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M -AQQ THE LEAD Ell. [No. 417, October 1...
NEW ZEALAND, By way of Sydney wo have re...
M ^ INDIA. Telegraphic news has this wee...
CHINA. Letters' have been received from ...
CHILI. The Chili Congress closed its ses...
WEST INDIES. The La Plata brings news fr...
WEST COAST OF AFKICA. II.M. ol-x-vkssbl ...
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Continental Notes. Fkance. \ People Laug...
Dower to his brother as Regent , has been published . From this document it would appear that the King ^ s convinced of being able , at a future time , to resume his royal functions . ' . . . Letters from Berlin testify to the deep and joyful impression made by the- settlement of the Regency question . The general satisfaction seems increased by the dismissal of the Minister Von Westphalen . It is supposed that there will be a complete change in the Cabinet . MM . Auersward , Count Schwerin , MM . Bonin , Pato , de Bethmann , and other leaders of the Constitutional party , are spoken of as likely to be the new Ministers .
A correspondent of the Daily News says that the character of the Regent has not been generally understood , and that it is misrepresented . He is by no means opposed to the constitution , and it is his deliberate and voluntary determination to take the oath to respect and maintain the constitution on the opening of the Chambers next week .
SARDINIA . It is said that the Duke of Chartres , second son of the late Duke of Orleans , is about to enter the Piedmontese army . No opposition is offered by the French Government .
TURKEY . Lettere from Albania inform us that the Governor of Monastir had discovered a conspiracy among the Turks to massacre all the Christians . Three fanatics succeeded in forming at Monastir a conspiracy which embraced 5000 Turks , whose plan was to fall suddenly on the Christians on the 27 th of August , when they would be assembled in their churche 3 . All was ready , arms and ammunition , and it only remained to gain over a Bey who exercises great influence in that country . This Bey pretended to assent to the proposition , but denounced the conspiracy to the Governor . The latter commanded that the chiefs of the plot should be arrested . Accounts from Syria state that the cholera has carried off 30000 persons at Mecca .
, By intelligence from Constantinople of the 6 th inst ., we learn that numerous public employments had been suppressed , and a reduction of the staff had been resolved on . The troopsr were generally without pay . Two other battalions had been sent as a reinforcement to Candia , where fresh disturbances bad broken out . The Esperance of Athens of the 7 th says that armed Candiotes had driven off the receivers of taxes , and having demanded a performance of the promises made to the people , the Turks rose on the night of the 4 th and ran to the Governor , calling out for the massacre of the whole of the Christians . There was a rumour that the Montenegrins had taken possession of the heights around the port of Soutorino .
HOLLAND . The new Liberal Ministry has thought fit to propose to inorease the representation of the larger towns , particularly in Amsterdam and Rotterdam , by including in their electoral districts the villages outside the gates , that is , their suburbs , and giving an additional representative to each . SWITZERLAND . The hope has now been given up of bringing about an agreement between the Federal Council and the cantonal Government of Geneva on the question of the removal of Italian refugees from that town , as insisted upon by France and Austria . Geneva will not oppose any active resistance to their removal , but will allow it to take place under protest .
DENMARK . A letter from Copenhagen says : —The Federal Diet was not satisfied with the confidential communication which the Cabinet of Copenhagen had made to them . Persons generally well informed state that the Inst instructions forwarded to M . Bulow are calculated to satisfy the demands of the Diet , The same letter adds that the various religious secta at Copenhagen have been very active of late . There are American , English , and Swedish preachers , belonging to the Baptist , Mormon , and Methodist congregations , who are endeavouring to propagate their doctrines . M . Mollesward , a Swedish , gentleman , is the most remarkable among the Baptist orators . The secedera from the State Church are said to be gaining ground .
M -Aqq The Lead Ell. [No. 417, October 1...
M -AQQ THE LEAD Ell . [ No . 417 , October 16 , 1858 , lUoo . — ¦ ¦ , ' — '
New Zealand, By Way Of Sydney Wo Have Re...
NEW ZEALAND , By way of Sydney wo have received a very partial account of the fire at Auckland , but nothing to show its locality or real extent of damage . The New Zealander says : — - ' We have not yot received a detailed account of the amount of the various losses sustained , but from the replies obtained by the Relief Committee there is reason to hope that the total will not much exceed 25 , 000 / . Of this sum not much more than 10 , 000 / , was insured . A good deal of valuable proporty was saved ) on the other hand , much that was ho saved was seriously damaged in tlio removal or by the rain . " Wo are informed that donations for the relief of the sufferers , and also to aid deserving persons of the labouring classes to emigrate to Auckland , New Zealand , will bo received by Mr . A . F . KIdgway and Sons , agents to the Provincial Government of Auckland .
M ^ India. Telegraphic News Has This Wee...
^ INDIA . Telegraphic news has this week been received , which must be considered on the whole favourable . One lamentable occurrence is recorded ; the disarmed Sepoys of the 62 nd and 69 th Native Infantry and thenative Artillerymen at Mboltan had mutinied and attempted to seize the guns , but were driven back . In this affair the Adjutant of the Bombay Fusiliers and four Artillerymen have been killed . Of the mutineers about four hundred have been killed , and the police , Sowars , & c , are in active pursuit of the remainder . Apart from this episode , the general character of our news from India is such as to corroborate the belief that the flames of insurrection are being effectually got under . It is no longer a general conflagration , but a series of scattered outbreaks , rather annoying than dangerous . In Oude it seems evident that there has been a considerable defection in the rebel forces . The latest intelligence—that from Allahabad of the 6 th of September —represents the bulk of the Oude insurgents that still keep the field to be concentrated at Jugdespore , some twenty miles from Sultanpore , on the Lucknow road . They are stated to number about 5000 , and to have with them eight guns . A thousand men and twenty-two guns are stationed in a fort at no great distance . When the cold season sets in , the troops collected under Lord Clyde will have no difficulty in crushing any force that can be brought into the field in Oude . It is alleged that the Begum of Lucknow is seeking to make conditions for her own safety by promising the surrender of the Nana Sahib , four of whose emissaries have been captured at Gwalior , endeavouring to tamper with the 25 th Bombay Native Infantry , who informed their officers of their proceedings .
The culprits were executed . The fugitives who had been driven from Powree on the 22 nd of August by Colonel Smith and General Napier , were overtaken and dispered with great slaughter by Colonel Robertson on the 5 th of September . The Gwalior fugitives had , under the command of Tantia Topee , succeeded , during the last jveek of August , in taking possession of the town of Julra Patan , where they are stated to have obtained a large amount of treasure and forty guns . After this success , they moved upon Bhopal , but were encountered by the Mhow field force under General Michel , on the 13 th of September , dispersed in'all directions , with the loss of thirty guns on their side , and very trifling casualties on ours .
In Lieutenant Colonel Walter ' s despatch to 'Brigadier Douglas , honourable mention is made of several officers who have greatly distinguished themselves in their posts . Among them are the names of Captain Midhurst , of the 10 th Kcgt , ; Captain Ellington , 35 th Regt . ; Captain Wanin , GOth Rifles ; Lieutenant . Gibb , and Lieutenant Beadon , a very young officer commanding a detachment of the Sikh Irregular Cavalry , who is warmly commended as . a " most excellent officer . "
China. Letters' Have Been Received From ...
CHINA . Letters' have been received from IIong-Kong dated 24 th August . Lord Elgin had not returned from Japan . Admiral Sir Michael Seymour arrived at Hong-Kong on the 20 th August in II . M . S . Calcutta . The Admiral touched at Hakodadi on his way . Lord Elgin had proceeded to Jeddo with the steam yacht , which ho would present to the Emperor . Sir Michael has been ill with fever . The French Ambassador , M . Le Baron Gros , and the American Minister , Mr . II . E . Keeil , still remain at Shanghao , awaiting the arrival of the Chinese Commissioners to settle the tariffs , & c . Of the Russians left at Tien-tsin wo hear nothing . The Namtow outrage has been avenged . Commodore Stewart and General Van Straubonscec , with » force of some seven hundred men , arrived oil' Nam tow on the 11 th of August . Tlio forts woro taken and destroyed , but the town was Spared , at the solicitation of ft deputation from tho people The Cliincso soldiers showed considerable roaistance , and tho casualties among thu force woro about twelve men wounded . Twounfortunato casualties occurred by tho accidental discharge of fironrms , by which Captain Lambert , R . E ., and Lieutenant Danvoru , of tho 70 th Bengal Native Infantry , lost their lives . Commander MiuUlon , of lior Majesty ' s ship Sanepareil , was dangerously wounded by a g ' mgall ball . Much good is anticipated from tho promptitude and completeness of the action
, Troubles ut Ningpo still continue , oreatod , it is snid , by causes similar to those told of a tow months ago in connexion with fighting at Fuh-ehow-fuo , via . tlio had faith of tho Government in financial matters—paper money obtaining only a small por-eontago of tho amount promised . Tho Emperor has recalled the mischievous Hwang from tho governorship of . Canton , replacing hi . m , it Is said , by an ofllcor more dlsposod to livo at poaco with tho foreigner . Tho elgna of a bottor disposition ou tho part of the pooplo aro also becoming apparent . 1
At Canton confidence 1 » gradually reviving , and shops aro opened ; and at Hong-Kong tho return of tho native domestic sorvants and labourora was relieving tho European population from its Indlorous distresses .
Chili. The Chili Congress Closed Its Ses...
CHILI . The Chili Congress closed its session on the 3 lat of August . One of their last and most important Acts was passing a Bill authorising the Executive to purchase the "Valparaiso and Santiago Railway share s . The news from the provinces was rather satisfactory than- Other . wise . In the agricultural districts in the south appear " ances were very promising , and it seemed that the crons would be plentiful , notwithstanding the excessive rain which had fallen . An extensive coal mine had been discovered fifteen miles inland from the port of Aacud in the province of Chiloe . '
West Indies. The La Plata Brings News Fr...
WEST INDIES . The La Plata brings news from Jamaica to the 26 th Sept . There is nothing of interest to report from that island . TRINIDAD . At this place yellow fever prevailed , and the troops had been removed from the barracks and placed under canvas . There had been partial rain , but more was wanted . The heat during the previous three moiiths had been most intense .
1 > KMERAUA . The onh' matter of public importance is a public meeting held to memoralise her Majesty ' s Government to discontinue the obligations now imposed upon the colonies to provide a return passage for Coolie immigrants . ¦ BARBADO S . Here the weather was line , and the health of the island exceedingly good . Business remained dull . The youu ^ j canes are looking well .. ST . ' LUCIA . Dry weather had set in and was threatening to do serious injury to the growing crop . The heat was vengreat . Her Majesty's steamer Buzzard , Commander Peel , arrived on the 20 th , and landed a company of the 41 st Regiment . GRENADA .
The Executive Council met on the 24 th ,. and passed a series of ' regulations fur the raising- ' and ¦ enrolment off-he militia force . ¦ Some sensation had been ' . ¦ caused by the proposal , to provide stipendiary justices fur tho out-districts of the island , public opinion being- divided upon the -expediency of such a measure at present . A-continued absence of rain was Lcing severely felt in .-some parts of tho colon v .
ST . KIIT S . A few days' rain had made the town of Basseterre somewhat unhealthy , several cases of fever bavin ; , ' proved fatal . The prospects for the next crop were very encouraging , and tho island altogether in a snfi .--factory condition . The yeomanry cavalry ami tl ; e militia volunteers were being drilled , ami there is every hope that they will in time provo an cllicieut protection to the island . The legislative houses were not sitting . A new election is expected in about two months . cun . v .
Letters from JInvannah state- that the yellow was ravaging the island , which was otherwise in a prosperous condition . Tho planter * complain of tlio heaviness of tho duties of all kinds , which make um price of transport of sugar to the I ' nited States amount to sixteen dollars the urrobu ( IMSlb . ) . The Chines immigrants are said to bo wdl treated , but the number a suicides among them averaging one per week awaken suspicion upon this point . The . Spanish writer ol tl . i * account ascribes this melancholy circumstance to tlivir not having been converted to lioninnisni .
JIAYTI . . r A destructive fire- occurred at Jaomcl on the l . uli » - August . The most beautiful part uf the city , the sMU ' commerce , sny . s ono account , is a heap of ruiiin . In lhn . '» j hours fluvontecn buildings , with the Custom-hi " * " offices of thu port , woro conaumed . Tho loss of pi i' |*' y was estimated ut l , Uti-2 , r > 0 Q tI ( - > lri - United States eurruify .
West Coast Of Afkica. Ii.M. Ol-X-Vkssbl ...
WEST COAST OF AFKICA . II . M . ol-x-vkssbl Tuaxkk has arrived at 1 'Iymmith . Her date- form Sierra Leono is August 21 . Tho coa ^ i w healthy . Tho recent expedition up tho river Srnn • ' ¦• was not entirely Micceasful , and tho Soosoo tri'ifs j . w gradually approaching Sierra Keoiio in a thn'utrin . i . -j attitude . Governor I Mil in preparing to repel lln'iu i . ;; ' 1 the native ) militia aro hi counsel of enrolment . Our advices by this ship state that there in liltl *> I' 1 ' 1 ' spoct of suppressing tho traflio in nlaves \> y 11 «¦ - pi ^ ' '' mode , At WhydaU tho King of Dahomey will not ^ » thoin under 50 dola . or ( JO dols . each , but al Ciibiiiii . i , whoro tho noarest relatives freely oiler each <> tlRM \ '• | IJ prlco raiigo . 1 from l . > doln . to 00 dels , only . ''' ° number kopt ready for sale , ulong tlio oohut . causes .-iu ' ft grant consumption of nuts that very HUlo export . ' ¦' oil onn frtko place . Tho . dealer * onluulato that tho •• iiccoBBful transmission of ono oargo of neyrooa will l '" . lul
tho loss of four . ' ' ... Tho Tenner Jinn taken tliroo prteoH . Slio clinaod i « schooner Jnmcn Buehnnnn for cilghtoon hours wliii" " aucoGHB , but subsequently unutfht' her owner , wliu Juu < ' ; *" ponded his prolltw in tho ( Jonornl Scott , which had no ni . n <« but dollan to tUo valuo of 1812 / . fwr . purchosinff tlwwi .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_16101858/page/8/