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512 THE LEADER. .. ffl°- * 73, April 16,...
JLondom 1 lMatod \)y Mows. Kolly nna Co....
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512 The Leader. .. Ffl°- * 73, April 16,...
512 THE LEADER . .. ffl ° - * 73 , April 16 , 1859 .
WORKS PUBLISHEI > OR SOLD BY CHARLES AND EDWIN LATTON , 150 , Fleet-street , London . JOURNAL of the INSTITUTE of ACTUA-• I RIES , and ASSURANCE MAGAZINE . Vols . I . to V ., cloth boards , 11 s . Od . each . Vols . VI . and VII ., lbs . Od . each . Vol . VIII ., Part 4 , July 1 , 1 S 59 . ¦ D TJNYON / C . J . ) LAWof LIFE ASSURANCE , X > the ASSIGNMENT of POLICIES , and EQUITABLE LIENS . ( 1854 . ) Svo , cloth boards , price 1 / . Is . / CHESHIRE ( EDWDA The RESULTS of the V > » CENSUS of GREAT BRITAIN in 1851 , with a Descriptibh of the Machinery and Processes employed to obtain the Returns . 20 th Thousand . Is . riHISHOLM ( DAVIB ) , COMMUTATION X- ^ TABLES for Joint Annuities and Survivorship Assurances , for every Combination of Two Lives , according to Carlisle Mortality , at 3 , 3 $ , 4 , 5 , and 0 per Cent . Interest ; with Tables of Annuities and Assurances on Single Lives , and other useful Tables . Two vols . sup : royal Svo . 4 / . 4 s . TlAVIES ( late GRIFFITH ) , TREATISE on -L * ANNUITIES , with numerous Tables based on Experience of the Equitable Society and on the Northampton Kate of Mortality . Svo , 1 / . 6 s . HILLMAN ( late W . E . ) , TABLES on the VALUE of a POLICY of INSURANCE for 1 / ., according to the Carlisle Mortality and the combined Experience of Assurance Companies ; with Tables for ascertaining- the Value of such Insurances for every Age from 14 to 60 , and of Duration from 1 to 50 Years . Svo , bound . 31 s . Cd . T AUNDY ( S . L . ) , TABLE of QUARTERJU SQUARES of all FNTEGER : NUMBERS to 100 , 000 , by . which the Product of Two Factors may be found by Addition and Subtraction alone . 21 s . ¦ TlMARSHALL ( late J ~ ) 7 tABLES and TRACTS Jj / L connected with the Valuation , Avhother of Annuities and Assurances contingent on the Duration of Life , or of Sums and Annuities Certain ; with various Formulas and incidental Notices . Fcpi fdl ., 7 s . 6 d . TDAPWORTH ( WYATT ) , NOTJES on CAUSES X of FIRES ; or , which is the Safest of various Methods of Warming Buildings . Is . Gd . PAPWORTH ( WYATT ) , NOTES On SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION . Is . POUGET ( M . LOUIS ) , DICTIONNAIRE des ASSURANCES , Principles , Doctrine , Jurisprudence , Legislation , Etraugere , Statistique . 2 Vols . imperial Svo . 11 . QUETELET ' S LETTERS on the THEORY of PROBABILITIES . Translated by O . G . Downes , Esq . Svo , cloth boiirds . 12 s . SANG ( Er > WD . ) , LIFE ASSURANCE and 4 NNUITY TABLES . Ftp . folio , cloth lettered . Vol . T . ( One Life ) , 41 . 4 p . Ditto . Vol .. IT . ( Two Lives ) , 41 . 4 s . Now Ready . Or the Two Voja ., 71 . 7 s . mHOMSON ( W . T , )* ACTUARIAL TABLES ; JL Carlisle , 3 per Cent . Single Lives , and Single Death ; with Auxiliary Tables . 4 to , cloth , 2 / . 2 s . London : CHARLES ~ " d EDWIN LAYTON , 150 , Fi ^ HT-StREET . DEPOT FOR BOOKS ON ASSURANCE .
THE QUARTERLY REVIEW , Ko , CCX ., will be Published NEXT WEEK . ¦ CONTENTS : ' . I . Carlylo * 8 Frederick the Great . IT . Scottish Jilinstrelsy . Ill The National Gallery . , ¦ ,.. " , i ' IV . liunsen ' s Egypt ami Chronology of tlic l » ible . V . Devonshire . ¦ . ¦ AT . George tlie Third—Charles . Tames Fox . VII . Lord Broiigrham and Law Keform . VIII . rubUc Affairs . , . John Murray , Albemarlc-strect .
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PIANOFORTES . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . have the best of every description for Sale or Hire . Orniner , liealo nnrf Co . are the l'roprietora rtf the NEW MODEL OBLlOlIP GRAND riANOEOHTE . l ' 201 , Regent-street , and 07 , Conduit-streot . harmoniums ! ~ CRAMER , BE ALE , AND CO ., arc the ehief agents-for Alexandra and Son ' s NKW MODEL II ¦ VllMO-] S'IU 3 r . Every variety . —201 , Rcgont-stroet . CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO . 'S ~ PUBLIC AT IO NS . S . THALBEIIG . L'Art du Cliant . applique ou Pianoforte -a StLc-ficm of Mi-lodious . Subjects from Ancient and Modem Composers , franscribed for the Pianoforte , willi a Preface by Thalborg—Nos . 1 to 12— "A to o Ciira , " & c . .. .. .. ... . ' ¦• .. each 33 . Od . S : HELLER . Revorios d ' . 'Artiste , Ts ' os . 1 to f > , performed by 3 Fr . Charles Halle , at his Matinees .. . . " om-h 2 s . Cd . ¦ E . SILAS . Amaraufh , performed by MadlU-. Clauss .. .. 3 S . od . Nocturne in E flat , performed by Bliss Arabi-lla Goddard .. .. .. .. .. .. . ; ? ,. < . Od . Andante Caiitaliile in A .. .. .. .. .. : ) g . od . Persian Serenade .. .. .. .. .. .. Os . Od . . Gavotte , & c , performed by Miss'Arabella God'dnrd 3 s . Od . LEON Le ' oNL Polka do P . crlin .. . \ .. .. ' .. .. 2 s . Od . Pluie de Mai Valso .. .. . ^ .. .. ..: 3 s . Od . ¦ Lcs Prc'inK-res l * osc \ s—Suite de Valses . - . .. .. : ! s . Od . iiuadrille , Xapolituhi ... .. .. .. .. .. 4 s . Od . V . ' WALLACE . ' Saltnri'llo , performed by Madame Oury , also by MadlU . CJriU'vrr . . • - ' •¦ I . 3 s . Od . Grande Fantasio de Concert , sur un Airs fli-s " JliifL--lpts " .. .. .. .. .. . Is . Od Polka d'Hiver ... . ... .. .. .. .. .. - ' s . Od . Craeovicuno ... .. .. .. .. ,. ..-Is . Od . J . BLUMENTirAL . Marc he iles KlDvaqius , perforinrv ! byMtuhniH' -l'U'ji-l - ° .. s . Od . riainte ( In Petit Savoyard .. . - - > s . Oct . Li ; livvv , Caprice .. .. .. .. • , ¦ - ' «• Od . Mart-he Militaire ,. 2 d . ( id La lVnsi ' e 3 s . od Les Deux A . njri-s .. .. .. .- 3 s . Od . Coamkk , Bkale , and Go ., 201 , lJe » ei ] l-strcct . CKAMEir . ' . INTllODUCTUltV PKACTICK , Ni : v . - Edition , Prior / i .-j . CUAMKlfS EXKUri . SES * Y > K TJIE . riANOVOllTK , ( New Edit Ion ) , Publishorl in I ' arts ( Is . ohch . ¦ 'I'lus-o StudJofj remain tl > o Stmidiird Work in tho . JMiiKioal AciuUniu'S ot Europe . All . the eml ' m-nt Pinnislos , iiu-Iiu m «; . M .-wlnnu-s Pleyel , Cluiiss , ( Jo . ldurd , MM . Thnll ) or-, llalh . » .-niu-tt , IJciK'difl , Mopi-r , () « ln « rni < , Silnn , jiiid lUiinifiithii ! , have employed thin . Work in their ^ em-nil witrsv oi Miuly . Ckamf . u , m : ALEj and Co ., 201 , U ^ viit-nti-iTl . RENE FAVAilGER-¦ Opwatln VantaHh-6 ; -Il IHirbk-ro , rrovi . ture , Lm 1 rnv ntn . Martha , 1 I ' lirirnnl , Obcron . bonnaiubtilii , 1 . i'Avllc au Nord , and Lulsa Mllllcis . Us . ( Id . I'ach . C ' UAMi-ii , ligALK , and Co ., - JOJ , Iti ^ nl-slnvt . jNBW SONGS . MURTKL . fro ) ii tho populnr Novel , ' * John IMlini . v , Gentloniiur . " Mn « lc and l ' oi-try byO . Liulcy ~ ' LITTLE KOPJIY , from Sir L . Tlulwer s Novel , "Wlnil will Iio do wifli M ? " Mi ^ l « «»« l , Poetry bylJ . Liiilcy fll w > LET ME WIITSl'JCR IN TIUXK EAU . l . y M . W . ISnlfu ; doiiiiioaodfuruiKl minir by Mr , hlnm ^ Q ^ Roovi'H .. . • • • • • • London : Cu . uu : n , Buam :, and Co ., 201 , K ^ ynt-afc .
loofloo ' smsmFSi ,. xmf & p TlONWltY i » UK' iJKa'X '"» tl CJ 1 EA . 1 'I-: hT lo bo .-blMlnud . Cream-h . Mnoto Jjopor n ,, C ^ n . n . Jj . 1 . 1 ,, ^; ,, r » o " ilopo ( li ! n « o „ ¦ ! II " LurHv (• . i . nn . r . TlMl straw piipiT .... -jo „ , ' " vok > ll V 1 ' *; :. ; i " Uuim , prl « t >« l uiitl lminboi-od ) m-iit livi-, ' V \ r ¦ ' Vi , I W iindlOl . Loih 1 o » - \ vi \ II , London , lad .
Jlondom 1 Lmatod \)Y Mows. Kolly Nna Co....
JLondom 1 lMatod \) y Mows . Kolly nna Co . 18 to Ml , Old BohytoU Court , In tliu VnvMx of St . Clvtnunt ' a Unnori , Btrnnil , V . . C , uii . l 1 ?»' , ! Vi'Al , 1 < < 1 'ya ° ' u ' Churt ( To " ) lill (< 1 i . ON » ow 1 a niuou wy awowib . * »> 0 ^ ^ i , oa clor " OHlco , No . 1 « , Outlu'ri » io . K ' . rc ( .-t , Htrnnd , both hi tho C ' ouniy oi'mniak-Hox . —Ai * vil 10 , iHftW ,
Leader (1850-1860), April 16, 1859, page 32, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16041859/page/32/