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¦¦ -462 ;./. ¦ . ¦ .. ¦ . . ; •T'H'EAvIi...
Mr. W. H. Murray, late of the Theatre Ro...
A police bureau is constituted, under th...
The Great Western Railway,have establish...
Mrs. Chisholm. has arrived in Cork. Dr. ...
The usual telegraphic despatches from Tr...
An extensive fire destroyed a "seed fact...
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Sir Fitzroy Kqlly Has Fulfilled His Prom...
Sir James Graham has addressed a"striking letter to the electors of Carlisle . It speaks of the difficulty of finding ' " a Protectionist withoutdisguise j" and he seesthat while a longing for ;¦ a corn-law lingers in the counties , in the House " the last shadow of Protection seems to have vattished in a Militia Bill . " He happily calls , the budget speech " The official homage paid to truth j - but he points out how Mr . Disraeli daily shifts his ground , and that his latest declaration is one for Protection . Altogether , he thinks the balance inclines towards a reversal of Free trade , and he urges free-trade electors to ask all candidates " Are you a supporter of Lord Derby ' s Government ? " as a test . " For myself , " he says , " I will make no professions . My public life for the last thirty-four years is before you . I am a Free-trader ; a Reformer ; a sincere member of the Established Church ; a constant friend of civil and relig ious liberty ; and , I must add , with pain , that I am an opponent of Lord Derby ' s Government . "
The glass-makers of Birmingham made a demonstration on the 30 th of April , to testify their estimate of the value of the services of Mr . George Dawson , MJL , in the cause of Hungary . They did this by meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall , and presenting to him a token of their respect and affection in the shape of a large and handsome glass cup , and also the flag which bore Ms name on the great and memorable Kossuth demonstration . The meeting was vert hearty . We regret to notice that Mr . Apsley Pellatfc , of London , refused to attend because William Newton , the able spokesman for the oppressed engineers , had been invited ! It is as gratifying to see this interchange of courtesies between working men and independent leaders like George Dawson , as it is painful to read of what we may call the ceconomical bigotry of a man like Mr . Apsley Pellatt , who occupies a leading position among the Radicals of Southwark . .
¦¦ -462 ;./. ¦ . ¦ .. ¦ . . ; •T'H'Eavii...
¦¦ -462 ; . / . ¦ . ¦ .. ¦ . . ; T'H'EAvIiEA ja . ll .: [¦ . ¦ ; . ; . - . V ^ Mih & M .. ~ - ^ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦¦"¦ _ ' ¦ _ : ^ ¦'¦•¦ -- ¦¦' - •¦ . ¦ — . ' ¦¦¦ ¦ . •¦ .. — n , . . 1 1 , 111 ¦ ¦ ¦ 11 ' — ¦ mi ii . ' . '' . '" ^ ————
Mr. W. H. Murray, Late Of The Theatre Ro...
Mr . W . H . Murray , late of the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh , died on Thursday week , at St . Andrew's , in Ms 63 rd year . Dr . Maclure , formerly head master of the All Souls' and St . Marylebone District School , in union with King ' s College , London , has been appointed by the Crown , Regius Professor of Humanity in Marischal College , Aberdeen . Lord John Russell presided over the annual meeting of the British and Foreign School Soeiety on Monday . Lord Carlisle moved , and Lord Ebrington seconded , the adoption of the report . Prince ^ Albert , on Tuesday , laid the foundation stone of certain new buildings about to be erected in Victoria-Btreet , Westminster , for the purpose of affording increased accommodation of the training masters and mistresses in connexion with the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor . The Archbishop of Canterbury read prayers on the occasion , and the Bishop of London invited the Prince to lay the stone .
The Museum of Ornamental Manufactures , consisting chiefly of articles purc hased from the Exhibition of 1851 , will bo opened to the public on Wednesday , the 19 th of May , at Marlborough House . The Queen will lend the shield ascribed to Benevenuto Cellini , now in the Royal collection at Windsor , to the department for the purpose of comparison with the modern metal works exhibited ; and she will make several presents to the museum . On the same occasion the annual exhibition of the works of the students will take place , and a course of lectures upon the principles of design , illustrated b y the works in this museum , will be given by Mr . Owen Jones in the month of June .
" Protestantism" had a field-day at Exeter Hall on Wednesday , when the Earl of Roden reviewed the forces of tho Protestant Association . Tho nature of the meeting may be guessed from tho fact that hia lordship presided ; that Sir John Paul , the Reverend Dr . M'Neill , and Dr . Cumming , wcro among tho speakers . Ep ithets of the tavern order were liberally dealt in—" miserable impurities of tho wretched breviary , " " prying , prurient probingsof the dark confessional , " " Papal insolence , " & c . & c . " The question of tho day was tho question of tho Protestant Association . ' It was confessed that the intention of tho anti-Maynooth party was to raise a "No Popery" cry .
A Police Bureau Is Constituted, Under Th...
A police bureau is constituted , under the direct supervision of tho Emperor of Austria , with Field-Marshal Lieut . Kompen at its head . Tho Emperor of Russia arrived at V lonna , on the 8 th ot May . Tho Empress left him at Cassol , and with hor suite accompanied hor brother , tho King of Prussia , by tho train for Broslau and Berlin . Tho mother of Kosfluth and a number of his relatives , sixteen in all , arrived at Prag ue , four daya ago , on their way to England . Another report says , that tho party aro going to tho United States . A letter from Hamburgh , dated the 4 th , says : — " Yesterday morning , at early tido , a division of fifteen vesseln , containing 2377 Gorman omigranto , loft our port . Of thoso 1002 wore for Now York , 836 for Canada , and 610
for New Orleans . " Tho University of Berlin colobratod , a few days ago , tho fifliotli nnnivorHury of tho nomination to tho degroo of Doctor of M . LichtenHtoin , tho celebrated naturalist , who since tho foundation of tho university , in 1810 , has occupied tho chair-of Zoology . Thrco Imata of M . Lichtonstein woro inaugurated— -ono in tho grand gallery of tho univorsity , ono in the Zoological MiiHouin , and tho third in the Zoological Garden of Berlin . Baron Von HumboliN ; dolivorod a flpooch to tho professors and students , in which ho dotailod ' afc groat , length fcho scientific labours of M . Jiichtonstoin . Some days bcibro tho coromony , M . Lichtonstoin who iB romarkub ' lo for his modonty , loft Berlin for Triestefrom whence ho was to proceed to Alexandria .
, This year , 1852 , tho Royal Academy of Swodon . has caused its annual modal to bo struck to tho memory of tho celebrated Swedonborg , ono of its iiv & t membcre . 1 ho modal , which has already boon distributed to tho Associates , has , on tho obvorBe , the hoad of Swedonborg , with , at tho lop , the name , Emanuel Bwedenborg j and underneath ,
Nat . 1688 . 2 > en . 1772 . Arid on the reverse , a man in a eminent reaching to the feet , with eyes unbanflaged , standing before the temple of Isis , at the base of which the goddess is seen . Above is the inscription : Tantoque exsultat aliimno i and below , Miro natura tnvesttqatori socio quond * oestimatiss Acad . reg . Scient ¦ . Soeci MBCCCLrll .
The Great Western Railway,Have Establish...
The Great Western Railway , have established m connexion with- all their trains , express omnibuses that con vey passengers and their luggage from Paddington to the city without stopping , at shilling fares . , A pretty yacht race came off on Wednesday , between Blackwall and Gravesend . The boats , belonging to the Prince of Wales' Yacht Club , commodore Mr . Berncastlo , varied from six to eight tons burden . The distance was done by the' Valentine , eight tons , in 5 hours 6 minutes 48 seconds . Wind W . S . W ., rain falling , with squalls .
Mrs. Chisholm. Has Arrived In Cork. Dr. ...
Mrs . Chisholm . has arrived in Cork . Dr . Newman , president of the intended Roman Catholic University , delivered the first of a series of lectures on " University Education , " before a very numerous and respectable audience , on Monday , at the Dublin Rotunda . Another " Saxon , " the honourable Mr . Mpstyn , spn of Lord Vaux , of Harrowden , has appeared as a candidate for Westmeath . The visitation at the Cork Colleges began on Tuesday . The president , Sir Robert Lane , reported very favourably of the progress of the students . Some dispute , however , there is , between the president and the professors which promises to be interesting . . , It has been resolved by the Executive Committee of the
proposed National Exhibition of the Arts , Materials , and Manufactures of Ireland , to be held at Cork , next month , that in order to carry out more fully the purposes of _ the National Exhibition , a series of lectures be instituted m connexion therewith , to be called Exhibition Lectures , and devoted to the illustration of Irish arts , industry , and science . The sub-committee appointed to make arrangements for the lectures includes the names of Lord Bernard , Mr . James Roche , Sir Thomas Deane , the Archdeacon of Cork , Mr . Francis M . Jennings , Professor Boole , and Professor Shaw ,. Secretary . The lAmerick Reporter says :-r- " Father Kenyon , of TemDlederrv . has iust received a long letter from his friend
John Mitchel . Tie letter was written in December : it affords a glowing picture of the present position and prospects of the exile and his family , who are enjoying _ the sweets of domestic hapinessin Van Diemen ' s Land . Mr . and Mrs . Mitchel and their children are all nv the best health ; John Martin is living with them , and his health also is greatly improved . John Mitchel has taken a large tract Of land , which he is farming hi mself , and which affords him constant occupation . He writes in high spirits , but by no means in love with the Whigs , however ; and his aspirations for the liberation of Ireland are said to be as vigorous and as constant as ever . " The Dover Chronicle says , that a soldier of the 67 th dep 6 fc , quartered at Dover Heights Barracks , while
confined at the guard house on Monday night last , coniessed to the serjeant of the guard being the murderer of the late Lord Norbury , in Ireland , some ten years since , at noonday , in his park . The man stated that he shot the unfortunate nobleman , and gave a detailed account of the murder ( which the serjeant very properly committed to writing in the presence of two men of the guard ); and as he comes from tho locality in which the murder was perpetrated , there is a probability of tho truth of his admissiong . He adds that he entered tho army after-committing the deed . Tho man is now in very close confinement in tho guard-house , at the Western Heights , awaiting tho results of inquiries which have been set on foot .
The Usual Telegraphic Despatches From Tr...
The usual telegraphic despatches from Trieste , dated the 13 th inst , arrived in London yesterday . Tho dates from Bombn * aro to the 17 th of April . Tho troops for Burmah wero all embarked by tho 30 th of March . Tho whole force was to unite before Rangoon on tho 5 th of April , and Rangoon was expected to be in our possession by tho 10 th of tho same month . ThoiVcw Orleans Crescent says , that one of tho returned Cuban prisoners affirms that Lopoz was not garotted at Havana , and that he is still confined in a dungeon in that town .
As Kossuth , in his progress through tho States , recedod from tho Atlantic coast , rumours became rife that tho Yankees woro becoming disgusted with him ; that ho had insulted Henry Clay ; that prospority had made him insolent and overweening ; in short , that his cause was injured rather than served by his advocacy . Since ho camo oastward again , applauBo baa followed and calumny lagged behind him . His latest victory over tho Yankoo Abaolutists and tho Jesuit press was at Fanouil Hall , Boston . A military escort was allotted to him , and ho reviewed tho troops , In his progress through tho Eastern States ho has boon as triumphant as ovor . In proof of which , wo obsorvo that tho Senate and Assembly of tho Stato of Now York , through Governor Washington Hunt , havo invited him to visit them again boforo ho quits tho States for
Europe . A doHpatcli from Sir Henry Smith , datod Camp , Bhnkwator , March 17 , 1852 ,, appeared in tho Gazette of Tuesday . Sir Henry acknowledges tho despatch frorU England " of tho 14 th . 1 anuary last , intimating to mo that her Majesty ' s Govornmont had doomed it an unavoidable , duty to relieve mo from my present ' position ; that my Sovereign had approved of" tho measure , and l-hat my successor was imjmerliatoly to loavo England . " Ho HtaloH , howovor , that tho preparations woro no far advanced thai , ho dcomod it hi » duty to carry thorn out ; and ho proooodH to narrato 1 mm activup to tho-l 7 th , which had resulted in tho clearing of tho Watorkloof , Blinkwator , and FuIIov ' b Hock . Having dono thin , ho procooda to report upon tho conduct of tho burghers ae follows : — - " I deeply rogrot , for tho credit of tho frontier inhabitants , to report that only 200 burghcru fron > tb . p district
of Somerset , 200 from Cradockj tiad 33 from Graham ' Town , have responded tainy command . They first ^ T , jectcd to the volunteer system which I offered to th loyalty . T ] tiey then requested to be commanded to tuwf out . Their shuffling conduct is melancholy . Thm-n «!/ many loyal and energetic men who do not fall under thi « censure , especially the burghers of Albert , under ! Bfr Cole , whoi although they have not turned out on this last occasion , having been only just dismissed after a long and harassing though successful inroad over the Upper Kei have done right good service during the War . " . ' In windingiip his last despatch , he gives unsparing praisa to the chira among his subordinate officers .
An Extensive Fire Destroyed A "Seed Fact...
An extensive fire destroyed a " seed factory / ' and injured other warehouses , in a place called the " Grove '' Southwark . s Mr . James Finch , a retired farmer , of "Winchcomb , near Cheltenham , who had reached the age bf seventy , put a period to his existence on Saturday morning—first , ty cutting his throat , and then by climbing into ajargeplum . tree , at the top of his garden , arid there hanging himself The following absurd paragraph appeared ma morning paper : —Letters have been received from Fernando Po , to the 7 th of February last , stating that the BansJiee , Captain Blacklock , had arrived there at the above date , and reported the death of Axchiborid Duke ,: King of Old Calabar . The Banshee would convey Mr . Beecroft , her Majesty's
Consul , to Old Calabar , as serious apprehensions were en . tertained in connexion with the payment ^ of the King ' s debts . ¦ - ¦ . . ; ¦¦ ¦¦ . ; " ¦ # - . ' . ' - ;• . ¦ . ' : A young man , named Richard Ambler , was tried at the Middlesex sessions on Wednesday , for ; attempting to violate a young girl of 18 . She had been brought to his house by a Harriet Bcrrington , the daughter of a clergyman , seduced by A ^ nbler , and who had been for som e time in the habit of taking young and guileless girls to Ambler's house and leavhig them in his hands . In the present case , the stout resistance of the girl defeated his vile intent ; and he was very properly sentenced to eighteen months ' imprisonment with hard labour .
Heaiith Of London During The Week. Thb O...
HEAIiTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . Thb official report says : —In the week that ended last Saturday the number of deaths registered in the metropolitan districts was 972 . In the ten corresponding weeis of 1842-51 the average number of deaths was 898 , -Which , if raised in proportion to increase of population , becomes 988 . Tho rate of mortality now prevaihng , therefore , diflFers little from the average amount . The gradual decline of mortality which at this season accompanies ah increasing temperature irshown as follows : —In the third week of March the deaths rose to 1208 ; in the second week of April they fell to 1051 ; and in the first week of May to 972 . The mean weekly temperatures that marked these several periods were 40 * 5 deg .,
44 fO deg . j and 48-ldeg . Of the 972 persons enumerated in the present return , 498 were males and 474 females ; 451 died under 15 years of age , 339 at 16 years and under 60 , and 176 at 60 years and upwards ^ As compared with the results of the previous week , there is a decrease both in the deaths caused by epidemics taken altogether , and thoseby diseases of tho respiratory organs , the former liaving declined from 232 to 193 , the latter from 187 to 166 . In the respective weeks , dropsy was fatal to 17 and 14 persons ; cancer to 16 and 22 scrofula to 9 and 15 ; tabes mesentcrica to 16 and 17 ; phthisis to 131 and 130 ; bronchitis to 86 and 74 ; pneumonia to 67 and 62 . Last week six women died ot puerperal fever , besides 12 others who sunk undor other diseases incidental to child-bearing .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 10 th inst ., at Colncy-hatch , Middlesex , tho wife of W Charlee Hood , Esq ., M . 1 X : a son . r-mWpaa On the Uth inst ., at No . 40 , Grosvonor-square , tho CountesB of Verulam : a son and heir . WillBhiro On the 11 th iust ., at Kichinga-parlc , Bucks , Lady WjUbiuto . a SeTith inst ., at Woolwich , tho wife of Captain F . Bardlev -Wilmot , B . A .: a daughter . ivrarflliionesa ' On the 12 th innt ., at 10 , Belgrave-square , tho MaroUionesa Cainden : a daughter . MABMAGBS . , Oa iho 22 nd ult ., at Corn ,, Edward Charles Butler H . M 36 tu Bopiment of Foot , A . D . O ., flecond son of John Butter ^ bwj Kirby-houfle . Berks , to Francis Gu « lalii |? o Felro . ^ Maria , cute dau liter of Sir Henry George Ward . G . O . M . & ., » nd * llieh . Commissioner of tho Ionian Islands . Hfr ; nirneld , of & i tho 23 rd nit ., at Now York , George ^ rgci Stringl em ^ Bath , England , to Eliz a Edwar ds eldeHt daug tor of the Edward Edwards , of Folkestone , Kent , E " ? f . ; i , ineWftrdrop » On tho 20 th ult ., at WaUhouse , William ™™ XlcToT £ . Kt o Esq ., of Bridgehouao , to Helen , second dauel'K * William Downo Gillon , Esq ., of Wallhouso . Wroomun frod , On the 11 th in 8 t ., afc 8 . liter ' s , Marlborough , ^ ° Xuphtor E « q ., SwallowHeld , heading , toSarah M artha , your . » er ^ ^ ., of Captain I ' rico , lato 3 Cth ltegimont , und Adjutant Koyai MiIiti' 1 ' DEATHS . . fnnnt . On tho 4 th of March , oft" tho Inland of . Asc ^ S ^ i ° Btoam « r Commander KiimeJl Patey . B . N ., ° * " W ^ f c ' nford , Jftloodftound , eldcHt hou of tioutcnant Patoy , B . JN ., «* ^' D ° tha 1 l ? h 3 Maroh , killod *^**&< 2 £ Fullcr ' s-hook , tho iron . H «> nry Wrottetiloy , i ' ^ ° ] T 1 Rht Infantr > . fourth » o » of LohI Wrottt-rfey , ag f ^¦ , ( 3 r ( l 6 n the 6 th fnat ., ut his f » tl , er ' a houHe , »«« Butler , year of his age , deeply lamentwl . ^""^ St SSS ^ Company > JVI . K . C . H ., asBiBtnnt-aurgooM in tho Hon . Iia « t H »« " * ^ Sorvico , Bombay . ,. ¦ i ' roct . l ' arlc-la " ' On tho Blh inst , at Ins residence , Norfollc-BtroOT , * u . LioHteuant-Colonel Sir CluirloH Bowon , K . O . B ., ^ Hioiier oftho Molropolilan Polioo . No rthum 1 ) erltti » d-On Iho 8 th iiiHt .. Kicharcl Oobbott , Km- > « Wortin street , Mtrand , nnA Eelier , Surrey in the 75 th yo » r oi ^ On tho Oth innt ., at Ormeaby-hall , YorkBlrtio , w Henry Pennyman , Bart ., » jiod H 8 . Lord . Wenloo ^ On tho Oth inot , at EBonc ) c-p « rk , Paul Boilltf w *" aged 0 / .
Leader (1850-1860), May 15, 1852, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15051852/page/10/