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553 The Leader and Saturday Analyst, [Ju...
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553 The Leader And Saturday Analyst, [Ju...
553 The Leader and Saturday Analyst , [ June 10 , ISOQ .
MAPFI S \ S BROT H E RS , LONDON B R I D G E , Have the largest stock of ELECTRO-SILVER . PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the WORLD , which is transmitted direct from their iminutactdry , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . Mappin Bkotuebs guarantee on all their manufactures in Electro Silver Plate a strong deposit of real silver , according to price charged . SPOONS AND FORKS . . l-MdaiT ^ l 3 ouble kingo ' s Lilly Pattern Thread . Patttern Pattern . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks 1 16 0 a 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Table Spoons .. 1 16 0 5 ! 11 0 3 0 Oj 3 12 0 32 Dessert Forks .. I 7 0 3 0 0 2 . 4 0 2 14 0 12 Dessertspoons .. 17 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 : 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons .. 0 16 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 1 10 0 " SIDE DISHES , ELECTRO-PLVTEI > ON HARD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetables , Curries , and Entrees . Per set of 4 Dishes . , „ '• No . £ ' s- d - js 3 G 78 Gadroon Oblong Pattern , Light Plnt iiff 8 8 0 k 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , similar to E 4013 J .: . — ... 10 IS 0 e 1786 Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 e 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped Dish - 12 0 0 ¦ e 4013 i Beaded Pattern Dish 13 4 0 By removing the Handles from the Covers * the set of four can " be made to form a set of eight Dishes . b 1792 Norfolk Pattern , a very elnborate Design , with rich Scroll Border all round 17 10 0 Hot Water Dishesi for above extra 15 0 0 E 1707 Threaded Pattern , equally good as the Norfolk Pattern 16 12 0 Hot Water Dishes for above .... extra 15 10 0 DISH COYEHS , __ ELECTRO-PLATED ON HARD NICKEL SILVER . Each set contains one Coyer 20 inches ; one of 18 Inches ^ and tivo of 14 inches each . No . ' . ¦ -- .. : Complete set of 4 Covers . E 2750 Plant Pattern , with Scroll Handle .... 10 10 0 b 2751 Melon Pattern , French Scroll Handle , either Plain or GadrOO" edge , very handsoxne .......... ... * ...-...... 13 1 Z 0 E 3812 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Beaded Edge and Handles . ........-.. 1-5 12 O E 4085 JJreek Ornament Pattern , matches e 4375 Side Dishes ........ 25 0 0 S 4854 Warwick Pattern , matches s 4853 Side . ¦ : ¦ Dishes 23 0 0 A Costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , may be had on - application . Estimates furnished- for Services of Plate for Hotels , Steam Ships , and Regimental Messes . •" ¦ ¦ .. _ : ' : ¦ . ' MAPPIN BROTilERS , 07 and 68 , King William Street . London Bridge ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works ; Sheffield ,
T awrence Hyam announces \ J that his NEW STOCK of CLOTHING for the Season of I 860 , consisting of tlie largest : and choicest variety of SPRINGr and SU 2 OIEII attire ever desigiied . is now ready for inspection ^ and to which he -solicita-publicattentiouumd-palroiiiigc . The , grcttrst confidence may be placed in the durability and style of all garments , combined with the utmost economy in price . LAWRENCE HYA-M invites attention to his SURTOUT and DRESS COATS , varying from 25 s . to 50 a . The MATERIAL , STYLE , FIT , and MAKE are PERFECT , and cannot fail to give general satisfaction . LAWRENCE HYAM' 8 SPRING and SUMMER OVERCOAT and UNDRESS JACKETS are first in FASHION , serviceable in wear , and beautiful iu design , Price , 10 s ., 21 s ., 30 s . 42 b . and 60 s . LAWRENCE IIYAM'S GUINEA COATS , 38 s . SUITS , 15 s . and 17 s . TROUSERS , and 6 a . VESTS , are "Household Words" in every family . An Immense variety of the newest batterns to Helectfrom , specially made for the SPRING and . SUMMER Season of 1800 . LAWRENCE HYAH'S ORDERED DEPARTMENT is complote in nil its arrangements . The moat talented Cutters and best Workmen only are employed , whereby perfection In FIT , ELEGANCE , and STYX . E , nro always secured ftt moderate prices . I [ Observe . — The only Establishments of LAWRENCE HYAM are—City , 3 ( 1 , Gracechurch-street , West-End , 189 and 190 ,. Tottonliam . court-road .
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-hand Fireproof Safes , the most extensive assortment by Milner nnd other eminent Makers , at half the price of now . DimoriHlons , 24 in . high . M In . wide , nnd 10 in . deep , £ 9 iOB At ' o .-GRIFFITHS ' .. 33 ,.. Old , Change , fife .., Paul ' s , E . C . -Wanted , Socond-liand Safes by Milncr Chubb . Mnrr , or Mordan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tatin ' s Sftfos nood not apply .
, _ 1 f ! — " A bsplute Perfection in jt \ . Quality is obtained by using BAKER'S NONPARK IL 11 » LACKING and PURR BLACK LEAD . Observe on every packet tlio elgnnturo of the proprietors , EDWARli BAKE It AND SONS , and tlelr Motto . It recommends Itself ., 10 , Camomile Street—Manufactory , Birmlnghnm .
Theatres And Amusements.
THEATRE K 0 YAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursdayy and Friday , fa * t Five Nights cf Miss Amy Sedgwicfc and THE FAMILY SECRET . FITZSMYTHIV OF Tfl'lVSlIYTHE HALL every evening . Mr . Buckstone amiI Mrs Wilkins . With Tirfi ODDITIES OF THE OHIO . Saturday , June 23 , the Benefit of Miss Amy Sedgwick , and her last appearance , on which occasion , firat time , anew Comedy , m three acts , entitled DOES HE LOVE ME , in which Miss Sedgwick will appear . THE OVlUiLAND ROUTE will be resumed on Monday , Jun ^ 25 th .
Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED AND MR . JOHN PARRY . The combination of these Artistes having proved a creat attraction , the Public are respectfully informed that Mr . JOHN PARRY will anpear in conjunction with Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN RhED , in their 1 'Oi'ULiR ENt-EIlTAINMENT , at the Royal Gallery of Illustration , 14 , Regent Street , for a limited number of Performances , every evening ( except Saturday ) at Eight . Thursday and Saturday niternoons at Three . Admission , Is ., 2 s . j stalls , 3 s . ; stall chairs , 5 s . '; secured at the Gallery , and at Cramer , Beale , and Co / s .
WASHINGTON FRIEND'S Musical and Pictorial Entertainment , illustrating 5 , 000 miles of the most interesting Natural Scenery m Canada and the United States , en titled TWO HO URS IN AMERICA , with his SONGS , ANECDOTES , and MELODIES , at St . James ' s . Hall . Exhibitions daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . Stalls , 3 s- ; Area , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Ticket Office open from Ten till Five . Secretary . ^ W . II . JGDWARDb .
W ¦ Sterling Silver . — illiam S . BURTON has added to his extensive stock of General FURNISHING IRONMONGERY and HO trSE-FURNISHING REQUISITES , a selection of sterling SILVER SERVICKS for the . table . or for presentation . His prices will be found considerably below those usually charged . Fiddle Pattern . oz . s . d . £ b . d . 12 Table Spoons ... 30 at 7 4 11 0 0 12 Table Forks _^ ,. 30 „ 7 4 11 0 . 0 12 Dessertspoons ... 20 , P 7 4 7 C « 12 Dessert Forks- " ... 2 a ,, 7 4 7 6 8 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 „ 7 4 3 13 4 1 Soup Ladle .. ... 9 , » 7 4 3 CO 4 Sauce Ladles ... 10 ,, 7 10 3 18 4 1 Fisli Slice .. ... .. ¦• 2 10 O 4 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls .. 1 0 O 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto ... 0 7 O 12 Tea Spoons ... 10 at 7 10 3 18 4 1 Pair Suprar Tongs .. 0 13 O _ 1 Moist Sugar Spoon .. .. 0 8 fi 1 Sugar Sitter .. ,. ., 0 If ) o 1 Butter Knife .. .. -. 0 12 6 . 4257 : 15 10 King ' s Pattern . oz . s . d . £ 8 . d . 12 Table Spoons ... 40 at 7 6 15 OO 12 Table Forks - ... 40 „ 7 6 15 . 00 12 Dessert Spoons .... 24 „ 7 6 0 0 (> 12 Dessert Forks ... 23 „ 7 G 8 12 6 2 Gravy Spoons ... 11 ,, 7 0 4 2 6 lSoupfvadle .... U » 7 6 4 26 4 . Sauce Ladles ; ... 11 ,, 8 0 4 8 0 4 SfitSpoons , giit dowIs rr ~^ i ~ tjto 1 Alustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 10 0 I Fish Slice .. ... - . H 0 O 12 Tea Spoons .. 14 at 8 0 5 12 0 ll ' uir Sugar Tongs .. .. 150 1 Moist Sugar Spoon 0 15 0 1 Sugar Sifter .. .. .. 130 1 Butter Knife .. .. 110 £ 75 10 G Cottage Pattern Tea and Coffee Service ; oz . s . d . te s . d . Teapot .. .. 22 at 10 0 U 09 Sugar Basin .. 14 „ 11 0 7 14 0 Milk Ewer ... .. 7 „ 11 0 3 17 0 Collee-pot .. .. 25 ,, 10 0 12 10 0 £ 35 1 0 King ' s Pattern , Richly Chased . oz . s . d . & s . d . Teapot- ., .. 23 at 10 6 12 18 rtugar Basin .. 13 „ II 6 7 9 « Cream Ewer .. 7 „ 11 6 4 Otf Coireo-pot .. .. 20 „ 10 0 13 13 0 £ 37 3 d Bedsteads , Baths , and LAMPS . —WILLIAMS . BUJf TON has SIX LARGE SHOW-ROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of LAMPS . BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock of eaol < is at once the lnrgcttt , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended | to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from .. 12 s . 0 d . to £ ' . 20 0 each . Shower Baths , from ..... 8 s . Od . to £ Q 0 eaoh . Lamps ( Modoratenr ) from Cs . Od . to £ 7 7 each . ( All other kinda at the same rate . ) PuroColscn Oil ... . ' 4 « . per gallon . Tftfilliam : r 8 ; Burton ' s Geneiw ral Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may bo had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards at * 400 Illustrations of hisllflmited Stock of sterling allver and Kleotro Plate . NIokel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , DUh Covers , Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Murblo Chiranuypieccs . Kitchen lUnges , Lamps , Gaaollers , Tea Trays , Urns , and Kettles , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Hatha , Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bedroom , Cabinet Furniture , & c , with Data of Prices , and 1 'lans of the Twenty largo Show Rooms , at au , Oxford-street W . ; I , 1 a , 3 , 3 , and 4 , Kewman-strect ; 4 , 6 , and 0 , l ' orry ' a-ijlnce ; and 1 , Newman-mews , London ,
Now ready , the Third Edition , revised and enlarged . in 8 vo , price 5 s , cloth , TPhe Education of the 1 FEELINGS or AFFECTIONS . By CHAltLES BRAY . " If we would nnderitand the purpose fox-which we have been formed , we must study the nature of the faculties with which we have been endowed : and , in order to fulfil that purpose , we must make use of each faculty in the direction for which it was evidently intended . "—Pbefacb . London : LflNOMAir , Green , Losgmas , and Kobkkts .
Tfraser ' s Magazine , for I JUL . V . beginning a Half-yearly Volume , will contain tlie First Part , to be continued monthly , of a CHRONICLE OF CURRENT HISTORY . It is proposed in this Chronicle to give a Summary ol all Important Political Events at Home and Abroad , to comment on their general tenor in a moderate and liberalsuirit , and thus to furnish-a short but complete History ofEnglish and Foreign Affairs . TheChronique of the " Kevue des Deux Mondesi" which is one of the most characteristic features of that periodical , will supply tlie best example of what is intended , although no direct attempt at imitation will be made , and the Chronicle in Fli . vSEU'S MAGAZINE will necessarily be shorter and more immediately adapted to the wants of English readers . London : John W . Pakker & Sox , West Strand , W . G .
New and Cheaper Edition , in large 8 vo , price 10 s . ( id . elegantly gilt . "Pictures from Sicily . By JL W . H . BARTLETT , Author of "FortyDays in the Desert , " " Walks about Jerusalem , " tic . Illustrated with steel Map , 32 line Engravings , and 16 Wood Cuts . Akthob Hall , ViTtTDK & Co ., 25 , Paternosterllow .
¦ Just published , f \ r . Wright on Headaches . JlJ Third Edition , HEADACHES , THEIR CAUSES AND THEIR CURE . By HENRY G . \ yHIGHt . M . D , M . H . C-P-, Physician to the Samaritan Hospital . & c . Third Edition . . , London : Jons Ciiukchii . 1 ., New BurlingtorfTStreet .
¦ ' ¦ - - .... ¦ PENrATEUCHISM AN ALYSED : Now Ready , in post Svo , price Vs ., cloth , History of the Creation A and the PATRIARCHS ; or , Pentateuchism Analytically Treated . Volume First—The-.. Book of ¦ Genesis .. ¦;• ¦ . ¦ ' . - ¦ ¦ -.. ¦ ; . ¦ . . . - ¦ ¦ -, London : George Majtwaiuno , Successor to . John . Cuapman , 8 , King William Street , Strand . Thi 8 day Is published in 8 vo , price 6 d ., Some Real Wants and some LICGITIMATE CLAIMS OF THE WORKING CLASSES . By W . THACKERAY JIARRIOTT , B . A ., St . John ' s College , Cambridge . , London : Gnoltau MaNwabi . voSuccessor to John " CiiAjpMAN , 8 , King William Street , Strand . Manchester : John Heywood .
NEW AYORKS . In a few days , in Demy Svo , Vojs . I . and II ., The History of Italy . JL ( From the Abdication of Napoleon I . ) With Introductory References to that of Earlier Times . By ISAAC BUTT , lijrmerly Professor of l ' oliticul Economy in the University of Dublin . II . Mr . WALTER WHITE'S New Work , in One Vol . . post 8 vo . ALL HOUND THE WREK 1 N . By WALTER WHITE , Author of " A Month in Yorkshire , " * ' A Londoner ' s Walk to the Land ' s End , ' & c . [ At the end of June . III . New Work by the Author of "Our Farm of Four Acres . " In One Vol ., small post 8 vo , miOM HAYTIME TO 1 IOPPIXG . A Tale . ~ [ Shortly . Second Edition , post Svo , Gs . THE HUMAN 13 ODY , AND ITS CONNEXION WITH MAN . By JAMES JOHN GARTH WILKINSON . Chapman and Hall , 103 , Piccadilly .
Just published , in cloth , 2 s . Ocl ., post free , T > hotographic Poems . By X . CO . 81 'ILLKR . " A collection of short poems , breathing much oft lie pensive ami pious spirit of Cowpcr . 1 ' iuiiy of sciillnient , tiiuiiiliuity ot oxpronsion , grophlu UolliU'iitlyii , and muloflfoua rnytlim , constitute pootfc ineriia of ' a Jilffh order , and these will bo found combined in Air . Spillei ' u pages . They bear the hnprefu of an ciirucHt thinker , a serious observer , and a bunevolunt labourer i ' or tlio ndvuncement of religion and punco . —JS'utiowU ( Standard . London : 0 ' . C . Si > iller , 102 , Holborn-lUU , K . C .
"Scotland ' s Laws . " New O SONG . Words nnd Muslo by WILLIAM BRIDGES . Price 2 s . (| d . London t Gkohoh Emeuv , 103 , Oxford Street , W .
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16061860/page/2/