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1098 99$ araorr, [sATimDAV
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1098 99$ Araorr, [Satimdav
1098 99 $ araorr , [ sATimDAV
OFF TCE FOR PATENTS , BRTTTSH AND FOREIGN , and REGISTRATION of DESIGNS , —Conducted by Mr . J . G . WILSON , C . E ., 18 , Great George-street ( opposite the Abbey ) , Westminster , Every description of business connected with Patents transacted daily . Inventors assisted in ascertaining the novelty of their Inventions and with Capital when required . Office hours , Ten to Four o'Olock .
\ MUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION . — Jt \ . The public are admitted , without charge , to the British Museum , National Gallery , East India Company a Museum , London Missionary Society ' s Museum , and to the Splendid Exhibition of Art and Industry , oil view from 8 in the mornnig till 8 at night , at Benetfink and Company ' s Emporium for Furnishing Ironmongery , 89 and 90 , Cheapside , London The splendid stock comprises ' every vatiety of Electro-plated \\ ares , t , handeliers , Lamps , Tea-urns . Tea-trays , Cutlery , Iron Bedsteads , Baths , Stoves , Fire-irons ; in short , every requisite either for the Mansion or the Cottag-e . . At this establishment you cannot be deceived , because evory article is marked in plain figures , and at such prices as can be offered only by a house whose gross sales are so enormous as to enable them to sell the best articles at 10 or 15 per cent , ltss than anv other house in the kingdom . That we can furnish a mansion , i * demonstrated by the continued patronage of the nobility aid « entry and to prove that we can also suit the necessary and judicious economy of those moving in a more humble sphere , we are enabled actually to furnish an eight-roomed house for £ ' y and the articles , too , of the best quality and workmanship . Thi = may appear incredible ; but a " s we arc the largest buyers of iron "oods , to say nothing of those of our own manufacture , in London , we con doit , and subjoin a list of the requisites : — 1 Hall-lamp ° ^ < j 1 Umbrella-stand • - " \ " 1 Bronzed Dining-room Fender and Standards .. U o b 1 Sft of Polished Steel lire-irons 0 3 6 1 Brass Toast-stand nic 1 Fire-guard " * « 1 Bronzed and Polished Steel Scroll Fender .. 0 » 6 1 Set Polished Steel Kire-irons , Bright Pan .. U 5 C 1 Ornamented Japanned Scuttle and Scoop .. 0 4 6 1 Best Bed-room Fender and Polished Steel Fireirons J ^ 2 Bed-room Fenders , and 2 Fets of Fire-irons .. 0 7 G Set of Four Block-tin Dish Covei 3 .. .. 0 11 6 1 Bread-grater , 6 d ., Tin Candlestick , 9 d 0 13 1 Teakettle , 2 s . 6 d ., 1 Gridiron , Is . .. .. 0 3 6 I Frying-pan , Is ., 1 Meat-chopper , Is . Cd 0 2 6 J Coffeepot . Is ., 1 Colander , Is . 0 2 0 1 Dust-pan , 6 d ., 1 Fish-kettle , 4 s 0 4 6 1 Fish-slice , 6 d ., 1 Flour-box , 8 d 0 12 1 Pepper-box .. .. .. .. .. .. 004 3 Tinned Iron Saucepans 0 5 0 1 Oval Boiling-pot , 3 s . 8 d ., 1 Set of Skewers , 4 d . .. 0 4 0 3 Spoons , 9 d ., Tea-pot and Tray , 3 s . .. .. 0 3 9 Toasting-fork 006 JE 5 0 0 Note . —Any one or more of the articles maybe selected at the above prices . And all orders for £ 5 and upwards will be forwarded free to any part of the kingdom . Note , therefore , the address . BENETFINK and Co ., 89 and 90 , Cheapside , London ; and if you are about to furnish , and want to buy economically and tastefully visit this establishment .
CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PBEVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq , London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace , London ; and 13 . Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its oljects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing the articles for their consumption , and for the producera in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Association ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , a ' ting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the- safer and more acceptable mode of carrying out these objects according to law . The agency coneists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscriber ? , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been supp lied by tlie founder am ! the fir ^ t contributors , no expn 68 call is made at present , cither for contributions or subscriptions . The capital will be further increased after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , and have experienced it * mode of , dealing . Customers , after three months * regular dealing , are entitled to a bonviB , to be flxed according to the amount of their trailhactioiiH by the council of the agency , consisting of tho trustees aii . l partners . After payment of sill expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to cont . ribnt . orH , viihflciihers , and regular cuKtoiiiers , the general profits are to l > r accumulated , part , to form & reserve fun * I , and part to promote cooperative associations . llntiineHB traunacted wholesale and retail . Subscriber * , Cooperative Storm . Working Men ' s Associations , Kegular Curtomera , ami the Public supplied . The Ageniiy intru . l ben-after to undertake the execution of ¦ 11 order * for any kind of articles or produce ; their operations for the present are restricted to ( J IIOCKUI K-i , WINKS , and ITALIAN AUTICLKS . nH a sri ' . ci mkn of what can he clou * with the support , of cooperative custoiiierH . KuIch have been fiain . ' . I mill printed to enable- any number of families of all cIubm-h , in siny dim rid of London , or any part , ol the country , form tlirmm-lveH into " l ' lii-mlly HorieLieH" for enjo > iii ; , the bruelit <> f Cooperative BtorcH . To l > n n « -nl by po « t toparticH forwiir . linif four Htumpa . ¦ Particulars of the iial . urti an . l obieo'H ot the ( entral Cooperative A « ' « - ' n « y , with . il Digest of the Deed of 8 cltlein « nt . , are to t > rl loun . l ' lii the printed repoi t . ol u meeting held lit t he C .-nti al Olllce of the A < - < n . y Tobesenl . liy pout to partiew forwarding 4 Hlainpn . A liHt " of artic ' . 'H with the wholesale prices lor < : oi > pcr < tt . ivi : Stores and a detailed Oiiliilotfiie for private cuHtoniei .. . will also be unit by post on payment of one j »< mtaf < o utainp for tin ; Wholeniile List , und two lor the Uat : ilo-iie . .... , ... Particulars . Rules . Lint ., un . l C atalogue will be forwarded imjiiediately on receipt of Urn |> oslu << e stamps . AM c . o .,.. nm . ieation « t « . i . e ad . lreHHe . i to MM Lerl . evaber . Woo . lin , Joi . es . and Co ., at the Ccnt . iil-ofhY . e . 7 ( 5 . U . ailollc-¦ t reel , l ' 'it . 7 . roy-e < iu » re . . OHDKRH I OR Till ! AHKOOIATIONfl OF WORKING MEN Al . ttKADY IN KX 1 SVKNOK-Hli 1 I . I ) KU « PK NII KRH . VAKKItS . TAII . ORH . HIIOKMAKBIW . N I ; J-. l ) l -KVVO Mh NCAN UK KENT TIIUOUOII THE AGKNCV , AND WILL ILECE 1 V 1 C IMMEDIATE ATTENTION . '
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . DIRECTORS . Samuel Driver , Esq . Thomas Littledale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq . Edward Lomax , Esq . Henry Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John P ; . lk Griffin , ' Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham . R . N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
TRAFALGAR IxIFE ASSURANCE JL ASSOCIATION . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Loans granted on personal and other securities . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of nearly seven hundred shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Parties desirous of becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , THOMAS H . BAYLIS . Offices ; 40 , Pall-mall , London .
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . NOTICE is hereby given , that the FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of this Association will be holden at the Offices , No . 40 , Pall-mall . London , on MONDAY , the 2 Jth of November next , at Eleven for Twelve o'clock precisely , for the reception of the Annual Report , for the declaration of a Dividend , the election and reelection of Directors , and for any other general business usually transacted at an annual general ir . eeting . By order of the Eoard , THOMAS H . BAYLIS , Manager and Secretary . Offices , 40 , Pall-mall , London .
IMPORTANT TO LIFE ASSURERS . NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Completely Registered and Incorporated . Capital £ 50 , 000 in 10 , 000 shares of £ 5 each . Deposit £ 1 per share . Offices , 31 , Moorgate-street , Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . [ Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Furnell , Esq . j John Poole , Esq . Persons assured in this Office to the extent of £ 300 and upwards on the . participating scale , or holders of five shares and upwards will be entitled to nominate scholars to the endowed schools of the Society . Every descrip tion of Life Assurance btmness transacted . Prospectuses and every information may be obtained at the ^ Offices of the Society . Applications for agencies requested . By order of the Board , J . W . SPRAGUE , Manager .
THE MERCHANT'S AND TRADESMAN'S MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 5 , Chathamplace , Blackfriars , London ; 53 , Dale-street , Liverpool ; and oil the principal Towns in the Kingdom . TRUSTEES . John Macgregor , Esq ., M . P . Quarles Harris , Esq . ] David Fergusson , Esq . Jeffery Bmith , Esq . - | Thomas How , Esq . DIRECTORS . Chairman—John Macgregor , Esq ., Princes-terrace , Hyde-park , M . P . for Glasgow . John Carter , Esq ., South Molton-st . reet . Francis Edwards , Esq ., Westbourne-terrace , Ilyde-park . David Fergusson , Esq ., Bastcheap , and Champion-park . Thomas How , Eaq ., Eastcheap ; Gordon-house , Turnham-green . Benjamin Hooper , Esq ., Seething-lane . Daniel McFarlan , Esq ., Fenchurch-street . William Northcott , Esq ., 1 ? , Rood-lane , and St . Mary ' s-road , Peckham . Charles Snewin , Esq ., Lloyd-square . MEDICAL OFFICERS . Archibald Billing , Esq ., M . D ., F . R . 8 ., Park-lane . H . W . Tainplin , Esq . F . R . C . S .. . ' 53 , Old Uurlington-ftreet . Daniel Hooper , Esq ., B . A ., M . D . Loncl ., 18 , Trinity-square , Southwark . Assurances on I ^ ives and Survivorships ; Annuities for Old Age ; Endowments for Children ; and evtry description of Life AsHurance may be effected in this ofllce . Policies indisputable , except iu cases of Fraud . All the Profits go to the Members . Prottpectuses may be had at the Ofllcca . orof the Agents . GKOUGK THOMSON . Manager . THOMAS MUSORAVE . Secretary . « Active persons required as agents where they are not already appointed .
LO UIS ROSSI , H A I R-0 U TT E R and COIFFEUR . 251 . Regent-street , opposite Hanover-square , inventor of the TRANSPARENT HEAD-DRKSSE 8 and 1 'KKUIv IvS , the Hair of which is singly attachrd to a thin , transparent fabric , rendering the skin «» f the head perfectly vitfiblc ; mid being-altaelieil to u foiiudation constructed on fjeo-¦ netricul priiiciples , reudera them superior to all others hitherto iiventeil . Hole proprietor of the CELEBRATED PERUVIAN HALM , which in unverttally approved and admired . Tbi : i ItAL . M , contaiiiini ^ neither ardent spirit , pungent cbHential oils , nor other injurious uiaterialu , cI .-i . iih the Hair expttclitiously , reuderA it beautifully blight , anil impart to it the < lelientt ) fra ^ niuo : of I'lonciH . The lluir when washed with this Hnlm soon becomes pleasantly H . tft , und luxuriant in K r ( MV t' >" - "" < ' although by improperly employing-injurious exuitcts to clean it , the ILiir may Imve been rendered barsli , or t urne . l jrrey , it will soon be restored to ilH Natural Colour and IJiillianc . y bv u » in | f tho PERUVIAN HALM .
DKAFN KSS —SINCSINU iu the KAKS . — Extraordinary Ciiicm uro effected daily , in cases long-since pronounced inciirahlo by the I ' acully . Kvon in cuttes of total di-afui'Hu , which Imve ex in ted u lifetime , a positive euro can be guarantee . I without , pain or operut . i l » y n newly discovered and infallible mode of treatment , . Uncovered and practised only b y Dr . FRANCIS , PliyHiciun . Auri « t , 40 . Uverpool-Htrret , Kin ^ V Ciohh , London . Dr . !•' . ban applied UiIh newIreiituiciil in lh f coiiHultation daily from Eleven till Four , mid Hix till Nine- (' ountry pat lent m , ntating their cubo by letter , will receive the nieaiiH of cure per post , with hucIi advice iiiut directioim uv are (^ . iitruittcud to render full uro impoHiillile ,
MATRIMONIAL AtTTTT ^ ASSOCIATION . ( LEGALLY ESTAmToi £ C E il ^ VS £ ^ J ^ « EgS 2 g ® j apsss- * ' » "" '* h ° ' ™' -ffsissr : *^ The system of introduction adopted bv thio c from the many objections all other association , ^ ° Clety U ^ alike ' applicable to all classes of society from ri SSes 3 ' "d i peasant . '' llom tne Peer to the This Association has been many years in m ., ? ¦ the great success attending it theVana gV « decidft ^ fron > o r te p rLr tinffto extend its ^ ^ «» % s . sai ^ V ^^^^ T ^^ ' ^^ l ^ no ^ guarantee a speedy arrangement to Te sTtisfaction ^' Can applicant . " •'" sidcuon of every The prospectus containing everv in <; trnrH « n ™ -n , " of application , fee , will be ? orwa ? ded . poh ??^ to ^ 11 ° "" ( either real or fictitious in the first instanceT ' on r y - addle 6 s postage stamps , by the Chief Secretary GREGORY thS . V 3 Es .,., 10 , Chichester-place , King ' s-cross , London TH 0 MS ° N .
pURES OF ASTHllA 7 ~ CmjGHS ~ & rT V ^ Dr . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS ' * From Mr . Oldham , Chemist , Market-place , Wisbeach - . « p the great quantity of your wafers I have kold I hiChf W excellent opportunity of witnessing their effects Jn " much pleasure in being able to inform you that several ob £ e cases of asthma an , l coughs have been completel y cured bvhPr " ungs . " ' * y iS Sencral in diseases % ToSINGERSand PUBLIC SPEAKERS they are invaluable for clearing and strengthening the voice . They have a pleasant taste . _ Price Is . 1 * 1 .. 2 s . 9 d . and 11 s . per box ? Sold by S Druggist 3 . Also , ' DR . LOCOCK'S ANTIBILIOUS WAFERS , an aromatic and aperient Medicine of great efficacy for re < m lating the secretions , and correcting the action of the Stomach and Liver , and is the only safe remed y for all Bilious Affections . Price 13 . Kid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and Us . per box
PILES ! A positive cure is now placed in the reach of every sufferer from this distressing and truly disagreeable affliction by the use of Dr . COOPER'S infallible but perfectly simple remedy , which may be used without the least inconvenience or danger , by patients of both sexes and all ages , with the utmost certainty of success ; and by it Dr . C . will guarantee instant relief and permanent cure for the most aggravated cases of either blind or bleeding piles . Dr . COOPER , Professor of Medicine and Physician Extraordinary to the Eastern Counties Royal Medical Institution , has had 15 years * experience of the efficacy of this remedy , having during that period applied it in some hundreds of inveterate cases weekly , both in private practice and in various Hospitals in England , on the Continent , and in America , and can positively assert that it has never failed in a single case , therefore , he with confidence offers it to the public , and will seiul it ( post free ) to any part of the kingdom upon receipt of Post-office Order for 7 s . 6 d ., payable at the Colchester Office , and addressed to ALFRED COOPER , M . D ., High-street , Colchester , Esses . N . B . —In every case Dr . C . guarantees a certain cure for the above sum , his only motive for making this public announcement being purely for the benefit of suffering humanity .
HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . —Cure of a Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years' standing-. Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Smith , of No . 5 ,, Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . 1 ~' , 18 U . " To Professor Hollo way , , . ,, " Siu , —I beg to inform you that for nearly five years I Hardly knew what it was to have a day ' s health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giamness , and sickness of ' the stomach , together with a great dj _ pres sionof spirits . 1 used to think that nothing could henofit mi , as I had been to many medical men , some of whom , after doin all that was in their power , informed me that they con 9 " ltrea that I had some spinal complaint beyond the reach ot c > re , i « getherwith a very disordered state of the stomach and 1 [ , making my case bo comp licated that nothing coiiliI be uone lor me . One day , bein ? unusually ill and in a dejeeted state . Uair your Pills advertised , an-1 resolved to g . ve then . Una . mon perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being c « rt ( . ever 1 soon found myself better by takiuff t iem , an A bo I « J on persever :: i u tneir use for six months , when 1 am n « i ] , J s . » y they cffcctca a perfect cure , < f wn f JAM SM 1 Tn , ' •( frequently called EDWAR D ) . " Sold at the Establishment of Professor «»"' " ™ , | e ' Strand ( near Temple « ar ) . London , awl by •" »» ' ' r . ivi | ize . l Dru-gists and Dealers in Medicine tbrous l . out iM j mjUi World , at the following prices—1 « . I 4 < ' » * ; ' . a -dnng by 2 ^ 8 , and 33 b . each Box . There is u coiihUimuWo h ti ' kin-, ' the larger sizes . p . iients in every I )« s-N . H . — Directions for the guidance of 1 aticms i oriisT are affixed to each Box , —— - — -
HUl'TUKEH -iMtllSSl EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A 1 KU *> ^ O K . BANKER conUm . es f 0 ™ jH »»"" 'i ? afflicted wltli his celebrated remedy Joi _ « ' t > r ,. ncomj . lui . it , the ffrcjiit huc . m-ss of wl « i « li . for '"'" y . * . a ,, ! l pni "' *" il « 'r * utiy further comment unu-M CKsary . It J ^^ it ) app liin use , canning noincoi . veii'enee <> r conflneim . ilOw « v < : r l > " ( 1 cable to every vurii-ty <> fH i iigl « or double > u |> " » , J % h )! .... nrtly . or loi . « r-stamliiig , iii male or female of ii'iY V . t fr ( , , to any with full iustiuotim . H for use , &« :. . will be h . ¦ 'J ; ,, H , a ,,, p « . « r part of tli .- worUI on receipt of 7 a .. m < - < i * h . ) H ' ^( -ollire . /<> oHt-olllce Order , puyoblo at the << em " t ., Kinff" - < xoh » , London , where he . nay I . e .-oiihiiill" ' f •¦<" «; !" , " till Three o'Cloek ( Bunday ,, excej . ted ) . ^ ij ((( 1 | U ,, H hIi cntioiiM beinjr Htrli : tly eonlldenti ,. 1 . Di " , | , «» ld t '" , ' « hh <>» or testimonials , " » rr « ut number ol *»" ; !• „ ,,. „ ,, f the «'\ . have boen Bent to him »» y persons < 11 ' < " 1 ' "" ., , | , y n » y H "" ' «« hh of tliia remedy ; they can . therefore . In . ««¦<¦» at tlio cBti . blinhu . eiit only . ,, & ,.. —Dr . '"" OKAFNKK 8 . NOISKH in the TJ KA 1 . l ' ; < \ fj or ad . *" ; whether delhient from co |« l . i 11 "« -m . «» an > . . •» , ,, lB « ! ,,. « been H . icc .. »» fi . l in i ! .. m . h » ... - »< •« . ^ . ief . It ren « * eminent of tho Prolusion have laile . IiiRiv j lirlltlllff I ., ervou-ne » H , « l «« f . «» HH . or oth .-r o , UHe » ' » * t , M , |» t « - » t . , will .. reservo tho i or hint hir-. ulty ol > . -u . ( , ^ , 1 of liAt . « n every « iih « ol d .-ul . ieH ,., & .. | «•«^ ft ,,, | llH trii ' , a perfect cure is ^ ... trantee . l . 1 Im i » < 'V . » f „„ . «» rW . lor ..... . to ... will l » o « e .. t ,. <» Ht free to i V |« , i t . offl ,, « <)• «! S ^ SM ^ T- ^ WKtS . - ^ " ^ iLas ^ ns -JMs ^ Jsifisv- * ' ---
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 15, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15111851/page/22/