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¦ JktubtT.
^^Tv vn 473.V SATURDAY, APEIL 16, 1859. ...
IKmQSPm S P r -f t%$,h~$ iH Mmsy* 1 ^^ f...
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¦ Jktubtt.
¦ JktubtT .
A ' Political,' Literary, Commercial And...
^^Tv Vn 473.V Saturday, Apeil 16, 1859. ...
^^ Tv vn 473 . V SATURDAY , APEIL 16 , 1859 . Price j ^^^ E ""^
Bonus Division. '
GLOBE . IlfSUKAIIUJ !) , CORSTHILIi ,: AND CHABIXG CROSS , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1 S 03 . CAPITAL OHS MILLION , ALL PAID UP AND INVESTED .. nTHEC TORS . John Edwakd . Totrasox , Esq ., Chan-man . Thomas M . Coombs , Esq ., Deputij Chairman . Geo . Cakr Gtra , Esq ., M . P ., Treasurer . William Chapmas , Esq . William . Phillimobe , Botce Combe , Esq . Esq . _ William Dujfr , Esq . W . H . G . PLCMvnEN , fcsq . J . W . Freshfield , Esq . * Sir Walter . Stiiu-ing , F R S Bart . John Bankes FRinxn , Esq . Wm . Tite , Esq ., M . R , RoberT'Wm . GA'USSEX . Hsq . F . R . S . Robert ILwtiiohn , Esq . T . M . ' Wr . f 5 UELiN , Esq ., M . P R . Lambert Jones , Esq . Ro . West . macott , Esq ., RoiSEiiT Locke , Ksq . F . R . S . Nathaniel . Monteftoke , Josiah YVii-son , Enq . SlIEFFIELO NEA . VE , Esq . BeSJAMIN Cr . AV IXr > US , Fooler Setsam , Esq . Esq . AUDTT'OTiS . ' Alexaxdeh 3 Lackenzte , Esq . Georub Saintsbury , Esq . The following' aro examples of the Profits accruing on Globe Participp-ting Life Policies under the BONUS declared as at 31 st December , 185 S : — AGE -d-d v- _ a " . Bonus appliedat Date . a 2 £ § 1 a « 2 g of "S > . ^ g T / S'i S-i-a n v Bvnav-Poliey . l ' - §^| g ^« Adillion -SHn O ' ? h . O ¦ to Policy . CASH . A £ s . d . A £ p . 25 1 , 000 21 0 2 0 72 27 17 35 1 , 000 2 S 2 0 0 72 33 15 40 1 , 000 32 15 0 0 72 35 7 50 1 , 000 -io 12 0 0 . 72 42 9 Policies ( if One to Five Complete Years Participate in 1 . . J ' roportion . Tho above Profits arc equivalent—if added tp the Policy —to a Hovcrsloiinry Sum at douth equnl to Ouo Pound Four Sliillinga por Oont . pox * Annum on tho Sum In-• ured fpr eadi of the completed years of tho Policy : —Or , if taken as an -Immediate Cash Payment , it is , nt most affOB , consltUimbly more than Ono Year ' s Premium . Tho Bonus Periods aro FIVE YoarB , aiwl the Kates of Life Premiums , whether With or Without Profits , very economical . FIRE , LIFE , ANNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERSIONARY business transacted . WILLIAM NEWMAROH , Sec ) ' { ' (¦< ()•!/
IMPEBIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , OLD . MllOA !) HTKHICT , LONDON ,-rnstitiiUil lS ^ O . i > nii : cronM . ajaonoio wir . LiATii : cottar , mhu ., ouaiumam . FltlODlOIlK . MC I'ATTLSO . V , Ehcj ., Diji'UTV-Ciia iuma . v . Thomaw G , Jhiivhiy , J £ « iq . ( JoorK'n Ilibhort , Hhk \ . Jfinum (\ ( . ' . Doll , IOuq . Siunucl IMbbi'i'f , 1 \ h > i . TnincM Ui'iukI , V , h < i . Thou . Ninvmnn Ifiuil , Kitj . CharlcH ( . 'uvt ' , iOnr ) . , ) . Oordon Ariirdndh , IO » w , poorvo Tinny Cmli-i * , Kaq . WllUani It . KubliiHiin , k . << i . llonry OuvI < Ihdii , I . Onq . . Jlurtiu T . Suillh , Khij ., M . l ' ,. Oi'orffo Field , VUti . Xuwnmu Hmllli , KHtj . H 1 CUUHITV . — 'riio ofiflurod , are protected by a niiiailiinti . o fund ( if ' iiinvnrdH of a iiill / loi ) and a hnfj' ntertlnff from thu llalilllllcH atliiclilnij- tn mutual MHHurancc . I'UOIOITS . -JOuur-llftliH , or elu / l . ty perounl . oftlio prolltH aro uBHluuud to I ' olloluH ovary ilfth yiar , Tlui uHmirud uro ontitlod fopuvllolpiite nfter pnyinonf ol ' ono prcniiiun . CL / VlftlH . —TIid Oonipnny hns dtHbiirm-cl In nuyiiieut Qf olainiHnixl nitdllloiiM iipwurdx ol' . Kil ,, ) 00 , ( joi ) . 1 l'vopouiilu Cor liiHuranooH nitiy bu iiiiiduiit , thu t . ' . lilcf Ollh ' c , n * i ahaw t irt ( ho licunoli O / Hi / o , lit , IMll-nmll , London i oi to any of tho iiyuntf ) throuii'liout , tho Klnu'rimn , « A » 1 UUL 1 MCIALL . Actuary .
NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION , 48 ,. GRAOECHURCH STREET , LOXDQX . FOR MUTUAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES , ANNUITIES , & c . ESTABLISHED DECEMBER , 1835 . DIKBC ' TORS . Samdel Hathukst Lucas , Es < J ., Chairman . Ciia . ri . es . LnsniNCTONi Esq ., Deputy Chairman . _ . Tohn Bradbury , Esq . Robert Iy & hain , Lsq ., M . r . Thomas Castle , Esq . Charles Keed , Esq . Kichard Fall , Esq . Kobcrt Sheppard , Esq . John Feltham , Esq . Jonathan . Thorp , Esq . Charles Gilpin , Esq ., M . P . Charles Vi / hetliam , Esq . Charles Good , Esq . Physicians—J . T . Conquest , M . D ., F . L . S . ; Thomas Hod | jkin , TM . D . ¦ '¦ .,, , , Backers—Messrs . Brown , Janson , and Co ., and Bank of England . Solicitor—Septimus Davidson , Esqw Consulting Actuary—Charles An ' sell , Esq ., F . R . S . MUTUAL ASBURANOBWTT ' ltoUT INDIVIDUAL , - liability .-On the 20 th November last the total number of Policies issuer ! was 21 , <> 33 . . ¦ : The amount of Capital was £ l , ( V » l , 550 . 11 s . lid . Amount i > nid for Claims arisinir from death , and Bonuses aocrtled thereon , 4 800 , (^ 0 14 s . 4 d . The ktoss Annual Income arising : from l ' . riniiiums on JiV' 02 ¦ existing l ' ollcios is £ 247 , 093 1 1 Annual ' abatement on the -K > th November , 1857 , to bo continued for the Jive years ending-in 180 :- ' v 50 , 112 0 0 « eiq 7 ,. > 8 + - 1 1 Add Intcrc-st on invested Capital . ( W , S 50 7 1 Total net annual income £ 'i 07 t -litl S 2 The prusent number of Members is 12 , 647 . At the Ijninqiu'iininl Division of Profits made up to the UOth November , 1807 , the computed viilue of assurances in Class IK \ v « s .-C 1 , 000 , 000 15 0 Asset * hi Class IX 1 , 845 , 1 ^ 5 0 0 Surplus or Trollt £ ! t 4 r » , 031 3 11 The effect of the nuceoHsful operation of the Society cluriti" - the whole period of its existence may be best exhibited by recapitulating the declared surpluses at £ h . e l'our iuvusti-Sfations made up to thlH tinio . For the 7 yearn ending 181- ' the surplus was .. . - (¦ 3 ^ , 074 11 0 „ 5 „ JH 47 „ „ SW ± 8 a 5 1 & V 2 „ „ 2 SS , Onfl 8 4 ; ¦ 5 ;; is . - , ? ., „ * m , om » n Members whoso premiums fall d « o on tho 1 st April arc reminded that tho mi * no must bu paid within 30 duya from that dato . ' , The Prospectus , with tho last ltqport of the Directors , and with illustrations of tho profltH 1 'or tho live yi-aro ending the aoth November , 1 k . * i ~ , wnr bo had on application , by which it will bo noon that the lvductlonH on the premiums range from 11 per cent , to \) 8 \ per cent ., and that in one instance the premium Is extinct . Instances of tho bonuaea are also B Bhiroh , lav . ) . JOSEPH MARSH , Secretary .
SPECIAL NO TICK CLERICAL , MEDICAL , AND GENERAL LIJTK ASSUIIANCB SOCIETY . ESTABLISHED ^ 824 . All I ' crfloiifl who oflVet I ' ollelcn on tltu PurMi'lputUifif Sciilo bvfViro , / nuo . 'iot . li , 1 M . > , » , will be fiiillh'il , nt . the » o , \ t IJonim , to (> no yenr ' H additional Hlwircuf rrolltmjwr later As » uror « . Tho hint Annuiil Ui'j > ort tfun bo obtained ( . if imy of tho Sock'ty ' w Aft'ontH , orot ( iKOIC < jJ 0 ( JllTCr-IKl'MO , Actuary and Secretary . 13 , St . iJanifrt ' M-Hquiirt ' , London , HAY .
JXSTITLJT 101 > JN T 1110 KKKi :, ' Ol ' QUJO 10 N ANNK , UNION ASbURANOE SOCIETY , FIUK AKJ ) LIFE . Ofpiomh—PI , Cornlilll , and 70 , Itnlcui' -Htrcul ., London ( nnd In BrlMtol , Liverpool , Kdlnburyli , Dublin , iliunbiu % Berlin , and lloruo . RECICIPTS for Flltlil INRUUANCBS falling DUlCut LAIA ' -UAV aro K (»\ V itJOApY at tho HoikI OflloL'H , nnd with tho roHpootlvo A ^ onttt In tho Country . l'Mru nuU LilV InHUi'iuicorj ffl'ootod at oqultiiblu ratoa , WM , 11 . X , BWlti , Beorotftry .
THE INTERNATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 142 , STRA N D , LO N DON , "VV . C CAPITAL—HALF-A-MILLION . DIRECTORS . Edmo * d Sheppard Symes , Esq ., Chairman . Win : Kenworthy Browne , Esq . | John Moss , Esq . John Elliotson , M . D ., F . R . S . I John Symes , fcsq . Henry John Hodgson , Esq . | Joseph Thompson , Esq . Secretaries — Alexander Richardson Esq . ; Augustus Blonde ! , Esq . Auditors—Professor Charles Wheats tone , F . R . S . ; Professor J . Radford Young . Medical liejeree General—John Elliotson , M . IX Cantab .., F . R . S ., 37 , Conduit-street . . . Actuary—W . S . B . "VVoolho . use , Esq ., F . R . A . S ., F . S .-S ., Assistant Actuary—Barker Woolhouse , Esq . Bankers—3 Iessrs . Glyri , Mills , and Co . Soli 6 itors— Messrs . Gregory , Gregory , Skirrow , and Rowcliffe . . . . The International Society has been established since 1 S 37 , for effectinft- every description of Life Assurance , Immediate and Deferred Annuities , Endowments , & c , nt rates affordinft-the most equitable adjustment of every euntinffency to the corresponding- risk . Profits divided ( Juinquennially . . Stamps on Life Assurance Policies paid by the Society . Loansgranted in connexion with Life Assurance . Half the Premiums may remain on Loan , on . tUc "Withdrawal scale . ¦ Thirty days of grace allowed for Tayment of Premiums . Prospectiist-s and every information may bo obtatnedfrom the Chairman , at the Chief ¦ Office , 14 ^ Strand . '
BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 32 , NEW BKIDGE STREET , LONDON , E . O . ABSTRACT OF THE TWELFTH ANNUAL UEPORT . During the year 1868 , 1 . J 09 Propofiida foi- Afisjimnco wore received , amounting to £ -. ' 74 , 150 , from which U 61 Policies were issued , assuring .-6820 , 280 . „ Annual l ' reniiums upon the new business of tho yoar , £ 7 . 080 l \) s . fid . ¦ Annual Income , £ "> S , M 88 . Policies in force , 81 < iS , nsfiurlng £ 1 , 0 o 0 , 55 j . Accumulated Fund , £ 151 , 807 12 f » . ,, * .. * , Deaths during the yonr , ? . ); claims nrisinfr thcrorrom , hieluding bonus , -eiO , 2 ( f » ls « . Od ., bciiift- Iosb than that ol tlw prececling yoar by £ 0 MV 17 b . , . .. Since tho commencement of tho Company the nmountpald to the Widows and other RcpresontutivoH oi deceased . Movnbors is £ 70 . 1 ia 3 s . Od . JAMES 1 NOLLS , Secretary .
ACCIDENTS AUK OF DAILY OCCUltltKNUB . Influrimco data show that ONK IMOHSON in every FIFT 10 KN is moro or lews injured by Accident yearly . An Annual l ' nymont of . -C 3 Hectiri' 3 A FIXKD ALLOAVAKCJC OF ilii 1 'VAl WKK 1 C . IN TUB EVENT OF IMJUUV , Oil £ 1 , 000 IN" CASK Oi ? ' DKATII VlU ' iM ACC 1 DKNTS OF ICVKRY DIO . SCItM'Tlf » T , By a l ' olioy In thu RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already palU In eoinyouoatlon t \> v AccJtleulniCa 7 , ()( W . , , . . .. Forms of Proposal and I ' roHpcetum-H inny be innl _ nt . llio Company'MOflhu-n , and at . nil tlu-ni-hn-lpnl l . ' nilwny ;•> » tlonn . whero , iiIho , icallwuy AccUIuhIh ulouu m . y bu iiiHun . il iiu'liinHt by the Joii ' moy or year , ^ -o ciiAituK i- 'oit fiTA ^ rr hi . 'tv . capital , ri . \ K am . i . io . v . - AVILLJASI J . VIA . V , . Vwrutary . Ualhviiy PimHoiiH'orH' ANHimmco Conipimy , OUlcoB , , ( JitI Jtroiul-atrtift , London , L . C .
IKmQSPm S P r -f t %$ , h ~ $ iH Mmsy * DEPOSIT AND DISOOU ^^ f ^ K ^ x t . P 1 VJ 3 VJ 3 K OK NT . on ™^* S *^ M'MM $£ or at Hoveu dny « t' notice , or Thruo '' ^^ Kfl ^ ffifM ^^ [^ Offlcos , 0 , Cwnnon-Bti-oot Wcflt Jfl . ^ 'iP "! TXr T" ^ Ul ^•¦ twy *
Ikmqspm S P R -F T%$,H~$ Ih Mmsy* 1 ^^ F...
IKmQSPm S P r -f t %$ , h ~ $ iH Mmsy * ^^ f ^ K ^ x t . ^* S *^ M'MM $£ ' ^^ Kfl ^ ffifM ^^ [^ . ^ 'iP "! TXr T" ^ Ul ^•¦ twy *
Leader (1850-1860), April 16, 1859, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16041859/page/1/