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No: 473, April 16, 1859-1 _ THE DEADER. ...
MISCEIiLABTEQtJS. Australian Discoveries...
BOOKS RECEIVED. Memoirs ofthe Enipress C...
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No: 473, April 16, 1859-1 _ The Deader. ...
No : 473 , April 16 , 1859-1 _ THE DEADER . 509
Misceiilabteqtjs. Australian Discoveries...
MISCEIiLABTEQtJS . Australian Discoveries . — - According to the last advices from Australia ; Captain Cadell , by whom fhe river Murray to ATbury , and the river Mnrrumhidffec to Gundagai ( from 1 , 800 to 2 , 000 miles from the ^ mouth of the Murray ) , was opened up , had suc-™ £ sfullv availed lumself of a favourable opportunity for exploring the Darling . On the 24 th of January lost in his steamer Albury , accompanied by Sir Richard M'Donnell , Governor of South Australia , and party , lie left Moorundee , on the Murray , and a short distance above Lake Victoria the l ) arhng was
_ entered With but little difficulty the steamer reached a point above Mount Murchison , that being the vcr" -c of the country that is stocked . As the water in the river was falling , rapidly , it vrould not have been safe to ascend further ; but at a future period Captain Cadell hopes to take his steamer up to tiic junction with the river Barwan . above Fort Bourke When Captain Sturt and Sir Thomas Mitchell visited the Darling near Mount . Murchison thev found it almost a chain of water-holes . The Albury sot back to Moorundee on the 15 th of
February , all well . Tmticisii Wit . —From the Levant Herald we extract the following mild joke , from which it would seem that the works of Mr . Joseph Miller are not klto" -ether unknown among the faithful : —" One day Nasr-ed-Din Khodja ascending the pulpit be <> -aiv 'Oh ! ye Faithful , do you know what lam goFniy to preach to you ? ' ' 2 s o , Khodja Effendi , ' answered the audience , ' we do not . ' — 'Ah ! well , ' said Kliodja , ' then if you do not know , what shall I tell you ' ? ' Another day , again going up into the pulpit , he said : ' Oh ! Mussulmen , do you not know what is to be the subject of my discourse ? ' * We
know , ' they all answered at once . —' Very well , ' said the Khodja , ' since you know it , there is no nee 1 for triy telling it you , ' and then descended from the pulpit and went away . The audience , astonished at the conduct of the " preacher , decided . unanimously that next time the one part ' . ' should answer ? we know , ' the others ' we do not know . ' The Khodja made his appearance for the third time , and again began with , 'Oh ! my brethren ! do you know what I km about to tell you ? ' As agreed upon , part of the audience ans ' wered , ' We know , ' others , ' We do riot know . '— ' Very well , ' said the Klio . lja , * then let thoss of you who do know instruct those wh o do not know , ' "
Plain * Spkakixg . —The Now York papers report a mooting of democratic republican electors in Tammany Hall , at which Senator A . G . JJrown , of Mississippi , in pronouncing for the acquisition of Cuba , remarked , "I want Cuba for the' extension of shivery , and let all the dirty abolition crew understand " it . If Cuba were to come to us as a free territory , and a free territory alone , then my , courage would very much ooze out at the points' of my fingers . " The same speaker delivered himself of
even a bolder avowal . He said , " I . am a pro-slavery man . I believe that slavery is of divine origin—( applause )—that God decreed it from the foundation of the world —( renewed applause )—that the African race from their creation , were doomed to be slaves to the white man— ' ( continued applause )—and my impression is that every one of you would be better off if ho had a negro to wait upon him . " And here , says the report , " three cheers lor IJrown were given with g-roat energy . "
Koyai ,, Cor . i . isoE op eJuugrons . — The new sj-stcm of examining candidates for the diploma of membership of this College , determined upon by the Council , lias conic into operation . By its aid it is hoped that the acquirements of the candidates who offer themselves for examination will bo more eflflciontly tested than heretofore , and it is especially sought to discountenance the plan of " cramming , " i . e ., substituting tho more catechetical instruction of a grinding tutor for tho study of tho fundamental principles of tho art of surgery in the dissecting-room and in tho wards . of tho hospital . The student is now required , in the fii \ st places , to prove that ho has practically
Btndiad anatomy , by an examination upon the'dead body , aiul ' on anothor tiay ho hn . 9 to furnish written answers to questions in physiology , or tho functions of tho economy . These two tests , which are termed tho " preliminary examination , " pannot be submitted to until the studont has furnished proof that ho has aompbtod two years' study in a medical school ro » cognUud by tho College , as oflbrlng duo guarantees of being able to conduct an efficient education . After hu has passod four years in such study of his profession ho may prosent himself for tho two final or pass examinations in pathology and surgery , tho ono oral , the other written .
liigli tone of taste and feeling which marked our own countrymen in particular . I do not deny but that crowds flock to the studios , and affect to admire what they do not understand or appreciate ; but they do it because Murray tells them to do it . Yet facts prove that few are they who arc eager to become possessors of any of these creations of art , or who would sacrifice a luxury to enal > le them to do so . I am a severe censor , you will say , on nay countrymen , btit facts will bear me out . "
Public Drinking Fountains . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , at Willis ' s Rooms , under the presidency of the Earl of Carlisle , of the association which has recently been formed , for promoting the establishment of drinking fountains in the metropolis . The Earl of Shaftesbury , JLord J . Russell , Earl Ducie , the Earl of Albeniarle , and other noble ^ men and gentlemen , -were present , arid several of them addressed the meeting on behalf of the society . Themsult was a very liberal subscription , and there is every prospect of the beneficial and philanthropic objects of the society being fully carried out .
Geologist ' s Association . —At the meeting held . at 5 , Cavendish-square , on Monday , Mr . Hyde Clarke , V . P ., in the chair , sixteen members were elected , and the Rev . T . Wiltshire , M . A ., read a paper on the peculiar formation of the red chalk which underlies the white chalk , and which is only known in England , where it crops out r . t Specton , in Yorkshire , and Hunstanton , in Norfolk . Boulders of it are , however , found in that curious bed of drift on Muswell-hill . Professor Tennanr , Mr . S , J . Mackie , and Mr . Weatherall took part in the discussion . The latter . stated that the red chalk drift was very scanty at Muswell-hill and Finchlcy , and appeared to have come from Hunstanton , by the fossils and deeper red colour . The drift is mixed ui ) with granite from Norway , gneiss , & c .
CpiruT of AiiDEttMEN ;—At the sitting of the Court on Tuesday , a letter was read frorn Alderman Farncomb resigning his office on account of declining health . The resignation was accepted , and a ^ ote of thanks , acknowledging his long and faithful services , passed . When the vote was being taken on the question of who should be the new governor of PIolloway Prison , Sir 11 . Muggeridge refused to vote . The L , ord Mayor declared that he must vote , and he was accordingly compelled to do so . Alderman Gabriel was . then called upon to vote , and lie gave a point blank and determined refusal , whereupon the Lord Mayor insisted that he should vote , and an angry
scene ensued . The Town Clerk differed from the Lord Mayor on the point of law , but his lordship threatened to have the alderman ' s name entered upon the journal , as guilty of contempt of court . Alderman Wilson moved that . Alderman Gabriel should be committed into the custody of thc _ Serjearit-at-Arms , and the Lord Mayor said that if the Court gave its assent he should at once order the officers to act upon the resolution ; however , the motion did not find a seconder . The voting was completed , and proved in favour of Mr . Weatherhcad , who , having resigned the governorship of Newgate , was formalfy appointed to his new office .
Zoological Novei > tiks . —A passenger . by the Tyne brought with him a curious animal from the Uruguay- ltivcr , in South America . It is called a carpincho . It is a . young animal , and about the size of a small dog . It is amphibious , and lias webbed feet . Carpinchos are found in considerable numbers in the muddy creeks of the Uruguay . They bark something like a fox , and have the back part of the lower joint of the hinder legs horned , which enables them to sit like a kangaroo . The
old carpinchos have tusks similar to a boar . They eat i ^ rass , and are very fond of the sugar cane . The one " on board the Tyne ate bananas . The muzzle is verv curious , being of a largo oval shape and humid * like the muzzle of honied cattle . The body is of a lisjht sandy colour , and in shape similar to a pig . These animals live in the water all day und come on land at night . The one brought to England is very tame , " and was very partial to those who fed it . ' There were also on board the Tyne two beautiful voting toucans from Para .
To Some Iloxouns . ark 'Given- — to Others IIonouk . — " One of the 2 » Iilliou ' writes to the Daily JYeios as follows : — " When an empire was reeling to its fall , a mighty man kept his head clear and his arm strong ; thus was India steadied —saved . I am speaking of John Laird Mair Lawrence . For his pre-eminent share in the quenching the terriblest conflagration of ¦ modern times , Lord Derby dubbed the ruler of the Pnnjaub , Baronet and G . C . B , More peers are to grace the ? gilded
chamber . ' Lord Derby ennobles three very rich Tories , most respectable squires , very ardent foxliunters ; but about whose public services , native talents , and intellectual acquirements , even flunkcydbm is mute . Where is the justice of all this ? Is the salvation of English dominion in the East a snuill matter compared with the accidental heritage of ' considerable borough interest , ' much lucre , and exceeding mnny broad acres ? Answer mo this , my Lord Derby . "
The English in Rome . —A letter from Rome says : —" Thu « Easter ' has not yet passed ; wliat is called tho ' Season ' is virtually ovlt in Homo ; for things are altogether changed since I first knew the EtcrhnlCity .. Tho ' Season' must now be understood as meaning ; what is meant by the season in every fashlonablo place of winter resort in England or elsewhere . It is made up of a round of perpetual and expensive visiting . A club and a pack of hounds are considers ! absolutely necessary to existence here ; and while tho frivolities : of tho London season and country spores are , by a strange mixture , found njinglod up together , and absorb the entire attention of visitors , tho higher objects for which persons might bo supposed to visit this interesting and won-4
derful city seem to bo comparatively neglected . I remombor , ' said a friend whoso high literary merit is acknowledged by all tho world , ' that somo years ago there was a simplicity in tho habits and manners of English society which contrasts strongly with its present condition . Wo were then invitutl to take tea . with each othor ; wo aro now invited to champagne suppers , after rising from dinnor botweon eight and nine o ' clock , This may bo moro tho . custom of a biul stylu of pooplc ; still Roman sociuty , or English society in Homo , is revolutionised , and not for tho better . I havo made tho round of many studios , both of sculptors and painters , and Iiavo tltqro hoard similar observations made , and linvo wi \ tohod tho ell ' uct of this uhango upon art . » Wo novel' had so few commissions as wo havo had this
year , though Homo was novor so lull , is tha universal complaint . There aro somo of the most eminent mon in their professions who hnvo not rocbived oven a single commission— -a fact which , taken in connexion with tho number of vlsltoi' 3 , tho wealth isnlayod . uud expended , indicates a Recline of that
Punuo Hhiai , tii . —Tlioro was an increase of 134 iH tho number of ( deaths last week , but tho health oi tlio metropolis is relatively in a healthy state , tho aojiths boing qs under the ? avorago . Tho total numt . i , deftt » a was 1 , 201 , find or births 1 , 837 . Dr . ^ -otluiby agcvin reports 'favourably of tha health' of tno City .
Books Received. Memoirs Ofthe Enipress C...
BOOKS RECEIVED . Memoirs ofthe Enipress Catherine II . Translated . ¦ Triibncr and Co . A Statistical View of American Agriculture . By John Jav , Esq . Triibncr and Co . _ The Handbook of Dining . By L . 1 \ Simpson . Longman and Co . The Parents' Cabinet . Smith , Elder and Co . Honij-Koiig to Manilla and tlie lakes of Luzon , in ' the PhilUppbie Isles , in 1850 . Smith ,. . Elder and Co . Sibcrt ' s Wold , or Cross Purposes , a Tale . Simpkin and' MarslKill . . Diary and Correspondeiice of John Evelyn , F . R . S . Vol . IV . PI . G . Bonn . Io in JEgypt , and other Poems . Bell and Daldy-The Life and limes of Daniel De Foe . By W . Chndwick . John Russell Smith . Young Lady ism . By D . M . Brown , Esq . James Black wood . Humanity , a Poem of Sympathy . A . Hall , Virtue nnd Co . Constable ' s Educational Series . Book-keeping . Edinburgh : Thomas Constable . IVie Art Journal , 52 . James S . Virtue . The New Quarterly lievieio , No . 29 . Robert Hardwicke . Tait ' 8 Magazine , No . CCCIV . Edinburgh : Sutherland and Knox . The Assurance Magazine , Part III ., Vol . 8 . C . and E . Layton . 21 w Common Sense of Life Assurance . By a Man of the Times . Jnmcs Hog'g and Sons . IVic Eclectic for April . Word nnd Co . The Journal of Psychological Medicine , Now Series , No . 14 . John Churchill . The Constitutional Press , No . 1 . Saundera and Otley . Revuo Britannlque , No . ' 3 . Paris : Au Bureau do la revue , Ruo Neuve . St . Augustin , 00 .
Dr. Dm Jongh's
( Kniyhl qj' O qfueopoid qj'jjclgiunij LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVBB QIL , Administered with tho groatost euocods In cases of CONSUMPTION , GENERAL DEBILITY , RHEUMATISM , INFANTILE WASTING , AND ALL THE DISORDERS OF CHILDREN ARISING FROM DEFECTIVE NUTRITION , la tho most ofHcaoious , tho most palatable , and , from its I'iinld ourntlvo ott ' octs , unquoatlumibly tliu most uuonomlonl Qt all kl'iulti . Itn hnmonsurablo thorupoutlo superiority over every other variety Is now uuivoi'unlly aukaowJud ^ 'cd by tho lnoulty . . opinion ov W . MURD 00 S , Esq ., M . D .. M . B . O . S ., Medical Ojflccr qf Jlcttlth . »« . Mar // , Jt : > thvrh ( tln ; & v ., & p . " " I I'litortuin a hl ^ h opinion of Dr . ilc Jiihj ' 1 | J vniiinblo OH , tin * I'i'tiulta In my pruotlcu boiiiffuniHinioro » iitf »< nQtory Hince I luwo ndmlniatorocl it , than ( hoy witc wlu-ii 1 usocl the pivpimitloiittof 1 'nlo Oil utiiially nultl by IJ » o ilrti ^ istti . J lifvor cyiild Rot two uaumleN ol" llii'iji iilils . M wiioivna Vr . do . Kmyirn Oil Ih iilwnyw tlu « miiiioin instc , chIdui-, nnd othor propicfios . Mv own ovi . Nios i » , that it id vim umv OIL H 0 I-. O . " Sold onxy In Impkriai . Un \ C- \> lnta , } ii > . M . f rintM . ln . ' od . ; Qunrtii , li » ., ciiUHiili-tl uml labolkil wJlli Dr . uu Jonoh ' h HlK'HUlliri ' , WITHOUT WHICH N 0 NI 1 IM OKNUIMJj IN TUB Cqumvuy by rowpt'otiiblo CUvmlHtH , IN J . UNWON IIY lllh HOI .. I 3 AOKNTH , AXflAll 11 A « 1 . 'OUJ > . * W- 77 . « T 1 { AN D , W . O . ¦ CAUTION -r-Jutrmlra reooinmotmutloim Q / ' other kltiUsnf Cotl Liver oU n / iouM bo atmmwtalu roaMnil , na tltoy solely pivcvuu' / Yoin ttitvrvstvtl motive * , « ml will in / ulUbli / remit in Hdfipj-vliiti / u'iit .
Leader (1850-1860), April 16, 1859, page 29, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16041859/page/29/