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Nov. 15, 1851.] ©lie V,t**$V. Iff 9
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Nov. 15, 1851.] ©Lie V,T**$V. Iff 9
Nov . 15 , 1851 . ] © lie V , t ** $ V . Iff
^ T ^ WELlToN NERVOUSNESS . DEBILITY AND D ^ € Sffi . ? n . Y s wsssft . cw "" - ^ ThIt EAT , DBINK , AND AVOID . \\/ " ^ «« Abstinentift multi curantur mortal . " i . r pxnosition of the principal causes ( over an ^ careless A P ° P . u I a r " f the above harassing and distressing complaints , f eeding . * - ? , * .- " tpllimble and popular exposition of how we « ith , f livfto "i " rid if them ; toVhich is added diet tables for should ll \ f } ° Sr ^ ak v and full instructions for the regimen and e ¥ Cry meal in flu £ » £ " « t of the twenty-four : illustrated by observance oi ev ™* " numerous cas ^ , ^ ^ ^ companions to the preceding , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . 1 " Jucunde Yivere . " IV htsT URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION and HEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . ^ 91 Va ternoster- row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the S 7 Vo ArwU-SS Regent- ' street : consultation hours , ten ff & dve ; ev jng ?» seven & 1 nine .
"T ^ ttWANT BEAUTIFUL AND LUXURIANT HAIR , D 0 WHISKERS , MOU STACHIOS , EYEBROWS , KTC , 1 THE Immense Public Patronage bestowed upon Miss ELLEN GRAHAM'S NIOUKRENE , during the last rtPnvears is sufficient evidence of its amazing properties in Irorlucin- the human hair , whether lost by disease or natural Secav Preventing the hair falling off . strengthening : weak hauS Z r ' hecking grlyness . It is guaranteed to produce whiskers , istachiosf Ic ! fin three or four weeks , without fail . It is Entlv scented ; and sufficient for three months ' use will be fp / t Sost-free , on receipt of twenty-four postage-stamps , by Miss ? ° llen Graham . U , ftand-court , Hclbprn . London . Unlike ^ 11 other preparations for the Hair , it is free from artificial colouring and filthy greasiness , well kuowi * to be so injurious t 0 G ENDiNB Tbstimonials . — " I had been bald far years ; your Ntoukrene has quite restored my . lmr . " -Henry \ Vatkm 8 j rilney Herts . " I have used your Nioukrene three weeks , and am happy to inform you that a full moustache is growing . ' - ' - ^ j Hammond , Naas , Ireland . » My hair was turning grey rapidly it has effectually checked it , and I have new hair grow-£ , » " 1 r . Elkins , Surgeon . " It is the best nursery preparation I e ' verused . "—Mra . Rose , Chesham . For the nursery , Nioukrene is invaluable , its balsamic pro perties being admirably adapted to infant ' s hair . LIQUID HAJR DYE . —TUe only perfect one extant is Miss Graham ' s . It is a clear liquid , that changes hair in three minutes to any shade , from light auburn to jet black , so natural as to defy detection , does not stain the skin , and is free from every objectionable quality . 11 needs only to be used once , producing a permanent dye for ever . Persons who have been deceived by useless preparations ( dangerous to tho head , & c . ) will find this Dve perfect in every respect , and that none but itself can be it 3 parallel . " Price 3 s ., sent post-free by post for forty-two postage stamps , by Miss Graham , 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , London . Professor Ryan says : — " Your dye is the only pure and perfect one I have analyzed ; the neutral principle is decidedly better than all others . "
T 3 AINS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , JT RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION DEBILITY , STRICTURE , GLEET , & C .-DK . DE RQOS * COMPOUND RKNAL PILLS , aa their name . Renal ( or the kidneys )^ indicates , have in many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed , and are now established , by the consent of every patient wlio has yet tried them , as also by the faculty themselves , as the most safe and efficacious remedy ever discovered far the above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retention of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs generally , whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise , which , ii neglected , frequently end in piles , fistula , stone in the bladder , and a lingering death . For gout , sciatica , rheumatism , tic iloloreaux , erysipelas , dropsy , scrofula , loss of hair and teeth , depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity ( or society , study , or business , confusion , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , fear , nervousness , and even insanity itself , when ( as is often the case ) arising from o * combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for Ufa the healthy function * of all these organs . ONETRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising properties . May be obtained at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 ( 1 ., 4 s . 6 d .. lla ., and 33 s . p « r box , through all Medicine Venders in the Kingdom ; or should any difficulty occur , they will be sent free on receipt of the price in poatago stamps by Dr . DE ROO 8 . CAUTION . —A self-styled ten shilling doctor ( unblushing impudence being bis only qualification ) who professes to euro rupture , deafness , and other incurable complaints , is also adveniaing under a different name , a highly injurious imitation of these Pilla , which , to allure purahasera , he incloses in a , useless abbreviated copy of Dr . De Boos' celebruted " Medical Advisor , " slightly changing its title ; sufferers will , therefore , do well to see Unit the stamp round eacli box ia a " Bontt Fide Government Stump" ( not a base counlerfeit ) , and to guard against the tiuthleas etatesments of this individual , which are published only for tlm baaeut purposes of deception on invalids and fraud on tho Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the Public by imitations of tho Miovo valuable remedies , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of Stamps have directed tho name of tho Proprietor , in whiio letters on a red ground , to bo engraved on tho Government BUunp affixed to nil his Medicines , without which none ia Iftmulno , und to imitate which is forgery and transportation . AUTHENTIC THBTIMONIAI . 8 . " AberHychan , lVmiypool . May " . 1 H 50 . Dear 8 ir , —After taking- n box « f your ltunul Pills , 1 am so much better thut I am induced to eeud for another , as 1 want to drive tho ynin tjuitu awny , — I remain , yours respectfully , John Andrews . " " Kurues , Juno i >( 5 . 1850 . Dear Sir , — Please forward a 4 s . ( id . box of your « unul l > mM - t | U ) y are tj ^ on i medicine I l , » vo ,,, ut with that "live been of service . —Voura , & c , Milton Welch . " " Limekiln-» tio (; t , Dover . Sir , — 1 'lenne to send u few more of your woprier'" l I'illa . My wife hua nearly taken all you B « nt before , and H' « U (( rent relief already . — T . Blocin . " ' * 4 , Murkt-t-atreut , Mun-< ni « utur . Your medicim : s ar « very highly spokon of by all who ' ><» vi- i > un ; hnHc « l thoin of me . —Youra truly , ( Jeorge Weatmacott . " {> ' »« person informs Mr . Smith . Titnet OIHcc , Leeds , that theae celebrated Pill * ar « worth a guinea u box . I „ ' " l > c ' ra ° ns wiahing to consult tho d , ootor by letter mav do bo " 7 HfMKlnig u detail of th < i aymptoma . Hcc , with tUc uhiiiiI feo of *• «» y poat-oiHco order , nnyable at tho Holborn «^ U «« neceamry medlciuea und advice will bo eeiit to uuy mi of tho world . hliT r ' ""' ¦ "WAliTBtt I > B » OO 8 , M . D ., 85 . U | v-place . Holborn-81 ' « ^' J lMll < m ' wUere he \ n % y >* qo ^ auUed froiu , W % l \[ I , an \ i 5 till » ayimny e ^ o opt * d , ui 4 vi ^» by ur uvlou * ^ r ^^ njjyuieitt . .
A NEW MEDICINE . "PRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A foim A of Medicine ; at once safe , sure ,- speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubeba are commonly administered . Each Capsule , containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine , winch , encased" in tihfofr , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , arid , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords tV greatest facility fqjr repeating the doses without intermission— a , ' desideratum % 6 persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as ' tvejl as to those who object to fluid medicines , beinf unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by GEOBGE 'FRANKS , 8 urgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , BlackfViarsiToad , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in bo * es , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent . fi ; ee by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bcjttles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . it . S ., President of the Koyal College of 8 urgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King's College , London . * I have made trial of Mr . Franks ' s Solution of Copaiba , at St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henky GaEBN . ' Lineoln ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . 8 ., one of the Council of the Royal College pf Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s ' Hospital * , and Lecturer on Anatomy ' , & c . " Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of Ms Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution , in ten or twei « e cases with perfect success . ¦ . " New- « treet , April 13 , 1835 . ? * * * . Thesemedicine * are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stampr—on which is engraven " Geohqk Franks Blackfriars . jroad V--beine attaob « 4 to each .
RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS , Dr WALTER DE . ROOS continues to . supply the afflicted with bis celebrated remedy for this alarming Complaint , the great 6 uccefes bf-which To * many years past , renders conjoint unnecessary . It is easy and painless , in use , causing no inconvenience and confinement , and is eonally applicable to everyvariety of ruipture , however bad or long jst & ndrn ? ,, in male or female of any age . Tl » e remedy , with fall instructions for use , will be sent post-free to any part of the kingdom , on receipt ot 7 s . by post-office order , or otherwise , payable at the Holbornoffice , to WalterDe Roos , M . D ., 3 a , Ely-place , Holborn , London , wliere he may be consulted daily from Ten till One ; and Five till Eight ( Sundays excepted ) .. A great number of testimonials and trusses ( which may be seen ) , have been left behind bj » perjwns cured , as trophies of the immense success of this remedy . Authentic Testimonials , to prove the accuracy of which inquiry ia . aolicitgd of the writers themselves , whose addresses are given infuU :-r B Hawortl * . Esq ,, Hull Bank , Hull : I feel ereat pleasure in adding my testimony to Dr . Roos's remedy for rupture , which has effectually cured mine . " Mr . Samuel Stocker timber merchant . Clewer-fields Windsor , Berks : " I was cured last eummer by your invaluable remedy , and have not found the least inponventence aince . " Mr . Robert Rogers , Staweley , Derbyshire : " My baby , I am happy to say , thanks to your excellent remedy , is quite well . " Mr . James Chessura , fckevell-house : "By the blessing of God , my rupture of ten years' standing-is perfectly cured by your remedy , " Mr . Sapcote , brazier , Market-Weighton : "I am glad to tell you that I am quite cured bj your remedy ; and so is the little boy who ^ was ruptured on bQ th * i 4 es . —thanks to you , Sir . ' "A respected correspondent desires to call tUe attention oi such pf pur , readers as are bis fellow-sufferers to an announcement in our advertising columns , emanating from Dr . De Boos , the eminent physician of London . Of this gentleman s ability in treating XMptures , our correspondent speaks in the highest terms , having availed h , imself of , tha same , and thereby tested the superiority pf his method of treatment over every other extant , all of which he hag tried to no purpose . He feels assured that whoever is so afflicted will find a cure by paying Dr . De Boos a viaiti t »» B method being , as . ou . r correspondent believes , beyond improvement . "—The above appeared in the Tablet 6 ( Saturday , September 29 , 1819 , The gentleman alluded to is F . Graham , Esq .. an intimate friend of the editors , who may be referred to . CAUTION . —Sufferers are cautioned against useless imitations , by a self-styled doctor , who copies this announcement , and \ vho also , professes to cure deafness , with various other wonderful feats ; and to render the abominable deception more complete , concocts ' testimoniale " a » glaringly truthless as they are numerous . Tl » e utier fallacy of these may , however , be eaRily detected by writing to tho pretended authors , whom it will be found have existence only , in the imagination .
Just publithed , THE PR OSPECTUS OF THE CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY . V- / ConUininf the necessary means for obtaining further Iuformation . May be had at the following place * : —The Oknth \ l Office , 76 , Charlott « - » treet , Fitzroy-aquare ; the Maryl « bone ItraucU , 3 »> , Great Marylebone-atrect ; the Manchester Branch . Vi , 8 \ vau-. » treet , Maucbtonter ; the i ' ubliHUiusr Oilice of the Society for Promoting Working-Mch ' ip Assooiatioua , 183 , Fleetstreet . Gratis , if by peteonal applicivtioju if by letter , qu Postage Stamp .
IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISKRS . THE WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE IIKItA M ) . and BIRMINGHAM , 8 HROP 8 UIKW , and MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVKRTI 8 ER . The advertising public is respectfully Informed that tho WOLVKltHAM PTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD ia now circulating extensively throughout Staffordshire , Shropshire . » nd the Midland Counties , and ia , therefore , the be « t advertising inodiuin in this populous and highly important District , a » , independently of its large citdilation in Private Fuiniltns , it has an extentivo one amongst Public IfiutitutionH und l ' rofeatiionul Muii , and ia rt'iul ii every respectable Hotel uiul Ti » ver" in tho above Countie * . With respeut to it * teeming- population , its runt extent , imniffiine ienoiircus , und unrivullcd manufacturing operutioiiH , thin District in one of the highest importance t » advertise ™ , und circulating exteuairely throughout , the WOJ / VKRIIAMl'TON ami STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD affords to advertisers and tho public the beat poutiiblo medium of publicity for the announcement of Auctioneers , Inturuuco Ollloou , Cut . lie Companies , and Sooicticu , Profcuvional Men , Merchant * . Factors , Trudeuinon , and Ueucral Dealeru , uiiri that too at a ucale of cliarguu , tho liberal diameter of wliioli , Una uot failed to secure to the proprietors uu onteuuivo patronage . The WOLVKIIHAMPTON andSTAI'FORDailIRE HERALD ia published ovory Wednesday inoruiug , price 5 ( 1 ., on u shout uh large , as tho Times , und circuliitrd , at ait eurly hour in the morning , through tho outiro Diutriut , and in many parts of tbo Kingdom . » All letters for the Herald uhouM be luhlreHse *! , Thomas lUrdel lhindloy . Ufald Olilce . Buuw-ltLU . Wulverlminuton .
READ npHE CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST , a Journal of I Association and Register of the Cooperative Movernent throughout the Country . Price Id . No . 3 $ contains;—T »| Lone Game ; or , & Few Words to the Working Men of England on the Present Crisis , by the Reverend Charles Kingalejr , author of " Alton Locke , " & c . —Hindrances to Associative Labour , by the Reverend T . G . Lee—Notes of a Cooperative Tour , by J . M . Ludlow , Esq . —A Lady ' s visit to the Bethnalgreen Weavers—Autobiography of one of the Chartist Rehels of 1818 , Chapter IX . —Marriage and Beggary—Poetry : Love's Fairy Ring , by Gerald Massey—Gazette , Association News , Correspondence , & c . With this week ' s number is given aspjendid portiait in Lithography , on superior platepaper , with Autograph , of the Reverend Charles Kingsley , also a List of the Working Men's Associations and Cooperative Stores throughout the Kingdom , with the amount oi business done by each . London John James Bezer , 183 , Fleet-street , and all Book - sellers .
^ pHE CABINET of REASON ; a Library of JL FREE THOUGHT , POLITICS , and CULTUR . E . Edited by G . Jacob Holtoake . The purpose of this Library is to supply accredited Works in the departments of Instruction above indicated . The volumes will be issued " occasionally . " The larger volumes will form a Shillin ? Series ; the smaller , a Sixpenny Series . Their appearance will be announced in the Reasoner , and through the jNfewspapers . Rationalism ( understanding by it the development of the Reasoning habit in matters of Religion ) hag proved itself susceptible of progress—Morality has ever been a thing of growth—Politics is enlarging its sphere , and is being allied to Social Science—yet few special expositions of these subjects have ; of late years , been offered to the people , who have been left to the guidance of the uncertain periodical , or the hasty disquisition of the newspaper . The nature of the instruction wanted has prevented the usual teachers of the public from attempting it- The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge excluded this class of topics altogether—or what was equivalent , accorded them only onesided treatment . Publishers of Information for the People , and devisers of popular Libraries , keep on the side of conventional opinion , affectiDg , like Mechanics' Institutions , to take a neutral course , but in reality giving advantages to the dominant parly , and imposing silence on the weaker . Another evil to be corrected , is the irresponsibility of popular advocacy . An opponent now may take ud any of the nameless or unrecognized publications issued , holding Freethinking responsible for every incoherent utterance made in its name—or the Times , and its elaborate echo the Quarterly Review , may attach to Democratic Politics the onus of answering for every expression of opinion which ignorance , excitement , or adroit absolutism , may present ostensibly in its cause . Several eminent friends of the people have desired to remedy this dangerous deficiency in popular literature , but have been deterred by difficulty of agreement , and by the consequences of personal implication . Publishing houses standing on the side of the people and Free Thortght , shrink from this course for commercial reasons . If the object i * to be accomplished , it must be undertaken ( as we have ascertained by repulsed entreaties and deferred hope ) by those who cast their lot with unfriended truth . To propose to do what is here indicated for the public at large , would be a presumption which would be punished—as alt presuuxption ought to , be—by public distrust . - But , in a relative sense , it may be done for the Cla 3 S identified with Freethought and the Political Sovereignty of the Individual . The programme of progress includes three elements , viz ., Destruction , Construction , and Culture . In the first of these departments , the parties represented in this prospectus are credited with having attained proficiency . They will try to win some credit as to usefulness in the remaining respects . An essential object is to create or bring together in a portable form a Literature by which we may consent to be judged , which shall be a well advised and dispassionate expression of principles not taken up in antagonism , but adopted in conviction and enforced as a protest alike against that progress which is anarchy , and agaiast that Order which is merely prostration in Intellect , and despotism in Politic ? . If we except a few earnest and eloquent books which have lately appeared—not , however , in price or atyle addresacd to the many—we mny say that a wide field ia open to us between the delitantto Scepticism of gentlemen , and the undisciplined ltationaliam of the poor—afield which no one occupies , and no one will occupy ; and not to invest it ourselves were to betray an incapacity to comprehend what the destiny of the day plucca in our hands , or to avail ourselves of the opportunity whjch those who perished in the cause of Free Thought ( intellectual and political ) won for those of this generation why stand on their aide . Very likely we shall not be able to realize our own ideas at once , but the names of writers we may hereufier be able to announce may create confidence in our attempt . The works to be included in the" Cauinet of Reason" will be Secular in character , andt will include Controversy , Government , Social Bcienv . e , and Education ( juvenile and adult ) , in tho sense of Kxp ( itjiiiori , Discipline , and Development . s ' . ' Tho Volumes already in preparation include the following , of which the first-named will shortly be ready : — T II E . TASK O F T O-DAY . By Evans Hell . ORGANISATION , NOT OF ARMS , HUT IpEAfl . By tho EolTou " . PAINTING AND S C U-LPTU RK IN RELATION TO THE PEOPI . K . Hy IlKNiiy Mhhuitt . PASSAGES IN THE LIFE OF A MECHANIC . B y I o n . LKTTKRS OF AN JKGY 1 TIAN KAFIR ( Infidel ) . By A Piiilohonikk . HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT AMONG Till , 1 'KOIMiK IN THE NINKTKKNTH ( JKNTHHY . By K dm it Nil . WHY DO THE PRIKSTS AVOID OONTUOVKKNV , ANI > THK 1 > H 1 J . O 8 OP 1 I KKH maOOIJNTKNANGB IT 1 liy tho JKjhtou . Putilixlied by Juunw W < tt « ou , 3 < 4 uocu ' a-ljo ; uJ-pan » agc , J ' atorno » t « r-row . -
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 15, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15111851/page/23/