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June iC, 1860.J The Leade?\ and Saturday...
Dr. Kiilin continued to ¦D KLIVUR. DAILY...
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June Ic, 1860.J The Leade?\ And Saturday...
June iC , 1860 . J The Leade ?\ and Saturday AiialySt . 579
THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England are to be obtained of PHILLIPS & £ o , Tea Merchants ,-8 , King William Street , City . Uood strong useful-Te ^ , -2 s . 8 d-., ' 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 s . ; rich S 6 uchong , 3 s . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., and 4 s . Pure Coflfces , Is ., In- 2 d ., Is . 3 d ., ls . " 4 d ., Is . 6 d ., and Is . Sd . Tea and Coffee to the value of 40 s . sent carriage-free to any railway station or market town in England . A price -current free . Sugars at market prices . All gGOcls carriage-free within eight miles of the City .
KEEP YOUR PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . arber ' s Poisoned Wheat B kills Mice and Sparrows on the spot . In Id ., 2 d ., 4 d ., and 8 d . packets , with directions and testimonials . No risk or damage in laying this Wheat about . From a single packet hundreds of mice and sparrows are found dead . Bsircfaynnd Sons , W . Sutton arid Co ., W . Efhvards , F . Newbery and cSons , B . Yates and Co ., London Agents . Sold retail by all Medicine Vendors , Druggists . Grocers , & c ., tlirougliout the world , — Mewarc of dangerous and fraudulent imitations , ottered for the sake of obtaining larger profits . Observe tlie Name—Barber ' s Poisoned ; Wheat Works , i Ipswich . j ; : L _ I
Toilette Requisite for the A SPETNG . —Among the many luxuries of the present age , none can he obtained possessing the manifold virtucsof OEDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLIBIBIA . It nourishes the roots and body of the hair , imparts the most delightful coolness , with an agreeable fragrance of perfume , and , at this period of the year , prevents the hair from falling © IT , or , if already too thin or turning grey ,-will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to have beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should ¦ use "it daily . It is also celebrated for 5 tr . engthe 11 in . qr the liair , freeing it from scurf , and producing r . ew hair , whiskers , and trioustaehes . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative wash caiv , equal it . Price 3 s . 6 d . 03 ., and 1 Is . only . C . and A . OLDRIDGE , 22 , Wellington-streefc Strand , " «\ C . .
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . " jVrotiee of . Injunction . — Xt The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce a . re particularly requested to Observe that none is genuine Init tliat" which bears the back label with the . name of WiI'Wa'iJjazesby , as well as the front label signed * ' Jilisabeth Lazvnby , " and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of fhe" Gemiiiie : Sancc will henceforwaid appear an additional labolj ' I > riiit « d in green and red , as follows : — " This notice will he allixed to Lhzenby ' s Harvey ' s -Sauce , prepared sit the original warehouse , in addition to the wollknown . labels , which are protected against imitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of Oth July , 1838 . " - ^ -0 , Edward-street , Portman-sQuarc , London .
Xevv Edition—JSOO , post free , Three Stamps , The Treatise ( "GAlUMKL ON THE LOSS AND BEST MEANS OF RESTORING THE . TEETH" ) , explains their New . System , and may be had gratia - oirnrniWatfrrn-TTiTiMT ^ K ^ 110 , J { w ; ext Stjikkt West , next Mochi ' s . : $ 3 and : J 4 , LuDOArElIii . 1 ., City—particularly observe the name , and that the entrance is up the private passage between , the State Fire-office and Benson '** , the Silversmith . Established 1801—Sec Diploma , i And at 134 , Duke Stiieet , Liverpool . riieetli , Self-Adliesiye , with-X OUT SPRINGS ;—A NEW DISCOVERY . Protected by Royal Letters Patent . Messrs . GADUIEL call attention to a new ami Invaluable imiirovement , being the application of PATENT CORALITE GUM-COLOURED'INDIA- 1 RUUI 1 KR nsa huso for G A HIM El / S CEI . KURATKD MINERAL TEETH anil FLEXIHL 10 GU 3 IS . 1 Tlio extraordinary advantages attained are well ] worthy of note . Neither stumps nor teilh are ex- , traoteil ; sharp edges are avoided ; im amount of sue- j tion , with a degree of HffhtncKs ( almost fabulous , ) , aro obtained ; together with much greater ease and com- j fort , arising from the utter absence of metal , whll « , from tlio 'flexibility of the nRont employed , pressure Is i entirely ' obviated . It i « permanent , wholesome , ami more congenial to tne mouth than bone or gold , and is warranted to remain free from either tnsteoramcll , mastication nnd articulationbuing guaranteed even In casca where other inetho < In have fulled . The best rnnterlalrt , with urHl-class workmanship only employed , and arc supplied nt les » than luilftliu ordinary cost . American Mineral Tooth from . € •! Is . the sot .
T 1 IK HKST ltKMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . Norton ' s Camomile Pills nro confldontly recommended as n Hiinplobut oertnln . remedy for IiKHfr «>« tIony whlcli Is the cntiflcot nearly nil tlio diffuses to which wo an * subicot . bclnpr 11 mudiuine bo uniformly grati'ful and benoilcinl , tlmt it Is with Juptlco called the "Natural Strencthoner of the Human Stomach . " NOJtTON'S PILLS act nan powerful to » l « nnd general upcrii'iit ? aro mild In tliolr operation ; » ufo under any clrcuniNtnnccHj and tliou-Banda of i > ciaoiiH can now hear testimony to tlio be . noilts to be derived irom their who . —Sold In Hottlos ut Is . H ( l ., aa . « a ., nmllU . each In every town intheklugdom . CAUTION 1—Uo auro to n * k for "Norton ' s PIHh , nnd do not be persuaded to nurcluiHu tliu vnrloua imitations .
British College of Health , EUSTON KOAD , LONDON " , FOREIGN GEFEKAL AGENTS , DULT APPOIVTED FOR TUB 3 AT , B OF MORISONS VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINES : — , Australia .. .- . .. .. ' .. Mr . Charlwcod . ' Bavaria .. .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Gayrlios . Baltimore .. .. J . O . French and Son . Ilarbndoes .... .-. .. .. Collymore mid Gil ! . Barcelona .. .. .. .. .. Miret anil Cuyas . Brody Mr . Korniield . Carthagena Mr . Cautp . Calcutta .. .. .... .. .. M . K . Child . Cupe Breton .. .. .... Mr . Ward . Constantinople M . Stampa . Copenlmgen .. Micbaelsen and Holm . Cracow .. ... Mr . Muldner . Elsinore Mr . Steenberg . Franca .. ... .... .. .. Mr .-Moulin . Germany and Austria .. .. Mr . Derek . Gibraltar .. .. Mr . Kobertg . Guernsey Mr . Cochrane . Halifax ( N . S . ) Mr . M'Kinlay . Hiimburg i Mr . Kranskopf . Honduras .. .. Mr . Henderson . Jamaica Miss Kington . Madras R . L . Pereira , JRsq . Mexico Mr . Togno . Montreal .. .. Mr . Trudeau . New Zealand .. Mr . Parris . ! New York .. Firth , l ' ond , and Co . Odessa .. .. Wm . Wagner , Esq .
Blai r ' s Gout and Rheum-ATIC FILLS . iPrice Is . Ud . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . ! . This preparation is one-of the benefits . which the science of modern chemistry has conferred uj . 'on mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the i Gout was considered a romance ; hut now the i efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated , hy unsolicited testimonials from per-¦ sons in every rank of life , that public ' opinion proclainis this as one of the most important discoveries ; of the present age . These Tills require no restraint . of diet or confinement during their u ? o , and _ are certain-: . to prevent ; the disease attacking any vital part . Sold l-. y all medicine vendors . Observe " Thomas i rrout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Statrip . " . ' ' - ¦ -
' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' -- . ¦' . ¦¦ yy ' ' .. ¦ ¦ Ji " ¦ ¦ "" ¦ ' ' ¦" trade Vb / a ^ ' -... ; arS-RK-. ' - - I _ I ! EOWX AND TOLSON'S _ _ . T 3 ateirfe Gorn Flour . —Th e JL Lccncet states : — : . . ' " This is superior to antjihimi of the 7 : i ? id knoieii . I The most wholesonie part of the best Indian <' orn , prepared fjy a process Patented for ' the Three Kingdoms and France , and wherever it becomes known 1 obtains ' great- '' favour for Puddings , Custanis , lilanc-. mavr / e ; all the uses of the finest arrow root , andespej cialf ' y suited to the delicacy of Children and Invalid * . P . Rnws arid Pucson , ' ara ' nufacturers to Her ]\ raji'st . y the ( iu ' e ' eh—Paisley , . Manchester , Dublin , and Lon-I don .
¦ ! Prize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one npniiciition . Instantaneous , , }) 1 < I p ] jl ) V , > I-ii'i 111 pAR- > iiiAl & ccmll & L & . —Lji _ eu . stys _ pust . I iree . ; i * . 3 d . and fis .-, direct irom E . I- \ LAN"GDALL'S , Laboratory , 7- » , Ilattoii Garden , London , E , C . : " Mr . Langdale ' s preparations arc , to our mind , the 1 most extraordinary productionsofMoclernCIiemictiy . " —11 / list rated London JNVkw , July 1 \) , Js 51 . A long and interesting report on the products of E . F . Lang < lalc ' s Laboratory , by a Special Scientilio Cominission , from the Piditor of the -Lancet , will be found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1 H !) 7 . A copy will be forwarded for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY . —For the Restoration and Reproduction of the Ilnir . — Mr . Langdalo guaranteeshiaC . ) UINTESSENCEofCANTHARII . » L . S most successful aa a restorative , also in checking greyness , strenRthening weak hair , ana preventing its falling oil "; mostciTuctual in tlio growth ol whisker . - ' , mouKt'nchios . ' & c . The monev iihinediatcly ; roturncd if not cllVctunl . Tost IVeo lor -s . Oil . in Stamps . — Laboratory , 72 , Uutlon Garden . E . F . LAN « DALE'S KASPBBRRYanrt CIIERRV TOOTH PASTE . —The most ddicioud '^ reparation ever producoil-for the Teeth , Guiuh , ami Urentli . Tost free from tlio Laboratory , Ti , llnttou Gardon , lor Is . 3 d , in titiVmptJ .
A New Edition of rphc Philosophy of Marriage . X Ity . lOSEl'II ICAHN , Graduate of Mcrliclne . Surgery . »»»< 1 Mhlwlfery in the Royal and Imperial UntvcrHity ofVionnn , Krlnngen , & c . & c . TIiIh nopu lar work ( which linn been translated into four dilroront language *) ha * now gone through Forty-one Ldltions of 10 , <» ui > onvhi « nd i « < lcHignc < l to import accurate knowledge mi Kuhjoctd whloll involve tlio lnuanH of HifcuiiiiK moral and phyHical huppiiicca , Fnco One . Slillling , or post-find for twelve stamps , direct Irom tlio author , 1 . 7 , lliirloy-btreet , ( UuveiuUsli-8 tj [ Hiiro , _ "LOriiloilVW .. "' . ' : -V-:-.:- ; ¦ ; -- ¦¦• • - ¦• _ ¦•
Dr. Kiilin Continued To ¦D Klivur. Daily...
Dr . Kiilin continued to ¦ D KLIVUR . DAILY . .. nt Three ami Eight o ' clock , lilt ) X ' opulur JU'eturo on tlio PhlloHOphy of Marriage , ' ut lila Anatomical 3 [ iiijuum r Top ol tlio lluymurkct . TJio Mimeum in open ( for ( icntlcmcn only ) iVom Twelve to Five , ami from Suvuii to ion . , Admission Ono Shilling , ' l > r . Kahn ' ri Tr « ntine on the above Miltfect sent post-fieo for twelve atnmpn , direct from Iho author , 17 , Hnrloy-Btrcct , Cnvondish-squure .
T \^ hen you ask for . Glenfield * \ PATENT STARCH , see that you get it , as inferior kinds are often substituted . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , & c , & c . WOTHERSPOON and Co ., Glasgow and London .
Teeth . — Mr . Eskell , Sur-J- peon-Dentist , 311 , Reg <> iu-slri >« i ( facing the I'olytechuic ) , supplies his I'ATEN'I'Kl ) INCOKRODIBLE TEETH , which can b ; - ui : iti : hed so closely in shape and colour to those left in the . mouth , and are formed so exactly to nature , that the closest observer cannot detect the difference , and in all cases they restore perfect articulation and masticatioii . These teeth are fixed from one to a complete set upon Mr . EsktH ' s never-failing and painless principle of self-adhesion , iviihout extracting any teeth or slumps , or giving any pain whatever ; and being incorrodible they possess the superior advantage of never changing colour nor decayinp . Mr . Eskell ' s celebrated OVTEOPLASTIC ENAMEL , Post free lor thirty stamps , -for stopping di ' cuyed : Teeth , is a preparation which never changes colour nor affects the colour of the tooth , : md is free from any injurious properties either as regards the teeth or-RPnpfal health . Its application Is easily performed , and without giving the slightest pain . ' Deficiencies of palate effectually remedied . Loose teeth fastened . Teeth regulated . Discoloured teeth restored , & c . Hours , Ten to Six . Consultation , free . Charges strictly moderate . —314 , Itegfnt-street . London ( opposite the Polytechnic ) , Established 1847 .
Teeth .- ^ -By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Newly Invented and Patented Application of Chemically prepared INDIA KUKli . BR hv the construction of Artificial Teeth , Gums , and Palates . Miu-KPHIIAIM MQS 15 LY , SUKGRON 1 ) E NTIST . 9 , GItOSVENOIl s ' XRKRT , G KOSV'KNOR SQUAUE , sole Inventor and Patentee . A new , original , arid invaluable invenUon , ; Cons . isting in the adaptation , with the most absolute perfection and success , of chemically prepared India Rubber in lieu of the ordinary gold or hone frame . All sharp edges are avoided ; no springs , wires , or fastenings' lire required ; a . greatly-increased freedom of suction is supplied ; , a natural elasticity hitherto wholly unattainable * and a lit perfected with the-< -most unerring accuracy , are . secured ; the greatest support is given to the adjoining teeth when loose , or rendered tender by the absorption of the gums . The acids Of the month exert no agency on the prepared India Rubber , and , as a non-conductor , fluids of any -tempera- ' ture may vvjtli thorough comfort be imbibed and retained in the mouth , all unpleasantness of sme 1 l _ or t . iste being at the same time wholly provided . against by the pec u- ' liar nature of its-preparationl Teeth filledwith gold and Mr , Ephraim Mosely ' s White Enamel , the only stopping that will not become discoloured * ' anil-particularly re--commended for the front teeth .- 9 , Giosvenor-sfreet , . Gri ' isvetior - * s < i . uare , London ; 1 i , Gay-Street , Bath ; and : . 10 , Eldbn ^ squnre , Newcastle-on-Tynf .
" ( i Boon to Nervous Suf-X ^ » FKJMCIIS . — The Xew Medical Guide for Gratuffoiis Circulation . A Nhrvol's . St ; i-Fnui : it having been edectually pnred of Nervous Debility , Loss of 3 Iemoiy , Dimncssol'Sight , Latitude , and Indigestion ,-by following Uie instructions . given-in the JIEUICAL G QIDK , he considers it liis duty , in gratitude to the 'author , and for the honclit of others , to publish the means used . He will , tliweforo , send post Iree , on reci-ii » t of a directed envelope , and two stamps , a copy of the book , containing every ¦ information required . AdUress , James Wallace , Esq ., Willord IIou .-o , Hiirton Crescent , Tavistock Hq , Lon < lon , \\ C .
Brec knell , Turner , & Sons ' HAND CAXDIiksTrCKS with Registered Glass Shades enliicly prevent tlio guttering of candles wlien carried ' nbdut .. —IJiJKCKXKL . L , TURNER ., and SONS , wax and tallow chandlers and wap and oil merchanty , at the XSi'c Hive , 3 J an < 1 : J- ' . II . iymarket , S . AV . . ¦ ¦ ' ' . ¦ ; ;
THE IXVALTD'S GUIDE TO HKALTII , LONGLIKE , AND lFATPlXESS . eing an Essay on Diet , BRegimen . Kathlng . imd Exercise , as connected With the 1 ' ro . soryiiUunof ICc . ulth and the l ' rolousation of Life . Uy a Physician of thirty yt ' ur « ' Rtiin « ling , Sent free on receipt of six stamps , by N \ m . HILL , Eriq ., -U . A ., 27 , AlfioU-phico , JJcdford-scxuaro , London .
TTlastic Stockings and Knee J-li- CAPS for VARICOSE VKINS r . nd WEAKNKSS , of 11 very Hiipcrlor quality . yioMing nil unvarying support without tlio trouble pf'bimriiiKlnir . Infttructlons for Measurement and I ' riccs on application , itml the article roiiI , by post irom the Manufacturers , —POPK and l'LANTE , 4 , Waterloo place , London , H . VV
Junt published , Third Edition , price Is . Oil . ealth and Long Life . By H K . El'PS . "ThiH little book contains homio fuukIuIo and praotlcal hints on i ) hyslolop ; y , and on tlio pivHcrvatlon ot lioalih by attention to physical jiud mental in-JliU'iicofl . "—JMvvary dwnUti ' ,, Published by I'ipeij , a ' ranntNsox , nnd SrcNcr , S 8 ^ PuternoitiT ' How .
FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION . " The Man of Ross . " — , X Every Tliuisdiiy-One Pdiiny . An * nUopomlunt Family Paper , imvliiK ^ K ^ AW ^ a k S ^ ^ £ S ^^^^^ ? J ^^ ^®\^^ £ & Publisher , J . W . J < . Counhbli ., Mnrlcet-iunco , ltoaa .
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16061860/page/23/