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1110 THE LEADER. [No.^47, October 16 r 1...
FKOM THE LOJfl^ON GAZETTE. Tuesday, Octo...
Trade in PARis.^-The -winter trade Paris...
RUPTURES.—BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. W HITE'S MOC-MAIN" LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo
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1110 The Leader. [No.^47, October 16 R 1...
1110 THE LEADER . [ No . ^ 47 , October 16 r 1858 .
Fkom The Lojfl^On Gazette. Tuesday, Octo...
FKOM THE LOJfl ^ ON GAZETTE . Tuesday , October 12 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . John Haegrkaves , Bradford , Yorkshire , coal merchant BANKKUPTS . . Carl Zucker , York-row , Kenningtoh-road , watchmaker . Charles Seaman and Henry Keen , Bfilk-street , Cheapside , silk manufacturers . < 5 eorge Battison Haixes , King ' s Norton , Worcestershire , brickmaker . Joseph and William Cooke , Shrewsbury , agricultural engineers . Thomas Frederick Faxcott , Stourbridge , hosier . "William NendicK , " Wolverhampton , grocer . Thomas Steelk , Torquay , shipowner . William Stancliffe Aspinall , Leeds , grocer . Joxas Smith , juu ., North . Bierley , Yorkshire , worsted spinner . < xeorge Jacksost , Manchester , decorative designer . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . A . Birrell , Kirkcaldy , merchant . J . Galletley , Dundee , commission agent . D . SI'Arthur , Glasgow , hotel keeper . J . G . Adam , calico printer . Friday , October 15 . BANKRUPTS . Peter Foster , Sunderland , ship-builder . Matthew Bates , Huddersfield , manufacturer . George Heaps , jun ., Leeds , ironmonger . James Parkins , Grocers' Hall-court , Poultry , auctioneer . Charles Colls and John Lowe , St . Swithin s-lane , baukers . John Brown , Bradford , draper . Ann Margaret Goodacre , Edenham , Lincolnshire , saroeer .
Trade In Paris.^-The -Winter Trade Paris...
Trade in PARis . ^ -The -winter trade Paris not yet regularly opened , and shopkeepers complain of a deficiency in receipts . Want of employment is beginning to be felt among the operatives . Bread is fortunately cheap , owing to the . Emperor having given France free trade in corn for at least another year . The wholesale business of Paris is said to be more active and the commercial bills presented for discount to the Bank of France have considerably increased within the last month . It is further said that the monthly account to be published by the Bank on Friday next will show a diminution of its cash , to the amount of 25 , 000 , 000 fr ., ¦ which it is presumed have been emp loyed in commercial speculations . _ ¦ , __ M _ t of this t ttle
Ballinasloe Fair . —The repor greaca fair in the west of Ireland will be received with satisfaction by all who have felt the high price of butcher ' sxneat recently to be oppressive . A great fall has taken place in the price of cattle compared with last year , and it seems that the artificial value of this essential article of living has now come to an end . Western Bank of Scotland . —An important step has been taken by the committee of shareholders . They have resolved to institute , not a criminal prosecution of the directors , but to bring a civil suit against them for reimbursements of the calls , made and to bo made , and also for the amount of the lost shares ; and they have invited the general body of the shareholders to cooperate . The gentlemen thus menaced are those who were in the direction in Juno , 1857 , five months before the bank closed , and when , the bank being then quite insolventthey declared a dividend of nine per cont .
, The French Government and Feke Trade . —Iho French Consul in Newcastle had addressed to the presidents of several northern Agricultural Societies tho substance of a despatch received from tho Minister of Agriculture respecting the result of the repeal of the corn laws in this country , with a request that those fiocietioa would communicate to tho French Government their opinion as to the effects of free trade in corn upon the landed and agricultural interost . Accompanying the despatch is a schedule of questions calculated to elicit opinions upon every phase of the free trade question . The Minister states that in 1854 , his department had communicated to that of Agriculture , Commerco , and Publio Works o report emanating from the Consul-Gonoral of Franco in London , . containing information
on the result of tho repeal of tho corn laws in England . These returns closing with tho year 1858 , tho Minister of Agriculture had exprossod a doslro to receive similar information for the succeeding year , and had indicated the points on which ho wished particularly to possess exact returns . He further desired to know tho avemgo price and tho amount of importation of foreign corn In each year slnco 1858 , as well as the produce of tho grain liurvosts in England for tho greatest possible number of years . Nkw LrNB of Steam-Ships . —Wo ( Sydney Empire , Atig . 10 ) understand that Immodlato stops will be taken by tho Government to submit , In doUulto form , for the competition of European capitalists , tho establishment of , a lino of steamers botwoon Sydnoy and Panama , and that the flubjoot is likely to bo brought authoritatively before the Britioh public by the next mail .
A New Spanish ' . Steam-ship Company . —According to the Madrid Gazette of the 7 th instant , the Colonial Department is to put up to public competition , on the 3 rd February next , the concession of a line of steamers between Spain and the isles of Cuba and Porto Rico . A subvention is to be accorded , but the amount of it is not to be made known until the day of the adjudication . The contract is to be made by public biddings , to take place on the 3 rd of * February , 1859 , and to be made in sealed papers , containing the price of each voyage out and back . The concession will be granted to the party who shall make the most advantageous proposal . Foreigners who may wish to bid will learn the terms at any of the Spanish legations . They are to be . trans-The
lated and published in the foreign-journals . contractors are bound to have eight steam-packets . They are to sail under the Spanish flag , they are to be new ships , the hull ' of iron and constructed of the best materials , and fully prepared for the service they are to perform ; they are each to measure 2300 tons ; the ships must be either constructed in England or after the English model of fast-sailing steam-packets . The company is bound to present on the 1 st of January , 1860 , four steam-packets ready for sea , and is authorised to construct steam-packets measuring 3500 tons . The boats are to touch at Santa Cruz , in Tenerifte , and Porto Rico , but never for more than twelve hours . The contract is to be for eight years , and the company is to give security to the amount of 40 , 00 < W .
The Wine Harvest in Burgundy . —The report of the jury of the exhibition of Dijon says of the present vintage : — " For Burgundy , the year 1858 is one of the finest of the present century . It is as abundant as 1831 ; it will be superior to that year in fulness and flavour , and can only find its equal in- . . 1 , known by the name of the " Comet-year . " We have now a second comet-j-ear , quite as abundant . Observations made with the greatest care have proved that the grape , arrived at complete maturity , and exempt from any kind of malady , had fermented with the most satisfactory rapidity ; that the colour is beautiful and the
bouquet already developed . All these facts are certain pledges of good quality . The first growths have a rare degree of delicacy and homogeneity , and the good ordinary wines deserve to be classified this year in a higher rank than what is ordinarily assigned to them . While admitting the abundance of the crop , we again declare that the wine will be of superior quality . The cellars are , moreover , empty , and the wants of consumption real ; on the other hand , 'few vineyards in France have been so highly favoured this year as those of Burgundy . The South and the Bordelais have not been completely free from' oidium . It Avill be , therefore , logical to conclude that prices will remain high . "
London Docks . —In consequence of the numerous arrivals of shipping ( chiefly from the East Indies ) for the London Docks , tho London Dock Company have commenced to dock vessels at their new entrance . Lost Ocean Steam-Ships . — An official return shows that the Austria is the thirteenth large transatlantic steamer that has perished in the course of the last twenty years . Tho following is tho list : —President , 130 Victims j Columbia , passengers saved ; Ilumboldt ,
ditto ; City of Glasgow , 420 victims ; City of Philadelphia , passengers saved ; Franklin , ditto ; Arctic , 332 victims ; Pacific , 240 ; Lyonnais , 105 ; Tempest , 150 ; San Francisco , 1 G 0 ; Central America , 422 ; Austria , 500 . This French Revenue . —The Moniteur of yesterday contains an official return of the indirect revenue for tho first nine months of 1868 . According to it there is an increase of 31 , 000 , 000 francs , compared with the corresponding period of 1857 , without taking into account ; ho tax called " doubles centimes do guerre . "
Australian Minks . — The Port Philip and Colonial Gold Company ' s advices from Melbourne-, received yesterday , continue of a satisfactory character . Tho profit made in July amounted to over 1500 / . in addition to oxpending 300 J . in stores and repairing machinery . A furthor remittance , amounting to 10007 ,, has boon rocoivod , making a total of 35001 . actually to hand . Spanish American Bondholders . — Tho following memorandum refers to tlio debt of Venezuela ;— " The Committoo of Spanish -American bondholders havo received a lotter from Mr . Mocnttn , dated Caracas , 23 rd ult ., in which ho states timt tho arrival of General Paoss in that city boing shortly expected , ho had thought it advisable , for tho advantage- of . the bondholders , to delay his proceedings in relation to the foreign debt until tho General has arrived . "
This Telegraph in Ijuha . —Wo road in tho Colombo Observer of Soptoinbor 15 th i—Anothor groat revolution is golnp ; silently on . Coylon is joined to India by a submarine cablo , and hi Noyombor it id hopod tho lino of communication will L > o complete . Uuforo tho oiul of 1850 w « havo no doubt tlio gap between Corfu and India will be snppliod by electric cable , and London and Poshawur within spoukJng distance ' , Coylon modoitly standing by and enjoying tho bonofit of tho conversation , . ' * Inmn Austiiaman Link of Sim's . —Tho suoooss of tho Lovor lino of packet * between Gal way ami America appoars to havo oxcitod tlio Cork merchants to attempt a dlroot stoam-packot lino Ljotwoon Quoonstown and Australia . On Tuesday a mooting of tho commltteo of
merchants was held to consider the feasibility of the project .. Among those present were the Mayor of Cork Mr . Fagan , M . P ., Mr . Beamish , M . P ., & c . The object of the meeting was to support the Australian and Pacific Company , which intends to run fortnightly or monthlymails ' between Queenstown and Panama , across the Pacific to the Australian colonies and Columbia . The Australian Labour Market . —The Melbourne Argus thus reports : —The labour market is still in an unsatisfactory state . As yet the expected
improvement is only prospective . Many of the labourers and mechanics now seeking employment are unable to obtain it without much loss of time ; and until the railway works are carried on with more vigour we can scarcely hope to sec the town cleared of the unemployed . Since it was first found that capital was required i n mining—that more than a pick and shovel % vas needed to ensure success in the search for gold , too many men have become dependent on public works for employment and their numbers have during the last two or three vcars been rapidly augmenting .
Books Received This Week The British Arm...
BOOKS RECEIVED THIS WEEK The British Army in India . By J . Jeffreys . 8 vo Longmans and Co . Edinburgh lleview , Xo . 220 . Longmans and Co . Athena C ' antabrigiensis . By C . II . Cooper and T , Cooper . 8 vo . Cambridge : Dighton , Bell , and Co . Case of the Kamachee lioye Sahiba . By J . B . Nortoa Madras : Pharoah and Son . Guide-to Cape of Good Hope . By W . Irons . Foolscap 8 vo . E . Stanford . God Manifest . By Eev . G . P . Ililler . Foolscap 8 vo . Hodson and Son . Bell Martin . A Tale . Foolscap 8 vo . Hodson and Son . Quicksands . A Tale . By Anna Lisle . Post . Svo . Groom-bridge and Sons . Edinburgh Veterinary Review , TSo . 2 . Svo . Edinburgh ; Sutherland and Knox . .
Ruptures.—By Royal Letters Patent. W Hite's Moc-Main" Lever Truss Is Allowed By Upwards Of 200 Medical Gentlemen To Bo
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN" LJEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo
the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a stool spring , ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn roniu ! tlio body , while tlio requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-MaiuPad and Patent Lovor , fitting with so nuicheasc and closeness that it can-uot be detected , and may bi ' - . wwn during 1 sleep . A descriptive circular may l ~ e had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tlio circumference of tho body , two inches below the lii-p , bi-inj , ' sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , UiS , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . Cd ., and 31 s . Od . — Postage Is . Double Truss , 31 s . 0 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . Oil . —Postage 1 s . Sd . Umbilical Truss , . 12 s . and 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . 10 d . Post-office orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-oIQco , Piccadilly . I 7 LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , llv for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of AVHARNESS and SWELLING of the LKGS , SPRAINS , ic . They aro porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and aro drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Od . to lGs . each . —Postage Od . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 . Piccadilly , London .
HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . - SORE-THROAT . QUIXSY . ULCHHATIjU THROAT , AND DIPTHERITE . —Tlio Sore-Lliro ; ii , with more or loss hoarseness , prevailing nt this season ol IIiojimu , has for twenty years boon treated with tlio above romeU <;* , _ with a degreo of succoss far surpassing that ol any oi iei inodo of treatment . Tho cures hr . vo boon so nMimiliiini ^ speedy , and numerous , that it was predicted tlio now disease Dlpthorito . consisting of small ash-coloiirud ul ''" in tho interior or the throat , attended by lev or , <> lum Inn , might bo arrested by the same- moans , and Midi mi * " tho case This disease , in its ilrst s ^ W ; * - ' ° . , " I , ' . ' amonablo to Hollow-ay ' s Ointment and Tills IMn U ) 0 simpler forms of inflammatory soro throat .
FEMALE COMPLAINTS . —KKAHSLKY S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S l'liMAMi 1 'I ;; * aro strongly recommended as a siil'o ami vnlimblu . » I «;> " - '"" n ofl'octuafly removing obstructions , mid ivllov nffi II i |> incoHvoiiloiicoH towlik'li tho fonmlo fniiuu i « II" ¦ '' * 1 ' . dally thoso which ariso from want , of excrete muU- < " » dobllity of tho system . Thoy oronlo an nppi'liUM'i" ' l M digestion , romovo glildlnoSs ami uomms lu-inh " V ' , ' ' tho stomaoh , « 1 joW . iioim of )»» ont ) i , and l" > M | lt ! l 1 ' , , i ,, heart . Bold by J . SANG Mil , 1 . 10 , Oxford-slrm't , . oiuiuii , i ) rlco 2 s . 0 d ., or by post for Thirty-six Posing" - " 1 " 1 " ' ,, ' ,.. i . For Exportation—Tho abovo can ho oblnlurd tluoiiju British merchants , shippers , anil Colonial nguiitm .
rj ^ O THE NERVOUS AND DEIUUTATIW-1- -nCIIARLIOS WATSON . M . D ., follow and ' , 1 111 " " !' Vii . 'o-Prc'Hlilont of tho liuporial AlVkmn IiiwtH . tilo " " , ' Oorros . Monitor ol' tho IModlcal Soclotlt-H ol u . " ' ,, ! Poru , tlio Niilloiml Academy of Science * , Me , mid l . u «' Hidout l'h . v « lclau to l , ho Oodfonl JDIai > oiisiiry . Ji 7 . A "u < _ plnco , Uodfora-aqunro . London , V ^' ril'i'i ^ r'p <•!! M ' oolpt of hU btam > h , "TilJO QVWV 1 TO SBLF tl U " "ThoNO . aUbntjoiUuPlHNr . tlio JIarr ago Hliito •} '"" ' , "'V voa Qv . Wfttsou ' sluvaUmbio llltlo work , im tlio ad v <¦<• K * on health nuddlHoafJO-ofloijUniuoh credit ; upon liiui «» bound modloal philosopher . "—Crula . , i ,, rivnlo " Tho truoCluldo to tlioso wliotlouiro a spoody amipn >« euro . "—Vtilooraity JUauasiuo . , , ., Ouduii Vm- Qualifications vhlo "D ^ louias" and tho A . Q »«* v MoUloal Directory . "
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16101858/page/30/