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482 THE LEADER; [No. 473, Ap ril 16,1859...
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482 The Leader; [No. 473, Ap Ril 16,1859...
482 THE LEADER ; [ No . 473 , Ap ril 16 , 1859 .
THE NATIONAL FLAX COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . Capital 200 , 000 ? ., in 200 , 000 Shares of XI , each . 58 ; to be paid on application , 5 s .. within Three Months from Allotment , and the remainder as the Directors may require it , in Two Payments of 5 s . each . TRUSTEEB . Henry Fenton Jadis , Esq ., Comptroller of Corn Returns , Board of Trade . . " J . T . Croft , Esq ; , 15 , Regent-street , S .-W . DrRECTORS . Sir John Dorat , Vice-Pres . R . S . L ., President . John Beddoe , Esq ., Lickhill , near Stourport , Worcestershire . J . T . Croft , Esq ., 15 , Regent-street , S . W . Lieut ,-Colonel C . E . Dering-, 47 , York-street , Portmansquare , W . "Frederick Hamilton * Esq ., Gresham-house , E . C . T . E . JVIarsland , Esq ., Pall-mall , S . W . ¦ Wallace Pedder , Esq ., Wadhurst , Sussex . George Thornton , Esq ., C : E ., F . G . S ., & c , 25 , Queen's-road , Regent's-park , N . W . Standing Counsel . P . MacGhombaich de Colquhoun , Esq ., LL . D ., & c , 3 , Hare-court , Temple . Bankers . Messrs . Heywood , Kennards , & Co ., 4 , Lombard-st ., E . C . Solicitor . Mr . Vaughan Prance , 37 , New Bridge-street , E . C . Engineer . . ' ¦ •<¦ Mr . G . L . Fuller , C . E ., 69 , Lombard street , E . C . Segretabit . —Mr . John H . Powell . Offices : 193 , Gresham-house , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . ABSTRACT OF PROSPECTUS . It has been for some years past a matter of notoriety that British and . Irish linen manufacturers , and also manufacturers of iempen goods , have materially suffered from a deficient supply of flax and hemp . This state of deficient supply arises from the fact that the cultivation of flax in Great Britain has materially decreased instead of increased with the growing requirements , of our linen manufactures . Our national commercial statistics show that , out of 150 , 000 tons of flax' annually cohsumedin the ' TJnited Kingdom , not more than 50 , 000 tons are of home growth . In addition to this enormous importation of flax for our linen manufactures , we have also imported hundreds of thousands of quarters Of linseed every year for home consumption . The linen manufacturers of the United Kingdom have deelared that they are ready to take any ' quantity which can . be grown at home , and at such prices as will be more re-¦ munerative to the agriculturist than the usual produce of his lands . The promoters of the National Flax Company are prepared to prove to the agriculturists of this country that no more profitable crop can be cultivated than that of flax , whenever their system of rettbries , and improved mechanical treatment of flax fibre , shall be adopted in the localities of its growth . The main feature of the company's plan is , that it will take the trouble of preparing the flax for market entirely off the hands of the grower , by becoming the purchasers of the crop , and thus leaving the grower entirely free froxa . the hazards of bad harvesting weather , and at the same time ensuring him . a certain handsome profitable return for all the flax he can produce and-deliver to the compariy * s depots and rettories ; The company ' s operations Will also embrace the whole of the requisite process of pre- * paring the flax and similar fibrous substances ready for the spinner . The system of preparation adopted by this company is the subject of a patent , the invention of Mr . George Albomarle Gator , a gentleman who has made the cultivation of flax and its , preparation for the spinner his especial study for many years past , he having fully demonstrated the great economy of labour and the very great improvement in the quality of the flax fibre , which 1 a the result of his improved system of flax preparation . The system will be round fully detailed In the "Explanatory Pamphlet on Flax Cultivation and Preparation , " to be had free from the Secretary of the company and its agents ; in which will also be found an exposition of the great importance of tho homo cultivation of flax , as insuring a regular supply of raw material to tho very important national , manufactures of Jinen and hempen goods ; half-stuff for paper-makers ; and the importance of the seed for linseed oil and oil-eako . As an example of tho intended operations of the com * pany , tho following is quoted from the full prospectus of the company : — By rettories will be understood establishments where the preparation of flax-fibre from tlie raw plant for the spinner ana manufacturer will bo carried out through nil its stages . It Is estimated that two rettorlos , oil tho scale proposed as tho base of operations , will require eight patent machinos , and , if , constantly at work ior ( say ) 301 ) days in tho year , will produoo annually 1 , 200 tons of flax-nbro , 7 , 000 quarters of Unseed , and 000 tons of tows 2 and allowing £ 50 per ton to bo obtained-for the ilax-flbro , 00 s . p 6 r quarter for tho linseed , and AH per ton for tho tows , there is a gross yield of # 80 . 000 . Assuming that It will take as muoh as ton tons of flaxstraw unseeded to produce ono ton of flax-fibre , at a -cowt of 4 < f . por ton , and 18 ? . por ton of flbro for all oxpunaoa , tho total outlay will bo 00 , 0002 ., leaving a balance to bo divided of 15 . 000 Z ., or nearly 30 per cent , upon G ! i , OQQl , ( tho coat of tho building's , plant , and machinery , together with a Hufllolunt working capital for two rottorloB ) , which In wholly irroepcctlvo of tho dlvidond that may bo oxpectod iV . om lloonco clues from other rottorlos ; and an tho operations of tho company aro extended , the dividends will bo in proportion . Tlio peculiar ndvnntngoa of Solby , in Yorlcshlro , and tho eun'ouncllng flax-growing dlstrlotu , have deoldud tho oompnn y on oetablleljuig their first rottory In that neighbourhood . A prospective enterprise of this company being tho pultivatlon of ilax on roolalmablo lands , of which in tho Unltoi Kingdom tUoro are somo mlUIona of aproa , It is oonulderpU the company may bonoflolally \ uvn if a attention to tho aoqnrwjmonti In duo course , Of an available property In such lands . Wup . SirfttlQna . 1 Flax Company will , by inoroivslnff the oultlvftUon ,, of flax Jn tiho present { rrowinft dlstdots , tond to onoouroffo thci population of othur parts of tho country to ncauiro tUcroqulBHo knowlcdcro of an luaustrlal rosowroo hy
• which their local labour will , become more profitable , and land of greater-value . Again , the fast-extending application of the power-loom to . flaSS fibre will greatly increase the _ der mand for flax . All- considered * the circumstances of the times combine to establish the present enterprise as the nucleus of a new branch bfjbusiness , and amost valuable auxiliary to the farming and manufacturing producers oi the United Kingdom , and one which is well calculated to still further develope her prosperity . Copies of the prospectus ,. and all further information , may Ue obtained at the Offices of the Company , 193 , Gresham-house . City . " -... ' ¦
THE GENERAL PATENT COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . CAPITAL ., 50 , 000 Z ., in 5 , 000 SHAKES OF 10 / . EACH . Calls not to exceed 21 . 10 s ; per Share for the First year , and no subsequent Call to bo made without two months notice . Deposit 5 s . per Share . PATEGNS . ' WILLIAM FATRBAIRN , Esq ., C . E ., F . R . S ., F . G . S ., & c . The Polygon , Manchester . F . S . POWELL , Esq ., M . T ., Horton Hall , Bradford , and 45 , Gloucester-terrace , W . . DIRECTORS . Col . C . G . Fagan , H . E . I . C . S . ( Director of Malta Telegraph Company ) , 20 , St . Petersburg-place , Bayswater , W . Martin Joseph Routh , Esq ., M . A ., Hampton , Middlesex . William Ffaringtoh , Esq ., Wood Vale , Isle of Wight . Banister Fletcher , Esq ., Oregon-terrace , Peckham Rye . Edward Robinson , Esq ., Blenheim-place , St . John ' s Wood . Bankehs—Messrs . Barclay , Bevau , and Co ., Lombardstreet , London . Secketahy-O . W . Orforil , Esq ., C . & M . E . Temporary . Offices—12 , Pancras-lane , Cheapside , E . G . The improved system adopted by the last Patent Law Amendment Act having greatly increased the number of patents taken out by aiid removed various obstacles in the way of inventors , and the Acts of Parliament lately passed limiting the liability of shareholders in public companies , have now rendered the fprmation ^ of such an association not only comparatively easy , but have also afforded the means by which it may become remunerative to its . members , without incurring any unnecessary risk . The Company has been formed for the purpose of assisting inventors , and its contemplated operations comprise : ¦ The taking out of patents and registrations for inventors , and , when required , advancing the money for this The advancing sums of money on approved security to . inventors and patentees , for the purpose of enabling them to develop and complete their patents and inventions . The purchase ana sale of inventions . and patents ; The selling of patents and inventions on commission-The investigation of the value and merits of inventions , and the granting of certificatqs thereof . The devotion of a portion of the company's premises , for the purpose of receiving models and drawings of inventions and patents . . . The keeping a registry of all patents taken out by the Company , and the furnishing a monthly list thereof to all subscribers . t One of the great objects of the Company will be at all times to watch Over and preserve the rights of . patentees , and , if possible to obtain a repeal of the stamp duties affecting-inventors , or , if not ablo to accomplish ' this , to obtain a great reduction in the amount of such duties . All information may be obtained at the office , and the deposit may be remitted to the bankers or to the Secretary .
LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA . INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER . PAID-UP CAPITAL , 700 , 000 * . CnAiHMAN-DUNCAN DUNBAR , Esq . Deputy-Chairmian—WILLIAM l ^ ANEDIS SALIS , Esq , ( Offices—17 , CANNON ^ STREET , E . G . TETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS of JU EXCHANGE arc granted on tho Branches of this Bank at SYDNEY , MELBOURNE , GEBLONG , MARYBOROUGH , ARARAT , and BALLARAl . DRAFTS of tho Australian Colonies negotiated and sent for collection . By order of tho Court , Q . M . BELL , Socrotnry .
INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES . 12 , ST . JAMES'S SQUARE , LQJS'PON , S . W . April H , 1850 . NOT ICE IS HEREBY PIVEN that tho Connoil of thin Institute luifl determined on applyInfy tho lntoroht accruing from Mr , Mosrioiifjpor ' s Duau ' out , towardw the purchaso of a VHIZIO , to bo competed for by tho Ahhoclatos , and to bo fflvon for tho best JKSttAY "On tho various Methods pursued in the Distribution of Surplus ampng- thu Assured fn nlAi ' o AflHuraneo Company , with a CompnriHOn of tho Ilolatlvo Morits' ofsucli MotJiods . " Further partloulivrs and . tlio uondltlons undar which tho prize is to bo competed for may bo outnliiocl 011 application « t theroomH of tho Institute . JOHN RlflDDITSM . 1 „„ , H no JOHN HILL WILLIAMS , j IIon - Socs -
THE CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY . INVESTMENT FOR SAVINGS AND CAPITAL FOK ALL CLA 8 SEH OF TlIM COMMUNITY . TVTOTIOE TO SHAREHOLDERS . — From J-i this date tho rate of Interest on Completed Shares , nnd Bharos paid a yoar in advanoo and upwards , has boon ilxod at FIyo por Oont , por Annum . NOT 10 IO TO Ulfll'OBI'rOKB . —The rnto of Intercut on DopoHltt ) has boon ralB « d irom Three to Four por Cunt , por Annum . By order of tho Board , OKARLIflS LHWIS . QltUNJaiSBN , Soorotary . Omoos , 33 , Novfolk-stroot , Htvand , W . C ., London , 85 th March , 1800 .
F URN ISH YOUR H O USe " V WITH THE BIST ARTICLES AT DEAN E : S , ESTABLISHED A . D . 1700 . DEANE ' S TABLE CUTLERY has been celebrated for more than 150 years for quality and cheaDness . ' The stock is extensive and complete , aflbrdino- a choice suited to the taste arid means of every purchaser . Prices : — Best Transparent Ivory—Per doz . s . d- Per doz . s . d . Per pair s d-Table knives 3 : 3 0 | Dessert ditto 28 0 I Carvers ' n Best ditto— a u o Table knives 2 'J 0 | Dessert ditto 23 0 | Carvers o o Fine ditto-Table knives 23 0 | Dessert ditto 18 0 | Carvers 7 r Good ditto-Table knives 10 0 ! Dessert ditto IS 0 | Carvers 55 . . Kitchen—Table knives 10 0 | Dessert ditto 8 0 | . Carvers 2 6 Ladies' Scissors of the finest steel , the most finished workman ship , and in choice variety . Scissors in handsome cas € B adapted for presents . . Penknives and every description of pocket cutlery . Deane ' s Monument Kazor lias been l ;"> 0 years before the Public , and is a plain , thoroughly good Old English ltazor , Price 2 s . 6 d . . ¦ T \ OMESTIC BATHS—a very large variety U of SHOWER-BATHS of the most improved construction ; also , vapour , hip , plunging-, sponging-, nursery , and every description of Baths for domestic use . Deane s Baths are distinguished for their superior finish , strength of material , and great durability ; while the prices are on that low scale for which their Establishment has so long been celebrated . . '¦ ¦ ¦ For Illustrations and Prices see their Pamphlet on " Baths and Bathing , " to be had gratuitously , on application . TYRAWING 11 OOM STOVES—A large and U handsome collection of BRIGHT STOVES , for the Drawing or . Dining-room , enibrat-ing all the newest Designs . Deane and Co ., have applied to these and other classes of Register Stoves . Patented Improvements , economising the consumption of Fuel , for which the highest Testimonials ¦ have been given . Hot Air Stoves , in Now and Ornamental Patterns ,- with aseendingor descending l < "lues , suitable for Churches , Public Buildings , Halls , Shops , & c . S POONS and FORKS . —Silver Pattern Spoons and Forks . —All the newest and best designs of these Cheap , useful , and elegant Articles in Electro-Silvered and Dcanean Plate . . Prices of EJectro-platcd Spoons and Forks . — Table Forks per doz . : ids . 31 s . TableSpoons " ¦ 40 s . 3 : 5 s . Dessert Forks .. .. " 2 ' . Js . « : Js . Dessertspoons ..- ¦• ... " : Ws- ~* - .. TeaSpoons ... .. " . IK * - 14 s . Cd . Mustard and Salt , per pair , 3 s . Suear Bows , 3 s . Od . OPENING TO THE MONUMENT , London-bi'idge . * * SEND FOR UfiANK'S FURNISHING LIST , Free on application .
CARDS FOR THE MILLION . A Copper Plate Enffravod in any style . Is . 50 Best Cards ( any kmd ) 1 ' rinted tor 1 b ., post free . _ v A WTinilt GRANGER : Stationor , SOS , High Holborn .
TAW HENCE II' Y A M an . l the SrilINO JU SKASOX of 1850 . —The Style and Jfakc of Attire ior Gcntlomon , Chlldron , Boys , anfc Kldw Vouths nro laade objects of particular study by the l ' roprletor , w-110 hn « 1 now introducgii a Spriuir Stock which , lor * -xteut . \ \ XX Beauty , and GwevaT Kjfcollonco , was never cqiiailed I ho Plain and Fmicy Fabrics , from which the Suits and ^ ar menta-are , manufactured , are nlLselected < rom the best productions in every variety of pattern . _ TAWRENCE HYAM'S CLOTHING for JU BOYS and YOUTIIS .-A 11 nffesof theyountf are « doaiwtoly provided for In L . Jlyam ' s Mnu : » i I ent fato c ol Juvenilo and Youth ' s Attire , designed nnd uui e t . y Ai 1 Uam of talwit , tasto , and experience , specially engaged ou torn description of Dross . ,, , i « u « n ,, » ir « n nf tlio U ^ SASSIgSSiJSSSi ^ SSSBBB gaafei . 'SHiSttt'SSsfSKHaawf to 30 s .: Trousors and Vests of like l ' attern , conjuttctueiy , for Httlf-a-Gulnoa to a aninoa . _ T AWRENCB HYAM ' S SPECIFIC NQXICB . JU -Tho Proprietor would ornnhatloally « otIty- thnt Bp » In no way oounoctcd wllh any otW "o , " ^ " ? V ! „!" , ! only oBtabllHlnnuniH at wlilph L . llyiun « h 0 1 . !«'" [ % ' ! nncl widely Cuh'brattxl Attlro enn be proeureil , inu tntw 10 cri ^ ! TosTAnLisi nx jont , oo , 9 " " * V V " W . V" ^ i * XvniJSiSWI 0 ST-KNI > IJKANOM , 1 H \> / Did 1 W > ( corniT ol i'liuiun stroot ^ . Totti'iilinin-oourt-road , \ r . —
GALVANIC . INSTITUTE 3 J , Strand , eiitrttnoalit ^ V / Z / t-r ^ - «'' '' < 'f-. f n n ( , Thesiu rooniB huvo been onuiiod under t-1 u h p in » ,,. of rwlatorud qunllllod Mwllwil niuii , ior tin H' " !^ ot cation pf tfnlvniilHm In tin . troatinonl , (> i l » > y , " „ , „ , nervous Ulsonson , paraly 8 lfi , indlt ' « 'Hlion , rliuuiiiiiliHii ) , n » ' »" & 0 < lloura of attendance , U to 0 . Bundjjyf , ff'SlUjeon . Ordinary , modloiil attoiidaut , JSIr , J . w ' ullllt ' - —•
GOOD STATIONERY AT G ; L ^ ?^ i ^ U »^
HANWBLL OOLIiBaB , MIDDLBW . iBHtlU rotaJjilnff its hltfli ql » upaotor .- tH ««< < S ) t' » " - ° W A ProHnootiiB-wJU bo njpwwdodoa ftppUoiiliou tolhoBov Dr . J 2 MMUT 0 N , the JL'rtHOlpftl .
Leader (1850-1860), April 16, 1859, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16041859/page/2/