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MA y 19, Igg 2.] I THE: LgADER. 475
©rerntan Pfeg&
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Royal Academy Exhibition. (Second Notice...
j- olifv of Spring . There is a twig , and there is another twig ; and 5 ?^ is a bough ; and there is water , deep , still , treacherous , below ; If vl ia soft , silvery moss ; there is a tree trunk above , gnarled and I % ted and thrusting itself at you ; there are rushes , lanlc > fresh , d very green ; and there is ( by a fine sentiment of contrast ) a robin on S p tree piping his little anthem of full-throated joy , and muslin floating the water , black and gloomy , as muslin in weeping peril of that sort ? es look s it is all admirable for , truth , power , affection , but the artist ' sists upon . it too much ; and when he plants you , as it were , successively , if fore each particular twig , and enters into a natural » historical article i / 1
¦ nOl l it aS an lUbVLLlgVLllj puiwiiuaoupi miguu jlu . cauuillg JJ . S jJUJJUa UU Hit ! biective system , you do feel rather distracted and rather weary , and ! Lish that you might come to the point . At last you . do , and you turn grave and sad . Those two helpless hands , richly fleshed , but gentle as love and helpless as infancv—they are the hands of a woman , living , warm with life , but in some helpless plight . You see it in her face—it is Ophelia , a fair , harmless woman ; a womanly woman , full of life and afiectionableness ( if Johnson will forgive us the word ) , with no cunning intellect to follow Hamlet ' s transcendental procrastinations—now crazed \ , xr drpams . and incapable of her own living senses—singing her death song ,
and floating down , gently and idly , to her " muddy ^ death .- " It is Ophelia , literally and wholly ^ as Shakespeare paints ^ her . Why distract us so long from that sweet single idea P Why detain us with a curious pedantry of eve and hand , over every leaf and stalk P You do not do it in nature ; the centred idea , directly bright to the mind , renders surrounding objects obscurer and remoter . The painter establishes the same relation by the help of chiaroscuro , a device learned from nature . But , says Prse-¦ Raphaelitism , there was no chiaroscuro before Raphael ' s time . to the
It is beginning to appear , however ^ even Prse-Eaphaelite , when he condescends to the reign of Charles IX . of France ; for we are relieved to see its benign shadow dawning in the picture of the Huguenot . Here are leaves , and stalks too , and bricks moreover ; but either there is not so much of them , or the gentler shadows moderate the intensity of the fact , and attune the whole to a broader harmony . There is , indeed , that deep brilliant velvet cloak , not less deep or brilliant than , in nature ; but , perhwps ,
it scarcely detracts from the matter in hand . And the matter in hand isxjne of the sweetest girl ' s faces you ever gazed upon ; It is a beautiful design , in every way ; subject , composition , treatment , all harmonizing and contributing to the bringing forth the inner sentiment . The two lovers are standing opposite each other , and close together , breast to breast , as only lovers can be . The girl has been tying the white kerchief round her lover ' s left arm . His arms are . round her ; one hand , quite round her neck and over her shoulder , is gently , and with a tender remonstrance , drawing away the kerchief ; the other hand caresses the back of her head ,, and
presses her towards him , dragging back the hair from her temple as he doats upon her upturned fade . And it is a face to doat updn . As real as > what shall we say P— -as real as woman . The earnestly tearful expression , touched with the melting delight of a memory , and with the shadow of a presentiment ; the cheek gently dragged by a movement of the face " that yearns against the fond resistance of his caressing hand upon the hair , the perfect directness—are in the deepest truth . It is a picture to love . How much of this was worthily set forth by painters before Raphael's time P Feel it they did , be Dante witness for his friend Giotto ; but they had not then hit upon the style to make it out .
Hunt is working in the same school with Millais . Less refined , scarcely less powerful , we may say the same of his ^ Hireling Shepherd . A rustic pair , of lovers perhaps , rough ,, honest , not over-refined , are amusing themselves with the ways of a pet lamb . The man is rough and brawny ; he and the woman are ruddy with the sun—but -what sun paints so like brickdust P—the grass is fresh , and sharp , and green ; the woolly sheep lie and sport in the sunny grass , a cool shade slanting athwart them ; a leafy shadow is playing on the lap of the woman ; the trees are fresh and
breezy . | Hunt cannot yet paint flesh—not even muscle , still less face , —so well as he can grass and fleece ; but it will come . The picture is a fine careful vigorous study : the Prse-Eaphaelite pictures are all honest , loveinspired , devoted studies ; Millais is getting out of his apprenticeship , and emerging into Raphaelitism . The school has gone a long way round ; but their spirit has infected older schools , and we see it possessing a large portion of that field from which so many of the oldest journeymen are absent this year .
Ma Y 19, Igg 2.] I The: Lgader. 475
MA 19 , Igg 2 . ] I THE : LgADER . 475
Money Market And City Intelligence. Feid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Feidat , May 14 . With aome slight variations Consols remained at 99 £ $ up to Wednesday , fldvancinff to 99 | on Thursday . The fluctuations on other Stock have been Bank Stock , 219 £ , 220 J ; "Exchequer Bills ^ March ) 69 s . to 74 s . premium , ( June ) 63 s . to 66 s . premium . In Foreign Stocks , the bargains in the official list comprized—Brazilian , 98 £ : the New , 97 ; Chilian Three per Cents ., 68 |; Granada Deferred , 9 J and 9 ; Mexican Five per Cents ., for account , 32 £ , 32 , and 32 £ ; the Three per Cents ., 25 £ , 25 , 25 \ , and f ; Peruvian for account , 104 : the Deferred , 62 ; Eussian Fbur-and-a-Half per Cents ., 103 | and |; Sardinian Five per Cents ., 96 J and 97 ; Spanish Three per Cents ., 47 ; the New Deferred , 21 , 20 $ , £ , and f ; Venezuela , 44 ; Austrian Five per Cents ., 78 ; and Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents ., 6 lf .
British Funds Foe The Past Week. (Closik...
BRITISH FUNDS FOE THE PAST WEEK . ( ClOSIKO FHI 0 . , ) Satur . Mond . Tu . es . IVedn . Thurs . Frid . BaukStook 2204 220 219 * ...... 220 * 3 per Cent . Red 98 $ 98 £ 98 J 98 | 98 * 3 per Cent . Con . Ans . 99 ? 99 i 99 | 99 i 99 | 3 per Cent . An . 1751 " 3 per Cent . Con ., Ac . 99 | 95 * 99 J 99 * 99 | 3 i per Cent . An 100 * 10 ol IOOS lOOf 100 | Now 6 perCents ..... Long Ans ., I 860 ' ' 0 6 6 6 J Ind . St . 10 * per Cent JJitto Bonds , £ 1000 ... 83 81 81 81 ...... fe tf 00 « 62 p 63 p 66 p 63 p 63 p Dtto ( £ 500 .... 62 p 63 p 65 p 63 p 63 p ' I > mo , Small 62 p 66 p 65 p 63 p 63 p
Prom The London Gazette. Friday, May 7. ...
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , May 7 . Tir ?^?? ^™ ' - " ^ Mawbbjto , Shoroditoh , oilman , to surrender £ 3 . Juno 22 , at the Bankrupts' Court : solicitors , Messrs . nai ; er > ^ r " . Parker , and Whitehouse , Bedford-row { official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-oourt , Basinghall-street . Tn > L " 0 MAB » -Little Stanhope-street , Mayfair , builder , May 17 , lin , ' tho Bankrupts' Court : solicitor , Mr . Staniland , "ouvcrio-st roet , Fleet-street ; offlciaj assignee , Mr . Graham , tlinli- '"" . "nouam ; Worcester , milliner , May 18 , June 10 , at Coplni " w ngham Distriot Court of Bankruptoy : solicitors , Mr , asHien ^ M rcofrterj » nd Mersr » . Wright , Birmingham ; oillciul ' BHignoo Mr . Volpy , Birmingham . Miiv i « t lnNa ' KotttJ » nea * Bookington , Somersetshire , grocer , m > Mtnl IT ' tho Bristol District Court of Bankruptcy ; Mr Aomnm B " - Corni 8 h Mld ] Parno 11 ' BriBto 1 ' ' oflloial asafgnee , Jun o ' ui' WooWojith ' , Liverpool , licensed-viotuallor , May 10 , « itor lj ' v ¦ i ° ^ vorpool Diatriot Court of Bankruptcy : soli-Hvo rpool ' ^ '' Livor P ° ol ; official oasiguoo , Mr . Bird , r , Tuesday , May 11 , « oriv « nor ?' lfl # ~ CK M < Wmninu ) , 22 , Groflham-atreot , City . Court J r . ? urjt > e »» dor May 21 , Juno , 26 , at the . Bankrupt *' Strand . oni ° - t ? r ' - K - **• Munday , 10 , Laiioastor-plaoo , « . ll \ nl >? Knfle ; Mr ; Cannan , 18 , Aldormanbury . Mii vi ? V , ? t ' Holona , Lanoftstor , glass manufacturer , « oliolto « ilr ° t tho Liverpool District Court of Bankruptcy : ^ ivornoof Si Y \ Irttywar ( l , Birmingham ; and . Mr . T . » odK o , XivornoolV l ua * h ™<> , Mr . Q . lilorgan , 12 , Cork-street , < ho ' liood ? ° r » yrj' nftlifi « . York , draper , May 28 . Juno 25 , at ? HMlJrw 5-i ! J Sourt *> ' Bankruptcy i soUoftor . Mr . G . teedo / ' UuilQ ) X i offlolftl assignee , Mr . Q , Young , fark-row ,
©Rerntan Pfeg&
© rerntan Pfeg &
ST , JAMES'S TIEAIEE . Mb . MitCHEit . respectfully announces that he has entered into arrangements for presenting , for the Tirst time in this Country , a short Serieis ( limited to Twelve Bepresentations ) of - GERMAN DRAMAS AND COMEDIES , for which Engagements have been made with , some of the most Celebrated Artistes of Germany , namely : — HERR EMIL DEVRIENT , ( Of the Theatre Royal , Dresden—the most eminent Actor of the German Stage . ) HERE CARL GRUNERT , ( Of the Theatre Royal , Stuttgardt . ) HERR C . KUHN , ( Of the Grand Ducal Theatre , Darmstadt . ) PRAULEIN ANT ON IE WILHELMI , ( Of the Theatre Royal , Dresden . ) FRAU STOLTE , ( Of the Duoal Theatre of Brunswick . ) * ERAU VON MtfLLER , ( Of the Grand Ducal Theatre , Darmstadt . ) F R A U L E I N E P P E R T , ( Erom Dresden . ) AND A COMPLETB TBOUPB , CONSISTING OB THIBTY PEBFOBMEBS . The First Representation will take place on Wednesday Evening , June 2 nd , 1852 , when Goethe ' s Tragedy of EGMONT , with the original Musio of Beethoven , will be produced , and in which Herr Emil Devrient , Herr Harting , Herr C . Kfihn , Herr Wwt . haler , Fraulein Wilhelmi , and Frau Von Miiller , will have the honour of making their First Appearances in England . The general arrangements will be superintended by Dr . Kuenzel , Professor of History and Literature at tho Polytechnic College of Darmstadt ; and Herr Birnstill . Rdgisaeur of the Grand Ducal Theatre , Darmstadt . Director of the Music , Herr A . Thomas , ( Pupil of De Beriot . ) ( The subsequent Representations will bo soleoted from tho following Pltfvs , all of which will be perfectly ready for performance : —FAUST , by Goethe , with the Ori g inal Music of Prince RadziwUl and Lindpaintner . THJI lfoBBERS , by SohiUer . INTRIGUE AND LOVE , by Schiller . DON OARLOS THE INFANT OF SPAIN , by Sohiller . EMILIA GALOTTI , by Lessing . THE DEATH OF OROMWBLL , by Baupaoli . And Shakspeare ' s HAMLET , and ROMEO AND JULIET . Besides several modern Comedies , with which tho performance will be varied . Subscriptions will bo arranged for Twelve Representations , , tho Terms of which , and Prospectuses of the general Arrange - , ments , may bo obtained at Mr , Mitchell ' s Library , 33 , Old ( Bond Streot , and the Principal Librarios and Musicsollors . (
C 8 * Zoological < Sfar &* tt £ , REGENT'S PARK , Are Open to Visitors daily . Tho Collection now contains upwards of 1 , 600 Sneoimona : a Fine Serion of - ^ N ™ Ji J ^ 5 having been added ^ to tho HIPPOPOTAMUS , ELEPHANT CALF , and other raro animals , during thp Winter , Tho Band of tho Firsb Life Guards will perform , by permission of Colonel Hall , on every SATURDAY , at Four o clock , until further notice . , Admission , One Shilling . On Mondays , Sixpence .
T \/ TR . ALBERT SMITH'S ASCENT OF 1 \ L . MONT BLANC , illustrated by Mr . W . Bovorloy . BVEttTf ICVENING , at 8 o ' olook . Stalin ( numbered and reserved , which can bo taken from tho plan at tho Hall ovory day from 11 to 4 . ) 8 s . j area , 2 h . j gallery , Is . — Children s stills , 2 u . 5 area , Is . A Morning Performanoo every Tuesday and Saturday , at 8 o ' clock , Egyptian Hall . Piccadilly .
T ^ XETER HALL . —JiTEW ORATORIO . — Pi DANIEL ( 6 thChapter ) , by GEORGE LAKE : FRIDAY NEXT , May 21 . Also , Mendelssohn ' s PSALM 65 , and Weber ' a PRAISE OF JEHOVAH , —all first time . Vocalist ^ Misses Messerit , Stewart , Felton ; Messrs . Sims Reeves , Snowbridge , H . Buckland , Leffler , and H . Phillips , with Band and ~ Chorus of nearly 700 performers . Tickets , 3 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . 6 d ., At Addison ' s , 210 , Regent Street , and all Musicsellers . ~
TO THE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES . — Suppose a man at the age of thirty , wishes to leave £ ? 0 to his widow , children , or any one whom he chooses , he will have to pay 10 di per month , or about the cost of one pint of beer per week , so long as he lives ; but if he should die the next day after the first payment , hi 3 family will receive the £ 20 . Should a person be unable to continue the A asurance , the Sums paid will not be forfeited as in other Offices , as he will be granted another Policy 01 less amount , but equivalent to the sums already paid , and exonerated from any future payments . The Directors of the NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY propose to extend the benefits of Life Assuranoe in all its details , to all classes of the community—in fact , to the millions generally , by adapting the modes of payments to meet their views and circumstances . The Rates of premium for every other system of Assurance , detailed Prospectuses , containing a list of the Shareholders of the Society , and every other information , will be readily afforded on application to the Seoretary , at the Chief Offices of the Society , 34 , Moorgato Street , Bank , London ; at the Branch Offices , Queen ' s Chambers , Market Street , Manchester ; or to any of the Agents appointed in the principal towns throughout the United Kingdom , ¦
, , ( THREATENED DEMOLITION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE . I IT consequence of many thousands of Persons in the United Kingdom having been unable to obtain a Copy of the Gbuat Exhibition Chabx , Printed in Colours , and Presented by the Proprietors of the " Weekly Dispatch . " to their Subscribers and the Public , in the months of January and February last , A Rk-issuh has been determined upon , to fake place on Scndax , the 16 th o » May . Tho Chart , which has undergone a careful revision , shows by simple diagrams tho number of persons that visited the Exhibition daily , tho amount of money taken at tho various entrances . tho quantity of refreshments consumed ; the names of the Royal Commissioners ; an account of the origin of tho Palace , and its dimensions in foot . In order that every individual in tho oountry may possess thin statistical roller of curious and interesting results , to mark tho demolition of tho building , and to sorvo aa a memento of its existence , tho Quart will bo delivered GUA-TIB to every Subscriber and Purchaser of tho "Dispatoh" on tho day stated . * Tho " Dispatch" is published at 4 o ' clock every Saturday morning , in time for tho First Railway Trains leaving Xondon , and for tho Morning Mails . « ' Early ordora should be given to all Newsvendorn , in Town ftnd Oountry ; or to Mr . R . J . Wood , No . 189 , Floet-streot . N . B . The News Agents will have a Copy of tho Chart with every " Dispatoh" ofMay 16 th .
A MOST Favourable Opportunity is offored to partios willing to embark ( froo from liiil > ility ) either ft or large sum in an important undertaking , which by reports ft-om Practical and Solentiflo mou is shown to promise very profitable resulta . Full particulars will be sent in answer to letters ( free ) , enclosing two posture stamps for the reply , directed to J . T , 9 ,, 6 , Went Streot , Knobury Olrous , London ,
Leader (1850-1860), May 15, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15051852/page/23/