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1102 THE IEADE1, , [No. 347, Sattj rd^
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1102 The Ieade1, , [No. 347, Sattj Rd^
1102 THE IEADE 1 , , [ No . 347 , Sattj rd ^
AT MR MECHT & ESTABLISHMENTS , 118 Regent-street , *; Leadenhall-street . and Crystal PWace , are exhibited the finest specimens of British manufactures , in Dressing-cases , Work-boxes . Writing-cases , Dressinc-baKS , and other articles of utility or luxury suitable foi-nvefientation . A separate department for Papier Maohe Manufactures , and Bagatelle Tables , Table Cutlery , Razors , Scissors Penknives , Strops , Paste , & c Shipping orders executed . S » me prices charged at all the Establishments . A New Show Boom at the Regent-street Establishment for the sale of Electro Plate in spoons , forks , and a variety of articles- : ' ¦
COMMON SENSE TROUSERS , One Guinea , worth two pairs at 16 s . or 17 s . 6 d-, which are . mixtures of cotton shoddy , or dingy old stock . An immense choice of new , fresh , and , fashionable patterns , warranted pure wool , and cut by a professed Trousers Cutter . H . HAYES and Co ., 149 , CHBAPSIDE .
~ f \ ENTLEMEN- in SEARCH of a TAILOB , VJ are directed to B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 71 , B «« ent-street . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILXING SUITS , made to order , from Scotch , Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk . The PELISSIER SACS , 21 s ., 25 s ., and 28 s . The BENJAMIN CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL , OVER or UNDER COAT , from 30 s . The ALBERT LONG FROCK or OVER COAT , from 35 s . to 55 s . The REVERSIBLE WAISTCOAT , buttoning four different sides , 14 s . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FROCK . COATS , the GUINEA DKESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA ' WAISTCOATS . —N . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
-REGISTERED : —^ The QUDE WRAPPED , JL \> combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , and Court of Inventions , Crystal Palace , ready made or made to order , in Autumn Tweeds and Meltons , 25 s . ; Winter Tweeds , Meltons , Pilots , aud Witneys , 32 s . ; double milled cloths and beavers , 42 s .
T \ EAFNESS . —Prize Medals 1851 , First class JL / 1855 . —The newly invented ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS , to suit every decree of deafness , however extreme , can only be obtained of P . O . REIN , sole inventor and maker , at his Paradise for the Deaf , 108 , Strand , London . Also Rein ' s celebrated Cork Respirators .
FtfRMJSH YOUR HOUS ^ E WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT ¦ ¦ ^' .-, '¦ . ¦¦ . ; DEA ^ ISTE'S : : ; : ¦ ' ' ¦ ; IEONMONGEEY AND rUHNISHTN"G WAREHOUSES . A Priced Furnishing List sent Post Free . DEANE , DRAY , $ c CO ., LONDON-BRIDGE . Established A .. B . 1700 . >
npEETH—Messrs . GABRIEL supply COMX . PLETE SETS , without Springs ,. on' the principle of capillary attraction , avoiding tne necessity of extracting stumps or causing any pain . SILICIOUS ENAMELLED AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH , tho best in Europe—guaranteed to answer every purpose of mastication or articulation—from 3 s . 6 d . per Tooth * H SetSj Al . 4 s . —Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters 7 > n ** - e imve been awarded for tho produntin « of * oerrectly WHITE ENAMEL , ror decayed Jj'IIONT TEETH , which can ouly be obtained at Messrs . Gabriel ' s Establishments , 88 , LUDGATE HILL , five doors from the Old Bailey ; and at 112 , DUXE-STREET , LIVERPOOL . Consultation and every information gratis .
A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERT IN THE SCIENCE OP MEDICINE . Patent Office Seal of Great Britain . Dipldme do PEcole de Pharmacio do Paris . Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . TBIESEMAR , Nos . 1 , 2 , and 3 , is prepared in tho form of a lozenge , devoid of taste or smell , and can bo carried in tho waistcoat pocket . Sold in tin cases , divided into soparato doses , as administered by VaJpoau , Lallomand , Roux , Ricord , & c ., & c TRIESEMAR , No . 1 ., is a Remedy for Relaxation ,. Spermatorrhoea , and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse , indiscriminate excesses , or too lone residence in hot climates . It has restored bodily and sexual' strength and vigour to thousands of debilitated individuals , who are now enjoying health and the Functions of Manhood through this wonderful Discovery ! CKRIESEMAR , No . II ., effectually ; , in the short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorrhoea , both in its mild and aggravated forms , Gloets , Strictures , Irritation of the Bladder , Non-retention of Urine , Pains of the Loins and Kidneys , and those disorders which Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been thought an antidote for , to tho ruin , of the health of a vast portion of the population . TBIESEMAR , No . III .. istlio great Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms , It searches out and purifies the diseased humours from the blood , and-oloanse * the system from al 1 dotoriorathiR causes ; it also constitutes a certain Cure for Scurvy , 8 orofula > and all Cutaneous Eruptions , and is a never-failing Remedy for that class of disorders which unfoftunately tho English Physician treats with Mercury , to ln « -inevitable deatruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and w t » 2 i " Swsaparllla in tho world cannot restore . «*«* i . ? ' or four oa 80 S in ono for 338 - » which BaveH lls . ; ™ 2 iUfJii '« f '^ flavinK 1 ^ ' las < To be hart wholesale Ind Oh aL rwV ? ™ ' or Joh » ao " « 08 , Cornhill ; Haunay WfUM a ^• SH ? 5 ?* ii £ r « and Sanper , 150 , Oxford-street . illnSte * Juu ^ S ' Medical Work , pfieo is . post free , of Valn ^ ia T ^ uJ ^ Bngravtuga and containing the opinions JlZZite ^?*! " ^ 100111 - * - It gives copious f ? om the con ^ n »« n » rfeOt . * " »* oration of tlfoso sulfcrinK Svnhllis andK BhSLi « « S ^ ftbu 8 e ' Gonorrhoea , ana & SffSr * . T ? io Jffi ? rnoBt 0 )> rpw l Mld ftom * ^ onu
T > ADIATING and REFLECTING STOVE . A \> WILLIAM S . BURTON'S new register stove combines completely the well-known principles of both Stephen ' s and Sylvester ' s celebrated patent stoves , whilo it has others equally valuable which are peculiarly itB own , and for which a parent has been granted . Its reflecting and radiating powers are perfect , it is very simple , and cannot bs but out of order , consumes , but little fuel , is most cleanly and cheerful in use , while its general appearance , no feiider being needed , is most imposing . Prices , complete , black or bronzed , from 9 Z . 10 s . ; bright , 1 U . 5 s ., and upwards . One may be seen in action in his show-rooms , which contain such an assortment of fenders , stoves , ranges , fire-irons , and general ironmongery , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves with bronzed ornaments , and two sets of hars , 4 & . 14 s . to ISLlSs . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments , and two sets of bars , 61 . 5 s . to 22 £ . Bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 / . 12 s . ; steel fenders , % l . 15 s . to ll-J . ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , 2 . 1 . 15 s . to 18 / . Fire-irons , from is . 9 d- the set to 41 . 4 s . OEDSTEADS , BEDDING , and FURNIO TURE . —WILLIAM S . BURTON'S Stock on show of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children ' s Cots , stands unrivalled cither for extent , beauty of design , or moderateness of prices . He also supplies Bedding aud Bed-hangings of guaranteed quality and workmanship . Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 129 . 6 d . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted wirh dovetail joints and patent sacJkinjs , frornj . 5 s . ; and Cots , from 20 s . each . Handsome ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from 21 . 7 a . 6 di to 20 $ . A Half-Tester Patent Iron Bedstead , three . feet wide , with Bedding , & c ., complete : Bedstead £ l 4 6 Chintz furniture .............. 0 14 0 Palliasse , wool mattress , bolster , and pillow ... 1 It 0 A pair of cotton sheets , three blankets , and a coloured counterpane 1 5 0 - . ¦;¦ ' . ;¦¦ , - . ¦ : ' ' ; ¦•¦ r ¦ . ; ' . - . .: : ¦;¦ ¦ ' . : ; " ¦; / 414 6 A double bedstead , same ................ . £ G 3 0 If without Half-Tester and Furniture : Singlebed . eoniplete . £ 313 9 Double bed , complete 4 15 0 f AMPES a MODERATEUR , from 6 s . to JLJ 71 . 7 s . — WILLIAM S . BURTON has collected from the different makers nere and in France a variety that defies competition . As many imported from France a , re inferior in the works , William S . Burton selects at Paris from the best makers only , and he can guarantee each lamp he sells as perfect in all its parts . His stock comprises also an extensive assortment of SO 1 AR , C A . MPHINE , PALMER'S , and all other LAMPS . Pure Colza Oil , 4 s . 8 d . a gallon . Patent Camphine , 4 s . a gallon . Palmer ' s Candles , 9 Jd . per lb . The late additions to these extensive premises ( already by far the largest in Europe ) are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display of the most magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery , Nickel Silver , Plated Go « ds , Baths , Bru 8 hes , Turnery , Lamps , Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , and Bed-hangings ) , soarTanged in Sixteen large Show Rooms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the . selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( per post ) free . 3 » , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTREET ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , PERRY'S-PLACE , LONDON . Established 1820 .
WATC H , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETEE MANUFACTORY , 33 and 34 , LUDGATE-HILL , LONDON . Established 1749 . —J . W . BENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every description , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his magnificent and unprecedented display of Watches , which is admitted to be the largest and best selected Stock in London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplex , Patent , Dota « hed Lover , Horizontal , and Vertical Movements , jewelled , & o ., with all the latest improvements , mounted in superblyfinished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . The designs engraved upon many of the cases are "by eminent artists , and can only be obtained at this Manufactory . If the important requisites , superiority of finish , combined with accuracy of performance , elegance , durability , and reasonableness of price , are wished for , tho intending 1 Purchaser should visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . BENSON ( and sent post free on application ) , which contains sketches , prices , and directions as to what Watch to buy , where to buy it , and how to uso it . Several hundred letters have been received from persons who have bought Watches at this Manufactory , bearing testimony to the correct performances of the same . OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . From the Liverpool Journal , Juno 14 . — " Wo would unhesitatingly recommend them to intending 1 purchasers . " From tlio Leicester Journal , May 9 .-r" Having tried his watches , \ to aro enabled to give them a first rate character . " From the Jlorts Guardian , May 3 l . ~ " Speaking in some doKroo from experience , Mr . Benson ' s stock is scarcely to be equalled . " From tho Aberdeen Journal , August 31 . — " Suitable for all classes and purses . " XYomtho Daily Telegraph , March 28 . — " Wo havo grout ploasuro in pointing out a watch manufactory wlioro our friends can purchase a good watch without paying Jin exorbitant price . " GOLD "WATCHES , Horizontal Movomonts , . Towellod , & c , accurate time-keepers , 32 . 15 s ., 4 , 1 ,, 15 s ., 5 l . 15 s .. to 15 / . 15 s . eooh . Gold Lover Watohes , jowcllod , and liiKlily-aniHhod movements , 61 . 0 a ., 81 . 8 s ., 10 / . 10 s ., 12 J . 12 s ., 14 J . 148 ., 1 UJ . 10 s ., to 40 puinoas-. SILVEU WATCHES , Horizontal Movomonts , Jowollod , & c , exact time-kcopcrs , 2 . 1 . 2 a ., > ll . 15 s ., iU . ltis ., to U . 5 s . each . Silver Lover Watchos , highly finished , jrjwollcd movements , 31 . 10 s ., M , 10 s ., U . 10 s ., 11 . 10 s ., SI . 10 a ., li \ l . 10 s ., to 20 guineas . A Two Years' Warranty givon with ovory "Watch , aud snnt , carrlago paid , to Scotland , Ireland , Wafos . or any purb of tho kingdom , upon receipt of PoHt-olIIco or Ha ' ukur ' u order , mndu payable to J . W . BENSON , 33 aud 34 , Ludgatohill , London . MorohnmtB , Shippers , and Watoh Olubs supplied . Old Watohoa taken in ExohaiiKO .
LIF E ASSURANCE TREAS URY r EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINTr *• " T SHAREHOLDERS will be held at theIqSSSB ? o ° mi on FRIDAY , 21 st . November inst ., at 11 * m ? M &&!*& Confirm the Resolution unanimously passed at thl T & - held on the 24 th ult ., viz : _ " That the < Court of StoSS & S and are hereby empowered to Borrow Money o «» DebonrS e > for such periods and at such rateof interest as they fromf ^' OotoSw . " * wP ^ Jenfc .-toe - sunisoriiiMdiiot tStSl By order of the Court , 6 , Cannon-street West . ° ' ^^ *« Kor .
T NEW SYSTEM OF LIFE ASSURANCE ^ ~ HE Directors of the NATIONAL ASSTT BANCE and INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION Wf " attention to the Now System of Life Assurance excwW adopted by this Association-viz , that of ailovving InS on all Premiums pxid , znstead of the remote andnncertZll System of Bonuses usually adopted . uncertain By this plan the Policy-holder will secure to lihnsdf a constantly increasing annual income during life as w 3 r ho payment of the . sum assured to his representatives , & Tables of Rates specially adapted to this System of A ™ ranee may bo obtained at the Olliceof theConiDanv p . ii Mall East , or forwarded free , on application . "' * m PETER MORRISON , Managing Director .
T HE CAMBRTAIST and UNIVERSAL LIPE and FIltE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital 100 , 000 ? . Established 1 S-W . . Office , 27 , Greslnun-street . Agencies in the . princip al town * of England and Wales . This office offers the benefit of assurance in all its branches , and is highly eligible for every description of lifr assurance . A now and most important feature , entirely oriuinatine with this Company , viz ; , Marriage Dowries , Life Assurance aud Deferred Annuities included in one policy . * Rates of premium moderate . Annuities granted . Family endowments . Loans on personal and other seourities . Forms of proposal and every inform ation may be obtained on application . By order , ALFRED MELHADO , Manager .
SOUTH AUSTRALIA N BANKI 5 G COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1 S 47 . The Court of Directors GrRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Banks in South Australia at par . : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . . ;• ¦ \ . ¦¦ . - ' .. ' . '¦¦¦ ¦ ' . ' ; ¦ . ¦ . . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through the 'Bank's Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 5-i , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , November , 185 G .
TEETH . —By her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . THE PATENT PNEUMATIC PALATE TOR THE CONSTRUCTIONOF ARTIFICIAL TEKT 11 . Messrs . MOGGRIDGE and DAT IS , Surpreon-Dentists to the Royal Family , 13 , OLD . / BURLINGTON- STREET , BOND-STREET , PATENTEES of the self-sustaining principle of fixing Artificial Teeth . —Prom One to a Complete Set , upon thoir peculiar principle of self-adhesion , which can-be adapted to the most tender mouths , without any operation whatever , and possess the desired advauiriprs of preserving their-natural colour and / protecting the adjoining TEETH—of ncvor decaying or wearing out , and so nrranged as to render it impossible to distinguish ART IPICIAL from tho NATURAL TEETH , and restoring to the countenance a younger and improved appearance . Tho PNEUMATIC PALATE has excited the gr . ealest admiration of tho most eminent PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS of ENGLAND and the principal cities of the CONTINENT , who constantly favour thein with their distinguished recommendations , and who consider their system to do greatly superior to-any in use , as by it the greatest possible firmness and security in the month is attained . It also renders tho articulation clear and distinct , and the unpleasant whistling , so long complained of , impossible . —This to public speakers is invaluable . An upper set , 10 Guineas ; a lower set , 10 Guineas ; ft Ml set of Artificial Teeth , 10 Guineas ; a single tooth , 1 Guinea . STOPPING , CLEANING , & c . ATTENDANCE , 10 TILL 5 O'CLOCK . ALL CONSULTATIONS FltEB . MESSRS . HOGGRIDGE AND DAVIS , SURGEON-DENTISTS TO TIII 3 ROYAL FAMILY , No . 13 , OLD BURLINGTON-STREET , BOND-STREET , LONDON . . Mr . A . J . Davis attends at tho Hush Hotel , Faninani , Surrey , tho flrnt and third Thursday in ovory month , from 11 to 4 o ' clock . ,
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WH ITE'S MOC-MAIJtf LEVER TRUSS " allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Genllomon to uo the most effective invention in the curative trciUiiieiu oi Hernia . The who at a steel s » riiiK ( so often lmi-Llul > " ' » o ( Vuots ) is here avoided , n . soft JUindagoboiiiK worn ronim " body , whilo the requisite resisting power is sii ]> j ) U < 'ii i > j " >« Moe-Main Pad and Patent Lover , 11 tthn ? with so much i « s ° and closeness that it cannot bo detected ,, and mn . y be \ vo >" ( luring sloop . A descriptive circular may bo liu " . an " J " Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ; forwarded by | i <> f (> '; oircumforenco of tho body , two inches ln-lmv t >;> '" B being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN Will A' -. " * Piccadilly , London . fil _ Price of single truss . 10 s ., 21 a ., 2 fis . Oil ., and . _ »« . •_ Postage , Is . -Double 'JLYuhn , » 1 h . «(! ., 42 * .. ancl ' - *•""• Postage , la . 8 d . Umbilical Truss . 42 s . ivnd Ois . lld .-l o"W la . lOd . EL ASTIC STOCKINGS , KHEE-CAPb , &«•» for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cast ;» of " ^ "V NMSS and SWELLING of tho LliiiH . » 1 ! t ; VIJS ,, | i « r 0 Thoy are porous , light in texture , and hioxponsivu , in » drawn on like , an ordinary slocking- l '» 'i «« Jl ' " LOs . Postage , ltd . Manufactory , 228 , Piccadilly , Xondoii .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 15, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_15111856/page/22/