table knives , with high shouldora , 12 a . 6 d . per dozen ; dossorta to match , I'M . ; if to balance , Od . per dozen oxtra-, carvers , 4 s . 3 d , nor pair ; larger sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . Cd . per dozen ; extra lino ivory , 88 s . j if with silvor ferrules , 40 a . to 50 s . ; whjto bono tahlo knives , 6 s . per dozen ; dossqrts , Ca . ; carvers , 2 $ . . ' {( I . i »« r pair ; black horu tablo knivoa , 7 a . 4 d . ppr dpzoijj cloascrls . Oa . ; carvers , ? s . 6 d , ; black wood-handled table . knivoa and forks , 6 s . per dozens table stools , from la . oach . Tho largest atook in OTtistoncoof plated dessert knivoa and forks , iu cases and otherwise and of tho now plated fish carvurs . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S QENKUAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOCiUlO may bo had gratis , and froo by post , It containa upwards of 400 Illustrations of his iUlmited Stock of Jiloci . ro niul ShoHleld Plato , Nickel Silver and Britannia Wotn goods , Dish Covers aud Hot-water Dlahoa , Stovos , l ' l-iulorH , Marble Chimnoy-piooos , Kitchen Kaiigos , . Lnuipfi , Onsollors , Tea Urns audTKottlos , Tea Trays , Clocks . Tablu J utlory , Baths andTbilot Ware , Turnery , Iron and UrnHs liocl-Btoads , Boddliig , Bod HaiiKing , & o . & o ., wlth LiHtHofl ' ricoH , and Plans of tho Slxtopn lar «« Show Uoomw , at f > 0 , OxCorUstroofc , W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and a , Nowman-Htroot ! and 4 , 5 , nun 0 , Perry's place , London . —ESTABLISHED 1830 .
SECRECY OF CORRESPONDENCfc . L OOK TO YOUR ENVELOPES I Aro you aware of tho insecurity of tho ohoap lulluislvp onvolopof It can bo oponod ancf rocloaod without ( iiiyiiiK n traoo of having boon o |» onod , If you wialJ your prlvaln unU buHlnoas ) ottor » by pout or by hand to bo iivyblnU ) , um- only tho PATENT M > UBLB SAFETY MNVELOVH , wlilii In auowrod by two nahouivo bo « 1 h , ouo'OVflrlappiJiK II | ' \ ° ;! V . ' and cannot , without Uangor of aotootlon , bo tiuimorua will . This uuoful lovontlon la mnnufapLurQd at tlio Cow ' Palaoo , Sydonhftm , arid 04 , Trinity-oquaro . SpiiU w it . Samplo pivofcota of ( 50 onvolopoa nnd 00 shoota of noln » l »>¦ - or K ) 0 opv «| opos in aHflortoU bIkoh , wont froo to any l >»"' ° » tho klnBHonyon roooli ) t of la . 0 d . im poatngo wtauipH .
Lonik>N« Printed »Nd Pub)Uh«D By Fr«Dtri...
LONIK > N « Printed » nd pub ) Uh « d by Fr « dtri « k ««••» TcmlliM » t m Tho L « d «* r" OOloo , No . 18 , Onthtrtncatroft , Slnmd , \ a tho County of MiddlMex . — Jivnuary 10 , 1800
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 15, 1859, page 32, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15011859/page/32/