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578 The Leader and Saturday Analyst. [Ju...
The Mysterious power of the Magnet is mo...
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Parliament. I N Tho House Of Lords On Th...
then adjourned . —In the House of Commons , on Monday , after a lengthened discussion , the Bill for the Representation of the People was withdrawn . "The Offences against the Person Bill was read a second time . The other orders of the . day were then disposed of , and the House adjourned at . half-past one o'clpclc .- ^ -In the House of Lords , on Tuesday , the Duchy of Cornwall Limitation of Actions Bill went through committee . The Union of Benefices Bill was recommitted , and several verbal alterations agreed on . —In the House of Commons , which sat at 22 . o ' clock , the House went into committee on the Annuity Tax Abolition ( Edinburgh ) Bill ; clauses up to 13 were agreed to . and the sitting was suspended at 4 o ' clock . At the evening sitting , Lord Palmebston , in answer to questions put to him by Mr . Shebidan respecting Sicily and Naples , said that
British ships of war had been sent by the Admiralty to Messina , and other places in Sicily , and also to Naples , for the protection of British subjects . The barbarities that had been practised by the Governments of Rome and Naples were , he said , a disgrace to the age and to civilization , and when the Governments of those places applied to friendly Powers to check the revolutionary movements , they seemed to forget that they themselves were the cause of those revolts . Sip C . Wood moved for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal so much of the 22 nd and 23 rd Victoria as enables the Secretary of State for India to raise men for Her Majesty ' s local European forces in India . The debate upon the motion was adjourned to Thursday week . Mr . Fenwick : obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the abolition of passing tolls . The London
Corporation Reform Bill was postponed to Tuesday three weeks . — In the Commons on Wednesday , the House went into committee on the Mines Regulation Bill . On clause 1 , providing that no child under twelve years old shall be employed in mines , except according to the terms of clause 2 , which provides that boys between ten and twelve may be so employed , upon the production of a certificate that they can read and write , Mr . Paget objected that such children were too young for the . work , and moved to insert *' ' thirteen" in the place of " twelve' * years . Mr . Olive opposed the amendment , which , after a long discussion , was negatived by 187 to 71—majority 107 . On the question that the clause should stand part of tlie Bill , Mr . LipDEi-i ., upon the ground that it proposed to apply tb- mining a restriction which was eiifbrcecLin the case of no
other industrial interest ; moved as an -amendment that the clause should be struck out . Lord A . V . Temjpest seconded the amendment . On a division , the amendment was negatived by 180 to 91 —majority 89 ; and the clause was then agreed to . On the second clause , Mr . Kinnaibd moved an amendment to limit / the labours of boys between ten and twelve years old to _ eight hours a day . After considerable , discussion , the committee divided ; and rejected the amendment by 146 to 77—majority 69 . The-Chairman then reported ¦ progress ; leaving the clause still undisposed of . The Local Board of Health & c . Bill , was read a second time , as were also the Local Government Supplemental Bill , and the Friendly Societies Act Amendment Bill . Sir J . Elphiijstone obtained leave to bring in a bill for testing anchors and chain cables in the merchant service . The House rose at a few minutes before six .
578 The Leader And Saturday Analyst. [Ju...
578 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ June 16 , 1860 .
The Mysterious Power Of The Magnet Is Mo...
The Mysterious power of the Magnet is most beautifully developed by TVIrJ ' T . HEaaiNG ;~ bf ^ 2 T ^ tfs 1 n ~ gM Brushes and combs , which are the Remedy for Grey Hair , Weak or Falling Hair , Neuralgia , Nervous Headache , Rheumatism , Stiff Joints , & c . His Teazle Brushes for Cloth , Velvet , & c , are admirable ; they not only cleanse , but preserve the fabric in a remarkable manner . The , Public are cautioned against Counterfeits . \ Advertisement . ~ \ " Beware Of Counterfeits" is a caution which , however old and unheeded , loses nothing of its necessity at the present day , when scarcely any article , of domestic use , possessing more than common merit , is exempt from cheap and trashy imitations , the makers of which , by tempting shopkeepers with larger profits , induce them to palm off the spurious articles for the genuine . As an example of this we may instance the following : Three ladies called lately at a respectable grocery establishment , and inquired at the proprietor his reason for not sending them the GiiENFiKiD Patent Starch as before ; upon which , he made some frivolous excuse ; but the ladies administered to him a severe rebuke , and requested him to send at once and remove the trashy imitation which he had sent them ; remarking , that if he had no Gmcnfiei . d they would procure it elsewhere . This shopkeeper , no doubt , felt too keenly the humiliation of having such a well-merited rebuke openly administered to him in his own shop to attempt a repetition of such deception , and it would be well if all shopkeepers who are guilty of similar practices would thereby take warning . When we hear of such practices we can more fully realize the importance of the advice , " When you ask for Gmsnkikld Patent Stahch , see that you get it . " R . Wotherspoon is on each packet . The Damage caused by Sparrows to this Growing Crops , — At a certain season of the year , when the arable fields of happy England are assuming the golden and luxuriant embellishment , myriads of house and hedge . row sparrows may bo observed in every field , plucking the golden berry from the ear , and even destroying ten times the quantity they consume ; indeed Mr . M'Culloch states that to estimate the quantity of wheat destroyed by sparrows at only two pints per acre in England and Wales , it will occasion a loss of 16 , 080 quarters of wheat . This does hot take into « ccount the injury occasioned by the same cause to the rye , oats , barley , peas , and various sorts of seeds , both in the fields and gardens . We are glad to find , however , by our advertising colums , that an important invention has come into , use , by which these destructive and rapacious gourmands may be destroyed , when ruralising throughout the lengthened hours of a summer's day in such destructive and injurious practices . " Darber ' s Poisoned Wheat" is the invention referred to , and , from the testimonials which he has received from farmers of great experience , wo have every reason to believe the remedy he has supplied will materially diminish the cause of so much complaint . —The County Chronicle and Surrey Iferafd , May . 2 . 0 , I 860 .
The Postmaster has decided that the Society of xVrts' Prize Writing-case , for which they awarded the prize of twenty guineas and their silver medal to Parkins and Gotto , can be sent through the post for 4 d ., so that this extremely useful and durable waterproof case , fitted with writing-paper , envelopes , blotting-bpok , metal pencase , with reserve of pens , & c-., Sc , can be sent free through the post to any part of the kingdom , on sending twenty-eight stamps to Parkins and Gotto , 24 and 25 , Oxford brreet , London . It forms a most appropriate present . Selling price at their stationary warehouse , 2 s . each . Their Sample Packet containing fifty kinds . Writing Paper and Envelopes can be had free by post for four stamps , " ¦ - .. , Parkins and Gotto make no charge for stamping writing-paper and envelopes , with crests , initials , or address , and undertake to pay the carriage to any part of England , on orders over twenty shillings . Twenty thousand envelopes , of any size or quality , at a minute ' s notice . Office stationary and household papers . Institutions , colleges , and schools supplied . Price list post free . A saving of full 6 s . m the pound . Parkins and Gotto . paper and envelope makers , 24 and 25 , Oxford Street . ' OtfdW / J Ladies ,- ^ -Does the article you use for your Hai r please you ? If not , you should immediately inquire of your perfumer for a list of R . Hovenden's Proprietary articles , such as Churcher ' s Toilet Cream , Churchers Preservative Hair Wash , Hovenden ' s Bear ' s Grease , the cheapest articles for the Toilet ever offered to the public . Those who have failed m procuring a really gdod Hair Dye should purchase Batchelor's Instantaneous Columbian Hair Dye ( in the New York Original Packets ) . Proprietors of Hair-Cutting Saloons and Vendors of Perfumery will save immensely by resorting to R . Hovenden's Wholesale Perfumery and Frizzelt Warehouses , 57 and 58 , Crown Street , Finsbury , E . C ., or 5 , Marl borough-street , London , W . —N . B . If your Perfumer should not happen to have a list , it can be had by application to R . Hovenden , as above . —[ Aitvt . ]
The Leader & Saturday Analyst
A REVIEW AND RECORD OF POLITICAL , LITERARY , ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS . Price Fivepenee ; Stamped , Sixpence . CONTENTS of No . 533 ( New Series No . 23 ) , JUNK 9 . 18 G 0 : Distrust and Reform . The atovement Abroad . Condition of Turkey . MailJ ^ ontracts .- - ; The Volunteers ^ earning to Shoot . Kebecca and the Turnpikes . Examinations and Punishments . Actors and Authors . Humbug . The lSlevatipn of the Labourer . Grlaciers in Winter . Originality . Wakefield Election Committee . The Church before the Reformation . Hayes ' s Arctic J 3 oat-tFourney . . Lady Morgan . _ Novels . New Poems . Miscellaneous Books . Serials . Foreign Correspondence . ltecord oflhe "Week . Entertainments . Parliament . London—Published at No . 18 , Catherine-street , Strand , W . C .
Now ready , in post 8 yo ., price 10 s . 6 d ., cloth , fT ^ houghts in Aid of Faith , gathered JL chiefly from Recent Works in Theology and Philosophy . By SARA " ^ nsTHiK'H ^ rc : ^™ — - ., ; ., — -, . ~—— -, , London : Grouch Manwauino ( Successor to John Chapman ) , 8 , King William Street , Strand . Now Reudy , in crown 8 vo ., price 9 s ., Practical Religion contrasted with THEOLO « ICAL THEORIES . Discourses by PHILIl' WILHA . BE PERF 1 TT , Ph . D .. London : Geobge Manwabino ( Successor to John Chavman , ) 8 , King William Street , Strand .
NEW NOVELS . f amp Life . By Captain W RAX ALL . \ J One vol ., post 8 vo . l 0 s . 0 d . [ This day . < UNDEtt A CLOUD . By F ., and J . QUEEN WOOD .. ¦ Three vola . post 8 vo . [ This day . THE BADDTNGTON PEERAGE : AVHO WON IT AND WHO WOKE IT . By ( Jr . A . T . SAL . A 8 . Threo vols ., post 8 vo . [ Just gut . CiiAiiLES J . Skeet , 10 , King WiUinm Street , Charing Croaa .
¦ ¦ r Phe News , No . 116 , published this day , J- SATURDAY , Juno lflth . 18 ( 50 , contains—Insurance us Applied to National Defences—Youi » k Viuiaitturt Kidnapped by the l ' upiata — ' Ttie Meeting of Old Westminsters : " Shall the Old School Come Down —The Sclam in the Oenernl Annuity Endowment Association— The Abode of Love for Money ; or , the ' Doings of Brother Prince and the Misses NpUlclge—The Union Bank Revelations , and nil the Mining , Banking , and Insurance News of the week . THE NEWS Ib u complete vaijk meui / m for cominereiul men . omoe l , Stioiidn » U ( UngB , Strand , > V . C . Price 4 d : -
NEW AND BEAUTIFUL LIBRARY EDITION . Pilce 6 h ., clotlij 7 a ., half-bound Roxburgh etylo j 10 a . 0 d ., antlquo morocco ' C < oldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield . Printed VJ by WhUtlnghum , with Eight Illustrations by Ahboi . on . "A delightful edition—the fine old type and thick paper make this volume attractive to any lover of books . "—Edinburgh Gumutian . t " Air . Absolon ' n graphic- sketches ndil greatly to tlio Interest of the volume . ' — Art Jottnml . UftiFPtTH & Fauhan , corner of St . l'nul ' s Churchyard .
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16061860/page/22/