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Nov. 15, 1351.] at« UrnDPi. 1007
— —-^ ~ FOEEJQN FUND9. (,,,i oacuio«^ *2...
SHARES. Last Official Quotation for Week...
CORN EXCHANGE. Mark-Lane, Friday, Novemb...
GRAIN, "Rfark-lane, Nov. 7. Wheat, R. Ne...
FLOUR. T.iu-n-nv.tlo , per sack 37s. to ...
I'ltOVISIONB. •tulter 11,-at l'resb, 11 ...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Nov. 15, 1351.] At« Urndpi. 1007
Nov . 15 , 1351 . ] at « UrnDPi . 1007
— —-^ ~ Foeejqn Fund9. (,,,I Oacuio«^ *2...
— — - ^ ~ FOEEJQN FUND 9 . ( ,,, i oacuio «^ * 2 * SJ «¦•*«* •"""»* ^ *»"*" r , K c . « Hi' ^ 8 5 J ! Sif . ' ? rSS SSSSjft "^ ' «• JSSSJWJffiSSS V" - in . S 5 ! S . 5 # ^ » * if ^ - ^! - s , Danish . - ) per Cents .. 101 * Annuities - Dutch 24 P « Cen * s .. «» RU 9 sian , 1822 , 44 p . Ota 101 i — - ^ . S , " " 3 J Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 20 J Eciiador Bonds ^^« 0 J ^ paggive _ 5 ! !! iitcti ; j 3 ? ri > . io —• Deferred -
Shares. Last Official Quotation For Week...
SHARES . Last Official Quotation for Week ending : Friday Evening . Railways . . Banks . SX . Wer " £ fflSp African S ^ frnCountier ' .: 6 | SoSp ^ cial of London . - ; 85 ) | 3 iK & ^ Glasgow 27 * London and Westm inster 30 Great Northern .. .. 16 London Joint Stock .. 18 Great S & W . ( Ireland ) — National of Ireland .. — Grea Western .. .. 8 R & National Provincial .. - Lancashire and Yorkshire 57 Provincial of Ireland .. 41 Lancaster and Carlisle - Union of Australia .. 35 * Tond ' Brighton . & 8 . Coast 93 Union of London .. i * London and Blackball .. 7 Mines . London and N .-Western 115 } Bolanoa-.. : - — Midland - > 0 | Brazilian Imperial .. — North British .. .. 6 Ditto , St . John del Rey 19 South-Eastern and Dover — Cobre Copper .. .. oi Smith-Western .. .. — ' Miscellaneous . Vork , Nencas ., & Berwick 18 * Australian Agricultural IS York and North Midland 20 £ Canada .. .. 4 » 4 Docks . General Steam .. .. *}* East amMVest India .. 142 Peq ins . 8 sOriental Steam 674 London 116 Royal Mail Stoam .. 8 5 St . Katharine .. .. ~ 0 South Australian .. <«> 4
Corn Exchange. Mark-Lane, Friday, Novemb...
CORN EXCHANGE . Mark-Lane , Friday , November 14 . —The supplies o grain during the week have been moderate , and prices arc firmly maintained . Arrivals from November 10 to November 14 . English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 217 Q 7280 Barley .. .. 3130 4570 Oats 320 8330 5490
Grain, "Rfark-Lane, Nov. 7. Wheat, R. Ne...
GRAIN , "Rfark-lane , Nov . 7 . Wheat , R . New 33 s . to 35 s . *; anle 30- ? . to 33 a . Fine 35 —37 White 27 — 2 R Ol . l 3 fi —38 Boilers 30 —31 White 36 —38 Beans , Ticks . .. 25 —27 Fine 38 —40 Ol . l 28 —30 Superior New 40 —41 Indian Onm ..., 27 — 2 ' . ) T ? ye 25 —27 Oats , Feed 17 —IS P . arW 23 —24 Fine 18 —19 MaRino- 27 —28 Poland 10 — 2 ( 1 Malt Ortl . .. 48 —5-3 Fine .... 2 f ) —21 Tine 51 — 5 S Potato 19 —20 Peas , Ho ? 28 —20 Fine 20 —21
Flour. T.Iu-N-Nv.Tlo , Per Sack 37s. To ...
FLOUR . T . iu-n-nv . tlo , per sack 37 s . to 40 a Per , onils - •• * ' ' j *^ r . s-Fnx and Suffolk , on board ship 33 — 36 NorfulK rmd Stockton 31 —31 Atc .-hmii per barrel 19 — 2 ' - Cana-lini . 1 ° — 22 AYheaten Bread G . Jd . the 41 t > . loaf . Households , 54 ( 1 .
General Average Pitlcf, Of Grain. Wl'.Kk...
GENERAL AVERAGE PItlCF , OF GRAIN . Wl ' . KK ENUINP NoV- 1 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat : Uh . 6 d . Rye 91 s . lOd . Parley 25 7 Beans ... ' 28 <> Oata 17 5 Peas 27 5 Aggregate 4 vc'" ^ gc of the Six AVeeks . Wheat 3 (! s . 2 ci . Rye 21 s 5 liiirley 25 2 Beans 28 1 Oat , H 5 1 ' qas 27 1
Butciikhs' Meat. Kmvujvtuand Luapbniia.L...
BUTCIIKHS' MEAT . KmVUJVTUAND LUAPBNIIA . LL . * SM ' TJIFIKLD . * 8 . < 1 . s . d . a . < 1 . fl . d " ' ¦• I a 2 to 8 2 3 2 to 3 0 ^' ! " <» i 8 « — 3 0 3 8 — 4 0 Veal .... » 4 — 3 1 *) 2 10 — 310 Pork . ' . " ... 3 0 — 4 2 3 0 — 3 8 To sink , the ollal , per 81 I > .
Hkau Of (/'Atti.Ic At Suitif V1ki.U. Fri...
HKAU OF (/' ATTI . IC AT SUITIf V 1 KI . U . Friday . Monday . i \' ' « li « HHl •>««» , 7 ' ;' ( 'l' 5710 HC . 7 HG V , 1 Llv ' : uh : if > o ''« 65 sq :.. 500
I'Ltovisionb. •Tulter 11,-At L'Resb, 11 ...
I'ltOVISIONB . tulter 11 ,-at l ' resb , 11 h . 0 . | . to 1 ' 2 h . per doz . . ! iiii < Mv , Sl \ () . ii , . f 4 » h . per cwt . 'JJM-oii . Irivi , _ per cwt . . ) 0 . ( . to . » li ( . ' ¦'"• '' «<' . < : | , « . | , ir «) . * 42—70 .. " vby , l'laiu " 40 — fiO ' ! : uilM . Y . irk .... * . " . " . " . ' . . ' ,. ' . " . " . " . " , "' . M > —01 ' 'KK ' . I ' k-iu : ! . . periu'O , oV . Vl . " to ' fii . i » d .
I'Kom Tjik London Gazette-., I'Viday, Jv...
I'KOM TJIK LONDON GAZETTE-., I'Viday , JVovttinbrr 7-1 r .-. ii NK " » ll" »' s .- 1 ) . KiTsuN , ' l'en < . huich- » tieel , naddler , to mult ' j r *« v « -iiib (; r 11 , December HI ; nolieitor . Mr . lliidinnnii , " tic t i ' ' ol » rial » KHl ( , iH- « . Mr . JobiiKon . HiiHiiij ? l > iillv illuii I H " ''• h " ok" -and , Threadn < ie < lle ,-Htr < et , and Uc « t . ntl ,,. , \ Avcii »(! -roml , Ittiuuiit ' d-imrk . iimimuioe uifent . Novein-Btrtier' ™ ml "' rlB : solicitor , Mr . Cox , PiiiimrVliull . Hroud ^ oroi , ii J ^^' a-WHlnfrB , Old Kc ' it-roii ( l . <; orn moichui ^ , minM * l > . Scomber lftrVofioitorl ' Mr . MoH 0 , Gray ' H-ini [ -
square , Holborn , and Asylum-road , Old Kent-road ; official assignee , Mr . Nicholson , Basinghall-stieet . —A . It . Stacb , Strood , ironmonger , November 21 , Decemher 20 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lawrance , Plews , and Jtoyer , Old Jewry-chambers ; official assignee , Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basin-, ' - hall-street . — \ V . James , Plumstead . builder , November 19 , December 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Hensman , College-hill ; official assignee , Mr . Graham . —W . Simmonds , Brighton , grocer , November . 18 , December 15 ; solicitors , Mr . Sow . ton , Great James street , Bedford-row ; and Mr . Kennet , Brighton ; official as .-ignee , Mr . Edwards . Sambrook-court , Basinghall-sUeet . —A Raijcliffe , jun ., Chichester place , Gray ' s-inn-road , Window glass merchant , November 91 , December 15 ; solicitor , Mr . Taylor , South-street , Finsbury-square ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street . —W . J . Ml all , £ ngram-court , Fenchurchstreet and St . Peter ' s-terrace , Islington , cement manufacturer ,
November 21 , Deceember 18 ; solicitors , Messrs . Lmklaer , Slse-lane , Bucklesbury ; and Messrs . Cobbold and Patteson , Bedford-row ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street . —F . F . Braggiotti , Highbury , merchant , November 25 , December 18 ; solicitor , Mr . Cotterill , Throgmorton-street ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street . —G . M . Mowbray , Hove , Sussex , builder , November 25 , December 15 ; solicitors , Mr . Sowton , Great James-• treet , Bedford-row , and Mr . Evershed , Brighton ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street . —J . Toy , Woiverhampton , innkeeper , November 18 , December 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Hayes , Wolverhampton : official asignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham . —S . Hall , Tipton , Staffordshire , miller , November 20 , December 15 ; solicitors , Messrs . Motteram ,
Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . \ alpy , Birmingham . —J . Phillips , Birmingham , druggist , November 17 , December 9 ; solicitqrs , Messrs . Chaplin , Richards , ami Stubbin , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham . —J . B . Cadby , Malmesbury , stationer , November 2 ) , December 18 ; solicitors , Mcsssrs . Church and Son , Bedford-row ; official assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol . —C . Isaccs , Bristol , furrier , November 21 , December 17 ; solicitor ,. Mr . Bevan , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Miller , Bristol . —II . Cankiford , Ottery St . Mary , Devonshire , innkeeper , November 19 , December 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Coleridge and Son , Ottery St- Mary ; and Mr . Terrell , Exeter ; official assignee , Mr . Hirtzell , Exeter — E . liiNDLEY , " Liverpool , coal ~ merchant , November 18 , December 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . ' Fletcher and Hull , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Casenove , Liverpool .
Tuesday , November 11 . Bankrupts . —G . Cheetha . ii and G . W . Gill , of Strood and Fin ^ bury , Kent , shipwrights , to surrender November 18 , December 22 ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-street-buildings ; solicitors , Messrs . Crosby and Compton , Church-court , O ! U Jewry ; and Mr . J . T . Hoyle , Newcastle-upon-Tyne—F . Selfk , Sheerness , watchmaker , November 15 , December 20 ; ofiicial assignee , Mr . W . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , I 3 asinghall-street ; solicitors , Mr . H . H . Beckitt , South-square , Gray's-inn ; and Mr . J . Ward , Sheerness—W . Turner . Gravesend , butcher , November 21 , December 16 , official assignee , Mr . J . F . Groom , Abchurch-lane . Lombard-street ; solicitors , Messrs . Fearon and Clabon , Great George-street . Westminster—J . Rkight , senior , and J . Knight , junior , Walham-green , Middlesex , butchers , November 25 , D .-cember 18 ; official assignee , Mr . J . F . Groom , Abchurch-lane . Lomi > ard-street ; solicitors , Messrs . Jenkinson ,
Sweetiii" - and Jenkinson , Lombard-street—V ? . IIoljies , Crobers-cottages , Bedford-street , Poplar , builder , November 2 . ) , December 18 ; official assignee , Mr . E . Edwards , Sambrookcourt- solicitors , Messrs . E . and G . Hilleary , Fonehurch-strcct —• C Whkelkii , St . Miittin ' s-lane , woollendraper . November 2- ^ , Jiinuaryl- ofiicial assignee , Mr . Whitmore , UusingUyll-street ; solicitors , Messrs . J . and J . II . Linklater , Sise-lane , Bucklersbury — D . Macleod ( late of Tirhoot , Bengal ) , a prisoner in the Queen '? Benc-h Prison , November 18 , January I ; o ! l clal assiji . ee , Air . II . II . Caiman , Aldermuibur } ; solicitor , Mr . J . D « uigerfield , Craven-street , Cliaring-cross—J . Lioiifield jun .. Birmingham , pork butcher , November 20 , December 17 ; official assignee , Mr . It . Valpy , Birmingham ; solicitor , Mr . A . Ilun i . 5011 , Binninghairi—D . 11 . Waldkon , Uirmingbain , grocer , November i 2 , December V . I ; official assignee , Mr . J . Christie , Birmingham ; solicitorMr . U . Cheshire , jun ., Birmingham—J . WlLLMOiin ,
, Leicester , woollen draper , November 21 , December 1 « ; oflicial assignee . Mr . T . liittkston , Nottingliani ; solicitors , Messrs . Ban and Nelson , Leeds ; and Mr . J . Suckling , Biiininifhum—II . TiioarrsoN , Helper , Derbyshire , draper , November 21 , December 19 ; official assignee , Mr . T . Bitllcston , Nottinghuin ; solicitor , Mr . T . Ingle , Belper—J . J . NlPHULAs ) , Newport , Monmouthshire , timber merchant , November 25 , December 23 ; official a-flignee , Mr . E . M . Miller , Biistol ; solicitors , Messrs . Tilson and Co , Colesitan-streut ; and Messrs . Abbott and Lucas , Bristol—E . AnduuvVs , Ivverue Cqi | it | it'y , Dorsetshire , fiirmcr , November 25 , December 17 ; solicilors , Messrs . ( bitty and Swyer , Shaftcsbury ; and Mr . Stoglon , Exeter ; oilicial assio-ner , Mr . He . rnaman , Exeter -M . Kufiiiwmni , IIudderslield , Nixon
milliner , November 25 , Di-ctinbor 10 ; nolicitor , Mr . , Leeda ; oiliciul assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds—G . lluiiA li . WaUeliel . l , innkeeper , November 25 , December 10 ; solicitor , Mr . Went , Gresbam-street , London ; and Messrs . Burr anil JNelson , Leeds ; official assi gn ** , Mr . Hope , Leeds —J . Johnson . Liverpool , and Seacombe , Cheshire , grocer , November 24 , December 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Ev . ms ami Bon , Liverpool ; oflii : isil aasignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool—E . T . Luic . minc ; , Manc . husUsr , hnsiur , November * 2 i , December 2 iJ ; solicitors , Mcusia . It ^ 'il , L ; ii ( gfoi « l , and Miis'len , Friday-street , London ; and MctsarH . bale , VYortbiiiKtoii , and Sbipinim , Manc . h' uater ; olficial » u » ii > n < : o , Mr . Pott , MancUcater — J . Rohruts , Rhyl , Flintshire , iim ] s . et-i >( -r , November 21 . Decembev 1 & : solicitors , Messrs . Evans anil Son , Liverpool ; oflicial assignee , Mr , Bird , Liverpool .
Nati Onal Ruborm Association.-Sir Juullua Walm8ley, M.I*., I'L-Iwideiit.
NATI ONAL RUbORM ASSOCIATION . — Sir JUUllUA WALM 8 LEY , M . I * ., rnwulont .
The Ol'lTQj ; tJ are REMOVED from 11 , Poultry , to 41 , Churinjj-croHS . f MembeiH arc ehrolled , mid subscriptions received ( Jjiily , fixiui Nine ' to Seven . j \ yor <| ei , Z . 11 V HliKltBPV , Secretary .
I 7 » nam ^ li « : i ) uAg v iciu i i ! : o 1 vri-s , i > y MlA Mr . HEARD . H 5 . KIN ( J W I LI , I A . M-STKKE T , CIl'Y ; 31 I'AKLlAMI ' . NT-bfKEET ; and thu ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION , REGENT-HTHEET ; als ., : tl ClIURCIIr ^ l'ttBKT . LIVERPOOL . Mr . JC . ITI < 'AItI ) ha : ) recently introduced an iinprrtimt improvement , by whie . l | bin l ) . i ;; ut'ireoty p <; Mjnint nr « h are r uai ' nelled , and t lh'rt'by necurcd from that . Kii » e . e ]» tihilit . y to t .. irni : h anil become obscured , which all olber . 'i sire liable t >; the colour : alno attain the . brilliam-y , depth of tone , siixl pii ii »; iin-iicy of an oil painting .
J ONDON ( o DUHLIN ( nA I Jolj | i < ;« l ) in -J v THIRTEEN HOURS ami a II A LI ' . Three coinmuiiicatiomi daily on week ilayii ; two on Kundayn . Kea puHnU ^ i ) , I ' oiii [ louni unit a Mall . Fir : il . > 'l . if-: i , . O ; heeixid , X-i- Huluru t . ie . kel . H ( avalluhh : for a fortnight , ) , lh ul »; 1 it-ii , JL" 1 . l () i . uccoml , X \ i . Chililren uiul < : r twelve h . ill-price . For full partieuhuH of \ , Uo bookin ^ -throug l | oyHtcni betM'e . en Enirlund uml Iruland , uoo ' ) JJruilnhuw '») Uiiiile , '' ua ^ o l « - ; !• Waluh ' a Iriith Uuido . t' pugo ^ U ; " liuliur ' ti lriah UuM » V pugo 2 .
KOSSU TH DEMONSTRATION COMMITTEE . A GENERAL MEETING of the above Committee will be held at 10 , Wellington-street , " Strand , on TUESDAY Evening next , November 19 , 1851 , for the purpose of receiving a statement of the Income and Expenditure , and to consider the future proceedings of the Committee . THORNTON HUNT , Chairman . JOHN PETTIE , Secretary .
COCOA is a nut which , besides farinaceous siihstance , contains a bland oil . The oil in this nut has one advantage , which ii , that it is less liable than any other oil to rancidity . Possessing these two nutritive substances , Cocoa is become a most valuable article of diet , more particularly if , by mechanical or other means , the farinaceous substance can be so perfectly incorporated with the oily , that the one will prevent , the other from separating . Such a union is presented in the Cocoa prepared by JAMES EPPS ; and thus , while the delightful flavour , in part dependent upon the oil , is retained , the whole preparation will agree with the most delicate stomach . JAMES EPPS , Homoeopathic Chemist , 112 , Great Russellstreet , Bloomsbury , and 82 , Old Broad-street , City , London .
GREAT WESTERN and FOREST of DEAN COAL COMPANY . Capital , £ 35 , 000 . In 25 , 000 Shares , of £ 1 per Share , paid-up . Provisionally registered pursuant to the 7 th and 8 th Vic , cap . 110 . Temporary Office—No . 3 , Bridge-street , Westminster . TRUSTEES . Colonel S . ihvey , M . P ., Egham-park , Surrey . James Ilarmer , Esq ., Ingress-park , Greenhithe , Kent . BROKERS . Messrs . Lind andRickard , No . 3 , Bank-chambers , Lothbury . SOLICITOUS . Messrs . Coombe and 3 ficko . ll , No . 3 , Bridge-street , Westminster . This Company has been formed for the purpose of working some of the most valuable property in the Forest of Dean . The well known , capabilities of the co . il fields in this district have long been known and partially worked . The recent opening of the South Wales Railway , which skirts Hie Forest of Dean , will give this Compan 5 ' great advantages in supplying rot only the entire district in connection with the South NVales Railway and the Great Western Railway , but in the great metropolis itself . Applications for the remaining- Shares to be made , in tlie usual form , to the Brokers , as above , and the Se 'rotary , at the Office of the Company . By order of the Directors , HENRY CAPPER , Secretary . November 3 , 1851 .
A PPUCATIONS OF GUTTA PERCH A . — t \ . DOMESTIC , & c—Soles for toots and Sh « . cs , Lining for Cisterns , & c , Picture Frames , Looking-glass Frames , Ornamental Mouldings , Bowls , Drinking Cups , Ja s , Soup Dishes , Vas-es , Ornamental Ink-stands , Koiseless Curtain ttings , Card , Fruit , Pin , and Pen Trays , Tooth-brush Trays , Shiving-Inush TrJiys , AViiidow-blind Cord , Clothes' Line , Diain and Soil Pipes , Tubin ? for Watering Gardei . s , & c , Lining for Bonnets , Watch Stands , Shells , and Lighter Stands . SUIt-GICiL—Splints , Thin Sheet for Bandages , Stethoscopes , E-ir 'i ' runijiets . Bed Straps , and Bedpans for Invalids . CHEMIC . U , —Carboys , Vessels for Acids , & , <• ., Siphon * , Tubing forcoiiveyiir * Oils , Acids , Alkalis , & c , Masks , Bottles , Lining for Tanks mid Funnels . M ANUFACTURI NO- Buckets , Mill Band-, l'um ;> B ickets , l'elt Edging , Bosses , Shuttle Beds , AVashers , Hound Bands and Cord , Breasts for Water-Wheels . FOR OFl- 'ICKS . & e . — -Wafer Holders , Ink-stands , Ink-cups , Pen Traje , Ca ^ h Bouls , Wasiiing Basins , &< :., Tubes for Conveyiny Alessages , Canvas lor covering Books , & c , and Plan Cases . AG ii I - CULTUUA L — Tubing for I ? i (| iii ( I Manure . Lining for Manure Tanks , Traces , and Wliips . ELECTRICAL . See . — - Covering for Electric Telegraph Wire , Insulating Stools , Battery Cells , and Electrotype Moulds . OIIMAJI EN ' T'AL— Medallions ' , Brackets , Cornices , Mouldings in imitation of Carvid Oak , Host : wood , & c , and Picture Frames . USES ON Sll I PBOAltl ) Li /' o Uuojs , Bucket ? , Pump Buckets , ll . md S |> ealiing Tuimpets , Drinking Cups , Wuterpioof Canvas , Life Boat Cells , Tubes for Pumping Water from the Hold to the Deck , Round and Twisted Cords , Lining for Uoxes . MISCELLAN EOU 3—Suction Pipes for Fire F . n-jinva , Duckets , Communion Trays , Tubing for Ventilation , Hearing Apparatus for Deaf Persons , Halls , Police Staves , Lift : Preservers , Railway Conveisation Tubes , Miners ' dps , Thread , & o .. Official Seals , &« ., Powder Flasks . Xu \ . fcc . The Gutta Percha Company , Patentees , 18 , \ Vharf-ro ; id , Cit . \ - load
^ T E A INDIA , CHI N A , cVc—KJ I ' articnlais of tlie regular Monthly Mail bteum Conveyunci ; and of the aiKlitioir . il lines of communication , now establiMivd by the Pcniu-ulur au < l Dricntal Steuiu Navigation Coiupitiiy with the Ea ^ l , & . c . Tb « Company book passengrra , stud receive gnoiU and pm . eli us heictolni «• for CEYLON , MADRAS . CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINtJAPOUK , and HOXG K () M (; , by their steaineis , stauiujr from bOUTUAM l'TON on the < JOlh of eveiy inonth , and from SUEZ on u » - about the l 0 t . li of tin- tuoiilh . Tin' next , extra Sittainer will be- denpatched from Hoiitliainploii for Alexandria on the 3 rd of April next , in eomhiuatio . l with an extra bt < -am « 'r , to leavo Calcutta on or about Mitrcli 20 . l * u » -cn-^ t'i s may b < : hoo ked , and g-ooiJu and |> . tr < : clH foru '; ti <)< wl , hy tboiio i-xtra s ' teann-i-b to or from SOU I'llAiMl'lON , ALEXANDRIA ADEN . t ; EYL <> N , MA 1 ) 1 U « , and CALCUTTA . liOMltA Y . — 'Mm ( loinpany will like wine den patch from Hoinbay , about tin" 17 lh ol Dceeinber and 17 tb of February next , u liiatclass hiu-aui-ship for Aden , 10 meet then ; tin- Coinpuny ' H bhi ' pn bi-twet'ii Culciittiiuuil buc / , in connection with th « -ir Mt'diteriancaii hte . uneiH loiivin ^ - Alexandria ab out the ( ilh of . luuu ; iiy ami ( ith of March , ullorUiii ^ < lii tct eon \<; yanct ! for passi nj ^ ei h , pai - ccIm , unit t ^ oodn from BOMBAY to Southampton . l \; nm : iinei h , p . U ( H'U , aii ( l < f < io < l » fi » r 1 JOM HAY and WESTERN 1 NDIA will also bt : < : onv ( .-yi (( I luo \ i ;; lii > ut in the Mail Hteainei h leaviiifi Hoiil hum | ilou 011 the 20 ' lh of December and tin : UOth of ' ¦' eln u ; n ) uc . \ l , ami tin- < : oi r » tt ponding veHtuls from Suez to Aden , at I u hieh lath ! ' porl . : t Stcain-hhi p of lhf » Company will he in wiiitin ;; to < inl ) . ii K 11 | i < t convey them to Bombay . 1 ' ushenjjeiH for lUiinbay can ulso pio < : ee < l by tlii . n (; iiiii |> : iny '< yU-amciM of the 2 'Jt . h of th < : month to ftlaltn , Ilitmee t , <> Alrxanili la by her MitjcHt y ' H Htesuners , ami from tiiirz '"> "" ' Uonourafilo Kant . India Coinptny ' ts uteainurs . MEDITKUKAn ' mAN . --MALTA — On Hie 201 h and y'JI . Ii of «^ t'iy mouth . Coniitaiitinoph' (> n I In : - " . Ith ol Ihii month . Alexandria On tin- L'Ot h of I he 11 ion III . iSl'AIN AND I'OU I (/( . ' . \ l .. V' - ; " . <>[""<<> . Li' -bon , < 'a . li / , and ( iihi altar , on the llU , I ' ll ' . ""' : ' " "' "" ' "ionl . li . N . It . K e . im--hipi of U » ' < "i > 'P '" y " I ' } ' direct , lietween Calcutta . I ' eniiM ^ , Singapore , and lloiif ; Ivoiij ; . mid hfl . weeu llonj ; Iv mi ;; . mil Slian ^ hue . For fiirlbci- iijforiuntion and ianll . sol the Comp : iu >' ti n : <« nlly rcyiucd and i < : dm ! i : « l rutea of vas ) 8 « Ki ' - '' « 'y llll ( l 'rei ^ lit , uud for pluittf of the veiUHilt ) , and to tivcurti UUHaaye ^ , ifce ., apply i » t tho ( : «>| n ' | miiy ' w OillfCH , Iti , Lcude . nhull-ijtrect , London , amiOriciitul- « i ) hi :: c . South !» nipf . on .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 15, 1851, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15111851/page/21/