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CONTENTS. Who Killed Reform ? Creation a...
Crystal Palace.—Arrangements for week ending SaturdayJune 23rd.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Contents. Who Killed Reform ? Creation A...
CONTENTS . Who Killed Reform ? Creation and Recreation . ] Museums and Picture Gal- Godwin ' s History of France , The Potentates at Baden . Parallels of Mismanage- leries . Curiosities of Science . American Reform . ment . The Great Fortifications Job Tales , Translated and Ori-Law and Labour . The Abode of Love . Ages of Transition . ginal . History and Principle of i Austria , her Character , and International Exhibition of Correspondence : Hanover . Contracts . Dealings with Hungary . 1862 . Record . Entertainments . The Great Eastern . The Irish Mail Contract . ! Guizot ' s Memoirs . Parliament .
Crystal Palace.—Arrangements For Week Ending Saturdayjune 23rd.
Crystal Palace . —Arrangemania flrwi- uroolr onrliiKT SntllTflflV- . Til DP 23 rd .
Monday , open at 9 . Tuesday to Thursday , open at » 0 . On Wednesday , Bi-Centeriary Festival of the Scots Fusileer Guards . Grand Balloon Ascent by Mr . Coxwell . Athletic Sports and Pastimes in the Grounds . Orchestral Band and Great Organ Performances ' daily , and Display of Upper Series of Fountains . The Ithododendons in theGrounds are now in full bloom . Admission , each day , One Shilling ; Children unde r 12 , .-Sixpence . *' ' ; _ ' " ¦'_' . ' : - * -. ' Friday , open at 10 . Fourth Grand Opera Concert by the Artistes of Her Majesty ' s Theatre . Particulars will beduly advertised . . , ^ - S vtuRday , open at 10 . Floral Promenade ami Display of Great Fountains and Entire Series of WaterworlvS ¦ ' ""— ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ — " — Admission , ¦ Ilalf-. a-Crow-n . ; Children One Shilling . Season Tickets , free . . SuN'jiAV . Open . at 1 . 30 to Shareholders , gratuitously ; by tickets . ' ¦ . Grystal Palace , —June 25 , 20 , and 28 . —Great French Musicul Festival by THREE THOUSAND PERFORMERS' . —This great Combination of the French Choral Societies , comprising deputations from nearly every department of France , representing 170 distinct choral societies , ¦ * aiid numbering between Three and Four Thousand j Performers , conducted by M . Eugene Delaporte , Pre- ! sidentdcl'Asspciiition des Society Chorales de Paris , will visit England expressly to Hold a Great Musical Festival nt the Crystal Palace on the above days . Admission—Hy single day tickets , bought before- i hand , 5 s . By payment on the day , 7 s . fid . Reserved i ~ Stalli'r *» n ~ l ) lPCks arrai ) ged * -nnd—numbered-fta-at-the—i Handel Festival , 5 s . extra . A limited number of Stalls will also be reserved in the Transept Galleries , i at 10 s . Cd . each . Sets of transferable Tickets ( one admission to each of the three performances , 12 a ; ( id . Sets of Reserved Seats , 12 s . 0 d . extra ; or if in the . Galleries , 25 s . These Tickets are now on sale at the Crystal Palace ; at No . 2 , Exeter Hall ; nnd nt the agents of the Company j or , by order at the Music-Sellers mid Libraries . Cheques or Post-office Orders ( the latter payable at the Chief Oflice ) should be made payable to George Grove , Esq . I
Loan , Discount , and Deposit ! BANK . Established 1819 . \ DEPOSITS received , bearing interest at from . » to 10 ¦ per cent ., withdrawable as per agreement . , LOANS granted . I Prcspectuses , nnd « very Information , mny bo obtained , by letter or personal application . EDWARD liKWIS , Manager . 145 , Blftckfriara-road , S ,
ank of Deposit . Esta-Bblialied a . d . 181-t . 3 , I » nll Mall East , London . , Cnpitol Stock , j £ 100 , () 00 . Parties desirous of Investing Money arc requested to ' examine ( lie Plan of the Bunk of Deposit , by which a high rnto of Intoreit muy bo ohtnincd with ample : security , Deposits mnde by Special Agreement mny bo withdrawn without notice . The Interest la payable in January and July . , PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Forms " for ' li > pdiiiiii « "iBCc 6 unt 6 '" Benf "' n oo " on 'n pi ) ircni- ' . ' tlon . ¦ ¦ • . ¦ .. ¦ ¦ , . ¦ . , ,
ennett ' s Watches , 65 and B 01 , Ohenpaido , In gold and ailvcr , in , groat yariety , of » very construction nnd price , from 3 to 00 gulnoaH . Every watch skilfully examined , and its ' correct peiforrnnnco gunrnntecu , Free and sftfo per post . Money Orders to JOHN B 15 WNETT , Watch Manu-Jaotory , 05 nnd 04 , Ch . * ni > alde .
fphe Standard Life Assurance X COM PAN Y . SPECIAL NOTICE . —BONUS YEAR . _ SIXTII DIVISION OF PROFITS . All Policies now effected will participate in the I Division to be made as at loih November next . THE STANDARD was Established . in 18 : 25 . The first Division of Profits took place in 1835 ; and subsequent Divisions have been made in 1 S 40 , 1845 , 1850 , and 1855 . The Profits to be divided in 1860 will be those whiclv have arisen since 1855 . Accumulated Fund ...... \ ... £ 1 , 081 , 508 2 JO Annual Revenue .............. 389 , 23113 5 i Annual average of new Assurances effected diiring , the last Ten years , upwards of Half S . Million sterling . ' WILL'Til OS . THOMSON . Manager . . ' ¦ ' ! H . JQNES WILLIAMS , Resident . Secretary . ! — Tire Company ' s Medical Officer attends sit the Ollice , ! daily * nt Half-past One . ** : . * ! LONDON ... 82 . KING WILLIAM STREET . I EDINBURGH 3 , GKOKGE STREET ( Head Office ) , ' DUBLIN 00 , UPPER SACKVILLE STREET .
T * ! | ^ he Mutual Life Assurance ' JL SOCIETY ^ 3 i ) . King Street , Cheapside . E . C . — A . D . 1831—The TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPOKT , Cash Account , Balance Sheet , & c , are now ! ready , and may be had on written or personal appl * - ! cation I CHARLES ING ALL , Actuary . ^ he Re n t Gr uaian t e e X SOCIfiTY , ~ - ~ 3 rCim : Rf 7 OTl-BHitO ^ V ^ tA ^ SI ^ N--HX > U-Sli , ESTABLISHED 1850 .
TO THE PllESS . L 11 er ar y Ma n of ABusiness , possessing great working power and versatility , employed on n London Daily Newspaper , experienced in Editing . Managing , Writing Leaders , Reviews ,-Theatrical und Operatic Critiques , & c , and Author of Works highly commended by the Press , has time for another Engagement . Address A . M ., U 20 , Euston Road , N . W .
Greenliall , maker of the SIXTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford-street , London . W . ( Two doors west of the Circurt . ) Overcoats , A 3 2 s , Frock Coats ' , A" 2 10 d , Dross Coats . £ 2 10 a ., Morning Coats £ 2 2 * ., Waistcoats Via ., Black Dress Trousers £ \ Is . 3 : ' 5 , Oxford-st ., W .
Q piced Breakfast Tongues , } O 7 & d . cach , or 3 s . Od . per half dozen . Cheddar Lonf ChC'cs . ' . 74 < 1 . nnd 8 Jd . per lb . OaUorne ' s IVnt-Hmokcd Breakfast Ba on , Mjd . per lb ; by thu Imlf aide . Butterd in perfection at reu ^ onublo rated . A saving of 15 percent , is ellectcd by the purchiia « r at this ortlublltjhuient on nil Ilrstolntis provtslons , Packages gratia . OSUOKNE'S CHIJESE WAREHOUSB , Ottborno Houino , HO , Luilgnte Hill , near St . Paul's , E . C .
Messrs . Collard and Collard beg' —Icnvo- to- nnnounco- that- tholr NEW ESTABLISHMENT , No . 10 . Groovenor Htret't , Bond Stroet . being comiiluted , tho , I ' remlttea nru NOW OlMiN for theTronMiction of Bi » hlnui « s with ' un ample Stock of P 1 ANOKOKTKS ol' alldnsscf , both for SALEjuid HIKB . Mus ^ rs . C . & C . trirat thnt tho uiranpicnients thoy huvo made will bo found to conduce very materially to the convonienco of their customers , nioio uspcclally of those rcsjdhig in tho Western Dintricta of tho Alotronolla . Accounts and Correspondence will bu onrrleu on at 1 ( 1 , Grosvonor Street , llond Struct . 10 , Grosvenor Strcut , Bond Struct .
State Fire Insurance COMPANY . Offices—32 , Ludgate Hill ; and 3 , Pall Mall , East , London . Chairman—The Right Hon . Lord KEANE . Managing Director—PET / ER MOKRISON , Esq . Capital Half a Million . Premium Income , iSO . OOO per annum . I This Company , not having any Life business , the Directors invite Agents acting only for Life Companies to represent -this Company for Fire , Plate Glass , and Accidental Death Insurances , to whom a liberal Commission Will . be allowed . The Annual Report and every information furnishei on application to . ~ - WILLIAM CANWELL , Secretary .
( C ramer , Beale , and Co / s J NEW PUBLICATIONS . FAYARGER S Fantaisie from Guillaume Tell .. l ' » FAVARGER'S Le-Departdu Consent .. .. .. 3 S FAVAUGER'S Promenade ? url' £ ttu .. .. ,. 3 0 FATAKGEK'S Lydia ( suns Octaves ) .. .. . ¦ .. 3 tf New . Editions of QBE RON and IL BARBIEHE FANTAISIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSER . CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFORTE * Jn Parts , 5 s . and Gs . each . These Exercises form the standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . M . Thalberg , Sterndale Bennett , C . Halle , Rubinstein , Mmes » . Gbddnrd . —Pleyelrawd—otlier-PiaMiatesrhav ^ -eroployed-thejiuitt . . their general course of practice . NEW SONGS . The Subjects from Popular Novels . MURIEL .. .. From «' John Halifax . " DINAH .. .. ,, " AdumlJede . " HETTY .... „ Do . LITTLE SOPHY . „ " What will he do with it ?" Written and Composed by U . LINLE 1 . 2 s . each . ; W . JWAYNARDS ART OF SINGINO , ' AFTKUTIIE METHOD OK THE BEST ITALIAN MASTEKS . Fourth Edition . Price 7 a . OLD ENGJ 4 SH DJTTIES , From W . Chappell ' s "Po . ulnr Music of the Olden Time , " with Symphonies and Accompaniments by G . A . Macfahuen . 'In Pints , containing 'Twelve Sontf !* , 4 s . each ; or in Single Songs , Is . eavli . CRAMER . BEALE , AND CO .. 201 / 1 IKGKNT j STREET , and CQ ., 201 . RUGKNi ' | STREET , and « 7 . CONDUIT STREET .
| The Forty-Seven Shilling X SUITS nreimidutootdcr , iVom- ScptcljCJiuylot . Tweed , nnd Angolns , nil wool nnd thoroughly ahruiik , by JJ . 1 JKN . JAMIN . mi-rchunt und finnily tuilor , 71 , lu'gunt Street , W . The Two Guinea Dress and Fro « K Couttt , 11 io ( juliicn Drosa Tiou . serti , nnd tho 1 IhU ~ Gulnea Wnlatcoutrt . N . H . —A perfect Jit guaranteed .
Tbto Surplice Shirt ( acknowlcdgod u « tho nio . it coin fort . ublo nnd durable Shirt , ovor yot produced ) , mmlo . to inusimiro , 0 s . ( Id ., 7 b . « d ., Hd . Oil ., iinii 1 O . < . ( Id . iUwtU for Bol < Tmi'n 9 urc mout . SAM I'dON , Hosier , 1 ^ , 5 , Ox ( ord- « t . W .
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16061860/page/1/